Between a Vamp and a Hard Place (22 page)

BOOK: Between a Vamp and a Hard Place
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woke up to a cool hand touching me, sweeping up my side, where my T-shirt had hitched up and revealed bare skin. Rand was kissing my neck, and my nipples reacted automatically. I whimpered and clung to him, shaking off the last of sleep.

“Good eve, sweet lady,” he murmured against my throat.

“A-are you thirsty?” I asked breathlessly as his hand went to cup my breast. Oh, mercy. A newly awakened Rand was a naughty one. His fingers swept over my nipple, teasing it, and I arched against his hand. Oh, if he didn't stop touching me, I was going to shuck my panties and climb on top of him. My entire body ached and throbbed with awareness, and I wondered how long he'd been touching me before I'd woken up. The thought was a titillating one. I slid my hand down his front and felt the hard length of his naked erection. Oh, yeah. Someone was awake all over.

“Very thirsty,” he said, lips tickling my throat. “However, my thirst for all things Lindsey should perhaps wait until we speak with Gemma.”

I blinked awake, remembering where we were. Guy's chalet. Right. Gemma was in the next room, and if I stilled, I could hear the sounds of someone tinkering in the kitchen. Crap. How long had she been awake? “I should get up,” I murmured, even though I didn't move. His fingers were still caressing my nipple, and I wanted nothing more than to drag his head there.

Or lower. Lower was good, too.

“You should,” he agreed, dashing my hopes. With one last tweak of my nipple, Rand gave me a sexy, heavy-lidded look that promised so many things that I wanted to forget all about my friend. But then he rolled out of bed and stood, his naked backside to me. “Have you seen my shirt?”

“It was destroyed,” I told him. “We'll find you a new one.” I got out of bed, too, my knees weak after our snuggle. I straightened my clothing, squeezed my own breasts in the hopes that it would make my nipples return to their normally un-prominent state, and left the room.

Gemma was in the kitchen, hovering over a skillet on the tiny stove. Her hair was pulled up in a messy knot, and she was wearing jeans and humming to herself as she cooked.

“Hey,” I said softly.

“Hey!” She turned around and winked at me. “Bacon and eggs okay? Guy didn't need to eat, but he kept the fridge stocked for me. All this food is going to go to waste if we don't eat it. And you will probably need your strength, since you're eating for two.” Gemma gave me an embarrassingly exaggerated wink. “Right?”

Two? Oh Lord. Me and Rand. “Right. Need some help with that?”

“Nope, almost done,” she said. “Do me a favor and set the table?”

I found dishes in one of the cabinets and set the table for us. It felt weird to be sitting down for a cozy breakfast in a dead vampire's chalet, but Gemma was right—there was no sense in fleeing when we needed to eat and regroup. And most of all, we needed to plan. So we sat down. Gemma shoved piles of scrambled eggs and bacon onto my plate, and I dutifully ate them, thinking about Rand and the fact that he needed to drink. I wondered if the garlic had gotten out of my system yet. I looked over at Gemma, wondering if Rand should drink from her.

Then I struck that idea down, because just thinking about it made me horribly jealous. Ugh. I crammed a piece of bacon in my mouth. Maybe I could kill any lingering taste of garlic with bacon. Bacon fixed everything.

Rand appeared a few moments later, sauntering into the room. His sword was strapped to its normal spot at his waist, and he'd found a T-shirt that looked to be two sizes too small for his brawny arms. It stretched over his muscles, which made my mouth water all over again. “Good eve, Gemma,” he said, and sat down at the table. “I am glad to see you well.”

“Right back at ya, sweetie.” She flashed him a smile, then sipped her coffee. “So, what's our game plan?”

“The Dragon wants me dead,” Rand said in a somber voice. “I must go after him.” He looked over at me.

I said nothing. Just ate more bacon.

“Well, as fun as Switzerland has been,” Gemma said sarcastically, “I need to head back to Venice and see what we can salvage. You guys rented a car, right?”

I nodded. “It's up the road. You can take it.”

Rand's gaze was on me. “Will you go with her?”

I shook my head, not meeting his gaze. “I'm with you.”

