Berrr's Vow (8 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Berrr's Vow
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“You honor me by what you have done.”

Her mouth opened and then closed. She frowned, just staring at him.
I honored him?
“How in the hell did I do that?”

Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her closer in his arms. “I have never had a woman do to me what you did by putting me in your mouth.”

“You guys don’t get head on this planet?”

He shrugged. “The women lick the tip, tonguing us.”

Staring up at him, she wondered what else was different. She’d heard the term mount but it made her wonder if it meant the same here as it did on Earth. “When you mount a woman does that mean you put your cock inside her?”

He nodded. “I know the term fuck and fucking. My son’s bound humans taught me some words and have updated our translators. We fuck just like your world does. This I am sure of but the tonguing is different.”

Good to know,
Shanna mentally noted.

“We don’t have anal sex. My son told me about that Earth custom.”

Eyes widening, Shanna blushed. “That’s good to know.”

He shrugged. “My son said he would try it if his bound woman wants it. He will do anything to please her but she said he was too big.”

If son was anything similar to father she could totally sympathize with the woman married to Berrr’s son. She wouldn’t want to try anal sex with Berrr either. He was too thick and she didn’t enjoy it to begin with. She’d tried it twice with her ex-husband but he was either really inept at it or it just wasn’t for her because it had just been uncomfortable and painful.

“I wish I was not bound.” Berrr’s hand moved, sliding up her back to grip her broken bra, which was still hanging uselessly on her shoulders and across her back. He removed it with her help as she shifted her arms out of the straps. “I would love to feel myself inside you and release there.” His blue eyes narrowed as he studied her eyes. “I think it would feel the best ever. If I wasn’t bound I would do that with you, Shanna. I would offer you everything I have.”

The idea of Berrr inside her made her stomach flutter. She was sitting across his naked thighs, his semi-hard cock resting between his stomach and her hip, and his chest against her shoulder where she sat sideways on his lap. She was stunned he was holding her. Men didn’t cuddle after sex with Shanna and never had unless they were too tired to move afterward but Berrr looked about as awake as could be.

His hand lifted to caress her cheek. “I hear your stomach making sounds of hunger. I will get Alluwn’s clothing for you to wear until I send someone to buy you some of your own. I will order them to do that today since you should never have to wear anything that once belonged to her. I will get my pants and go get your food. Would you like to eat in here with privacy or do you want to eat with the other house helpers? I want you to be happy, Shanna. You have made me very happy.”

Hesitating, she debated. It would probably be really good to meet the other women and try to make friends. Then again, at that moment, her emotions were about as shaky as ten miles of bad road. She stared into Berrr’s eyes, seeing them soften. He smiled at her, his big hand sliding from her face, down her arm, to her hip where he rubbed her gently.

“I will bring food in here and we will eat together alone. I want to spend time with you and I want to get to know more about you, Shanna. Is that acceptable to you? May I share a meal with you?”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”

“Good. It is settled.”

Berrr lifted her off him and placed her on the bed next to him. He moved, rolling away, to climb naked off the big, tall bed. Shanna stared at his broad back, his great muscular ass and smiled when he bent over to grab the pants he’d kicked off the bed when he’d freed his leg.
Damn, that man has a nice ass.
She saw muscles move in it as he put on his pants and then turned slowly, his gaze meeting hers.

“I will get you something to wear.”

“Can I just have your shirt again?”

He blinked and then nodded. “I would give you anything, Shanna. I want you to be happy with me and I will always do my best to make you smile.”

He disappeared into the bathroom while Shanna got out of bed. They’d messed up the comforter that she tried to smooth out with her hands. She sensed rather than heard Berrr walk up behind her. She was totally naked as she faced him to see his attention was wandering down her body and a soft purr came from his throat. Her gaze flew to the front of his pants and she stared in amazement as the man seemed to harden while she watched. His leather pants were tight and there was no missing the bulge that increased in size, showing her that Berrr tucked up and to the left.

“I will get food. You must eat.”

Tearing her attention from his bulge, she looked up. “Thank you. I am hungry.”

