Beware 2: The Comeback (16 page)

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Authors: Shanora Williams

BOOK: Beware 2: The Comeback
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I love him. I want him in my life. I want him in Aden’s life.

He told me he wouldn’t go back, and it’s my heart and mind that believe him. He wouldn’t do this to us, not after working so hard to win us back. Would he?

I swipe at my eyes and look towards the house. I spot Bianca searching for me, so I stand and make my way back, creating a broad smile as I walk up the stairs and through the patio door.







The Thrill - Miguel


The sun shines down, bold and bright, revealing me. As I pass through the gates, I really can’t figure out why I’m here. Kids screaming. Parents chasing after their untamed and ill-mannered offspring. Water every-fucking-where.

A waterpark. A fucking waterpark. The works of Bianca Crow.

Placing my towel around my neck and ridding myself of sweat beads, I search the park for lounge eight. It’s where she said she’d be. I make it in no time, spotting her, in a tie-dye blue and purple bathing suit, and Maurice, both sitting on lounge chairs.

I walk towards them, and when I reach Bianca’s side, I stand above her, clearing my throat. Lowering her sunglasses, she sits up straight, frowning. “Ace, move. You’re blocking the sun!”

“Tanning?” I question, taking the lounge chair beside her. “Since when?”

“Like I told you,” she sighs, flipping onto her stomach, “…a lot of things have changed since you were gone.”

“I see.”

Maurice digs into the cooler beside him, pulling out a bottle of Coke. Shrugging, he says, “Kids around. Can’t even have a fucking beer. Water, Coke, and fruit juice packs are all we got.” I accept the bottle, twisting the cap and taking a swallow.

“Bianca, what the hell are we doing here?” I ask after the fizziness of the soda settles down.

“I’m tanning,” she murmurs.

“At a waterpark? You couldn’t do this at the beach?”

She folds her arms beneath her, resting her head on her forearms. “Nope.”

I stand, crushing my lips together, my eyes boring down at her. “Don’t waste my fucking time again.”

Rapidly, Bianca sits up straight, grabs my elbow, and twists me around. I glare down at her beneath my sunglasses, jaw locked. “Can you think for just one fucking second?” she hisses, doing her best to keep her voice as calm as possible. I can hear the frustration though. “A waterpark full of children. Why the hell else would I be here, Ace? There is only
child in my life… one related to both
and me.”

I keep my face even, but my heart betrays me, catching speed. I take a look around as she releases my arm, but I don’t see him anywhere. I look behind me. Nowhere in sight. I look back down at Bianca. “Where?”

“He went to get a
with London. They’ll be back soon.” She tilts her head to the side, gesturing at the lounge chair behind her. “Sit. Be patient.”

She walks away, taking her chair again. Hesitant, I walk back around, sitting on the lounge chair. “London isn’t ready for me to meet him yet.”

“She’s agreed. We talked about it on the way here.” She looks past me, and beneath her sunglasses, I see her eyes soften. Glancing over my shoulder, I spot London in a black and white two-piece bikini.

Her skin glistens with oils, her hair long, curly, and meeting just below her collarbone. She laughs with Aden, but when she looks up and into my eyes, her smile diminishes. She switches gazes between Bianca and me.

I don’t look away.

How can I?

She is fucking stunning. Her skin naturally tan, glimmering. Her breasts full and perky, bouncing with every step. I’m sure her ass is jiggling with just the right amount of momentum. Sexy as shit.

Finally, they meet up to us, and my line of sight finally breaks from hers, diving down to Aden.

My son.

I remain motionless as he stares up at me, and I can’t believe it, but he smiles. Smiles? I don’t know why I expected worse. My eyes remain wide as I study his. Big and beautiful, just like his mother’s. Chubby little cheeks and curly-ass hair.

He truly is perfect

“What’s that on your neck?” he questions, reaching up to touch the tattoo. I unintentionally draw back, not used to a touch without warning. He pulls his hand away, studying me.

“Aden,” London scolds in a whisper, looking from me to him.

