Read Better Off Red Online

Authors: Rebekah Weatherspoon

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Better Off Red (9 page)

BOOK: Better Off Red
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wound, the cool, soothing sensation spread through my hand. She lifted her head and the cut was completely healed. I watched her patiently as she reached for the thin black box and took out the last of the thirteen necklaces.

She held the ruby up, letting the dim light catch it before she fastened the platinum links around my neck.

“You’re mine now, Red,” she said with an evil grin. I had a snappy comeback, but I didn’t get a chance to use it.

Camila pushed me back on the bed and then she kissed me.

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Better Off red

Chapter fOur

The kiss didn’t last long enough. The soft sweep of her tongue over my lips was perfect, intoxicating, and the moment she pushed her way gently into my mouth I realized that she tasted just as delicious as she smelled. I lifted my head, wanting more, but she pulled away and sat back on her knees.

She looked over my body, at my breasts, and down to my hips that were still covered with her blankets and sheets. I followed her gaze and suddenly struck shy, pulled the blanket over my chest.

Camila chuckled to herself, flashing the sharp tips of her fangs.

What?” I asked, all my nipple-stroking confidence gone.

“Nothing,” she said with a slight shake of her head. “I was just wondering what would be the best way to repay you.”

“Repay me?” I didn’t like the way that sounded.

“Repay may be the wrong word.” Her tongue crept out and traced her bottom lip. I gasped a little. “I understand how my bite can make you feel, but I want to give you more than that.”

“Why?” I pulled the blanket up even further.

She leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips, but she left the blanket where it was. “I’ve already told you.” She kissed me again. “You’ve bound yourself to me, and you’ve given me your blood, but remember that last thing I wanted?”

“The part with the fucking,” I managed to squeak out.

“Right, Red. The part with the fucking. I’m just wondering where you’d like me to start.”

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“Uh…” I had my ideas, but I had no experience to go on. Not to mention her “Do Me Now” voice and those eyes were making it impossible for me to form a complete sentence. And the kissing, it wasn’t helping either.

“That is if you’re okay with, you know, going all the way,” she said.Did I want my first time to be with the sexiest being I had ever seen, even if she was an undead demon-queen? Yes. Yes, I did. I may have even wanted her to bite me again.

I nodded wide-eyed.

“Why don’t you lie back down?”

Right, I could do that. I slid back against her pillows and made myself comfortable—well, as comfortable as I could be while nearly hyperventilating.

She pulled back the sheets and climbed over me before wrapping the sheet back over us both. It was still dim in the room, but light enough that the dark sheets didn’t hide the curves of her breasts as they swept past mine. I swallowed thickly as she held herself up with one hand and pulled off her underwear with the other. A tingling set off in my throat as our legs brushed together.

Once her underwear was tossed aside, probably lost to the abyss at the foot of the bed along with the tracksuit, she settled herself casually between my legs. My pussy throbbed as her stomach pressed against me. My clit pulsed through my soaked hairs, the only thing keeping the over sensitive tip from rubbing directly against her skin.

My heart thudded up somewhere near my throat. I almost choked when she reached up and pulled my new ruby pendant from my hair and centered it back on its chain between my breasts.

“So.” Camila’s finger began tracing the edge of my nipple. It felt pretty close to awesome. “I have good news and I have bad news, which might also be good news depending on how you look at it. Which would you like first?”

“Um, the bad news.” I looked at her lips, hoping she would kiss me again soon.

“I haven’t gotten off in the way I like to in a few days. That’s a long time for me, so we might be here a while.”

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Watching her mouth move while she was pressed against my crotch was a little too much. I looked up to her eyes. Possibly a dumber idea. “What’s the bad news?”

“You’re so cute.” She huffed a short laugh. This time the flirtatious comment was just that. If my cuteness kept her between my legs, then cute it was.

“What’s the good news?”

“It would be better if I showed you.”

“Okay.” My voice came out just above a whisper. This part should be easier. She’d already fingered me, kissed me, gnawed on my neck a little. Having sex with Camila was just a matter of taking things a step further. I could do it. Piece of cake.

