Best Friends With the Billionaire (The Rochesters) (13 page)

BOOK: Best Friends With the Billionaire (The Rochesters)
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With a few gymnastic maneuvers, she shucked off her underwear, while Kirk unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans. When she finally caught sight of his erection, rigid as a flagpole, she had to gulp to stop herself from gasping. She wrapped her fingers around his girth. He was hot, ribbed, rock hard, and velvety soft at the tip. She stroked him, astonished that she could touch him, that very soon she would feel all that moving inside her.

“Wait,” Kirk muttered again. He felt inside the storage bin of his door and pulled out a packet of condoms.

She sat back on his knees. “So you forgot the hotel room, but you remembered the condoms?”

“I have my priorities.” He rolled the condom onto himself then wrapped his hands around her waist. “We’re going to swap places, sweetheart, because as much as I love having you straddle me, this first time, I want to be on top.”

Cassie didn’t care who was on top as long as she didn’t have to wait too long. She didn’t know how he did it, but with remarkable dexterity, he had her on her back in three seconds flat. Bracing himself over her on one elbow, he slipped a hand between her thighs and found her seam of moisture. She thought he wouldn’t wait to bury himself in her, but it appeared he had other ideas. He explored her flesh, his fingers soft and caressing, unerringly discovering all the points of pleasure surrounding her opening. Heat flooded her as she shifted in time with his fingers, her core swelling and aching for release.

Finally, when she was almost at her peak, he rolled his body in between her legs, spread her wide apart, and sank deep into her with a husky grunt of satisfaction. She’d thought she was nearing her climax, but the wonder of Kirk filling her up sent her soaring to a new height. He slipped his hands around her thighs, supporting her as he began to move in and out of her. She lost herself in a whirlpool of sensations. Their bodies rocked together, slick with sweat, burning with torrid fire. One of her legs was draped over the center console, while her other foot was braced against the steering wheel. Kirk’s body crushed hers, but she reveled in his weight, biting his meaty shoulder as he thrust harder and harder into her.

Each thrust of his body rasped against her core, pushing her closer to the sky, until suddenly she was there and soaring down, convulsions of pleasure rippling through her flesh until she cried out his name. Kirk. The only name carved in her heart.

He climaxed soon after she did, his cock pumping deep into her, his body twitching for several long moments until finally he relaxed with a sigh, his forehead coming to rest against hers.

“Hey.” He grinned down at her after a while, still panting. “How you doing?”

“Great,” she croaked out, her throat parched.

He levered himself off her, got rid of the condom, and did some more gymnastics until he was back in the seat and she was in his lap, cradled by his arms. He didn’t say anything, and she didn’t want to talk, either. This was so wonderful. They were comfortable with each other. They didn’t need to talk after they’d had the most amazing sex ever. Well, for her it was. She couldn’t speak for him.

She twisted her head to look at him. He seemed sated, satisfied, eyes closed, lips slightly smiling. She’d had the best sex with her best friend, the man she’d fantasized about for years. Amazing. Shocking. Paradise. She’d never forget this, never take him for granted.

Kirk’s eyes flickered open, bright and intense. “What are you thinking?” he asked softly.

That you are the most incredible man ever
. She cleared her throat. “Do you think my eyebrows are too bushy?”


“Someone said they make me look like an Angry Bird.”

“That person was an idiot.” He traced a fingertip over one of her eyebrows. “They’re soft. Like a moth’s wing.” He trailed his hand down her throat and over her collarbones.

The tenderness in his caress brought a lump to her throat. “Why me, Kirk?”

“Hmm?” His fingers dipped lower to her cleavage.

“Why did you finally notice me? I’m not the kind of woman you usually go for.” She shouldn’t be asking these questions, ruining the mood, but she had to know.

Kirk’s eyes zeroed in on her. “You’re asking questions I don’t have the answer to, Cassie. I haven’t had time to psychoanalyze my reasons.”

And maybe he didn’t want to, either. Fair enough. She was asking too much of him. Friends with benefits didn’t go into the whys and wherefores. The whole reason for this type of arrangement was that they didn’t need to go into messy details.

She should change the subject. “Are you going back to San Francisco tonight?”

His eyes widened. “No. I thought I’d stay the night and drive you back tomorrow.”

“Oh.” It was her turn to look surprised.

