Best Dating Rules: A Romantic Comedy (The Best Girls Book 2) (36 page)

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“They’re staying in the city until Monday, and then leaving for Switzerland for ten days. Steven’s wedding present.”

“Will they be back before the babies come?” asked Alice.

“I hope so. I’m due in four weeks, but I guess they could come early.”

“And you don’t know what the sexes are?”

“No. We wanted to be surprised. We’re only praying they’re healthy. But we’re trying to be mentally prepared in case they have health issues.”

Steven interrupted. “Emily’s going to throw the bouquet.”

Anne laughed as all the girls pretended to push and shove to get closer to the bride and catch the bouquet. Charlie had been dragged into the foray by Spencer’s sisters, but made an obvious show of not raising her hands. When Emily tossed the flowers, they tumbled through the air, almost knocking Charlie in the head. But when she ducked, they fell into Grace’s grasping fingers.

As the young men lined up to vie for Spencer’s garter, Anne noticed Josh had lost his animated smile. He’d been so excited to see Charlie again, but Anne suspected she’d already broken his heart. He’d become a true friend to Spencer and Emily, but no amount of discouragement seemed to be effective in quelling his focus on Charlie. She worried about her youngest who seemed to be so afraid to admit she needed anyone’s help or advice. Perhaps she was also frightened to acknowledge she needed love.

The garter flew out and hit the floor, as no young man seemed bold enough to reach for it. But somehow it ended up in Brad’s hands, and he was pushed forward to have his picture taken with Grace.

Although she was having a great time visiting with friends and hated to see the celebration end, the long day was taking a toll on Anne’s body. She’d developed a terrible backache, and longed to soak in a hot tub of water. Steven noticed her pained expression.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, but my back is hurting. And my feet are awfully swollen. My toes look like little sausages.”

“Well, the kids are ready to leave. Here comes Emily to tell you goodbye.”

Anne hugged her eldest, letting her tears fall freely. “Mom, I’m surprised you aren’t totally dehydrated. You’ve cried buckets.”

“I can’t help it,” she sniffed. “My daughter got married, and my hormones are all messed up. It’s a terrible combination. I’m so happy. Y’all have a wonderful trip.”

“We will. But call us if the babies come early. Steven said that’s why he’s sending us on his jet—so we could fly home anytime we need to. I don’t want Charlie to see them before me.”

“If they come quickly, I’ll still get to see them first,” declared Charlie. “It takes a while to fly back from Europe.”

“I’m not due for another four weeks, so it won’t be a problem.” She made a face and bent forward with her hands on her back. “But I’ve got to get home and soak in a hot tub. My back is killing me.”

Josh, who was chatting with Spencer, overheard her statement. “Uhmm, excuse me. Mrs. Gherring? Is your back hurting regularly? Could it be contractions?”

“Oh, I don’t think so. It’s too early, and it didn’t feel like this with Emily or Charlie.”

“Okay, but I’m sure your doctor told you they might come early.”

“Maybe we’ll stop by the hospital on the way home, just to be sure,” said Steven.

“Let’s get the kids on their way. I’ll cross my legs until the limousine’s gone.”


Spencer was ready to go. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the wedding part or the reception part, but he was ready for the part that came next. Especially after the last four-and-a-half months of sheer torture. It seemed once Emily agreed to marry him, she became incredibly interested in kissing. But like a good accountant, she stuck firmly to the rules. They’d kissed while alone in their apartments, but only standing up. After almost falling to the ground multiple times, she’d finally agreed to let them lean against the wall. He’d argued successfully the wall was only supplying balance, not support, so it wasn’t
unsupported kissing in private
. In the end, he was incredibly happy he didn’t have to wait a year or more as he’d originally claimed he was willing.

He was also ready to have the first night behind him, so Josh and Brad would quit teasing him. At least he hoped they’d stop. It seems his forced confession was a source of constant amusement for them, even after four months.

“Haven’t you got anything more interesting to talk about?” he’d asked them.

“Hmmm, I don’t know. Brad, can you think of anything more interesting? Maybe someone who had a heart attack or got a leg cut off or something?”

“Uhmm, yeah. Well, I had this guy who got an ice pick in his eyeball.”

“Nahh. That’s boring. Let’s talk about when Spencer confessed to Emily he wasn’t the world’s greatest lover.”

“Yeah, that does sound more fascinating.”

“I’m so glad I’m here to provide a constant source of entertainment,” Spencer had quipped.

But his torture and teasing were about to end. And his new life was beginning... With Emily. That is, if he could find her.
Where is she? It’s time to go.


Emily hugged her mom one last time before turning to find Spencer and head for the limousine. Everyone was smiling at her and waving and blowing bubbles. She grabbed Spencer’s hand and started outside. Charlie gave her a hug and a kiss. Steven embraced her and kissed the top of her head. Brad and Grace were blowing bubbles and yelling. And Josh was... frowning. Who was he looking at? Was it Charlie? She followed his eyes. He was frowning at... her mom. Her mom, who suddenly didn’t look very happy at all.

“Mr. Gherring!” Josh called, “Anne needs you. I think you might need to go.”

Steven was at her side in an instant. “Is this it?”

Anne nodded her assent.

Emily tugged on Spencer’s hand. “Sorry Spencer. Looks like we may have a slight delay.”

His face was that of a man who’d been sentenced to death. Josh approached the couple, obviously amused. “Hey. You guys are staying in town, right? Just go. We’ll call you when it’s time.”

“But we can’t just leave,” Emily objected.

“Emily, your mom doesn’t want you to spend your wedding night at the hospital. Go. We’ll call.” Josh pushed them toward the car.

“But I’ll be worried about Mom.”