Berrr held open the shirt. “Put it on. Your body tempts me to put you back on the bed and I know you need to eat first. After I feed you we will repeat what we did to each other.”

He sounded so sure of himself. She studied his face, taking in the smile he gave her as he helped her into his large shirt. He hesitated.

“I will hurry back.”

“Thank you.”

Giving a nod, Berrr walked barefoot across the floor, opened the door, and left her alone. Sighing loudly, Shanna eyed the big room that used to belong to Berrr’s wife. She’d just fooled around with a married guy, even though he wasn’t technically married anymore, it being more of an in-name-only arrangement.

She walked for the bathroom and removed the shirt she hadn’t bothered to close since Berrr had already seen her naked, not caring anymore if she’d given him a show of her front. She moved over to the tub and stared down at the large rounded fixture. Next to it was a shower the size of four put together on Earth. She studied the large metal-looking bar above, not seeing any faucets. Frowning, she stepped over the rim of the enclosure that didn’t have doors.
Maybe it’s not a shower.
She reached up toward the bar to touch it.

Water soaked her from above. She laughed, standing there as a Zorn version of a shower soaked her in a warm downpour of rain. She kept her eyes closed and used her hands to wash at her body since she didn’t know where soap, a washcloth or even shampoo was. She finally walked to the edge of the water, turning to stare up at it, and wondered how to turn it off.

She’d reached for the thing and it had turned on so she reached up again, the water instantly stopping. Her eyebrows rose. She lifted her arms again over her head and the water poured out all along the bar. She lowered and then raised her arms again to make the water stop.

“Pretty cool,” she muttered.
“Motion sensors.”

Turning, she looked around the bathroom and found folded beach-sized towels under the cabinet by the sink. She dried off quickly and just wrapped the towel around her. Berrr seemed convinced that they were going to fool around again and
she wasn’t going to kid herself. She wanted a repeat of what they’d done together. The man had an amazing mouth. The fact that he’d never done that to a woman before made her grin with amusement, thinking about how he was better at it than her so-called “lady’s man” ex-husband.

Eyeing the bedroom, she moved for the curtainless window to stare through the glass at the Zorn sky. It was beautiful and alien with its shades of red- and pink-streaked clouds that were a little darker than a light reddish pink, mixing with the sky color. It was really quite beautiful and she saw a dark gray moon even though it was daylight to the far left.

The trees resembled Earth ones except for their colors. The forest she faced was lush with red, purple and black trees. The bases of the trunks were all dark colors with the treetops a lighter shade of the branches and trunk. The dirt was black and red in color while the grass was brilliant rust red. It was going to take some getting used to living on this planet.

The door behind her opened, making Shanna turn around. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of a shirtless, muscular Berrr carrying a really large tray loaded down with food and a pitcher of something dark in it. She moved forward to help.

“You are wet.”

Laughing, Shanna moved things on a table with chairs not too far from the window so Berrr could sit the tray down. “I discovered your shower. I went to touch the bar thing to see what it was and got soaked when it started raining down on me. Talk about a surprise.”

He didn’t smile back. Instead a frown twisted his lips as his brilliant blue eyes narrowed at her. “You don’t know anything about my world. You could accidentally get hurt if you do not know how something works. You could have slipped when you were startled by the water.”

“But I didn’t.”

“I will show you everything in the house and teach you what you need to know so there is no danger for you, Shanna. You are to never leave here without me or the guards who will protect you that I will place outside.”

That made her smile fall. “I’m a prisoner?”

Berrr frowned. “You are free but you are not safe without guards and the protection of my home. Human women are much desired on Zorn so it would not be safe for you to be in the presence of other males.” His focal point lowered down her towel-clad body. “They would want to touch you and mount you.” His gaze jerked up, his face tight with anger. “If a male tries to get close to you tell him you belong to Hyvin Berrr. No male would be foolish enough to harm you if you tell him you are mine. I will kill any warrior who even considers touching you.”

Stunned, Shanna stared up at him. “Wow. So you’re possessive, huh?”

