Beneath the Broken Moon: Part Two: Shifter/Vampire Romance (6 page)

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Authors: Sarah Makela

Tags: #New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Shifter Romance

BOOK: Beneath the Broken Moon: Part Two: Shifter/Vampire Romance
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“I can’t believe you, Dad. Stop mistreating Brendan’s parents. They took me into their home. They have been kind to me, unlike—” My body sailed backward. Pain burned my cheek, and I smacked into the floor on the other side of the couch. Rough hands flipped me to my back, and my father drew back his fist. Biting back a growl, I threw my arm up to ward off any blows.

Two distinct snarls rose from the room. Brendan loomed over us from the back of the couch, his eyes full of rage and hate. The other man, presumably Mr. Kelly, wasn’t in my line of sight.

“Back away from her.” Brendan’s voice came out gravely. He held himself stiffly, as if ready to intercede with my father’s abuse, regardless of the consequences. We weren’t mated yet; my father still held the most power over me. Brendan couldn’t really do much without overstepping his reach.

“My daughter shouldn’t disrespect me, especially in front of others. I have a duty to make her obey. I doubt you’d be good at handling her.” Father’s lips curled back again. He grabbed me by the upper arm and hauled me to my feet. Agony flooded through me, from my face to my shoulder and down to my hip and foot. I could barely remain standing. “We’re going home.” He jerked me toward the door, and my legs gave way, spilling me to my knees.

“Don’t treat an Alpha Queen like that. You’re not immune to punishment, even if you are a hotshot businessman.” Neal blocked the door; his large frame filled it so Father wouldn’t be able to get past unless he muscled his way through. No good would come from that. My father wasn’t stupid. He’d back off and try to save face.

Dr. Matthews spoke up from the opposite side of the room, near my mom. Her eyes were wide and her face pale white. “He’s right, William.” He sounded calm, professional. “She did speak out of turn, but as her physician, I’m concerned about her shoulder wound. You shouldn’t handle my patient like this. You hired me to treat her wounds, but it’ll do neither of us any good if you’re reinjuring her.”

Father squeezed my arm. I stayed still, not giving him the pleasure of seeing my pain. If he did anything else in this room, he’d be outnumbered. Grunting, he released me with a slight shove that knocked me off-balance.

My injured shoulder smacked the floor, and I choked on a scream. Pain sank its claws into me, and I rolled to my back. My vision closed in, fading fast.

Silent, hobbling footsteps came to me, and I blinked, doing my best to focus on Brendan. Tears I hadn’t known I was crying spilled from my eyes. He knelt on the floor, discomfort tightening his features but concern shining in his eyes. He brushed his thumb across my cheek, wiping away a tear that mixed with blood from my split cheek.

Shame washed through me. If I hadn’t provoked my father, he wouldn’t have acted out. What did Brendan think? Could he think I wasn’t worth the effort?

He positioned himself between my father and me, like a guardian. Funny, since my gender were supposed to be the warriors. At least until the Alpha females bore children.

Dr. Matthews knelt on my opposite side and helped align my body into a more comfortable position. His sharp features were strained with pity, something I didn’t want. I just wanted freedom from my father’s tyranny.

If only the
hadn’t seen and shot me after escaping the
. Winding up with Derek had made things worse. Not only had I been with my people’s foe, but my feelings for him were inappropriate, especially after the comforting moments in his arms earlier.

If I’d stayed at his place, life might’ve been better. However, I wouldn’t have met Brendan. That wasn’t something I’d want either. He was sweet, considerate and protective.

Why had I returned home? For my family and the responsibility I had to them. Unfortunately, I remained under their thumb until I mated with Brendan. There wasn’t a lot any of them could do, except expedite the ritual, but neither Brendan not I were healthy enough for that.

Glancing up, I caught sight of my mother. Sadness filled her eyes, and she had a slight bend to her stance that was uncharacteristic.

What was I going to do? I couldn’t leave her alone to suffer in silence from that monster I called ‘Dad.’ The only way she’d break free from him was death—either his or hers. Divorce didn’t happen among wolves.

