Between The Sheets - Complete Collection (6 page)

BOOK: Between The Sheets - Complete Collection
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Sighing, she called Diamond.  “Hey, girl,” she said when her friend answered.

“Oh, oh.  What’s happened?”

Releasing another deep sigh, she replied, “I think I might’ve messed up.”  She proceeded to tell her friend everything that happened and waited.

After a moment, Diamond said, “Okay, let’s take one thing at a time.  First, a huge thumbs up to you and Geoffrey dancing between the sheets!  Way to go, girl, and ‘bout damn time, if you ask me!”

Brandi couldn’t help but laugh.  “You know you’re crazy, right?”

“No, just enthusiastic.  Anyway, on to the second thing.  Nick showed up without so much as a call or notice, and actually thought you were supposed to let him in after what he did?  You did the right thing there.  Now you just need a lawyer to figure out your next move.  If I know you, which I do, you’ve already made an appointment with one.”

“For Monday morning.”

“Okay, then there’s the last thing: The situation with Geoffrey.”  Diamond paused a moment.  “Do you remember what you said at the last book club meeting, when we were discussing the bondage and submission scenes?  About how the scenes didn’t ring true because it’s difficult for us, strong women, to give up all control?”

Brandi nodded, remembering.  “I remember.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I think our issue is one of trust.  We must
, without a shadow of a doubt, that the man involved respects us and the strength that is an integral part of us.  I think if we know that, then, maybe, at some point, we can give up all control to him when it comes to intimacy.”

“Maybe,” agreed Brandi, somewhat hesitant.

“I think you’re not sure enough of Geoffrey and how he views you to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Give it time.”

Brandi scoffed without humor.  “I threw the man out, Diamond.  I seriously doubt there’s going to be any more time for us.”

“Yes, well, if things between you are as powerful as you say, he’ll be back.  Count on it.”

“We’ll see.”  Her pulse quickened at the possibility. 
I hope you’re right, Diamond.
  Aloud, she said, “Thanks, girl.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.”

There was a hard knocking sounded on her door as she ended the call. 
Maybe Geoffrey?
On the heels of that thought came another possibility. 

That checked her impulse to immediately open the door.  Looking through the peephole, her lips tightened at the sight.  Nick stood there, smirking at her.

“What do you want?”

“Open the door, Bee.”

“No, and I suggest you get a lawyer because I have no intention of allowing you inside what has been my home, alone, for the past year.”

“You can’t keep me out of my house.”

“I can and I am.  Goodbye, Nick.”


Monday rolled around with no word from Geoffrey.

Guess I scared him off, but if he could walk away so easily, then he didn’t care in the first place.

Sighing, Brandi finished dressing, choosing a pantsuit in a vibrant shade of violet, underneath which she wore a sleeveless pinstripe blouse that was white and light violet.  Black pumps and earrings completed her ensemble and she was ready for her day.  In preparation for her meeting with the lawyer, she’d gathered every piece of paperwork he might need, from the mortgage contract to mortgage payments and tax, insurance, and HOA receipts.

The concierge for the condominium had called a taxi, just as she requested.  It waited at the curb when she emerged from the building.  She gave him the lawyer’s address.  Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the building and took the elevator to the fourth floor.  The sign greeted her: Jacobson, Fitzgerald & Helmsworth Law Firm

Brandi entered the double door, going to the large reception desk where an older woman sat, her silver hair up in a bun, wearing spectacles, and a dove gray suit jacket with a tie-neck blouse in a lighter shade of gray.  The nameplate said:  Leslie Daison.

She smiled upon seeing Brandi.  “Good morning, how may I help you?”

“Good morning, Ms. Daison.  I’m Brandi Rafferty, here to see Mr. Fitzgerald.”

Please have a seat.”  She motioned to the spacious seating area.  “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

“Thank you.”

Less than five minutes later, a younger, more petite woman came through the door beyond the reception desk.  “Ms. Rafferty?”

Brandi rose.  “Yes.”

“I’m Linda Mays, Mr. Fitzgerald’s secretary.  Please follow me.”

The woman escorted her back through the door to an office suite at the end.  She opened the door and Brandi followed her into another spacious office with a large desk at the floor to ceiling windows and bookcases that filled another wall.  Ms. Mays continued to another door and motioned her through, closing the door behind Brandi.

Mr. Fitzgerald stood with a gracious smile on his face as he came forward and clasped her hand.  “Ms. Rafferty, how good it is to see you.  Still beautiful, I see.”

Brandi grinned.  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

He winked.  “Only the beautiful ones.  Seriously, though, it is good to see you again.  Your work for our firm, we couldn’t have achieved better results on our own.”

“Well, I’m glad we could help.  Now, though, I need your help.”

“Of course.  Please have a seat.”  Once she was seated, he went back around the desk.  “I understand this concerns a jointly owned condominium in which you’ve been the sole occupant for a year?”

“Yes.”  Brandi proceeded to give him all the details, leaving nothing out.  He listened, asking a question here and there to clarify things.

When she finished, he sat for a moment in silence.  Figuring he needed a moment to gather his thoughts, she didn’t say anything, just took a moment to appreciate the cityscape through the windows.

“It seems to me, Ms. Rafferty,” he said, reclaiming her attention, “that what you and Mr. Everett have are a tenancy-in-common.  According to what you’ve told me, and the corresponding paperwork you have, you’ve invested more in the property than Mr. Everett.  You must understand, though, that he does have a legal right to occupy the property.”

Brandi opened her mouth, ready to argue the point.

