Beware 2: The Comeback (27 page)

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Authors: Shanora Williams

BOOK: Beware 2: The Comeback
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“Every word.”

I can feel his cheeks spread to smile. He lowers his arms, sitting on the edge of the bed and bringing my face to his chest. He allows me to cry for a few minutes. I need a good cry. After all we’ve been through, after so many years of thinking I would never see him again, I’m grateful.

He may not feel like we’re free, but I know we are. No one will know Ace Crow is still alive because we’re leaving. We’re starting over. Knowing that we get a clean slate satisfies me. We deserve one. He deserves one.

“Costa Rica.”

I swipe my eyes and look up. “What?”

He looks down. “I knew you’d want to leave, start fresh, so I sent Trent to Costa Rica, and he found a home for us.”

I sit up, but pain pierces my side, and Ace grips my arms, forcing me to stay still. “Seriously?”

“Seriously.” He grins, showing me that beautiful white smile. “I was never going to leave, London. I just needed to know you were sure about being with me. Had to shake you up a little. You’ve just proved to me that you are. Look, I know I’m not the easiest person to understand, but you get me. While you were out cold, I couldn’t help but think about leaving and letting you live on your own, do your own thing like you did before… without me.”

“No.” I cling to him. He smiles, holding and squeezing me with reassurance that he isn’t going anywhere. I ease up on my grip.

“Not going anywhere, Red. I’m here,” he assures me. “Right fucking here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

Pleased, I nod and rest my head on his chest. “Good. I can’t lose you again.”

“And I can’t let you go. You’re mine, London. Only mine.” He lifts my head, letting it be known that it will be that way forever. Butterflies thrash around the pit of my belly. Heat floods my veins, igniting my soul.

“So… Costa Rica, huh?”

“Yep,” he sighs. “The home is right on the beach. Four bedrooms. One for me and you, Aden, a guestroom, and another room for our next child.”

I snort a little, and Ace chuckles. “Next child? Right.”

He brings a finger down, tipping my chin. “I’m serious. I want another with you, but this time, I actually wanna be there. I wanna start a family with you. I wanna raise them right. I know I’m late with Aden, but I will get him to grow up to be a smart young man. Violence won’t even be in the question. I won’t let him grow up the way I did. And I damn sure won’t be like Bruce. I want to be there for my kids, attending soccer games, football tournaments, having game nights… all that sappy shit families do.”

“You’re serious?” I whisper.

“As a heart attack, Red.” A slow smile snakes across his lips. “Who knows, maybe the next one will be a girl? Beautiful just like her mother. But if a motherfucker crosses her the wrong way, the old Ace will return. I’m always prepared to fuck shit up.” His face twists, a mix of happiness and curiosity. I can tell he’s thinking about the future now. A future so bright and full of life. One I’m really looking forward to.

No drama.

No stress.

No guns or drugs or violence.

A real life as a family.

Peace, something I’ve always longed for.

I laugh as he looks down, shrugs, and places a kiss on my cheek. “We’ll see.” His eyes smile, studying me. I can’t stand when he does that, yet deep down, I kind of enjoy it. It’s like I’m still a mystery to him—like he’s still trying to figure me out. I guess that’s a good thing. I don’t want to be easy for him to read. I want him to continue learning more about me, just like I’m still learning more about him each and every day. We’re both these huge boxes containing secrets and personal possessions that have yet to be discovered. For the future and all those hidden things, I can’t wait.

“Where are Aden and Bianca anyway?”

“Hotel a block away. She got checked out, but other than a few stitches, everything was fine with her. Also had to give a report to the cops since you were out cold. They’ll be coming back tomorrow by the away.”

I nod.

“I’ll call her, let her know you’re finally awake.” He blows a sigh, wiping his face. “It was tough getting Aden to understand what was going on. Watching your own mother get shot and bleed like that… shit.” He strokes my hair. “By the way, we owe Trent a new car.”

I fight a smile. “We owe Trent more than a new car. What did you tell Aden?”

“That you fell and got hurt and that you had to take a few days to get better. You know how kids are. They’ll believe anything. He’s been asking about you constantly, but he’s been calm. He knows you’re in a safe place with good doctors, good food, and funny cartoons. What I told him.”

I grin. “Good. I don’t want him to worry.”

“He’s perfect,” he sighs. “Intelligent. Funny. Silly. Understanding. A little stubborn. He obviously got that from his mama.”

“Oh please,” I laugh. “That’s definitely you!”

His right cheek lifts, half-smiling. Bringing his hand from my hair to my cheek, he cups it and leans forward. Smoothly, his lips touch mine, devouring, and he groans as if he’s wanted this kiss for years. A tender kiss in the midst of a tender moment. My heartbeat catches speed, and the machine beside me beeps faster and faster. When his tongue sweeps across mine, the machine is at its highest. The door flies open, and with a deep, panty-melting chuckle, Ace pulls back, a magnetic hold on my eyes. I’m sure I look like complete shit. I’m in a hospital gown. My hair is a thick, matted mess. I could use a mint or two, yet he looks at me as if I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I listen as the sound of the beeps digress and the nurse comes toward me, placing her stethoscope on the heart of my chest. “You two are going to get me in trouble,” she teases.