I averted my gaze before I cried even more.




Brendan and I lay side by side in his bed, with him on his stomach. The room was warm, inviting, and utterly masculine. His scent lingered in my nose, and I let my eyes remain half-closed. The comfort of being close and safe beside him relaxed me a little.

Dr. Matthews had said he wanted us where he could keep an eye on us both and do his job, but I think there was more to it than that. He cleaned my foot first, making sure all the glass was out, then bandaging it. Once he finished checking my shoulder, he switched to Brendan’s side of the bed.
Brendan needed the doctor’s help more than me, but I wouldn’t say anything. Not after how my words were received earlier. My jaw still ached and the thought of moving it made me cringe.

“This is curious.” Dr. Matthews examined Brendan’s leg, his lips pursing in confusion.

Brendan grabbed my hand almost hard enough to hurt. Pain etched lines into his face, but he didn’t make any noise as Dr. Matthews continued to poke and prod the wound.

“What is?” Neal Kelly said.

I closed my eyes to block the sight of Brendan’s father and my mother, who stood beside the doctor as his nurse. Whenever the opportunity struck for her to use her nursing skills, she jumped on it.

My father was still in the den with one of the wolves Neal had called over.

The bed moved from Brendan shifting his weight, and he groaned in pain.

“I’ll take a sample from this area of his leg to bring it to the lab. This seems like a new creation from the
. I haven’t seen anything quite like it. It appears to have been a silver bullet—which explains why he’s not healing quicker—but these fragments...” He let out a breath. “Let’s just say I suspect the bullet was comprised of a lot more than just silver.” His voice held calmness and curiosity, as though he was holding in his emotions for the sake of everyone in the room.

I opened my eyes and tried to look at Brendan’s leg, but from that angle, I couldn’t see much. “Is he going to be okay?” I said, unable to hold back. In the abandoned warehouse, Derek had blocked my view. Besides, my attention hadn’t been completely on Brendan. But now the doctor’s words made me fear the worst.

Dr. Matthews cleared his throat. “I can’t say for certain. I’ll need to run some tests, but he’ll have to get plenty of rest. I’ll bring a crutch by to help him do whatever minimal movements he needs, but he should remain in bed as much as possible.”

Neal stared at his son’s leg. “Expedite the tests. I want the results as soon as possible.” His face appeared stoic, but there was a tightness around his eyes. He glanced my way, and his eyes narrowed on me. While I would’ve liked to say it wasn’t my fault, the
had been after me. I was their primary target, not Brendan. He just got in the way of their bullet.

I returned my attention to Brendan, but I still felt his father’s cool gaze. He brushed his hand across my cheek. A kind gesture, but it didn’t make me feel any less disliked by his dad.

I pressed into his touch, soaking in the comfort he provided. “It’s going to be okay, Brendan.” My smile didn’t reach my eyes. Instead, it felt hollow and sad. While I knew being with him was safe, I couldn’t remain here forever. I’d have to return home with my family, at least until we mated, if it was still agreeable to everyone else.

“I know it will,” he said, trailing a finger toward my lips. The memory of our kiss swept away some of the building negativity. “Stay strong.”

He was right. I couldn’t lie down and take it.

I had to make a future for myself. Whether that would include Brendan now, I wasn’t sure. His father might forbid him having a relationship with me. After all, my father had publicly wronged his son.

Something very unbefitting of an Alpha Queen’s father.

At least they’d stood up for me, but the primary purpose of a werewolf in my position was to breed. Nothing more, nothing less. That would be my role in life, and if I didn’t provide children for whomever I mated with, I would be worthless to them, just like my mother was to my father.

Was that how life would be with Brendan? If I didn’t provide children for him, would he consider me worthless? My gaze connected with his, and he pulled away, his fist gripping the sheets between us.

Dr. Matthews cleared his throat again. “I’ll come by this afternoon, sir. I should have the results and the crutches for your son. Carmela, you and Brendan both need rest.”