“However,” Mr. Fitzgerald continued, one hand held up to stay her, “until the matter is resolved by court order, I…understand…your adamant reluctance to share the space with him.  I advise you to obtain a new appraisal of the property and be ready to give Mr. Everett his share of any profit, minus the expenses that have been paid only by you.  In other words, Ms. Rafferty, you will need to buy him out.  Is that feasible?”

Grim, she replied, “I’m prepared, but the matter will have to be resolved by court order before I give him a dime.”

“And you can then obtain a mortgage in your name alone.”

“Of course.”

“I will research the matter further.  Once I have all the factors at play here, my secretary will call you and set up another meeting for us to discuss it.”

Brandi stood and so did he, coming around the desk to clasp her hand in both of his.  “Do not be surprised if you are served with orders to allow Mr. Everett access to the property.  If that happens, Ms. Rafferty, until the case is resolved in court, you must comply.  Understand?”

“I understand,” she stated tersely.

He gave her a sympathetic smile.  “Do not worry, we will have this all sorted out in due time.”

Do not worry?  Really?  When I might have to let that prick live with me until this is settled?

She managed a brief smile that held no humor whatsoever.  “Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later.  Thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald.”


Geoffrey ground his teeth.  Despite what happened between them, or maybe because of it, his desire for Brandi had only intensified.  Lifting the phone, he called her office.

Her assistant answered.

“This is Geoffrey Rasmussen.  Is Ms. Rafferty available?”

“Please hold and I’ll check.”

If she didn’t take his call, he intended to go to her office.  Their relationship had only just begun and would not be derailed over a small disagreement or, rather, a misunderstanding.

“Mr. Rasmussen,” her assistant said as she came back on the line.  “I will transfer you now.”

“Thank you, Ms. Chavez.”

Mere seconds passed then Brandi answered, “Geoffrey.”

“Good afternoon, Brandi.  I trust your day is going well?”

“Yes, it is, thank you.  How may I help you today?”
He chuckled.  “Is that how you think this is going to go?  No, Brandi, love.  This has nothing to do with business and everything to do with us.”

A pause.  “So there is an ‘us’.”

“Most definitely.”

“Even with the way things ended Saturday?”

“Did you think you had scared me away?”

“Possibly.”  She remained wary.

“Well, you did not.  Are you busy for lunch?”

“Yes.  I went to an appointment before work so I’m playing catch up.”

Geoffrey persisted.  “Dinner?”

“Sounds good.”  Her tone had warmed considerably.  “Why don’t I cook dinner for us?  Say, around seven?”

He threw a fist up. 
Aloud, he replied, “I will be there.”

Brandi grinned as she hung up the phone.

Okay, so yes.  She’d admit it.  She was more than a little infatuated with Mr. Geoffrey Rasmussen.

And the unbelievably, incredible, earth-shattering sex we shared!

But it was more than that.  He was kind and generous and just plain fun to be around.

She shook her head.  If she wanted to get out of the office on time, she needed to focus.

An hour passed.  Engrossed in her work, Brandi at first paid no attention to the sounds that she associated as background noise. But the noise became louder.  Frowning, she rose from her desk.  Just as she reached the door, it burst open and Nick barged in.

“I’m sorry, Brandi.  I tried to stop him.”

“I know.  It’s okay.  Just leave the door open.”

Ignoring Nick, she went back around the desk and sat down, leaning back in her seat before she cocked an eyebrow at him.  “Why are you here, Nick?”

He grinned, the twin dimples in his cheeks flashing.  She used to like his dimples.  Too bad they were wasted on him.

“I came to get my key to the condo.”

She scoffed.  “I don’t have one for you.”

“We both bought it, Bee.  I have as much right to it as you do.”

“Take it up with your lawyer.”

He sat forward.  “You really want lawyers involved in this?  After what we once were to each other?”

Brandi waved a dismissing hand.  “The past has no bearing on the here and now.”

“Right.  We both know that the past is exactly why you’re acting like this.  You’re trying to get back at me because I left you.  In tears.”

Really?  Did he really think that would work?

“It’s been my home and my home alone for the past year.  Even when we were together, I can show that I paid the majority of the expenses related to the house.”

“You think a judge is going to care?  We were a couple living together.”

“You forget.  We kept our bank accounts separate and the agreement was for us to take turns paying those expenses.  But that isn’t what happened is it?  You always had some reason you couldn’t pay when it was your turn.”

“Not always.”

“No, not always, but I have receipts showing that about seventy percent of the time, I made those payments.”

His jaw tightened.

Could he really be surprised by my reaction to his return in my life and his demands to occupy my condo?  If he was, then he really didn’t know me, and what did that say about our past relationship?

“Regardless, we are joint owners with equal shares and equal rights to the property.”

Brandi just shook her head.  “I don’t care what you say, Nick.  I’m not letting you into my home.”

“I guess I’ll have to get a lawyer since you’re being unreasonable.”

She shrugged.  “Do what you have to do.  For now, please leave. I have work to do.”  He gave her a dark look and rose.  “And, Nick, don’t ever come barging into my office again.  If you do, I will not hesitate to call security.”

With that, she sat forward and returned her attention to the file opened on her desk.  After a moment, Nick walked to her door and slammed it after he went through.  Brandi didn’t even glance up, but she did smile.


Geoffrey picked up the flowers he ordered, an array of pale yellow roses, deep purple iris, fuchsia roses and white Oriental lilies: A touch of spring to celebrate the beginning of spring.  Sure, it was still cool out, but, according to the calendar, they were now in the early spring season.

He found a space for his SUV in the underground garage of the condominium, just as Brandi had advised him.  Damn convenient, he must say.  It wasn’t always easy to find a parking space on the street.

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