Spencer dragged her into the waiting limo. “Let’s go. I promise I’ll distract you.”

The door closed and the car started moving. “I don’t know. I’m worried.” She squealed as he pulled her into his lap. “What are you doing?”

He lifted her chin with his hand and captured her lips with his, sending a familiar tingle down her spine. “I’m distracting you,” he said, with his hand trailing down her neck and feathering across her chest, tracing the sweetheart neckline of her dress.

“And guess what?” He wore an impish grin on his face as he kissed her neck and stole her breath.

“What?” she whispered, feeling slightly dizzy.

“No rules!”


Six hours later, Charlie sat in the waiting room with Grace and Brad and Josh. He’d kept himself carefully apart from her. Not once had he spoken to her in any personal way, although he’d been polite. He was keeping his promise—he wasn’t bothering her anymore. She’d been so irritated with him before, when he was desperately trying to get her attention. Why wasn’t she relieved now, since he was leaving her alone?

She chuckled as Emily and Spencer came rushing in, panting from effort.

“Are we too late? Did we miss it?” Emily wrung her hands together.

“No, Sister. You’re just in time. The last report was it would be any minute now.” She pretended to study Emily’s neck. “Is that a hickey?”

Emily clamped her hand over her neck. “Ohmygosh! Really?” Her face turned crimson, while Charlie burst out laughing.

“I’m kidding. He probably put them where I can’t see them.”

“Shut up!” Emily gave her sister a shove.

Josh joined them and slapped Spencer on the back. “Buddy, you seem a lot less tense. I’ve gotta say I’m glad. You were getting pretty grouchy these last few weeks.”

She noted with astonishment Spencer only laughed and pulled Emily against him, planting a possessive kiss on her lips. He didn’t protest the comment or give the slightest indication of a blush, instead strutting and proudly showing off. While Emily, on the other hand, was flushed from the base of her neck to the top of her forehead.

Suddenly, the waiting room doors opened and Steven appeared, holding a small bundle in each arm. “They’re here!” His smile split his face while his dimples danced. “And they’re healthy, and Mom’s doing great.”

Charlie and Emily ran to peer closely at their new siblings. “What are their names?” Charlie asked.

“This is Ellis, and this is Micah.” With their little green knit caps, the two looked identical.

“Ellis and Micah? Are they boys or girls or one of each?” asked Emily.

Steven grinned. “Emily, Charlie... Meet your brothers!”




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Read on for a peek at Charlie’s story…

Best Laid Plans

Book 3 of The Best Girls Series


Josh stood insid
the church foyer and peered through the small window, gazing down the aisle at the wedding party, already standing in place for the rehearsal. His eyes found her immediately. He felt a huge rock in the pit of his stomach. After all this time, he’d hoped she wouldn’t look as beautiful as he remembered. But she did. He’d wanted to discover his memory of her was flawed, that he’d built her up in his mind. But if anything, she was more striking than he remembered.

Her long brown hair was cascading around her shoulders almost to her waist in soft curls, framing a face with the most exotic golden eyes he’d ever seen. She was tall and thin, but not fragile looking. She had the muscles of an outdoor fanatic. Although, she looked thinner than he remembered. Was she okay? Had she been neglecting herself because of the pressures of going to school while working to support herself? What was he thinking? She wasn’t his to worry about. And she never would be.

He cursed under his breath. He’d once thought he could win her love by becoming the kind of man she wanted, but after she’d remained aloof for such a long time, he’d finally given up. He’d changed from a swinging single guy, constantly sporting one beautiful girl after another, to a totally celibate man who never dated. He’d thrown himself into his work at the hospital. And in his spare time he volunteered at the free clinic, keeping such late hours he sometimes fell into bed exhausted without eating dinner. He woke early to work out every day without fail, determined to beat his body into submission. He hoped his mind would submit also, so he could forget that Charlie Best had ever come into his life.

After he’d given up on her, he’d tried to date again, but he couldn’t find anyone who appealed to him. No matter how smart, talented, or attractive the girl, he couldn’t rake up one iota of interest. He’d had plenty of offers, though. It seemed every single girl he met wanted to date him, but they were only interested in his money and his title—Dr. Josh Branson. So he’d abandoned dating altogether, concentrating solely on his work. When he’d heard Charlie was moving to New York, he’d allowed himself a tiny spark of hope he could give it one more shot, despite the fact she’d totally rejected him for two years. But all of that changed today.

Today he’d discovered he needed a wife, and he needed one fast. For once in his life he had to be totally self-sacrificing. He’d been thinking and agonizing about it since he’d received the news that morning, and he’d made a decision. So now, instead of vainly attempting yet again to start a relationship with Charlie, he had to marry someone else, right away. He’d considered all of his alternatives and come to the conclusion there was only one girl who would understand and agree to marry him in such a short time span—Olivia Marshall.


Start Reading
Best Laid Plans

About the Author


Tamie Dearen lives in Texas with her very romantic husband of thirty-three years. She has two beautiful daughters, two amazing son-in-loves, and one awesome grandson. She plays piano, flute, harmonica, keyboards, and guitar and loves composing and art. And she hates housework. She has been a dentist in private practice for thirty years. Tamie stays busy playing keyboards on her church’s praise team and teaching graduate students each week. In her spare time, she writes books.
Contact Tamie on her
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Books by Tamie Dearen


Sweet Romance


The Best Girls Series:

The Best is Yet to Come
(Free Prequel)

Her Best Match

Best Dating Rules

Best Laid Plans

Best Foot Forward


Sweet Romance


A Rose in Bloom



Christian Romance


Noelle’s Golden Christmas


The Alora Series



Alora: The Wander-Jewel

Alora: The Portal



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