Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5): A Companion to White Heat: Three Short Stories (10 page)

BOOK: Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5): A Companion to White Heat: Three Short Stories
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“Whatever.” She stands and storms off.

I guess I got a pretty good dose of reality tonight. If I ever thought about Z and I being something more permanent—which I don’t—I’d have to put up with him having club girls on the side while I sit home pretending I didn’t know what he was up to.

Double fuck that.

No. What we have is perfect. What we have is all we’ll ever be.

I don’t recognize the guys at the table next to us. But they’re wearing Lost Kings MC cuts like Z’s. Their bottom rockers claim downstate New York as their territory. One loud, drunk one catches my attention. He aims his glare at Murphy, who’s up front talking to Rock. “That fuck is so far up her ass ain’t even funny. You believe none of them were fuckin’ her while he was inside?”

A round of drunk noises of disbelief go around the table. Are they talking about Hope? I lean back in my chair a little further, straining to catch more of their conversation without appearing obvious.

“Sorry,” Trinity says setting her hand on my shoulder and dropping into the chair next to me.

My face must betray the eavesdropping I was attempting. “Everything okay?” she asks.

“Oh, yeah. Who are those guys? The loud one?” I tip my head toward the “downstate” table.

“That’s the president of our downstate charter.” Her eyes narrow as she studies my face. “He didn’t bother you, did he?”

“No. Nothing like that.”

“Okay. Z should be back any second.”

Right after she says it, her man strides back into the tent. He takes a seat next to her and pulls her into his lap.

Now, where is Z?

As if my body’s aware of his every movement, my gaze lands on him coming in the back of the tent.

He searches the crowd and when his eyes meet mine, his mouth curves into a wide smile.

It really sucks that he’s so fucking gorgeous, he makes my knees weak every time he flashes his dimples my way.

does Stump want?” I grumble at Wrath once we’re away from the wedding tent.

“How the fuck should I know?” he grumbles right back. “I have my own things to take care of tonight.”

I slap his arm with the back of my hand. “Care to share?”


The clubhouse will be too packed for discussing business. We head down to the stone amphitheater where the wedding was held. Any meetings we needed to have with visiting MCs tonight would happen out here. Wrath and Murphy have the honor of dealing with the Wolf Knight sit-down. Wrath and I get to deal with the Devil Demon’s president, Stump.

Stump’s actually not a bad guy. He’s old as fuck, though. His son Chaser should really be running things by now, but Stump isn’t giving up control of his club any time soon. Chaser is the VP and he’s sitting in on this meeting as well.

“Can’t believe your prez went through with that,” Stump says after we get greetings out of the way.

Like the half-caveman he is, Wrath grunts. “She’s a good girl.”

“Where we at on my supply?” Stump asks.

Wrath answers that question. “We’re still tight. Demand’s high. We have certain people aware of our connection, so you might want to look into that.”

Stump cocks his head to the side. “Maybe the leak’s on your end.”

“Unlikely,” I answer.

Father and son share a look, but don’t comment further. As if they’re already aware there might be a problem in their crew.

Not my business.

To keep the peace, I offer up a small quantity that the club agreed to ahead of time. “Sparky set aside an O for you to take home.”

Stump aims a pissed-off biker expression my way. An ounce is way under the quantity the Demons were looking to purchase.

“On the house,” Wrath adds. “It’s a new strain Sparky cultivated. Slightly higher THC count.”

Stump’s irritation disappears. Who can be mad about free weed? Especially the quality shit we’re known for growing.

“Appreciate that,” he says.

Thank fuck for Sparky and his miracle green thumbs. “Just talk to Sparky or Stash before you leave.”

“Anything else?” Wrath asks. He’s calm and controlled. Only because I know him so well is it obvious that he’s itching to get this over with.

While Stump’s a decent guy, he’s also a talker. Something Wrath doesn’t have a whole lot of patience for. Honestly, I don’t have much patience for it either since I want to get back to Lilly.

Stump’s face pulls into a mask of seriousness. “I have a request.”

do,” Chaser says. “My son, Dylan. He’s gonna be at Empire State next semester. I’m—”

“You want us to look out for him?” I ask.

“Kind of. He’s a good kid. Not a lot of trouble.” He nods at Wrath. “He’s been in MMA since—”

“Since his sister pelted him in the ass with her BB gun,” Stump interrupts with a laugh. “That’s how he got tagged with Target.”

“Good road name.” I snicker.

Chaser sighs and runs his hand over his chin. “Yeah.”

Wrath actually cracks a smile. “The sister’s not coming too, is she?”

Stump glares at Wrath for asking about his granddaughter, even though we all know Wrath didn’t mean anything by it. “Fuck no. She ain’t—”

“Anyway,” Chaser says, interrupting his father. “He’d like to train with you.” He nods at Wrath.

“He can come into Furious whenever. No problem,” Wrath says. He does
say anything about having the kid up to the clubhouse.

“He ride?” I ask.

The old man’s face pulls down in disgust, while Chaser rolls his eyes. “Fuckin’ rice burner,” Stump spits out.

Next to me, Wrath’s choking down his laughter. Obviously, his grandson’s choice of bike is killing Stump.

Chaser shrugs. “He bought it with his own money.”

“I’ll still let him train at Furious,” Wrath says, barely keeping the grin off his face.

“We’ve had trouble with the Viper charter trying to push up from Pennsylvania. Just in case. Want to make sure he’s protected.”

“He living on campus?” I ask.

Chaser shrugs. “Think so. Haven’t ironed it all out yet.”

