Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (14 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Jesus Christ! You’re killing me.


Chapter Eleven

After breakfast, Aaron set up his massage table in the living room and once again, Lincoln was lying front-side down with his face cradled in the flannel covered face rest. Except for a folded sheet covering his ass, Lincoln was naked beneath Aaron’s able hands. Lincoln’s head was still reeling from their conversation earlier while in his bedroom and the fear of revealing too much about what he was feeling kept Lincoln silent during the massage. Instead of talking, Lincoln closed his eyes and allowed Aaron to do his best to release the tension in every one of his back, shoulder, and leg muscles.

Thirty minutes later, Aaron helped Lincoln roll onto his back and the massage continued. Strong, slippery fingers gliding easily over his skin, pressing and kneading . . . it was too much for Lincoln to process and his thoughts began to jumble. Aaron’s hands worked higher on his leg, so close to the spot where his inner thigh met his groin that Lincoln could feel the heat of Aaron’s fingers on his balls.

Jesus, fuck! Jesus, fuck! I need to think of something other than him touching me . . . holy fucking shit!

Aaron’s fingers dug in to his hip joint from his upper thigh. He worked that one spot until Lincoln thought he’d have to say something to make him stop. Then Aaron’s fingers moved lower and into the crease where Lincoln’s ass met the back of his leg. Aaron pushed around and gently worked Lincoln’s hamstring. This was fucking bliss . . . and agony, all rolled into one euphoric state of being. It was almost like he was no longer part of his body. His bones had turned to liquid and, as much as he tried to focus on anything else, it was Aaron’s touch that held him captive and rooted in place on that table.

And then it happened.

The tiny pulse of energy was subtle, but significant enough to lift all the fine hairs on Lincoln’s body and then settle in his groin. The sensation was so foreign to Lincoln, he wasn’t sure what was happening until the ache washed over him a second time. Lincoln felt his cock and balls stir and his cock began to slowly thicken, as every beat of his heart forced more blood to the nerves centered between his legs.

“Oh, fuckkk,” Lincoln sighed on an exhale.

How long had it been since he’d felt this physical reaction? One year? Two? Was he imaging it simply because he wanted it so much? And, god, the tingling felt so fucking good, like life itself were finally flowing through his veins again. But this really couldn’t be happening, could it? Lincoln lifted his head off the table and glanced down at his groin. Sure enough, the sheet covering his groin had started to lift like some kind of levitating magic trick. Only this wasn’t a trick; it was more of a miracle than anything. Even still, embarrassment flooded Lincoln. He jack-knifed up on the bed and roughly swatted Aaron’s hands away.

“Get the fuck off of me!” Lincoln yelled.

The harsh tone in Lincoln’s voice startled Aaron. His hands flew up in the air like he was being arrested and he stepped away. Lincoln jerked the sheet around his waist to cover himself and slid off the table to his feet.

“Lincoln . . .”

“I’m done—and you’re most definitely done, so go pack up your shit,” Lincoln ordered. “I can’t do this anymore with you.”

Lincoln climbed the stairs to his bedroom and dropped the sheet as he walked into the bathroom. He looked down at his cock and saw that it was still slightly plump. He started the shower and stepped beneath the spray before it had finished heating. Then he grabbed the bottle of body wash from the shelf, squirted a fair amount into his palm, and then wrapped his lubricated fingers around his shaft. The first tight stroke made him dizzy and he leaned against the tiled wall for balance.

Another tug on his shaft and Lincoln closed his eyes. It felt . . . different, and not in a good way. The sizzling bliss he could remember from his previous years of fucking was not happening now. This felt more like his body was awakening after being asleep after an injection of Novocain, with thousands of pinpricks setting off tiny fires through his cock and balls. Lincoln stroked himself again and the same sensation swirled in his groin. Instead of arousal, he was feeling fire burning beneath his skin. He released the grip he had on his cock and watched himself go completely limp in his palm.

What the fuck is happening to me?

After his shower, Lincoln dressed and grabbed his guitar to work again in his bedroom. He wanted to finish up the first draft to the song he had started yesterday before everything with Aaron turned to shit. About an hour into his guitar session, Spumoni burst through his bedroom door.

“Would you like to tell me why Aaron has his things sitting by your front door as if he is planning on leaving?”

Lincoln glared at Spumoni standing in the middle of his room with his hands placed on his hips. “You know, I’m getting tired of you barging into my house whenever the fuck you feel like it,” Lincoln growled.

“You don’t like my visits, then fine!” Spumoni yelled. “Change your fucking security codes.”

“What do you want?” Lincoln asked.

“I brought another bag of weed for you,” Spumoni said.

“I don’t need it,” Lincoln answered. “I haven’t been smoking as much.”

Spumoni grinned. “Aaron’s keeping you busy, then.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Lincoln lied to Spumoni and he wasn’t sure why he felt the need.

“Okay, so what’s going on between you and Aaron?” Spumoni inquired.

