Better Than Good (23 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

BOOK: Better Than Good
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“This is us.” He picked up the picture I’d had the paddleboat operator take of the two of us. It was very unlike me to do anything more than upload the occasional photo, but I really liked this one. It was a beautiful souvenir of a beautiful day. I couldn’t resist making a hard copy for myself.

Aaron looked up at me with a sweet, teary-eyed grin.

“We look good together.”

“We do, baby.”

I sat on the edge of the bed, hoping he’d join me. He didn’t disappoint. Aaron sat in my lap, and I huffed a breath of surprise as he tangled his arms around my neck. He looked deep into my eyes before touching his lips ever so softly to my own.

“Lock the door?”

I nodded, giving him a gentle shove so I could obey. I turned back to the bed to find Aaron sprawled out, looking oh so sexy dressed all in black against my dark-navy comforter.

“Matty, get naked. Please.”

My hands shook as I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt. I threw it over my desk chair and started on my belt buckle, watching Aaron’s expression. His eyes were filled with lust. He moved his right hand to cup his cock through his black jeans, stroking languidly. I swallowed.

“You too. Get naked. It’s been too long, Aar. I need you.”

I pulled my jeans off, and dressed only in my boxers, I covered his body with my own. I took his beautiful face in my hands and kissed him deeply, throwing all the passion racing through my blood into the connection. He moaned beneath me and began a slow writhing motion with his pelvis. I gasped as our hardened cocks touched for the first time in weeks. It felt so amazing, but I was now desperate to get us both naked. I slipped my hand under his T-shirt and pulled it up his chest, stopping to lick a line up his torso. I sucked his right nipple into my mouth and then traced slow circles around it before giving the same attention to his left nipple. I bit at him a little hard and licked him. He was writhing in earnest now, calling my name. I pulled his shirt over his head and went back to licking and kissing his chest while I worked on removing his belt and jeans. He lifted his hips off the bed as I slid his jeans over his ass. He wasn’t wearing any boxers. I would have made a comment, but my mouth had gone dry.

My hands roamed over his ass cheeks, kneading and squeezing. His skin was so smooth and lovely; I was getting off just from touching him. I hadn’t paid any attention to his gorgeous erect cock yet, and he was getting impatient, if the moans and sway of his hips were any indication. I laughed softly, and keeping one hand on his right ass cheek, I used my free hand to gently take hold of his dick. He gasped out loud, opened his eyes, and propped himself on his elbows to watch me. I had never sucked him off. I’d topped him each time we’d had sex. He said he preferred bottoming, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that anyway. But he’d sucked my cock many a time. Hell, he had done it well before I’d been inside him for the first time, months ago. I was nervous to be on the giving end of a blow job, but I figured I needed to get over that fast. What guy doesn’t like having his dick sucked? I wanted to do this for Aaron. I probably would suck at it (pun intended), but practice makes perfect, right?

I held him a little tighter, watching the precum puddle at the tip. His cock was darker in color than my own, and he kept the hair around his penis trimmed. His balls were practically hairless. He’d told me before that manscaping was vital. Well, it looked pretty fucking fantastic to me. I breathed in his scent before placing a small teasing kiss on the tip. Then I licked the broad head and twirled my tongue around it experimentally. I tasted the precum and made a “yum” sound. Aaron closed his eyes and threw his head back. So far, so good.

I freed my hand from under his ass and massaged his balls as I licked his gorgeous cock from base to tip. I did it a few times, testing out different angles before taking as much as I could of his rock-hard member into my mouth. I sucked and licked, thinking I should just do what I liked and hopefully Aaron would like it too. He did. He gazed at me through hooded eyes while licking his own lips in appreciation. After a few minutes, he placed a hand on my head to still my movement.

“Stop. Fuck! You have no idea how sexy that is, honey. Matty, you are so fucking hot.”

He leaned down to kiss me. He was all heat and energy now. He was practically vibrating with desire. My own dick was fighting to get out of the confines of my boxer shorts. They were wet in the front from the judicious leaking coming from my own overexcited state. Aaron pushed them over my ass and went straight to work on my cock. I kneeled on the bed as he pushed himself on his stomach, facing me with his perfect ass straight in the air. I leaned over to cup his ass as he sucked and licked me over and over.