“You got our numbers. Let us know what you need. We’ll keep an eye on him.” Wrath gives me a look, like he’s not interested in babysitting some other club’s kid. But we have a long history with the Demons. Helping them out isn’t a big hardship and earns us a favor down the road.

?” Z asks, leaning over the back of my chair. His fingertips brush over my bare shoulder, setting off sparks of desire.

“Actually, yes.” Why lie?

He pulls me out of my chair, making Trinity laugh. His hands fit over my hips, yanking me close to dance for a few songs. Every press of his body against mine makes me wish we were alone.

After Hope and Rock make their exit—and Z made it clear he expects me to stay over—I’m ready to rip his clothes off and have my way with him in the woods if need be.

“You’ve got a lot of pretty girls here. Sure you want me to stick around?”

He pulls back, and I want shove the words back into my mouth. I’m never so insecure around a guy. Tonight I’m rattled, for lots of reasons.

“Yeah, Lilly. I want you to stick around,” he says so seriously, my heart thumps.

“Are you drunk?” I ask.

“Not at all,” he answers in a tone of voice that’s almost grave.

I don’t need a whole lot of convincing. Although staying at the clubhouse reminds me an awful lot of sleeping at a frat house, I’m not sure where else we’d go at this hour.

“Heading out?” the big scary blond one asks with a smirk. Z punches him in the arm and he barely reacts, except to laugh.

“Do you need me?” Z asks, dropping the attitude.

“Nah, we’re good. I’m going to head back in a few minutes myself.”

The glow from the wedding site only carries so far, but Z seems very sure of where he’s going. He does take my hand, though. “Sorry, all the UTVs are being used, or I would drive us back.”

“It’s fine. It’s pretty at night.” It is too. Except for the party going on behind us, it’s peaceful…tranquil up here. I can see why Z likes it so much.

A couple of guys are in the yard in front of the clubhouse. Z doesn’t stop to talk to any of them.

“In a hurry?” I tease.

“Yeah. Don’t want you to change your mind.”

“Hey.” I stop and yank on his hand until he looks at me. “I’m not leaving.”

He flashes a quick smile, dimples and all, then leans in until we’re so close, I can taste the sweet mint on his breath.

“You want me, pretty girl?”

I lose myself in his clear blue eyes. Endless midnight blue like a cold winter night sky. “I always want you.”

He closes the distance and our lips meet. Slow at first. For a rough guy, Z can be awfully gentle when he wants to be. Then his fingers grip my ass, pulling me closer. My mouth opens and he slides his tongue inside, stroking softly.

Someone whistles at us, and he pulls away. I duck my head, not sure why I’m embarrassed. Z doesn’t bother answering the catcall. Instead, he leads me into the clubhouse. Except for two guys and a girl in the living room, the downstairs is deserted.

“Give me a second?” Z asks.

I nod, and he pulls me over to the couch. “Hey, Willow.” He nods at the girl, and she smiles back.

Jealousy sinks its dirty claws into my skin. Who is she? How do they know each other? Maybe Z senses the change in me. He squeezes my hand and pulls me closer. “Lilly, this is Willow. She tends bar for us down at Crystal Ball. Willow, this is my girl, Lilly.” He doesn’t look at me or stumble over the words
my girl

I don’t know how I feel about that. I’m a grown-ass woman. I should be insulted. But I kind of like Z introducing me as his girl.

Willow nods and gives me a warm smile while Z continues introducing me to his brothers, Sparky and Stash.

“Interesting road names, guys.”

Sparky grins but doesn’t offer a story behind his name.

Niceties over with, Z gets down to business. “Stump’s gonna stop by later for—”

Sparky cuts him off with a serene smile and quick, “Got it.”

Z nods and takes me upstairs.

Briefly, I wonder which one of the scary guys at the wedding was named Stump and what he’s stopping by for.

“You need me to watch the dogs, brother?” Sparky asks with a quick glance at me.

Z grins. “Yeah. You mind?”


Sparky follows us upstairs and when Z opens his door, two pups wriggle out, dancing and pawing at Z’s legs.

“Down,” he orders them.

“Oh my God, they’re so sweet,” I squeal like a little girl. Squatting down, I take a few minutes to pet them. “Hope mentioned the dogs. I didn’t realize they were yours.” I tilt my head so I can see Z’s face.

He shrugs. “They’re the club’s dogs, but I’m training them.”

Sparky lets a short sharp whistle loose and the pups snap to attention.

“Looks like they answer to him too.” I chuckle.

Z’s not one of those guys who feels his manhood’s been threatened when his dogs listen to someone else. “It’s good for them to be used to other people.”

They follow Sparky back downstairs. “Don’t get them high,” Z shouts after him. Sparky’s laughter is the only answer we get.

Fun time’s over. Z’s face is almost ferocious as he nudges me into his room and shuts the door. He wraps his arms around me, pushing my back against the wall. “Eager much?” I tease.

“Fuck yeah. I don’t think you understand what you do to me, Lilly.”

Yes, I do because I feel the same way. Z takes my hand and kisses my fingertips. There’s something about this big, beautiful, tattooed and dimpled man that makes my heart kick up every damn time he focuses his attention on me. Warmth rushes through my veins. Tingles race up and down my spine. He’s the only one who’s ever had this effect on me.

His blue eyes bore into mine, shining with lust and need. Need that hits me right between my thighs. My body always reacts this way to Z whether I want it to or not.

Good thing I want it. Want
. Bad.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Lilly?” he asks with his serious expression in place.

“Yes.” I don’t bother hesitating or doing the hard-to-get thing. Z would see right through it anyway.

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