Best of Bosses 2008: In Bed With Her Italian Boss\Taken by Her Greek Boss\Blind Date With the Boss (21 page)

BOOK: Best of Bosses 2008: In Bed With Her Italian Boss\Taken by Her Greek Boss\Blind Date With the Boss
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‘So…?' she persisted.

‘Worked my way up.' Nick nodded to one of the waiters who were invisibly collecting empty glasses and asked him for a whisky and soda.

‘Up from where?'

‘This is really a very boring story.'

‘You mean you don't like other people observing you under their microscope even though you enjoy observing
under yours.'

Meaning that personal confidences were not part of his routine when it came to women. However, his history was no secret. Anyone could access its bare bones from the thousands of entries to be found on him on the Internet. Where was the harm in saving her the bother of looking him up, if her curiosity got the better of her?

‘A simple tale of a Greek immigrant who fell in love with an English beauty,' he said casually. Did anyone know how his parents had sustained him? Had faith in him? ‘They worked all the hours God made to make ends meet and to put me through private school.' Well, that was no big confidence. It was there in his profile somewhere.

‘That's wonderful.'

‘Is it?'

‘Of course it is.' She rather thought that he would have done just fine whatever school he had attended, but, compared to her background, it must have been marvellous to have had parents who would have been willing to do whatever it took for their child to pursue a proper education.

‘Where are they now?'

‘No more. They both died a long time ago.' He looked away, annoyed because this was all in the past and why the hell was he talking about it anyway?

‘I'm sorry.'

‘And I do need to actually mingle with the people I have invited here.' He stood up and looked down at her. ‘I can introduce you or I can leave you here on your own. Take your pick.'

So that brief truce between them was over. Rose was quietly relieved. Just then, she had felt something sneak up on her, something unwanted that had made her feel giddy and out of control.

‘I'm fine,' she told him with a distant smile. ‘You go mix. I'll have a hunt around for Lily. Sorry for having taken up too much of your valuable time.' When it came to sarcasm, she was as good as him any day.

Anyway, it was much easier now. Nearly everyone there was mellower by a fair few glasses of champagne. They barely noticed her skirting through them. In fact, Rose felt virtually invisible.

She found Lily in the middle of a small group of men, not saying much but paying a lot of attention, and very sober. That was good. For Rose, she would leave this evening behind and return to her normal life. For Lily, this was a chance to meet people, to get her face known and, for her sake, Rose hoped that the evening would turn out to be a success.

She hovered briefly on the fringe, then wandered through the crowd and, after a couple more glasses of wine, found that chatting to them wasn't the nightmare she had predicted. Somewhere Nick was lurking, although she couldn't actually see him anywhere.

Like Cinderella, she was ready to leave by the stroke of midnight. She seemed to be in a minority of one. The drink
was still flowing, her sister was absorbed talking to a couple of guys, her face fresh and animated, and Rose had had enough. She had listened to people talk about other people, had eavesdropped boring conversations about scripts that had never got off the ground and arguments with directors who didn't know what they were talking about and lottery grants that should have gone to art projects but had ended up going to crazy organisations that wasted the money and went bankrupt within two years. She had eaten the most amazing finger food she had ever tasted, served by the most attentive staff she had ever seen, and refused enough glasses of wine or champagne to fill a cellar.

After fifteen minutes of trying to attract Lily's attention, Rose gave up and headed out of the room in search of a breath of fresh air.

Outside was a corridor that circled the club area and off which, like little nodules from a main stem, were rooms behind which were probably offices, although Rose couldn't tell because the doors were all shut. The floors were pale cream marble, merging into the pale cream marble of the walls, along which hung abstract paintings that looked particularly unappealing in the subdued lighting.

She drifted along, deciding to give her sister precisely half an hour more networking time before dragging her out of the place, and was about to head back when she spotted the light from under the door. It was just a narrow strip, but in the relative darkness of the corridor as bright as a beacon and she didn't hesitate. She walked right towards it and pushed open the door. She hadn't known what to expect but she certainly hadn't expected to find Nick there, installed in front of his computer and surrounded by all the paraphernalia of a home office.

‘Sorry,' she mumbled, backing out, but he had already
pushed his chair away from the desk and was pinning her in her tracks just by looking at her. A further, more elaborate apology formed somewhere in her mind but didn't quite manage to connect with her vocal cords, which seemed to have seized up.

In the intervening silence, he propped his feet up on his desk and relaxed back, hands folded behind his head.

‘Looking for something?' His dark eyebrows rose in amused enquiry and Rose cleared her throat.

‘No. I just happened to be…'

‘Escaping all the fun and laughter? Come in and close the door behind you.' He paused. ‘Well? I don't bite. At least, not unless I'm invited to.'

Rose, calm, efficient, always-in-control Rose, was beginning to feel very addled. Of course, she ought to graciously thank him for inviting her to his private function, politely turn down his offer to step inside, which had the vaguely dangerous undertones of what the spider had said to the fly, and hunt down Lily pronto.

She found herself obeying him, however, and shutting the door behind her, although once she had done so her legs refused to cooperate by propelling her towards the chair that he was now indicating.


‘I…I'm really on my way out, actually.' Vocal cords found. Thank heavens! ‘I came outside to get a breath of fresh air and saw…well, the light under the door. What on earth are you doing?' This was much better. Her brain was beginning to function. She made it to the chair and sat down.

