Better Off Red (15 page)

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Authors: Rebekah Weatherspoon

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BOOK: Better Off Red
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A shiver ran through me now as my core clenched and dripped.

“Ginger, do you want me to make you come?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “Please.”

“Why don’t I take you in the shower and you can come all over me. Would you like that?” she replied with a deep, lusty growl.


Camila turned me in her arms. I saw that same fierce burning I was oddly starting to crave light up her eyes. A sudden bashfulness tackled me out of nowhere and I gave in to the urge to cover my boobs with my arms. She was just so sexy and so beautiful and powerful. Of course I wanted her again, but I was nervous about what would happen next.

We’d hopped the fence from the area of playful experimenting I’d been hoping for and skipped right into porn territory. Not somewhere I ever thought I’d go. And then there were those pesky love feelings that only seemed to intensify as she looked at me.

I knew she could eat me alive, and this weird part of me almost wanted her to. I wanted to give her everything, and that scared me even more.

Cautiously, like prey easing its way to safety, I passed her and took a few steps closer to the door.

“Go,” she said with a soft pat to my ass.

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I walked faster into the lounge but stopped when I felt her lagging behind. When I turned, she had just crossed through the doorway of her office and was shedding her tank top and her underwear.

Camila bent to pull the black panties off her foot. That delicious smile flashed across her mouth as she licked her bottom lip. “Don’t worry. I’m still coming.” She straightened and looked me slowly up and down.

“Do you want me to chase you?”

“No,” I blurted out. “I’m not a tease.” But I might be a little afraid you might disappear again, I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue. I wanted her close, no space in between us, for as long as possible. The sun and school would separate us soon enough.

Camila came toward me and cupped my face. I sighed into her mouth as she kissed me. God, the way she kissed should be illegal.

It wasn’t right or fair to unleash that kind of perfect, brain melting technique and that taste into someone’s mouth. When she pulled away, I realized my pussy wasn’t just wet; the insides of my thighs were soaked.

Her nostrils flared.

“No, Red. You surely are not a tease.”

She turned me again so I was facing the bathroom then wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Is this better?” she asked, nuzzling her chin against my shoulder, pressing her breasts against my back.

“Yes, it is,” I managed to say.

Her feet staggered on either side of mine, Camila shuffled us into the bathroom, keeping her arms tightly around me. She flicked on the lights and then maneuvered us over to the shower. Under the hot spray, I turned my face to her, struck silent by just how hot she looked covered in water with her dark spikes slicked back. I wanted to lick her all over.

She pulled me close and kissed me again, letting her hands wander all over my back and further down to my ass. I let her go wild, wanting her to touch me everywhere, aching even more as she pressed herself against me. Feeling her hot slickness and the firm ridge of her clit almost sent me over the edge.

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The full curve of her thigh slid between my legs while she guided my arms up and around her shoulders.

“Hold on to me,” she said into my ear. I slid my palms further down her back and let my fingers grip her soft skin. She leaned back slightly, taking both our weight as if balancing another person on her thigh was no big deal. I gasped and tried to pull away. I know she’d picked me up before, but she hadn’t held me up. That didn’t sound like it would be much fun for her. Plus, breaking her ankle or my face against the black tile was not the kind of shower sex I had in mind.

“No,” she breathed. “Come on me.”

I blinked, licking away some of the water rushing over my lips.

I’d already given her my heart, whether she knew it or not, and she had settled me on the counter the night before like I weighed nothing at all. Maybe I could trust her lower body strength. I leaned back into her and my clit thanked me with several sharp twitches once I settled my weight back on her thigh. With our bodies melded together, head to toe, a rush of air left my lungs.

“Yes, Like that.” She purred deeply, her chest puffing in and out against mine. “Don’t worry. I can hold you, Red.”

My body starting swaying on its own, rocking against her as she held her legs perfectly still. Her lips and her hands, though, were very busy. She threaded her fingers through the base of my ponytail and lightly gripped the back of my head then set about torturing me with light passes of her tongue and her fangs along my neck. I lost it when she nipped my skin.

I came. Not as much as my body wanted to, but enough to make me jerk and shudder against her body, enough to make me want so much more.

Camila chuckled and licked my jaw. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I—I want—”


“Yeah.” I nodded before going after her lips. She kissed me back, sucking my tongue into her mouth.

That’s when things got interesting. That’s when she spread me open.

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Camila’s fingers slid down behind me. Slowly, she began slipping her finger in and out of my pussy. The feeling of her gentle thrusts drove me forward, and I continued to press myself against her leg, grinding my already throbbing clit harder against her body.

That should have been enough to make me explode all over again.

I wanted to, so badly, but Camila seemed to be keeping me just far enough away from that point, pushing me just enough that I wouldn’t let go.

Her finger pulled back, dragging a trail of my juices up to my asshole. She’d barely touched the puckered surface, but I tensed, pulling away slightly.

“Camila,” I protested weakly. I didn’t want things to stop altogether, I just—

“Shhh,” she whispered, trailing soft kisses across my lips and my cheeks. “Remember what I told you? No pain. Only pleasure.”

“Okay, but I’ve never—”

“I know, Red,” she murmured, sliding her finger into my pussy again. She added another and another, working me up all over again.

This time when her hand slipped a little higher, my body didn’t resist. I wanted to come too much. I was way too high to even ease back down.

She pushed in gently, easing just the tip of her finger inside me.

She was right. It didn’t hurt at all. Just the opposite. The pressure nailed me right at the height of my slit. A violent shudder spread over my belly and down through my kneecaps. I surged forward and back, harder and faster, as fast as I could while our bodies were still connected. Her finger slid in deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, there was a small prick of pain. I gasped and winced a little, but she held me tightly, distracting me more with her kisses and purrs, and the pain started to fade.