“You do not have to,” Rand said. “It will be dangerous. The Dragon could have more vampires he'll send after me. They will be attracted to your scent. You will be vulnerable if we are parted.”

“Then we won't part,” I said simply.

“Being around me will be the most dangerous place of all.” His expression was impassive, as if he didn't want to influence me.

“All the more reason for someone to watch your back,” I said lightly. “Or, at the very least, provide a distraction of sorts.”

Gemma snorted. “Just be careful, all right? You know I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I told her, “but this is something I need to do. I can't abandon Rand. Not now. Not when he needs someone the most.”

“You will be safer in Venice,” Rand said. “I want you there.”

“No. Someone needs to be at your side. You need an ally.” Now, more than ever.

“Just make sure you call me constantly and keep me updated,” Gemma said, wagging a finger at me. “Or I'm going to worry.”

“I will,” I told her. “I promise.”

We cleared the breakfast plates, packed Gemma's things, and walked her out to the rental car. I gave her the keys and Rand's burner phone. Then she hugged me tightly. “Please, please stay safe, Lindsey, okay?”

“You, too,” I told her, an ache in my throat. “Don't invite anyone in. Not even me or Rand.”

She nodded. “You be careful. Text me constantly to check in.”

“I will.”

Impulsively, she turned and hugged Rand. I noticed she whispered something in his ear, and he nodded. Then she released him, gave me a final bright smile, and jingled the car keys. “Well, my ass is off to Venice. You two kids have fun. And call me.”

“I will,” I said, and waved as she got in the car and slowly drove up the winding road.

Then it was just me and Rand. Feeling suddenly shy, I turned and started walking back up the road, toward Guy's chalet. We'd agreed that Rand and I would stay for another day or two to see if any other vampires arrived. If not, we'd continue on our hunt for the Dragon. I crossed my arms over my chest and headed down the path. After a moment, Rand joined me, coming to my side.

“So what did Gemma whisper to you just now?” I asked him.

“Nothing of importance,” he said.


“She did say you would ask.”

She knew me well. “If it's not a big deal, then why not just spit it out?”

“Because it was for my ears alone.” He slid an arm around my waist. “Are you sure you wish to stay with me? It will not be easy.”

“I don't care if it isn't easy,” I told him. “You need me with you.”

“I am not used to needing people,” he admitted. “But I am glad to have you at my side, regardless.”

“You need to feed anyhow,” I said, trying to keep my voice light. As if the thought of feeding him didn't make my entire body light up in response. “It's best I stick around for that.”

“Lindsey.” He stopped and pulled me with him, turning me to face him. “You cannot serve as my blood vassal in that capacity. Remember my warning? That if I fuck you, I would need to drink from you?”

I blinked. I hadn't expected him to protest. “Wait. Do you want to fuck everyone you drink from? Seriously?”

He gave me an exasperated look. “Of course not. Have we not discussed that you taste sweeter than most?”

Oh right. I had special, supertasty blood. Which didn't change things. “So . . . wait. Don't you want to fuck me?”

He groaned and pulled me close, his cool fingers brushing my jaw. He pressed his forehead to mine. “More than anything. Surely you must know this. Yet I would not force you to service me if it was not your wish.”

“Two things,” I told him, putting my hands on his chest. Oh boy, that shirt sure was stretched to the limits over his pectorals. “One. Let's not call it ‘servicing,' okay? That implies bad things. And two, if I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't be here.” I looked up at him, feeling suddenly shy. It was hard for me to confess how I felt. “Rand . . . I care about what happens to you.” I croaked the words out, then blushed. “I want to be your partner.”

During my confession, I dropped my gaze. It was hard to keep eye contact when you were throwing your heart at someone. By the time I was done, I was staring at his chest, where my hand rested over his silent heart. He wasn't saying anything, and that made me nervous as heck.

After another moment of silence, I peeked up at him and gave his chest a pat. “Right about now, you should probably say something.”

His jaw worked. “I am a man of action, Lindsey. Not good with words.”

“Then action me something.”
Don't just ignore me. Please.

“You wish action?”

I wished anything at that point.

To my surprise, he leaned down and grabbed me behind my thighs. Before I knew what was going on, he flung me over his shoulder, my butt in the air. I gave a squeak of alarm as he began to walk decisively toward the chalet. “Um, Rand?”