My eyes stung for a moment as I swallowed. Again.

“Don’t be nervous, Red,” Camila said. She lightly brushed my hair away from my forehead. That worked. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. When I opened my eyes she was smiling down at me. I bit my lip and almost managed not to grin back.

“Come here,” she said. I lifted my head and met her halfway as she kissed me once more, slowly brushing her lips back and forth across my mouth.

“Just move with me.”

And that’s what I did.

Camila braced her hands on either side of my shoulders then shifted herself up and over until our legs were intertwined, her wet, bare slit pressed against mine. She was so wet. Slippery and hot. It felt so good I almost didn’t want her to move. The pressure on my clit was perfect. Or so I thought until she started rocking her hips.

My hands flew to her waist and I held on. I had no idea what I’d been missing, just how good it would feel to have someone between my legs, someone like Camila.

Her mouth was on mine a second later, swallowing my moans and cries while we thrust against each other. She wasn’t gentle, but I liked it. She dipped her tongue into my mouth over and over. I caught it when I could, sucked on its soft sweetness, and when that wasn’t enough, she used her teeth, matched the push and retreat of her hips with light nips of her fangs along my bottom lip.

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Heat flashed through my whole body as we continued to move together. This was so much better than rubbing myself in the privacy of my dorm, so much better than I thought it would be with anyone else. I moved my hips faster against her body, but kept my hands where they were on her sides. I wanted to touch her all over. I wanted grab and pinch her breasts and her perfectly round ass, but I was so close to coming and suddenly doubting any acute motor skills I’d acquired in the last eighteen years, doing what she’d said, moving along with the thrusting motion of her body seemed like the best thing to do. We could come and then later, much later, when I had some clue what I was doing, I would get fancy with my hands.

Without warning, Camila broke from our kiss and threw her head back. Her fangs were all the way out, long and shining in the dim light as she purred my name.

“Ah. Ah,” I panted desperately in response. My clit twitched sharply against her, overcome by the sensations my own pussy lips and her warm body had to offer. My eyes squeezed shut as I was blinded for a moment and then I came all over her leg.

Camila was right behind me. She ground down even harder against my thigh, and then I felt the wet rush of her orgasm.

“Fuck! Me!” Her scream echoed off the high, black ceiling.

The sound sent my body off, shuddering with one last aftershock as her rocking motions slowed then stopped completely. I stared up at her, trying to catch my breath.

With a loud exhale, she rolled off me, licking her lips and fangs.

We lay there together for a few moments, both of us panting, me a little more so because she hadn’t stopped touching me. Her fingers swept the now damp hair off the nape of my neck then she brushed across my collarbone. I looked back at her, gazing at her smooth, golden skin and her beautifully hard nipples. I couldn’t stop staring.

“What is it, Red?” she asked.

“I was just wondering…” She sounded genuinely interested in what was on my mind, but I couldn’t finish the thought. It was too ridiculous.

“Don’t make me bite you again.” Some threat, but I knew she was serious.

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“I was just thinking…you’re not human, right?”

“Not anymore, that’s correct.”

“Well, it’s just interesting. I think I was expecting you to do something differently when you came.” I mean, the way she purred my name was a little different, and I didn’t sprout razor-sharp teeth at the heights of ecstasy, but I mean…

“You have to remember, Red, I’m still a woman. Same parts.”

“I know.” I scowled back at her.

She jumped up to her knees and grabbed me by my legs.

I squealed as she threw my calves over her shoulders. “What are you doing?” She paused before our pussies made contact. I knew exactly what she was doing, I just didn’t know why.

“Are you tired?”

“No.” I wasn’t tired at all. That first orgasm had barely taken the edge off. I could definitely stand to come a few more times, especially with her.

“Well.” She nicked my ankle with her teeth then slowly licked my calf before she went on. I whimpered pathetically and let my eyes roll back in my head. They stayed there as she rolled her hips and drew her pussy down the length of my spread slit. I made a strangled noise, something between a moan, a scream, and a gargle.