“You didn’t think I’m the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type, did you? We’ve only had the first course. There’s a lot more we need to try out.”

Her cheeks warmed. “I’d like that,” she said, feeling strangely shy.

He ran his hands through her hair and over her body, a hint of possessiveness in his touch. What was he going to try out on her? His sexual experience far outstripped hers, but she trusted him implicitly. He was hers, at least for this night. She’d make the most of it.

He settled his hands on her hips as a wicked gleam entered his eyes. “I’m going to be your electric bull, this time. And you’re going to ride me as hard as you can. Want to try it?”

Oh yeah.
She’d go for that

Chapter Seven

“I’m hungry.”

Kirk took his eyes off the road for a second to glance at Cassie in the passenger seat. “We’ll be in Half Moon Bay soon. We can stop off there for a bite.”

“Great. I could eat a horse.”

Kirk was hungry, too. No wonder, considering the activity he and Cassie had indulged in the past twenty-four hours.

Last night they’d spent several hours steaming up the interior of his car. When they were finally sated, he drove them back to the beach, where they went for a swim. The memory of the moonlight shimmering on Cassie’s wet breasts was indelibly seared in his brain. At one in the morning, he took her back to the rental house. The other women had already returned, and Cassie didn’t want them asking awkward questions about him. So he dropped her off and parked around the corner, where he wrapped himself in the picnic blanket and fell sound asleep, his body thoroughly satisfied and exhausted.

The next morning he’d found a motel where he’d showered and freshened up. Cassie had spent the morning with the other girls, not because she wanted to, but for her sister’s sake. At midday he’d picked her up to drive her back to San Francisco. He’d thought to take the quickest route, but Cassie asked if they could go the scenic way along the coast.

He hadn’t been on the coastal highway for years. They took their time, ambling along the narrow road, admiring the rugged scenery. Several times they stopped off at view points or to follow a walking trail. He couldn’t stop touching her. It seemed he had no control over his hands. Whenever she was close, he found himself curving his arms around her, drawing her in for a kiss or two. Or more.

Now, as they neared Half Moon Bay, he wondered how long it would take to eat and be on their way. He was being selfish, but all he could think about was getting Cassie back to San Francisco and alone in his house.

“Why don’t we grab a hot dog to go?” he suggested. There was a diner up ahead where they wouldn’t have to wait too long.

Cassie blinked at him. “Are you in a hurry or something?”

“Yeah.” He gave her a frank appraisal, letting her see how much he wanted her. “I’ve been in a hurry all day, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

Her lips turned up at the corners. “But you haven’t said anything until now. I thought you were enjoying the views.”

“I was, but there’s another view I’d enjoy even more back at my place.” Cassie, naked in his bed, spread out beneath him. Blood began to pound in his groin.

She grinned, fiddling with her hair. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. I’ll have a hot dog to go.”

“That’s my girl.” Thank God he didn’t have to pretend with Cassie. She was so easy to be with. This friends-with-benefits deal was turning out to be fantastic.

He pulled in at the diner. This was going to be the fastest pit stop ever.

Half-an-hour later, they were back in San Francisco, and by some miracle he hadn’t gotten any speeding tickets. He parked the car askew in his driveway but didn’t bother to straighten it. Cassie didn’t say a thing as he ushered her past the front door.

“Should I freshen up or something?” she asked, looking a little uncertain as they mounted the stairs to the second story.

“What for?”

She tugged at a strand of hair. The wind along the coast had swirled her hair into a bird’s nest, and her face shone from the summer sun. She didn’t have a scrap of makeup on, but to him she was perfect and beautiful.

“I dropped my hot dog, remember?” She gestured at the dark stain spread across the front of her shirt.

“Don’t worry. I’ll clean you up.”

Placing a hand in the small of her back, he guided her into his bedroom and shut the door. He cupped her face and gently licked the smudge of ketchup in the corner of her mouth. He kissed her, and she tasted of hot dog and sunshine and sea. He undid her shirt and shorts, and traced his tongue over her body, exploring all his favorite spots. He dropped his clothes in a few seconds flat. Holding her, he spun her around, and when she knelt on all fours on his bed, he took her from behind, fingers massaging her firm, smooth ass. Quivering, she arched down in front of him, inviting him to push even deeper, and he steeled himself to thrust in and out slowly, to take her with him as his body surged, crested, and exploded.

