Between Darkness and Daylight (41 page)

Read Between Darkness and Daylight Online

Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

BOOK: Between Darkness and Daylight
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Ransom stood and threw his arms around her in an appreciative hug. "I love them."

"Why'd you get him such…?"

Nova gave Zane a searching look. "Such what?"

Ransom frowned. "He thinks they're too expensive."

"Well, they are."

"Of course they aren't." Nova turned to Zane. "They really weren't all that expensive. And I figured if we go to the 'gunks—"

"And what're the gunks?"

"The Shawangunk Cliffs, a great spot for climbing up in New Paltz.

Any rock climber worth his salt makes it up there sooner or later."

"You've got this all figured out, don't you?"

"I was going to speak to you about it, Zane. But I saw the shoes and just knew they'd be perfect for him."

"He can't keep them."


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Ransom pouted. "Why not?"

"Because Nova shouldn't have bought them for you."

"Why? Because I didn't consult with you for permission?" Nova goggled. "Zane, the point of a gift, at least in my mind, is to surprise the recipient with something they'd never buy for themselves. Beside, like I said, they weren't all that expensive."

"That's not the point."

"Then what is?"

"I just don't want him to get used to having things that I can't buy him."

"You mean you don't want him to get used to me don’t you?"

Zane clenched his teeth. “I don’t think this is the right time or place to have this discussion, Nova.”

“When will it be, Zane?”

“Um, guys?” Ransom waved a hand in front of them. “Can I have a say in the matter?”

“No,” Zane said.

"But I want to keep them."


"Forget it! I'll be outside while you guys wrestle over it. Not that you'd notice me gone anyway." Ransom clicked his tongue for Yo-Yo and the retriever jumped to attention and followed him to the front door. Then the boy slammed out of the house, dog in tow.

As soon as Ransom left, Nova turned on him and asked, “Why are you pushing me away, Zane?”

“It’s pushing you away to make a responsible decision about my nephew?”

“You think my buying him a pair of climbing shoes is irresponsible?”

Nova gawked. “I told you I’d never hurt him.”

What about me, Nova? Will you hurt me?

Zane stared at her for a long moment, waiting for her to react, heart drumming as he wondered if she’d heard him. When she didn’t respond, he turned from her, heading for the stairs to retrieve his gear from her bedroom, but she caught his arm to stop him.

Between Darkness and Daylight


“You’re using my gift to Ransom as an excuse not to address the larger issue between us, Zane: you’re uncomfortable with what I can do and you want to break this off.”

That she came so close to the truth had his face heated with what could only be a furious blush. But he couldn’t just back down. He’d started it, he needed to see it through. “What is
, Nova? Do you know? Because I sure don’t.”

“Your problem is, you think too much.
is a man and a woman who lo—like each other, care about each other and want to be together.”

She couldn’t even say the word. And could he blame her when he hadn’t said it, couldn’t say it himself. “I can’t be with someone I don’t trust.”

“Zane, you can trust me. I would never hurt you.”

He looked at her for a long moment, saying nothing. He wanted to trust her, needed to or they had nothing.

“I only want to keep you safe,” she whispered when he didn’t answer.

Then she took his left hand in both of hers, fingering his ring and giving him a pointed look.

Zane jerked his hand out of hers. “Safe from what, Nova? What is it you see happening to me in your visions?” Did he really want her to tell him? Did he really need to know when there was nothing he could do about it?

"You know I almost got him a puppy,” she mumbled.

"You wha—?" Zane gawked, saw tears in her eyes that belied the teasing smile on her lips.

“You know this isn’t over. You’re going to have to tell me what’s going on with you sooner or later.”

“I will. Sooner. I promise.” She reached up a hand to cup his cheek, then suddenly stiffened, gaze fixed on a point beyond Zane.

“Nova?” He caught her as her legs noodled, picked her up in his arms and carried her to the sofa in the living room.

He laid her on her back, then sat beside her and watched for several seconds as tremors rocked her body. Assuming the seizure was a byproduct of a vision, Zane was torn between letting it ride itself out or calling an ambulance.