It was beyond sexy, but I didn’t want to come this way. I wanted inside him.

“Baby, can I… let me inside you, please.”

Aaron got up on his knees facing me, and nodded eagerly as he pulled the comforter back.

“How do you want me?” His voice sounded so soft in the quiet room.

“I want to look at you.”

I rummaged for supplies in my nightstand and turned back to the bed to find him lying, naked, with his arms held out in welcome. So gorgeous.

I crawled between his thighs, and after pouring a little lube in my hand, I slowly stretched his opening with one finger. I added a second finger while I stroked his cock with my left hand.

“Oh fuck, Matty. I’m ready. Come on. Fuck me.”

My breath was coming in shortened pants. I struggled to steady my hands to get the condom unwrapped. Aaron laughed and sat up, grabbing the condom from me. He unwrapped it and slid it over my very erect member. I sighed at the feel of his touch. He lay back and held his knees up in invitation. I held my breath to steady my nerves before adding a little more lube to the condom. Then I placed my cock at his entrance and slowly made my way inside my lover.

It was heaven. Absolute nirvana. I knew I wouldn’t last this time. It had been too long since we’d been intimate, and my body was crying with relief at finally being joined with Aaron’s. He was so tight. I made a painstaking effort to go slow so as not to hurt him. I could feel the sweat on my forehead. I looked down at him to make sure he was okay. When I was fully enveloped by his hot channel, I stilled myself to await his signal. I was shaky, but managed to stave off the desire to plunge into him over and over. He didn’t make me wait long. A short nod told me to move. I gently retreated and then moved inside him. We both moaned with pleasure. Nothing had ever felt so good, so right. I moved slowly inside him, savoring the feel of his body around mine. Aaron elevated his hips to meet my thrust. He cried out as I hit his gland. I couldn’t contain myself any longer. All the frustration and joy of finally having him in my arms again rushed through my body. I fucked him hard and fast, sweat bathing both of us as we clung to one another in ecstasy. Aaron cried my name again and pulled at my hair hard when he came. I kept up my pace, riding him through the waves of orgasm before finally succumbing to my own.

I collapsed on Aaron’s much smaller body. He wrapped his arms around me tightly in a sweet embrace before I could tell my weight was too much for him. Panting as though I’d just run a marathon, I carefully disengaged our bodies and set about disposing of the condom and cleaning up my man. Aaron watched me through hooded, sleepy eyes, with a soft smile on his beautiful mouth. I kissed his lips as I joined him back in bed, tucked him in the cradle of my arms, and pulled the comforter back over us.

Aaron burrowed into my side, with his cheek pressed against my heart. He was exactly where he was supposed to be. As if in unspoken agreement, we both drifted to sleep, knowing the morning would force us to deal with reality. Tonight, no words were necessary.



the next morning to the sweet sound of Aaron’s soft snoring. He always denied he was a snorer, but truthfully, I found it adorable. His face was squished on the pillow, and both of his hands rested under his cheek. He resembled a sleeping angel. I stared for a few quiet moments before my bladder demanded attention. I slipped on some pajama bottoms before heading for the bathroom, then made my way to the kitchen to start some coffee, since I was up already. Curt had beat me to it. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring bleary eyed at the coffee maker.

“Mornin’,” he mumbled.

I mumbled my own greeting to him before grabbing two mugs and setting them next to the one he had placed for himself next to the machine. Curt noticed the third mug and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“So… do you have a guest over?”

“Yeah.” I couldn’t contain my smile. I was more than a little pleased to wake up with Aaron in bed beside me again.

“Everything good, then?”

“Yeah. We’ll have to talk things through, I guess, but yeah… he’s here and that’s really good. You did make enough, right?” I tilted my head toward the coffee pot. Too much talking in the morning before coffee wasn’t my thing. I needed something to clear the cobwebs away.

“Sure. There should be enough, Casanova. Help yourself.”

I took the two mugs of coffee back to my room, where Aaron was stretched out with his arms resting above his head. He looked like an underwear model, minus the underwear.