He tilted his head. “I don’t understand.”

“You wouldn’t really kill someone for touching me, would you?”

He moved quickly and grabbed Shanna’s hips to jerk her against his body. Anger tightened his features. “I will kill anyone who tries to harm you or take you from me.” He growled deeper in his throat. “You chose to be mine and I am this possessive if it means that I never want to let you go.”

Staring into his eyes, Shanna swallowed hard. The intensity of his look leveled her. He really meant it when he said he’d kill to protect and keep her. She lifted her hands to spread them over his ribs to caress him and to soothe away the anger that she saw in his eyes, instinctively knowing it wasn’t directed at her.

He had the hottest skin and the muscles under her fingers were not only visible but she could feel them on his super in-shape body. He was just beautiful, everything from his eyes to his long black hair to his buff body. More than that, he was really a great guy from everything she was learning about him.

Realization was a bitch, Shanna decided, still staring into his eyes. This was a guy she could fall hard for. No man had ever looked at her the way he was and no man had ever been willing to kill for her. She took a deep breath.

“I’m starving, Berrr. Those assholes who kidnapped me barely fed us. Whatever you brought smells really good.”

His body relaxed as he smiled at her. “I will feed you then. I think you will enjoy Zorn food.”

Chapter Five


Shanna knew it was late. She laughed, gazing into Berrr’s amazing eyes while she straddled his waist with just a sheet separating their naked bodies. The fire in the fireplace that he had lit hours before was burning low, making the room dim but very romantic.

Berrr was an amazing man, alien or not. He’d fed her all right, by hand, having her taste everything, and had made her laugh all the while trying to explain what everything was. He had a quick wit as he described the animals of Zorn who made up the meat strips she’d tried. He even shared some of his fishing tales with her when she’d tried two different kinds of them. Zorn food was delicious.

“My son Ral takes after me the most,” he admitted with a chuckle. “He is my oldest and one day will take my place when I step down as Hyvin. My second son is Argernon. He is like me as well. My third son is Rever and he is more intense than I am. Then there is my youngest.” He sighed loudly. “He is still young and wild but I am hoping by the time I step down that Vhon will mature.”

“That won’t be for a long time though before you retire.” She raked her gaze over his chest and arms. “You look so young that I can’t believe you have grown children.”

He smiled. “I am a fit warrior and I have never gotten lazy.”

Leaning down, she braced herself on his chest to run her fingers through his long, silky black hair. “Will your hair turn another color when you get older? On Earth when we reach a certain age our hair turns white or gray. Since I’m a blonde my hair will turn white in a few years. I’m surprised I don’t have any yet.”

Berrr nodded. “I will turn white as well. I have gotten a few but Ovoly always removes them from my head.”

“Who is Ovoly?
Your hair person?
Do you have someone trim your hair? On Earth we have barbers who cut men’s hair.”

“She is one of my house helpers and she tends my hair by cutting it, yes.”

“Wow. That’s nice that you have a full-service staff.” Smiling, she sat back up, releasing his hair. “I cut my own hair. I’m a bartender at home, that means I make and serve drinks to people in a building where people come to meet,” she explained. “I don’t make a lot of money so I can never afford to pay other people to do things for me.” She turned her head, looking around the shadowed large room. “This is the biggest bedroom I’ve ever seen in my life. I could fit my entire home in here.”

Large, warm hands slid up her thighs on the inside, drawing Shanna’s attention back to Berrr. Her body responded to his touch as his hands stopped inches from where the sheet was bunched between her thighs. His thumbs rubbed circles on her skin, making her shiver at the memory of what that man could do to her body.

After dinner Berrr had stripped her out of her towel, lifted her and placed her back on the bed. He’d ordered her to spread her thighs and he’d gone down on her again, learning her with his fingers and mouth, bringing her to climax. She’d returned the favor by using her hands and mouth on him. To her amazement he’d flipped her over when he’d come and started all over again on her body. Two rounds later they had cuddled up in bed together to talk and it had been a great way to spend the evening.

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