Beyond Galaxy's Edge

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Authors: Anna Hackett

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Beyond Galaxy’s Edge

Anna Hackett

Beyond Galaxy’s Edge

Published by Anna Hackett

Copyright 2014 by Anna Hackett

Covers by
Croco Designs

Edits by
Tanya Saari

ISBN: 978-0-9941948-1-7

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, events or places is coincidental. No part of this
book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.


What readers are saying about The Phoenix Adventures

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Read the first chapter of Winter Fusion

Also by Anna Hackett

About Anna

What readers are saying about The Phoenix Adventures

*** At Star’s End - One of Library Journal's Best E-Original Romances for 2014 ***

At Star’s End
is a fun, thrill ride of a science fiction romance.” – Mstcat, Goodreads review

At Star’s End
is a very fast-paced action filled story. It is a thrill to read.” – Nas, Romance Book Haven

At Star’s End
by Anna Hackett sizzles with tension,
action and danger.” – Dii, Top 500 Amazon reviewer

“A wonderfully written space adventure full of treasure hunts, history, excellent world building, fun characters, assassin fighters and intriguing mystery.” – Corrinthia, Amazon review of
In the Devil’s Nebula

“I found Ria and Zayn’s story exciting, passionate, and thrilling, and I found myself wrapped up in the adventure.” – Jen, That’s What
I’m Talking About

In the Devil’s Nebula
is a fun read with a lot of romance set in a Science Fiction Universe.” – J. Jones

“An action-packed sci-fi adventure with some smoking hot sexy times, I highly recommend
On a Rogue Planet
.” – KatieF, Amazon Review

On a Rogue Planet
is a page turner and never a dull moment between Malin and Xander.” – Cubbieberry, Amazon Review

~ Official Document ~

Galactic Institute of Historical Preservation

Internal Records #GD-6754

Subject: Galactic Constituition Exhibit Gala Dinner

It is with great pleasure I confirm that the Galactic Constitution Exhibit Gala Dinner will go ahead on stardate 3006-957 at the flagship museum of the Galactic Institute of Historical Preservation: the New Metropolitan Museum on Davyn V.

The exhibit with showcase the five Galactic Constitution Codices, the historical manuscripts that form the basis of the Galactic Constitution and brought law and order to our galaxy. Guests will have the opportunity to see the three ancient and priceless Terran documents: the US Constitution, the Magna Carta and the United Nations Charter, and the more modern Rendarian Codex and the Pact of Star’is.

During the gala, all five documents will be removed from their usual protective display cases, allowing our generous donors and VIP guests the privilege of getting up close and personal with these important and invaluable pieces of our history.

Chapter One

She had him this time!

Captain Nissa Sander stood on the bridge of her Patrol ship, hands crossed at the small of her back, and watched the small runnership come into view.

“Lieutenant Allard, confirm her engines are powered down?” Nissa asked.

Ever efficient, the experienced Gavin Allard tapped at the console in front of him. “Affirmative, Captain.”

“Got you this time,
Phoenix,” Nissa muttered. “Ensign Gat’nar, open a comm line to the

“Open, Captain,” Bella Gat’nar replied. The young, female Modian’s tail swished behind her.

, this is Captain Sander of the Patrol ship,
Resolute Freedom
. Prepare to be boarded.”

The viewscreen flared to life and the cockpit of the
came into view. It was far smaller than the bridge of the
with only two seats—one for the captain and one for the co-pilot.

In the co-pilot’s chair sat a grizzled old man with a head of wild, gray hair. His eyes were two different colors: one blue and one green. He had a faint smile on his weathered face.

But it was the big man lounging in the captain’s chair who caught Nissa’s complete attention.

Justyn Phoenix.

Deep-space explorer. Smuggler.
Handsome scoundrel.

Her heart gave a traitorous kick in her chest. Like it always did when she saw him. Damn thing never listened to her.

Didn’t mean she had to let its reaction show.

“Captain Smooth.” His voice was deep, with the tiniest hint of a laugh under it.

The ridiculous nickname grated, but Nissa summoned her self-control and let it slide.

He smiled. “You can board me any time
you please.”

Life was just a big game to Phoenix. Nissa heard someone on her bridge snicker. Eyes narrowed, she turned and scanned her crew. Under her infamous “You don’t want to piss me off” glare, the snicker died. As one, her crew straightened in their seats and stared straight ahead. Except for her first officer, Commander Drayna Tellis. Nissa’s friend made no attempt at hiding her smile.

Nissa turned back to the viewscreen and eyed the man she’d been trying for three years to arrest for smuggling. Ever since she’d been assigned to the ass end of nowhere out at the edge of the galaxy.

He was gorgeous. And he knew it. He had a big, tough, muscled body that even in his deceptively lazy sprawl, she knew could move like lightning. His hair had gone well beyond being in desperate
need of a cut. It was a rich, thick brown with the slightest glint of gold running through it. Probably from sunning himself on some uncharted, fair-weather planet when he ran deep-space convoys with his brothers.