“We can do more of this.” She kept up the motions, back and forth, rocking against me. Her clit brushed against mine. “Or I can tuck you in and you can go to sleep.”

“No.” My head flopped from side to side on the pillow. “More of this,” I said. “Definitely more of this.”

When I woke up again, it was actually morning and Camila was in bed with me. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I stretched between the sheets. My body was sore in all the best places. My inner thighs had been held open to make room for Camila’s strong hips and her soft, wet pussy. My shoulders ached from having my hands pinned above my head when she decided to take me again.

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But my neck felt amazing, even though she had bitten me again and then one more time before we were completely spent.

I felt the warmth of her chest against my back. Her soft fingertips gently caressed my hair and my cheek. I rolled into her embrace, looking into her eyes.


“Hello.” Camila leaned forward and kissed me. Her soft tongue gently moved past my lips. She slowly pulled her tongue out, then pushed it back in, and my pussy soaked for her all over again. I was still half asleep, my eyes and my head still clouded with memories of the night, but that only seemed to make the kiss better.

I’d slept like the dead, that deep, dreamless sleep where you’re surprised you didn’t drool all over yourself when you finally lifted your head off the pillow. I might as well have been in a coma. Those few hours of unconsciousness hadn’t been enough to make me forget just how talented Camila was with her hands and her mouth.

I had no idea if I was a good kisser or not. Todd had burst in on my one and only kiss. My neighbor, Kristen had left for soccer training at UVA before I got a chance to ask her for an honest assessment. Camila could have been faking it, letting me feel like she enjoyed kissing me as much as I enjoyed kissing her, but I didn’t get that feeling at all. Camila made me feel like I was a freaking expert. As the night went on, I loved the way she moaned when our tongues slowly touched. It took a few tries, but eventually I figured out that licking her fangs was a surefire way to make her growl. And she really growled, this deep, rumbling noise like a tiger, a sound that made me shiver.

So at least I had the kissing thing down. I wasn’t sure about everything else. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come the night before, but I did know that Camila had done all the work and I had a lot to learn. Hopefully, she would teach me.

She pulled away slowly, but continued to lay soft kisses across my cheeks. Then on the tip of my nose.

“Are you still angry with me for bringing you here?” Her voice was low but clear. Vampires probably never woke up groggy. She kissed me right below my ear.

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“I’ll let you know when I see the inside of my dorm room again,” I replied. Finding my voice wasn’t much of a distraction from her hand slipping between my legs.

“That sounds fair. I’m glad you’re awake.”

“Really? Why?” I moaned.

“Cleo is going to barge in here any moment to wake you for breakfast.” Her middle finger parted my slit.

“You’re the queen. Can’t you tell her to go away?” I gasped as she moved up and down. This was no way to carry on a conversation.

“I’d love to keep you in my bed all day long, but maybe I should let you see the outdoors. It’s better to keep a willing captive.”

I’d planned on spending my whole day in the library. I had an English paper to start, a stats test to study for, notes to organize for my dance and culture class—my favorite and the most pointless prereq for my major—and I had to meet with my lab partner, Greg.

I knew she was safe, but I needed to talk to Amy. When Camila slid her fingers back inside me, I figured all that could wait.

“Was it so bad?” She was talking about more than just my initiation.

“No,” I whimpered.

“I’m glad I could change your mind.” She pulled her fingers from between the sheets, and my eyes snapped wide as she licked them clean. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.”

Camila slid out of bed. If her back hadn’t been to me, she would have seen my tortured looks as she pulled her clothes back on. She walked over to the door and opened it for Cleo and Paige.

They hadn’t knocked.

“Hi,” Cleo said, smiling bashfully at Camila.

“Hi,” she replied.

“We came for Ginger.” I’d only known her a few days, but I’d never seen Cleo acting this sweet.

Camila turned toward me and licked her lips before she said my name. My cheeks and my neck were instantly hot. “Ginger, you have some visitors.”

BOOK: Better Off Red
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