Partially ignoring her, he says, “I’m Aden.” He tugs his other hand out of London’s and steps closer. I finally blink, unsure of what to say. I had a plan of how I would introduce myself to him. I would smile and be all cheerful and shit. I would get him to like me and trust me, but it seems he already does. Why the fuck am I being so awkward?

He doesn’t budge, still staring with those big brown eyes.

So I speak because, clearly, he’s comfortable with my presence. He’s smiling. My kid, smiling at me? I never thought I’d see the day. “It’s all good,” I assure him. “I’m Ace.”

“Aceeee.” He drags my name out, and I laugh. “You wasn’t here before?”

“No,” I say, glancing at London who looks extremely bothered and uncomfortable, “I wasn’t. Just got here actually.”

“Oh.” He looks away, towards the waterslides and fountains. He then looks at London but grabs my hand. I flinch, his gesture completely unexpected. Then he asks her, “Can Ace come with us?”

Uncertain, London looks from Aden to me and then to Bianca. Through the corner of my eye, I see Bianca nod, as if reassuring her. Since when did Bianca become London’s reassurance? I guess shit really has changed.

“Yeah, can I come?” I look up at London, lips spreading into a smooth smile.

“Uh… sure, baby,” she says to Aden. “He can come.”

Aden grins and then looks at me, squeezing my hands. He bounces in his aqua swimming trunks. “Come on!” He tugs on my hand, and I stand, feeling a little awkward but, overall, truly delighted inside. He likes me. He trusts me to come along. Maybe, deep inside, he knows we have some sort of connection.

Aden releases my hand and marches for the shallow end of the pool. I follow after him, stepping past London, but before I can get too far, she catches up, grabbing my arm. “Don’t tell him who you are, Ace.”

“And if I do?”

She looks me deep in the eyes, her hazel irises swimming with anger. “Then I will never speak to you again. I mean it. Don’t. Not yet.”

I look her over, pissed she’d assume I’d do something so low. “You have me fucked up, Red,” I rumble into her ear. “Truly fucked up if you think, for even a
, that I would confuse him like that. You gave me your warning. Trust me.” Relief replaces the anger in her eyes, and she steps back, looking at Aden who’s shouting for me to hurry. I tell him I’ll be in in just a second, but before I go, I ask, “Or can you?”

She blinks but doesn’t say a word. Pressing my lips, I pull my T-shirt over my head and place it in her hands. As I do, her eyes descend, studying my chest, my abs, and, of course, the wounds and scars. I no longer care. I want her to know what I’ve been through—what I fought through just to be here with her again.

She has to trust me.

The only reason I didn’t give up was because I wanted to be with her—because I knew, regardless of where she was, she still hoped I would magically show up one day. And I did.

“You were always on my mind.” I run my finger across her bottom lip as she places one on one of the scars. “Always. You’re the reason I’m still alive, London.” Her glistening eyes flicker up, and she watches mine, but I leave no time for her to respond. I turn for the pool, putting on a genuine smile for

I will cherish this day, the first day I actually get to meet and play with my child.

I will never let it go.

I used to think it was impossible to feel this good.

But, shit, I’ve never felt more alive.




You Da One – Rihanna


He won’t stop watching me.

As I play with Aden in the pool, he watches.

As I take him to the restroom, he watches.

As I wrap him in his beach towel and we leave the waterpark, he watches.

He isn’t going to stop. I know why. He can tell something’s bothering me. Well, there is a lot bothering me. We have to talk. Immediately.

Luckily, Bianca rushes to my side. “We’re going to order some pizza at our hotel. You and Aden should join. Ace said he’d come.” She blinks, her smile slowly evaporating. “I’m going to tell him tonight. After you and Aden leave.”

I nod. “Okay, Bianca. If you’re absolutely sure.”

“I’m sure.” We near Bianca’s car, and as she whips out her keys, she turns around to walk backwards, grinning. After pulling out a card, she hands it to me and says, “How about you two hop in the car with Ace? Maurice and I have to stop by to get some drinks and a few other things, right babe?” She looks at Maurice, and by the confused expression on his face, it’s obvious she’s making this plan of hers up, but he nods anyway.

“Yeah, yeah. I gotta get a few things too.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Bianca.” My voice is serious.