His face was on the rugged side of handsome with bright-silver eyes and a scar that cut through his left eyebrow and disappeared into his hairline. Every time he explained how he got
it, the story changed and became wilder, more dramatic, and more incredulous.

Damn him for being everything Nissa found attractive in a man.

Well, except the criminal part.

She stiffened her spine. “Cut the crap, Phoenix.”

“Can I ask why an esteemed Patrol captain feels the need to board an honest freighter just going about its business?”

She barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
“Cut the good-ol’-boy routine as well. We intercepted intel that said you just picked up a shipment of Ryssian tobacco from uncharted space.” She smiled her best bitchy smile. “As you know, that tobacco is illegal.”

Phoenix leaned back in his chair. “You gonna search me?”


“Then come aboard, Captain Smooth.” He opened his arms. It looked like he was gesturing at his lap. “I’m all yours.”

That snicker came again, but this time she ignored it. She wasn’t entirely sure she had full control of her temper.

“Commander Tellis, arrange teletransportation for myself and the security team to the cockpit of the

Drayna was silent for a second before she nodded. “Yes, Captain.”

Nissa appreciated that Drayna didn’t question her need to go to the
. Her friend had given
Nissa plenty of lectures on her obsession with locking up Justyn Phoenix.

Seconds later, a bright blue light enveloped Nissa, the teletransportation beam twisting and turning around her. Then she was staring at Justyn Phoenix in the flesh.

He was standing now and she hated that she had to look up at him. She was tall for a woman, and she wasn’t above using her height to her advantage on the
job, but that wasn’t an option here.

He was wearing dark-brown trousers that molded over those long legs of his, a white shirt, and a navy vest, left open.

She caught the gaze of her head of security. “Commander Tryker, you and your team can start your search now.” The older man had been with Patrol a long time. Experienced, capable and dependable, she didn’t need to tell him not to miss anything.

“You got it, Captain.” His voice held a slight burr of his Tashian acent.

“Gus, give the commander a hand,” Phoenix said.

With a nod, the crusty old man headed off with Tryker and the security team.

Then it was just the two of them.

“I’m looking forward to slapping a set of electro-cuffs on you.”

Phoenix tilted his head and smiled. “Now, Captain, I always knew you had a little dominatrix
under that starched uniform of yours.”

Nissa felt a flood of heat race through her. She stepped forward until her polished, black boots hit his scarred, brown ones. “You are a criminal and I will see you in the brig.”

He reached out and ran a finger down the side of her neck, briefly touching the start of the scale pattern on her skin. “I bet when people see that sexy reptilian pattern they
think it might be rough. But it’s so smooth.”

She slapped his hand away. “Quit calling me that ridiculous name.”

“It suits you. That smooth, caramel-gold skin with those tantalizing patches of pattern. Your long, elegant neck and sexy, bare head. Your deep, oh-so-smoky voice.” He leaned down and she felt his warm breath against her face. “We both know your security team won’t find anything.
Same as the last time you searched me. And the time before that.”

The scent of him ambushed her. Impossibly, he smelled like the snow-dusted trees on her homeworld of Thusia. Damn him for smelling so good.

“You also know I don’t hurt anyone, don’t steal from anyone. Why do you have such a burning need to lock me up, Captain?”

“It’s my job.”

“But out here on the edge, no one really cares
much about laws and rules.” He waved a hand. “Things are more fluid.”

“The laws and rules are there to keep order. To keep people safe.” Goddess, Nissa could almost hear her father’s voice. Commodore Sander lived and breathed Patrol, even though he’d retired several years ago. “If we start bending or ignoring the rules, the edge will turn into a lawless, chaotic mess in less time than that speedy
runnership of yours can cross the galactic border.” The thought of lawless chaos made her think of her brother. She felt a stab of pain, and squelched it.

Justyn’s teeth were white against his tanned skin. “But Nissa, getting messy is so much fun.”

Nissa’s lips twitched. Goddess, he was the only person who could swing her from wanting to punch him to wanting to laugh in a matter of seconds.
“Just stay out of the way while my team does their search.”

“Want to wager they won’t find anything?”

His confidence made her heart sink. She had the horrible feeling she’d be going away empty-handed and red-faced. Again. “No.”

“Come on. How about a case of that Gluk’sol wine you like to drink?”

She shook her head. Last time she’d been on Galaxy’s Edge—the closest and most popular space
station on the edge—she’d let him buy her a drink. It was an unwritten rule on Galaxy’s Edge that you left your feuds and quarrels at the spacedock.

In the space station’s bars and clubs, off-duty Patrol officers rubbed shoulders with smugglers, wealthy merchants drank with career thieves, and missionaries danced with pleasure workers. The damned smuggler had gotten her tipsy, made her laugh,
and let his thigh brush against hers at the bar one too many times.

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