“Dr. Matthews is right.” Mother didn’t look happy about it, but we couldn’t stay. It wasn’t proper. “Let’s get you home, sweet daughter,” she said, holding her hand out to me.

“Dad, what if—” Brendan’s words were cut off with a stern look.

I gave him a soft smile. He’d stood up for me again. Maybe our relationship meant more to him than I’d previously imagined. Still, my heart sank, and I reluctantly accepted my mom’s hand. Like Brendan said, I needed to stay strong.





If anyone could’ve influenced my leaving the Kelly household it was Neal, but he’d remained silent. It wasn’t really their place to have me over, but I wondered if he no longer wanted me mating with his son. Understandable, I guess, but it also hurt.

Maybe my chance at mating was gone. Who would want me now, particularly if this whole debacle came out? Werewolves gossiped and talked amongst themselves. Word spread quickly and lives could be shattered.

I sat on my bed, trying not to think about those issues, but a tiny niggling thought plagued me. What if we ended up like Chandra’s family, on the streets? If no one supported my father’s business, we’d become homeless.

The thought didn’t scare me, just made me numb. Here I’d been worried about fulfilling my birthright and having children, and my family might lose it all because of what my father had done.

Rubbing a hand over my face, I kicked off my house shoes and crawled under the covers, more than ready for a renewing sleep. Hopefully when I woke up, life would be better.

Pulling the comforter to my chin, I closed my eyes. Sleep tugged at my consciousness, and I began to drift off. Footsteps pounded up the stairs, but I lingered on the edge of consciousness. Maybe Father would go to bed and not bother me.

On the way home, he’d cursed a blue streak under his breath, fuming at himself. His aggression had been barely restrained, but the angry power oozing from him concerned me. However, he was known for his mood swings...

No, I wouldn’t think that way. He cared for his own reputation, if nothing else, and the ability to say he married me off to a hotshot soon-to-be Alpha like Brendan fit the bill. But that might very well not happen at all.

The footsteps moved toward my parents’ bedroom at the end of the hallway, but they paused. I held my breath. Any sleepiness I felt faded away.

The person came back toward my room and stopped at the door.

I watched the door through my eyelashes, continuing to breathe normally as if I were asleep. This person couldn’t know how much they frightened me. If it was my father, it would give him the ammunition to blow up at me.

The knob turned, and the door creaked open.

I closed my eyes, feigning sleep, but the eerie feeling of someone stalking toward me while my eyes were shut freaked me out.

The door closed behind the intruder. I desperately wanted to see who it was and tell them to go away. A hand touched my foot over the blanket, slid to my knee, and then my hip. It took all my willpower not to recoil. The desire to grab the hand and toss it away overwhelmed me.

The scent of Father’s cologne, mixed with the overpowering smell of his favorite whiskey, burned my nose. A chill chased through me before I could control myself. Father only drank when he was furious. Fear and anger sparred inside of me like two trapped beasts, causing my pulse to accelerate.

The blankets were ripped from my hand. My eyes snapped open to see him leaning over me. I tried to scream, but he slapped a meaty hand over my lips.

“No you don’t. Not this time. Your mother is asleep. We wouldn’t want to wake her, would we?” he said, slurring his words. His tone was a mix of annoyance and disgust. His slid his other hand over my torso, curving across my stomach and up to my breast. He squeezed it hard enough to bruise.

Could this be what Chandra meant the other night? I didn’t want to hurt my father...but I wouldn’t let him do this.

He hopped onto the bed in a clumsy drunken leap and nearly fell off in the process. His eyes were full of loathing—maybe even self-loathing. “You were supposed to bring this family out of the hole it’s in.” He voice cracked a little, as if he’d cry. It broke my heart to see him this way, even though I was terrified. “Instead, what happens? You screwed things up, you stupid girl. Do you know how hard I worked to have Brendan Kelly mate with you? Do you know how prosperous he is? His father is
Alpha,” he said, his voice a harsh whisper.

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