Before I can speak again, Aden yanks his hand out of mine and rushes to Ace’s side. “What kind of car do you have?” he asks, bouncing on his toes.

Ace smiles down at him before looking at me. He winks. My belly tumbles, delighted of course. “How about I show you and have you tell me?”

Aden nods, clutching Ace’s hand. “Yes! I love cars!”

Chuckling, Ace turns around and starts walking, but he looks over his shoulder at me and says, “Come on, Mama Crow.”

Mama Crow?
God help me.

I spin back around, looking at Bianca who simply shrugs her shoulders at me. “Ace knows what room it is. Here,” she grunts, unbuckling and pulling out Aden’s car seat from the back. After shoving it in my arms, she chimes, “We’ll see you in a bit!” She hops in her ice white
and starts it, putting it in drive and pulling out of her parking space. I watch as she leaves and then look at Ace and Aden, still walking hand in hand.

Ace turns right and stops in front of a black Bentley, and Aden wails with way too much excitement. Ace follows him to the car, glancing my way for a small second before returning his attention to our son.

He tries getting Aden to calm down, but Aden is way too excited to get in, reaching for his keys, eyes wide and bright. Ace, who is rather clueless and unsure how to handle a wild child, just laughs and hands him the keys. I laugh as well, watching Aden press the button to unlock the car and climb into the backseat.

Them. Together. Perfection. So beautiful. I’ve never seen Ace smile so much. He’s happy. Truly happy. How can I ruin that?

I decide to get my act together. Enjoy this rare moment. I start towards the car, hoping things go as smoothly as I picture it in my head. Hopefully Ace will keep things light while Aden is around. When we’re alone, then maybe things can become a little more intense.


The car rides clean and smooth on the open road. Ace looks up in the rearview mirror at Aden. I look back, watching Aden’s chest rise and sink, eyes sealed tight.

“Someone had a long day,” Ace says, half-smiling.


Reaching forward, he turns the volume of the radio down, and when we meet at a stoplight, he looks my way, sighing. “I’ve been waiting all day to touch you.”

I meet his mellow eyes, shaking my head and hesitantly looking back. “He could wake up at any minute.”

“If he does, I’ll stop.” The palm of his right hand presses on the inside of my thigh, and my breath hitches as he forces my legs apart. With ease, he makes his way upward, getting closer and closer to my heat. A flood bombards me, proving just how much I actually wanted him to touch me at the park. A shirtless Ace is a beautiful sight to see.

His hand continues up, and I keep my line of sight forward, acting casual. But when he finally touches my entrance, sensually spreading the folds, I sigh, sinking against the leather. A finger dives in with slow tenderness and then another. The light flashes green, and he drives, but he doesn’t stop. In fact, he pumps faster, causing my eyes to shut, my chest to fall and rise hastily.

“Ace.” I whisper his name, as if I want him to stop, but deep down I don’t.

As if he’s read my mind, he says, “No.” He fingers me, cupping my clit and pressing the edge of his palm down, increasing stimulation.

“Ah.” I moan as quietly as possible, whispering his name. He circles his palm, applying needed pressure to my clit. I throb and clench around his fingers, and he groans, thrusting even harder.

As he comes to another stoplight, I feel it. The build up. The pinnacle. Sweat builds on my forehead. My legs spread wider, and my body locks up. I press the back of my head on the headrest, breathing his name, body begging for release.

“My sweet pussy,” Ace breathes, voice smoky. His voice vibrates through me, and then it arrives. I cum around those two fingers hard, bucking in my seat and releasing a silent cry. I squeeze his arm, biting my nails into his skin. Wave after wave of heat wraps around his fingers, juicing them up.

Pleased, he leans over, placing a warm kiss on my shoulder, still rubbing my clit with wet fingers. Then, he casually pulls them away, brings them to his lips, and licks the warm nectar away. “So fucking sweet. You just don’t know.” He fights a smile and looks away, and when the light turns green, he pulls off. I sink into my seat with a cheesy grin on my face, glancing back at a sleeping Aden once more before grabbing Ace’s hand and sighing.




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