She gasped out his name as she climaxed, and when she turned to face him, her eyes were like stars. Kirk sank with her onto the pillows, their limbs tangled together, bodies washed with golden light from the afternoon sun slanting through the windows.

He’d forgotten to shut the blinds. Little wonder, given how hot he was for Cassie. He stroked her hair as she rested on his shoulder, and wondered if he’d ever get used to her exuberant brand of sex. He doubted it, especially as she’d be leaving after her sister’s wedding. A faint apprehension stirred in him. He didn’t want her going back to Australia so soon. He had a mind to persuade her to delay her departure, stay on for a few more weeks. He could take some vacation time, and they could go somewhere balmy where not much clothing was required.

And after that? What then? She’d still go back to Sydney. She hadn’t expressed any desire to return to San Francisco permanently, so what right did he have to try to change her mind? They might enjoy having sex together, but they were friends, not lovers. And friends lasted longer than lovers. He shouldn’t ask for more when this was already more than he’d expected.

She rose from the bed, six feet of gorgeousness, and smiled down at him.

“I’m all sweaty.” She piled her hair on top of her head, her breasts lifting tantalizingly. “Want to join me in the shower? I’m almost your height, so it should be fun.”

He was on his feet in an instant. “I’m all yours.”

Cassie eyed Kirk over her glass of orange juice. It was Monday morning, and Kirk was dressed for work, looking incredibly fit and sexy in his tailored pants and white business shirt. He whistled as he spread jelly over his toast. He’d been in a good mood since they’d woken up together in his bed.

She eased her position on the stool at the breakfast bar, enjoying the faint throb between her legs from their morning shower together. The last day and a half had passed in a haze of lust, but now Monday had arrived, and she couldn’t help feeling a little down that they had to resume their normal routines. Why couldn’t they hold onto that wonderful passion that had ignited over the weekend? Why couldn’t they draw it out a little longer?

She set down her juice glass. “I have to assemble some welcome baskets today for Lillian’s out of town guests, but if I hurry, I could get them done in an hour, and then I’d be free for the rest of the day. How about you? Anything urgent at work today?”

Kirk looked at her in surprise before comprehension broke. “Are you asking me to play hooky?”

“Well…” She leaned toward him and twirled his tie around her fingers. “The rest of this week is looking pretty busy. I don’t think I’ll get another day free until after the wedding.”

He chewed his toast, eyeing her speculatively. “What do you want to do?”

“Anything. It’s another beautiful day. I wouldn’t mind doing something outdoors.”

She glanced outside at the patio garden drenched in early morning sunshine. The sky was clear blue, and the weather forecast was perfect for an alfresco excursion.

“Okay.” Kirk nodded, shoving the last bit of toast into his mouth. “I’ll reschedule my appointments. Meet me back here at ten, and wear something comfortable. I’ve got an idea where we could go.”


“It’s a surprise.” He stowed his plate in the dishwasher and picked up his briefcase. Before he headed for the door, he leaned over her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “See you at ten.”

Cassie touched her mouth. She hadn’t expected that kiss, the first kiss he’d given her without being sexually aroused. Did it mean anything? Was he developing tender feelings for her, or was it an absentminded gesture?

She sighed at her irrepressible yearning. She shouldn’t read too much into every little action. Kirk hadn’t meant anything by that kiss—that was the basis on which she should operate. She finished her breakfast and got herself ready to travel to her mom’s apartment.

She’d braced herself for her mom’s inquisition over Kirk’s sudden appearance in Carmel, but when she arrived at Audrey’s home, she quickly discovered that Lillian hadn’t breathed a word about the incident. She didn’t have a chance to ask Lillian why or to thank her, as her mom and sister had to rush off to an urgent meeting with the wedding planner.

Cassie was left at home to assemble the welcome baskets. She had them done in record time, all to Lillian’s specific instructions. She even curled the ribbons and crimped the cellophane as her mom had shown her. When the baskets were completed, she took a cab back to Kirk’s house.

He was already there, waiting for her in the living room. Her heart lifted when she saw him. How handsome he looked in cargo shorts and navy blue polo shirt. He was in the prime of his life, attractive, young, and vigorous. And he was also kind, generous, and thoughtful. She was so lucky to have him as her friend…with benefits.

“Hurry up and get changed,” he said with a grin.