‘What does it look like I'm doing?'

‘Isn't it a bit rude for the host to be working at his own party?'

‘I think everyone can manage fine without me for half an
hour.' Nick shrugged and continued to look at her, his expression unreadable. She looked awkward in her dress, as if wearing dresses was not something that came naturally to her but having found herself cornered into buying one, she had opted for the least flattering. Every single woman at the party had made a very special effort to wear something that would make them stand out in the crowd. Rose, on the other hand, had worn something that shrieked
Briefly, Nick wondered what she would look like underneath the shapeless black garment and drew his breath in sharply, surprised at the thought.

‘Besides, there was no choice. I had an urgent phone call from Australia requesting some information to be emailed to them.'

‘Do you ever stop working?'

‘Occasionally.' He lowered his eyes. Something about the shape of her breasts, just discernible under the dress, was kick-starting his imagination. ‘Lily seems to be enjoying herself.'

‘Yes. Yes, she does.'

‘But I guess you probably found the whole thing a little…boring…'

She shrugged. ‘Not at all,' she told him politely.

‘You looked bored every time I saw you.'

‘You were watching me?'

Nick didn't like the intonation in her voice when she said that. ‘It's my duty to make sure that my guests are having a good time.'

‘Then I'm surprised your keen sense of duty allowed you to sneak off to this office and work.' Yet again, she had the nagging, unpleasant suspicion that she was a charity case. ‘Anyway, it was very interesting. It always is, meeting people from different walks of life.'

‘Now why do I get the feeling that you don't really mean that?' When she didn't answer, he added, interested against his will, ‘What's
walk of life?'

‘I beg your pardon?'

‘What do you do for a living?'

‘I…I work in computers.' God, that sounded dull, especially when she considered the flamboyant, beautiful people who cluttered his life. How on earth, as a businessman, was he so well connected with the media set? she wondered. Then the question was answered virtually before it was posed. He dated cover girls. Money and looks would always be attracted to money and looks.

‘That's very interesting.'

‘There's no need to patronise me.'

‘I'm not. What exactly do you do? In computers?'

‘Nothing very exciting.'

At this point, Nick knew that he should just give up. Getting anything out of this woman was about as rewarding and straightforward as pulling teeth, and if it was one thing he didn't do, it was to work at making small talk with a woman. But her awkward response was like an invitation to press harder. In front of him, the screensaver came up on the computer and he switched it off.

‘What does that mean?'

‘Look—' Rose looked at him steadily ‘—I know you probably feel sorry for me…'

‘Why should I feel sorry for you?'

‘Because I don't slot into your category of an interesting woman.'

‘As you quite rightly pointed out, it's always an eye opener meeting people from different walks of life.'

‘Well, if you really want to know, I pretty much do everything with computers. Programming, updating systems, designing websites…' She heard herself rattling off a curriculum vitae that sounded deadly dull. ‘It's actually very absorbing,' she stressed.

‘I'm sure it is,' Nick agreed. ‘Odd that you and your sister should have ended up in such completely different worlds. Computing and acting…'

Rose shrugged and stood up. ‘I've got to go and find Lily. It's late. Time to head back.'

Nick met his fair share of clever, career-oriented women in his working life. He had frequently sat opposite top female lawyers in the early hours of the morning closing deals. Several of them had even tried to flirt with him, but he had never been interested in developing a relationship with any of them outside the boardroom. Put simply, nothing could compete with the archetypal brainless bimbo when it came to relaxation. Who needed to be mentally challenged twenty four seven? He had derived enough mental challenges in his working life.

Or so he had always maintained.

Right now, he was beginning to feel inordinately curious about what the computer whiz kid did in her spare time.

‘Is this a late night for you?' he asked blandly.

Rose was suitably riled by the question. ‘Not particularly,' she lied. ‘But there's a limit to how long I can carry on chatting to people I don't know about things I'm not particularly interested in.'

‘What would you rather be doing?'

‘Going to bed, as a matter of fact.'

‘With anyone in particular?'

Rose's mouth dropped open at the sheer audacity of the question, which had sprung from nothing but, once voiced, seemed to fill the room with thick, electric tension.

‘I really don't think that's any of your business,' she finally managed to stutter, red-faced. She turned and began walking towards the door, head held high. He might be a millionaire
many times over, but that didn't give him the right to say whatever he wanted to say and ask whatever he wanted to ask, without reserve.

She was aware of him behind her before she had even reached the door and when he stood in front of her, blocking her exit, she had to clench her hands at her sides to steady her nerves.

‘I like things that aren't my business,' Nick murmured lazily. ‘So tell me what you do in your spare time. When you go out until the early hours of the morning.'

He towered over her and she felt as if she were suffocating. Was he laughing at her? She rather imagined that he was because he certainly wasn't interested in anything she had to say. He was bored with his own party and had decided to have a little fun at her expense. She was sure of it.

Having worked all that out, it still left her with the little problem of how to get out of the room when he was standing in front of the door like a prison warden with a taste for sadism.

The man was loathsome. Yes, he was sinfully good-looking and, yes, she could see those flashes of charm that turned women into mindless robots ready to do whatever he asked them to do, but to her he was someone who was happy to play with other people, in much the same way as a cat played with a mouse. No serious harm intended, just a spot of good fun.

‘I don't have to do anything,' Rose told him coolly. ‘Lily's always been the clubber.'

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