Gracie C. McKeever

He had just leaped to his feet to retrieve the phone from the end table and dial 911 when she suddenly sprang up on the sofa. He ran back to her and caught her around the shoulders. “Nova, come out of it!


Her glance suddenly focused on him. “He…he’s coming.”

“Who? Where?”

She stared at the front door across the room and Zane jumped to his feet and sprinted across the room, the entire while wondering if this were some crazy ploy to shift his focus; wondering if Ransom was safe and whether Yo-Yo would be enough to protect his nephew against the unknown stalker that Nova alluded to.

Had he gotten to Ransom already?

She was right behind him, diving too late for his hand as he reached to unlock the door. “No, don’t!”

Zane opened the door to the man standing on the front step.

Clad in an expensive but innocuous designer suit and holding a white box with a red bow around it, he didn’t look particularly threatening, at least not in the sense that Zane assumed. No, this threat was more subtle, far more dangerous to his emotional well-being than his physical well-being. He could feel it, and wondered which was worse. “Can we help you?”

Nova gasped behind him as she stood on her tiptoes and peeked over his shoulder at the stranger. “Oh God…Matthew?”

Between Darkness and Daylight


Chapter 26

Women. They were all alike—lying, cheating whores—and it served Mr. Caseworker right for getting stung by just such a slut.

Enrique had watched the beginning of the drama as it unfolded, sitting behind the wheel of his Corvette, binoculars trained on the attractive home, when the shiny black BMW pulled to a stop in front of the Jezebel's house. It felt like he was at the movies, but without the popcorn.

Seconds later, a tall well-built blond man climbed out, bearing a long white, red-bow-tied box of what Enrique could only assume were flowers.

Probably a dozen expensive, fresh roses. He looked like the type. And Enrique highly doubted
had gone so upscale as to have their delivery force clad in tailored Brooks Brothers suits and making deliveries in expensive luxury cars. So the blond was definitely a suitor.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in that house, to see Mr. Caseworker and his slut when they got their comeuppance.

He sat back in the driver's seat of his car, a very satisfied smile on his face. He'd stopped just short of chuckling when he spotted Ransom and the slut's dog galloping up the pathway to the front door.

Poor kid. He'd been through enough in the last couple of weeks to last him a lifetime.

Enrique hated to see Ransom traumatized yet again, but at least he hadn't had a hand in this latest upset. And at least now he had something to revel in, rather than just watching someone else's happy holiday celebration while he languished on the outside looking in and resented the void in his life.

He lowered the binoculars as Ransom and the retriever reached the door.

It was times like these that he wished he had serious surveillance equipment, maybe a bug to listen in on the festivities. But he guessed he 290

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would just have to let his rather fertile and wicked imagination do the trick of satisfying his lust for revenge.

* * * *

Ransom stomped up the front steps, shaking the snow off his boots, figuring an hour and a half was more than enough time for Uncle Zane and Nova to work out all that negative energy, maybe get their swerve on. The cold and wet had seeped in some twenty minutes ago and he was sure even Yo-Yo had had enough, despite his dense fur coat.

He had just raised a hand to knock on the door when he heard the shouting inside and wondered what had gone on while he was out. Weren't they supposed to be having some sort of make-up sex? Wasn't that how grown-ups operated?

All that shouting didn't sound like make-up anything to him. Sounded more like World War III.

He glanced down at Yo-Yo as if for confirmation and the dog stared up at him and barked several times, like couldn't wait to get into the middle of the fray and protect his mistress. Hmm, this could get ugly for Uncle Zane.

Ransom slipped a hand into the retriever's collar and held firm as he knocked with his free hand.

The door flew open and Yo-Yo broke almost instantly from Ransom's grasp, catching him off-guard. The dog leaped onto Uncle Zane, knocking him to the carpeted floor and slurping his face.

"Ran! Get this dog!"

"What's happening?" Ransom noticed the other man immediately—

fancy suit, expensive long wool coat, and carrying a white box with a big red bow on it.

"Just get Yo-Yo!"