She dashed upstairs and came down a few minutes later dressed in denim shorts, T-shirt, and sneakers. She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and plonked it on the coffee table.

“I’m leaving this here,” she said. “Don’t want to run the risk of my mom or sister thinking up some job for me.”

Maybe that was selfish of her, but something in her sensed the sands of time running out for her and Kirk. She had to grab what opportunities she had with him while she could.

When they were in the car, she turned to him. “Is this like a mystery tour? You’re not going to tell me until we reach our destination?”

“I’m taking you to Yosemite.”

“Yosemite! We’ll never make it there and back in one day.”

“We will if we go by helicopter.”

“Helicopter! Really?”

“Are you going to echo everything I say?” He lifted an eyebrow at her. “Yes, I’ve chartered a helicopter to fly us out to Yosemite. Think you’d like that?”

A gooey feeling gathered in her chest. “Oh, Kirk. I would love that.”

For a moment she couldn’t speak. Sure, Kirk was worth billions, and hiring a helicopter for a day was peanuts for him. But he’d never been one for extravagant displays of his wealth, and this was more than she’d ever expected. Of course she had trouble finding her breath.

Three hours later, she was again puffing for air, but this time because of the hike up to Glacier Point. The helicopter had deposited them at an airport near the border of the park. From there, they’d transferred to an off-road pickup fully equipped with supplies, and Kirk had driven them into the heart of the Yosemite Valley, where they’d decided to take one of the walking trails.

Kirk had already reached the lookout point. When she finally caught up with him, he handed her a water bottle from his backpack with a triumphant grin.

“You’re getting slow, Cooper. You used to keep up with me when we went hiking.”

She downed a gulp of water before speaking. “I’m letting you win so you don’t feel too old.”

“Thanks, but you don’t fool me.”

From their vantage point, the views were spectacular. In winter these mountains would be covered with a thick blanket of snow, but now green pine trees stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was fresh, and the peace was almost complete. In summer the park could be a traffic nightmare, but Monday was a good time to come, and the hiking trail they’d chosen wasn’t at all crowded. The two people already at the lookout point left, leaving the serenity to Cassie and Kirk, and a companionable silence fell over them.

“You know the Ahwahnee Hotel? I’ve always wanted to stay there in winter,” Cassie mused, resting her chin on her palm. “The photos look so cozy with the stone walls and the huge fireplaces and the snow all around.”

“You should come back for Christmas. I know the owner. He’ll give us the best suite available.”

She tensed, not daring to look at Kirk. “Um, come back for Christmas?”

“Yeah, why not? You should come back more often.”

She twisted the water bottle in her hands. “And this hotel suite… Are we going to share it?”

Even with her head turned away, she could feel his keen gaze on her. “Yeah,” he said more slowly. “Unless circumstances change.”

“You mean if you or I get involved with someone.” She forced herself to meet his eyes.

“I won’t get involved with anyone.”

“You sound so sure.”

He shrugged, showing a slight impatience. “I told you before. I don’t want to get involved, a relationship, whatever you want to call it.” He made air quotes with his fingers. “But I like what we have right now. It’s stress-free, guilt-free.” His mouth quirked up at the corners. “And very, very hot.”

She squeezed the water bottle with both hands. “I don’t think I’ll be involved with anyone, either, come Christmas time.”

“So it’s a date, then.”

“No. I doubt I’ll be coming back at Christmas.”

He leaned against a boulder, arms folded, a slight
between his brows. “Why don’t you come back more often? It’s not such a huge plane trip. Is there a reason why you avoid coming home?”

You. You are the reason
. Her throat tightened, and she had to look away. “Oh, you know. Family reasons.”

“But that was a while ago. And you’re getting along with them better now. You should visit more often.”

And get her heart tangled up every time she saw him? Especially after what had just happened to them. When she returned to Australia, it was going to take her months to get over the high of this trip.

No, that was untrue. She would never recover. So how could she contemplate repeating the same pleasurable torture?

“I’m settled in Sydney now,” she muttered. “I like it there.”

“If it’s the money I’ll gladly buy you the air ticket.”

She gaped at him in shock. “I don’t want your money!”

“You don’t have to sound like I’m offering you cocaine.” Kirk grimaced. “Look, buying you a ticket is no big deal. The offer stands any time you want.”

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