“I am giving you action, Lindsey.” His hand slapped my ass.

“What exactly are we doing?” I bounced and wobbled on his shoulder. My fists dug into his shirt as an anchor.

“I am taking you back to bed,” Rand said, his voice matter-of-fact and determined. “And I am going to fuck you until dawn.”

“I . . . oh.” A hot flush of warmth crept through my body. “Okay.” Yeah, that was pretty okay with me. More than okay. Heck, I was getting turned on just by him stating it. I squirmed on his shoulder.

A rumble moved through his chest. “I smell you getting aroused, Lindsey. Control yourself lest you want to be plowed in the grass here.”

I gave another outraged squeak. Plowed in the grass? Control
? I slapped at his back. “You're an arrogant prick.”

He chuckled. “That is better.”

Then he was setting me on the doorstep of the chalet. Without thinking, I went inside, pushing the door open. It took me a moment to realize that Rand wasn't following me. I turned around. “Rand?”

He stood at the doorway, his big frame swallowing up all the space. “Invite me in, Lindsey.”

I drummed my fingers on my lips, suddenly titillated by the turn of events. “Oh, are you at my mercy now? Funny how these things happen.”

Rand raised an eyebrow in my direction. “Do you invite me in or not?”

“Oh, I will soon enough. I just need . . . incentive.” I studied him. “Maybe if you took your shirt off.”

He tilted his head, confused. “Why would I do that?”

“Because I like looking at you.”

He suddenly grinned. “Then why not ask me to take all of my clothing off?”

I fanned myself. “An even better idea.”

His hands went to his belt and he began to un-buckle it. “Ask and I shall do as you please.” He undid the buckle slowly, then pulled it free from his belt loops. “But be warned that I shall exact my revenge once you allow me inside.”

“Naked revenge?” I asked, fluttering my lashes at him. “What does that entail?”

“Holding you down until you are as naked as I am, of course.”

Why was it that I blushed at everything the man said? “We'll see about that.” Actually, it sounded pretty awesome to me. My breathing was speeding up just thinking about it.

Rand pulled his shirt off, and I watched his pale six-pack flex as he did. I was entranced by the sight of those shoulders—good gravy, those shoulders—and his biceps as they moved. He tossed the fabric on the ground. “Shall I continue?”

“Oh, don't stop now,” I murmured, unable to tear my gaze away from him.

His hands went to his zipper. Well, his button-fly, because he hadn't been a big fan of the zipper. Button by button, he tugged the denim loose until it hung loose from his hips. Then he gave the fabric a small hitch and it dropped to his knees, revealing a pair of gray boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination.

Absolutely nothing.

My mouth watered at the sight. I'd seen Rand naked before, but seeing him aroused and naked was a mind-blowing experience. His cock jutted out from his hips, the underwear tented and taut across the front. The legs of the boxer briefs molded to his muscular thighs, and I felt weak at the sight. Even weaker when he stepped out of his pants and dropped them to the ground, the boxer briefs following.

Rand was naked on the porch. His cock gleamed in the moonlight, as pale as the rest of him. There was no flush of blood down there, but he was clearly erect. Magic, I supposed. Who knew how vampire physiology worked when there was no blood flow?

And why was I thinking about vampire physiology when he was naked and mouthwatering in front of me?

He leaned on the doorjamb. “Let me in, Lindsey.” His voice was a soft, seductive purr. “I have done as you have asked, have I not? Are you not looking your fill?”

I licked my lips. There was still the hint of a predator to him, enough that I was getting little shivers of anticipation mixed with a bit of apprehension. Rand was a dangerous vampire who needed to feed. He was going to feed on me . . . right after he fucked me silly. Of course I was a little apprehensive. But there was also a layer of excitement racing through me that told me I liked his dangerous side. That aroused me as much as his masculine beauty did.

So I baited the tiger a bit longer. I twirled a finger, indicating he should spin. “Turn around.”

“So we are to play more games? Very well.” His chuckle was a deep rumble in his chest, but he threw his hands up and slowly turned, and I caught sight of a pair of magnificently taut buttocks. Oh yeah. He was just as nice from this side as the other. “Now, let me in.”

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