"You don't have to shout. I'll get him." Nova caught the retriever by the collar and pulled him back. Uncle Zane leaped to his feet, dusting off his jeans and sweatshirt.

Ransom noticed he had on his boots, tied up tight, and was halfway in his down coat. "We're leaving?"

"That's right."

Between Darkness and Daylight


"Zane, please don't leave this way. We can talk it over."

Oh-Oh. That definitely sounded like an entreaty. Ransom had a feeling that the blond guy in the black overcoat had something to do with Nova's tone of voice and Uncle Zane's anger.

"The hell we can. Talking time has long since past."

Ransom asked, "But what happened?"

Uncle Zane caught him by an arm and pushed him toward the door.

ll talk about it when we get home."

"Why can't we talk about it now?" Ransom flung a look over his shoulder at Nova, who only shrugged helplessly. Oh sheesh, this was bad, worse than the last time they'd split up.

"C'mon Ran."


"We're not wanted or needed here."

Now Uncle Zane glared, first at Nova and then at the stranger standing a step away from her, and Ransom noticed for the first time that they almost looked like a couple.

Nah…no way! She belongs with Uncle Zane!

"Zane…" Nova took several steps towards him and Uncle Zane backed out of the door.

Yo-Yo broke from Nova and rushed past Uncle Zane to leap on


He giggled as the retriever got in his last licks, as if he knew it was good-bye, and for good. Smart dog. Ransom crouched and buried his hands in the retriever's fluffy mane, rubbing him vigorously. "Bye boy. I'm gonna miss you."

"Ransom, let's go!"

Ran stood. His uncle was already standing at the curb, and man, did he look pissed. Ransom didn't think he could get anymore angry, so he decided to risk giving Nova a hug and a kiss good-bye. He muttered,

"Whatever happened between you two, I'm sure he'll come around." He wanted to believe it, but something inside his chest twisted with uncertainty when he saw the tears in Nova's eyes as she pulled away.

"I'm not so sure he's going to forgive me this time," she whispered.

"Ran, c'

Man-Oh-man, what had she done?


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* * * *

"Sure you don't want to go handle your business?"

Nova almost slammed the door behind her and stalked across the room to where Matt was standing. She froze at the smirk riding up the side of his face. "I think you've done a pretty decent job of handling my business for me, thank you very much."

"You give me too much credit, Nova. Besides, there might still be some loose ends you need to take care of." He raised his brows. "It's okay, I'll wait until you get back."

"What was on your mind, sneaking up on me like that?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you did that."


Nova groaned, wiping a hand down her face as if this would erase the last ten minutes from her memory. Nope, they were still there, every fresh, raw, miserable current of betrayal boldly tingling through her brain in 3-D

Dolby stereo surround sound.

She peeked at Matt through her fingers. Oh, she couldn't take his smugness right now, hadn't realized how very arrogant he was until this moment!

"Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" He took a step towards Nova and stopped when Yo-Yo growled up at him. "Want to call off the dog?"

"In answer to your first question, no it wouldn't help. I think you just ruined my life." Nova turned from him and threw herself into a corner of the sofa with a drawn-out sigh. "And in answer to your second question, I should let him rip you apart."

"You don't mean that."

"C'mere boy." Nova pat the space beside her and Yo-Yo reluctantly backed off and jumped up beside her. God, his coat felt so good—warm and welcoming and comforting. Now all she needed was a hot cup of cocoa.

She choked down a sob at the thought of hot cocoa, picturing the simmering cup in Zane's hand as he'd gazed out at the snow-encrusted day.

Between Darkness and Daylight


Matt sauntered over, keeping a wary eye on Yo-Yo as he settled down on her other side, and gingerly placed an arm around her shoulder. She leaned against him, letting the tears flow freely, her own stupidity, flawed reasoning, and hopeless procrastination crashing down on her full-force.

She had a bone to pick with her mother over this whole clairvoyance-psychic trip. What good was being able to see into the future if she couldn't see what she wanted to see, when she
to see it? What good was it if she couldn't avoid embarrassing scenes like the one that had just occurred? What good was this "gift" if she couldn't anticipate and avoid hurting someone she loved?

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