“Hmm… morning, Matty. Coffee for me?” He shifted to lie on his side, propped up by his elbow as I moved to set the coffee on my nightstand. I kissed his forehead and nose before pulling back to take a good look at him.

“Of course. Curt’s up. He made it, so if it sucks, don’t think badly of me.”

He laughed and eased himself to a sitting position. I bit back the urge to ask if I’d hurt him last night. He would roll his eyes at me, and I didn’t want to take anything away from the experience. Last night was incredible.
Leave it alone, Matt

“Not bad.”

I took a sip of mine, peering at him over the edge of the coffee mug. One of us was going to have to bring up the subject of “us.” If we wanted this to work, we had to deal with some things. I understood that; however, I was loath to lose the easy feeling of sipping coffee with my naked lover on a Sunday morning.

“You okay?” Aaron asked me in a puzzled tone.

“Better than….” I borrowed his line from months ago, after the first night we’d made love. He understood and smiled sweetly.

“We need to talk.” Aaron set his coffee aside and turned back to face me with a laugh. “You don’t need to look so gloomy, Matty. I just think that—”

I leaned over to quiet him with a kiss. I was relieved he knew we needed to address our relationship, if we were to have one, but there was an equal part of me that was scared shitless about the impending conversation.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just have to tell you that I… I want this, Aaron. I want you. I want us to be together. I’m no good at saying this kind of stuff, so if I fuck it up, please just know that that is what I care about.”

Aaron shot me one of those patient stares that told me I was a little on the dramatic side, but he was going to let it slide for now.

“You say you want us, Matt. I do too. But you’ve never been with a man before in a relationship. Are you saying you want to be boyfriends? Or is the concept too weird to you? I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable, but I need to know some basic things here.”

“Yes. I want you to be my boyfriend.”

Fuck, that sounded so high school. My voice squeaked at the “boyfriend” word, but I meant it. I wanted us to be a couple.

“Okay, me too. What does that mean to you, exactly?”

He took pity on me when I stared blankly at him. I hadn’t had enough coffee yet.

“I mean, do you want to date other people? Because I’m going to be honest with you, I—”

I put my hand over his mouth.

“No. I’m not sharing. I don’t share. I can’t ‘date’ you casually. Aaron….”

I took a deep breath, put my hands on his shoulders, and looked him directly in his gorgeous eyes. “I love you.”

He looked as overwhelmed by those words this morning as he had last night. Maybe this was too much too soon, but I wouldn’t take them back even if I could. I could only hope that maybe he would one day return them. I didn’t mind waiting as long as I had him by my side.

“Matt. You don’t know if you really l—”

“Don’t fucking say that to me. I know how I feel. And yes, it may be hard for you to believe it, but Aaron, I mean it. I have never felt this way about anyone else. And I don’t want to share you. I want us to be together as often as possible. I want to talk to you or text and e-mail you when we can’t be together. I want to be the first person you want to talk to when you’re really excited about something or even if you’re really sad.” I took a breath, afraid I just sounded corny as hell. “I’m sorry I gave you reason to doubt me, but I want another chance.”


“Okay? That’s it? What’s the catch?”

“No catch. I don’t want to share you either. I want us. I want a relationship with you and all that entails. But I have to admit something, Matt.” He looked out the window before turning to face me again. His expression was so vulnerable.

“What, baby?”

“I’m afraid. I’m afraid that you’ll decide you want to be with a woman. That you want a wife, kids, dog, house in the suburbs… things I can’t give you. Well, I guess I could do the dog, but not the others. Those other things are normal and expected, and it’s a lifestyle you always thought you’d have. Are you sure you want me instead?”

This was important. I knew my answer mattered. I had to be honest but still let him know where I was coming from.

“Will you listen to me? Really listen. Because this is probably one of those times I could fuck up without meaning to.” Aaron nodded cautiously. “I don’t want a woman or another man. I only want you. Neither of us knows what the future holds, but when I think about the future, I want you in mine. Remember when you said that there are no guarantees, but you want something that feels like the real thing. You are that to me.”

Aaron’s eyes watered over, and he swiped at falling tears with the back of his hand. I grabbed his hand in mine and kissed it.

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