Beyond (31 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

BOOK: Beyond
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Did you tell her?

Davin accused Austin.

What? No! Are you out of your mind? Did you?

No , o f course not. But how did she find out about Patty?

Maybe the lover boy told her. He was always around, ”
Austin huffed, looping his finger up in the air.

Speaking of which, where did he go?

Austin scanned the perimeter but there w as no sign of Michael.

He ’
s following their track. He ’
ll let me know where he is, but I ’
m not going to tell you, ”
Davin teased, giving him a wicked smile.

Yeah, you alkins think you ’
re some hot stuff. Let me tell you one thing, venators always find a way. You can ’
t hide from me. I ’
ll find you.

Oh yeah? What ’
s that demon doing over there?

Davin pointed behind Austin.

When Austin turned to
look, Davin took off. His hum orous laughter rang through Specus.

Got yah.

Where are w e?

Claudia asked as Callum released her from his grasp.

Parad isus .

Claudia blinked her eyes with a look of surprise.

What did you say?

She quickly gazed at her surroundings.

Paradisus was once a sanctuary for Earth angels. Now we live in your world. Come with me. I have something to show you .”

Claudia thought, but she followed him since she had nowhere else to go.
As they followed a flowing stream, she could hear the sound of a waterfall . Sure enough, one appeared right in front of her.

Last time you were here, you were on the other side of the hills, ”
he said , poin ting as he moved forward, gliding from one solid rock to another, heading behind the waterfall. Claudia followed every step as they entered through.

Claudia thought. It was like a world within a world as it materialized in front of her.
The beauty inside was a replicate of Paradi sus—rich and vibrant .


Claudia gazed, feeling amazed such beauty could exist inside the waterfall.

What do you think?

Callum asked to get her attention , even though he already knew how mesmerized Claudia was.

It ’
s unbelievable .”
She carefully advanced with small steps, afraid that any subtle movement would make this world vanish before she could embrace it to examine it further. To her surprise butterflies and dragonflies that seemed to have come out of nowhere dance d around her. A few fluttered just out of her reach, causing a smile that was just as brilliant as the creatures that enraptured her. What looked like purple mountain s ahead seemed more like a painting in their beauty . It was incredible. If she hadn’t know n any better, she would have thought it was Heaven.

Yes. And you , my dear, can hide out here with them. No evil souls can enter here unless you grant them permission.

How a bout the dark shadow s ? They were—”

Correction. Last time they were on Paradi s us ground, but here, where you are standing , is different.


she said , half listening as she bent down to inhale the scent and brushe d the soft petals .

Do the venator s know this place exists?


Claudia froze, frighten
ed for no reason except for the fact that the venators had no knowledge of this place. That mea nt for sure that Austin couldn ’
t find her. She suddenly felt alone. Even with Callum ’
s presence, she felt unsafe. She didn ’
t know him at all. How could she have trust ed him over her friends ?
ut then she thought how her friends had lied to her.

I guess that ’
s good then.

After all, they did lie to you, ”
he reminded, his tone accusatory.

How do you know this?

I know everything , my dear. Do you think it was right of them to do so?

Suddenly, she began to feel heat
ris ing from the pit of her stomach to her face. Claudia placed her left palm on her cheek , hoping there was no evidence of how she felt—ang ry .

I don ’
t think it was right. I don ’
t know who I am. How could they do this t o me?

Claudia ’
s eyes began to well with tears. She didn ’
t want him to see her weak ness , but she had no control. Feeling betrayed and with hatred filling her soul, she wanted to cry. She swallowed hard and blinked back the tears , concentrat ing on the butterflies in front of her.

wanted to use Claudia’s weakness to his advantage to win her trust. He took several steps to close the g ap between them.
Claudia smoothly took several steps back , trying not to make it obvious she didn ’
t want him near.
omething about him gave her frightening chills.

the first time she really examined his face. His eyes were piercing dark. His lips were red, like he applied lipstick .
When he reached for her to comfort her, she saw his thin, boney finge rs that he always seemed to hide. Now she knew why.
They were gruesome. When Callum saw the look on Claudia ’
s face, he jerked them behind his back.

Maybe I should leave. I ’
m only causing too many problem s for everyone ,” Claudia said.


Callum snapped.

Surprised by his sudden change of tone,
Claudia jerked back . Callum saw the fright ened look on her face.

I ’
m so sorry. I didn ’
t mean to frighten you. Please forgive me. I ’
m only trying to look after you. After all, Lucy would want it that way. She would want me to keep you safe.

My grandmother already asked Katherine to assign a guardian angel to look after me. Thank you, but I don ’
t need you or anyone. I can take care of myself.

Claudia tried to sound brave and strong, wanting him to understand that he w ould not intimidate her.

I have my father ’
s soul. I know my strength s . I know I have great powers —”

Yes, ”
Callum said excitedly.

That is the reason why your memories have been taken. You do understand , don ’
t you? The Twelve were afraid you may take them down one day. They wanted to control you , just like they want to control everyone and everything in this world.

Claudia didn

t want to believe his words; she wished he hadn ’
t put those thoughts in her mind.


She looked away, confused, feeling embarrassed she was taken advantage of .

I can help you get your memories back.

’s eyes snapped to his .


Go back to Island of Eden, find the Tree of Knowledge , and bring me a forbidden apple.

A forbidden apple? Why?

After I bless it, you will eat it and then your memories will be restored. You will remember everything .”
Callum excited ly rubbed his hands together.

But you told me I need to stay here.

Claudia said , questioning his motivation .

Yes. You need to be here to stay safe, but if you go and come back quickly, then it will be fine.

Why can ’
t you go and get it for me?

Earth angels are not allowed on Island of Eden.

Oh .”

They took away your memories.
Do y ou want them back , or do you want to live like this for the rest of your life?

Even though Claudia
wasn’t sure if she could trust Callum , she was desperate to remember her past. She would do just about anything .
Bringing back a forbidden apple and eating it didn ’
t seem like it would do any harm. After all, she ’d eaten one with Austin .

Take me back home.

I can only take you back to Specus. You ’
ll have to find your way back.

No problem. I can do that.

And one more thing…
don ’
t let anyone know you are taking an apple . They will try to stop you.

Claudia wonde
red if she was doing the right thing. What did she have to lose? It was just an apple , and she ’d at least get her memory back.

I ’
ll try my best. Take me back please.

Satisfied, Callum g
r inned.
His eyes spark l ed like shiny black marble s in the light.

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