I lower my head, concealing a laugh. Ace stands from the bed. “I’ll call Bianca. Let her know what’s up.”

I nod, watching him whip out his cellphone and half-walk, half-limp out the door.

“That’s one persistent man of yours,” the nurse says, stepping around to lift my gown. “He wouldn’t leave at all. We had to beg him to go home and change clothes… eat…
. He finally caved yesterday.”

“He was that much trouble, huh?”

Surprisingly, she shakes her head and smiles. “He’s determined. It’s understandable. I was one of the few that refused to keep him away.” After applying a new bandage, she places a hand on her hip and says, “He loves you. I’ve never witnessed a love so strong. You’ve got a good one, girl. Hang onto that. Never let go.” And after tossing the old bandages away, giving me a full cup of water, and letting me know she’ll bring me a few painkillers, she’s out the door.

My eyes travel back over to Ace who’s standing outside of the room with his cellphone to his ear. He’s already looking at me. He winks, smiling charismatically.

He’s beautiful.

He once was dangerous to me, but now, I feel nothing but safe in his arms. I’m glad to know I’m all he needs—glad to know he no longer desires the “business” in order to survive. He loves to keep on top, and he enjoys power, but while we’re together he doesn’t need it.

My Donovan… my Ace Crow.

He’s back.

He’s mine.

I’m his.

At first, I thought he was poison for my soul, toxic in everyway, but I was wrong. He’s light in my life, regardless of all the darkness and hell we’ve been through. He keeps me on my toes. He makes me better. He was a gift from above—a fallen angel I was able to fix and make whole again. A gift I will cherish for the rest of my life. I could’ve lost Ace three years ago just like I lost Jonah, but I didn’t. He’s alive and here for a reason.

He’s my rock.

He’s a part of the
London Stallone.

And I’m apart of the new him.

The restored Ace Crow.

The new and transformed Ace Crow

Ace Crow.

Apparently, we belong together because through thick and thin, we’ve always stuck by one another. I will never let go. And while he smiles at me through the glass window, so calm and completely irresistible, I know he won’t let go either.

The fight to be with one another is over.

Time to put that intimidating BEWARE sign behind us.

It’s time to live…

Live happily.

Live freely.

Live peacefully.

Live and love unconditionally.










Born To Die – Lana Del Rey


Six Days Later


The police station is flooded with men in black and navy blue uniforms, sporting silver or gold badges. The press is around, I’m sure. I see the news station vans, people waiting around the front of the building with cameras.

Sighing, I lower the visor and give myself a quick check.

Bianca insisted on keeping a sweet and innocent look, like I had no clue about what happened back in Creole. A few brushes of mascara, some nude lipstick, and a calm cat eye, no bottom liner or eye shadow.

“This is fucking ridiculous,” I sigh.

“Just go in, answer the questions, and then you’ll be out of there,” Ace says through the speakerphone. I shut the visor, pick up the phone and take the speaker off. Pressing it to my ear, I ask, “What if he asks if this was related to you?”

“He will, and you’ll say yes. Make it seem realistic. You’ve got this, London. Breathe. Relax, babe.”

“Bianca didn’t have to do this,” I mutter.

“That’s because everyone knows Bianca Love is busy, and if she doesn’t want to speak, she doesn’t have to. She’s already given a report as a witness, and the paparazzi are hounding her. The NYPD’s new target is you, Ace Crow’s ‘former’ lover.” He laughs at himself.

I look towards the station, spotting Agent Wales with a briefcase in hand, making his way through the revolving doors. “I don’t understand why.”

“You know why. Like you said before, this is what you signed up for when you decided to love me.”

Defeated, I murmur, “I know.”

“So go in there, kill that shit, and meet me back at the hotel so we can get the fuck out of this country.”

“I want that,” I grin.



“For you, me, and Aden?”

“Yes. For all of us.”

“Then get that fine ass in gear and show them what it’s about.”

I laugh, and after I tell him I love him, I end the call. Placing the phone in my blue clutch, I exhale and push out of the car, slamming the door behind me. After I’ve adjusted my sky-blue blouse and black skirt, I march forward in my matching blue stilettos and head for the building.

I keep my head held high as cameras flash around me. I don’t care if they see my face this time. It’ll be the last time they see me in person. Might as well let them enjoy it.

When I enter the building, it’s surely busy. Officers and men in suits are walking back and forth. Before, the sight of the guns on their waist used to terrify me, but after having so much experience with one, they no longer intimidate me.

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