I could tell she was close. Camila’s nips and licks were becoming needy. I had no idea if she’d fed before I woke up, but she definitely wanted to bite me now. I could feel the tips of her fangs just before our tongues would meet. My blood probably wouldn’t help with any legit craving. Still, maybe it would give her something she needed.

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I craned my neck to the side and offered her my throat, letting the hot shower spray rain down on my face. She hesitated a moment.

Her finger stilled inside me. Her fangs extended all the way, ready to strike.

“Red,” she groaned.

“Do it,” I murmured, grinding down as hard as my body could stand on her thigh. She snapped, her finger plunging as far as it could go as her fangs broke my skin.

Her name came out of me as a high-pitched scream, and I soaked her already slick thigh, my thick wetness coating her skin.

She trembled against me, sucking harder for a few more moments before she licked the puncture wounds closed.

Her finger eased out and she slowly righted us both, cradling my head against her neck. I kissed her beating pulse point, trying to catch my breath.

“Better?” she asked then kissed my shoulder.

I swallowed, soaking in the gentle strokes of her other hand through my hair. My ponytail had fallen loose somewhere along the way.“No. My legs are broken and I can’t see. I think you ‘repaid me’ plenty.”

Camila kissed the corner of my mouth. “Not even close, Red.

Not even close.”

We walked to the elevator hand-in-hand. Camila was trapped inside for another eight hours, at least. I had a ton of studying to get done, but the last thing I wanted to do was leave her.

“I have to be downtown a few nights this week, but any time you spend the night here, you’re welcome to spend the night with me,” she said.

“Is that a formal invitation?”

“It is, Red. You might not be much for my health, but you’re in me now. You set foot in that front door and I’ll know. You stay past bedtime, and I’m coming to get you.” The gold in her eyes glowed as a deep purr came from her throat.

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“Okay, that was creepy.”

“Sorry.” Camila laughed. It was a warm, apologetic sound, but she couldn’t joke like that, being what she was. “But I can sense you.”

“Maybe next time we can actually talk. I want to know more about your creepy powers,” I said.

“And yours.”

“Mine? No. I’ve been thinking about it, and beside my hypersensitive taste buds and my preference for chicken over fish, there have been no perks to having demon blood in my system.”

“I’d like to find out for sure.” She touched my cheek just for a moment, then pressed the button for the elevator door. With a slight swishing sound, it opened. I stepped inside. She’d already invited me back. The last thing I needed to do was hang around like a pathetic little puppy.

Camila punched the same series of numbers into the elevator’s keypad and then kissed me with a soft good-bye before the door slid closed. I knew it would take everything I had not to daydream about the taste of her lips—or how good she looked naked—as the day went on.

The decision to be a grown-up about our interesting relationship had been made, so I was going to be a big girl and stick to that plan.

I still had to focus on school and whatever new responsibilities now came with being a member Alpha Beta Omega. Adding occasional sex with the head sister-queen to the equation was simply a matter of changing where I slept at night. It could work.

And I felt good about my decision, or at least I knew I should have. My life had changed over the weekend. New friends, new secrets, new jewelry, and stylish new pubes. But one thing irked me as I took the short ride up to the pantry. It was lame, but I couldn’t keep from thinking of it. I had no way of getting in touch with Camila. So far, she had been the one to seek me out. Sure, I could have asked Cleo the best way to reach Camila. I also could have asked her myself before I hopped on the elevator. That logical detail was pushed out of my mind.

We weren’t a couple, but I figured after as much time as she spent with her tongue between my legs, swapping digits wasn’t all

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that unreasonable. She could sense me, so it wasn’t like she needed to speed dial me to lock in on my location, but I couldn’t even text her if I wanted to. She’d been pretty consistent with asking me what I wanted. Not that I ever would, but I truly felt like I could turn her down if I felt like I should. I had plenty of choices in terms of if and how. She had all the control over the when and where.

By the time I reached Cleo’s room, I realized that bothered me a lot more than it should.

The day before, the sunlight on my face had been a gift, nature’s way of showing me that even though we were now bound to the sister-queens, our lives were still our own. We were safe and we were free to come and go. Now, as we stepped out onto the porch of Alpha Beta Omega house and I didn’t burst into flames, I silently cursed the sun as a harsh reminder of several things I had no interest in thinking about. I still had a stats test to study for, an English paper to start, and Greg and I had to complete our lab write-up for the week.

As we walked to campus, the UV blast on my cheeks was also another bit of unavoidable truth standing between Camila and me.

Forget any obvious age or possible generational gaps or the fact she had several businesses to run or that I had freshman year to get through. The sun itself would keep us apart no matter what we had to do. Even if she felt the same way I did, which would be nuts because what kind of a freak show falls for their fuck buddy after two days, we could never really be together.

Having sex and watching the highlights on her computer over the weekends was one thing, but her world existed at night. Unless I decided to switch to all night classes, things would remain this way. And then I just hated myself for even considering rearranging my schedule, my life, for Camila. We’d just met. She more than had a life of her own, and I was just some kid she liked to play with.

Distracting myself with homework seemed like a better idea every minute.

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Amy and I took a quick detour to the dorm to grab our books. I wanted to ask her if she’d gotten a chance to tell Danni how she felt, but I couldn’t because Danni tagged along with us. Still, it only took a few minutes to figure out that something had changed between them. When we were getting ready to leave the house, Danni was particularly touchy-feely with Amy. The fact that they held hands as we walked to the dorms wasn’t a big deal. I’d held hands with Camila plenty of times in the past few days. But when we got to our room they started exhibiting more couplesque behavior.

Amy couldn’t find her laptop cord. Danni helped her look for it while I was busy texting Todd. I was lost in a back-and-forth about who he favored in the Monday night game, when something Danni said caught my attention.

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