“Not a goddamned fucking thing,” Lincoln grumbled.

“Why is he leaving, Linc?” Spumoni grit out.

Lincoln shrugged and put his back to Spumoni. “Is that really your business?”

“Look, you asshole!” Spumoni shouted. “Aaron is your one hope to get through this tour in one piece! Why the fuck would you let him go?”

“You act as if he’s the only nurse in LA that is capable of working with me,” Lincoln said.

Spumoni stomped across the room and stood in front of Lincoln. “You agreed to fully invest yourself in this. Have you even bothered to google Aaron? He’s well-known in this area and I wasn’t joking when I said he has a waiting list of clients wanting to work with him.”

“I’m not saying I won’t work with someone,” Lincoln explained. “I just can’t work with him.”

“Why the fuck not?” Spumoni demanded.

Lincoln tossed his guitar onto the bed beside him and rubbed at his face. “Things got weird, that’s all.”

“What the hell does that even mean?” Spumoni fumed. “Jesus, Linc. What the fuck is going on with you?”

“I don’t know, and that’s part of the problem,” Lincoln replied.

“Are you saying you don’t get along with him?” Spumoni asked.

Lincoln shook his head. “I’m saying . . . never mind. It’s complicated and you don’t need to know anything beyond that.”

“Are you serious right now?” Spumoni seethed. “This isn’t junior high, dickhead!”

Lincoln had nothing to say to that remark and sat on his bed staring at his hands.

“Okay. I’m done,” Spumoni said. “If you want to act like an asshole you can do it all by yourself. I’m not helping you anymore. Get yourself another nurse—or don’t! I don’t fucking give a flying fuck what you do.” Spumoni stalked across the floor and stopped at the door. “While you’re interviewing for nurses, you can also find someone else to bring you your dope, too.”

The door behind Spumoni slammed and Lincoln closed his eyes and bent forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He didn’t really expect Aaron to leave. He figured Aaron understood he was pissed off and he’d let him be alone for a few hours and then they could sort it all out later. But Aaron loading up his car wasn’t part of plan.

Lincoln pushed off from the bed and went downstairs to find Aaron. The house was eerily quiet as Lincoln moved through each room. He found the front door open a couple of inches and Aaron’s massage table all folded up and resting against the wall in the foyer. A moment later Aaron came through the door. Their eyes met briefly before Aaron looked away.

“I’m almost done packing my car,” Aaron said. “I just need my table and I’ll get out of your way.”

Aaron stretched to grab the handle of the table and Lincoln’s hand covered his. “Please. I don’t want you to leave.”

Aaron stood up slowly. “Are you sure about that?” he asked. “You seemed pretty certain of your decision a while ago, so which is it?”

Lincoln opened up his mouth to speak and nothing came out. “I . . . ah, don’t know how to explain myself.” Lincoln watched Aaron’s long fingers comb through his thick hair.

“Would you like to try this again?” Aaron offered and Lincoln nodded. “Okay, then how about we go sit in the living room and you tell me what’s really going on?”

Lincoln waited for Aaron to take a seat on the leather couch. There was no way he could sit for this particular conversation. He glanced at Aaron and noticed the man looked calm, too calm, and that annoyed the hell out of Lincoln.

“Talk to me,” Aaron finally stated. Lincoln turned and looked out the wide expanse of windows at the edge of the room. “Does this have something to do with you getting an erection during the massage?”

“Jesus Christ!” Lincoln blurted.

“Because, if that’s what this is about you should know that is a normal reaction,” Aaron explained. “You’d be surprised at how many times that actually happens, so there’s no need to be embarrassed.”

Lincoln dropped himself into a leather recliner. His eyes met Aaron’s but he quickly looked elsewhere. “That’s not the problem,” Lincoln said. “Well, not completely anyway.”

Aaron leaned forward trying to close the distance between them. “Explain it to me,” Aaron said softly. “Tell me what’s going on. Please, Linc. Trust me.” When the silence dragged on, Aaron spoke again. “I can’t help you if I don’t know the whole story, and I feel like I’m missing a big piece to what’s going on with you.”

Lincoln’s foot began to tap with nervous energy. His jaw clenched and unclenched until he finally gave himself over to it and talked. “I have very little feeling in my . . . cock.” Lincoln cleared his throat and spoke again. “Basically, it’s the whole groin area in general. It’s all kind of numb.”

“I asked you about sexual dysfunction during my preliminary exam and you said everything was fine,” Aaron said.

“I fucking lied, okay?” Lincoln barked. “What man do you know wants to admit he can’t get it up!”

“Was today the first time?” Aaron asked and Lincoln nodded. “How long has it been?”

Lincoln rolled his eyes and signed loudly with annoyance. “A fucking long time. All right?”

“A month? Six months? A year? Can you be a little more specific for me,” Aaron prompted.

“Over a year,” Lincoln’s voice was hushed and his shoulders slouched.

“Okay, then I have a few more . . . personal questions for you,” Aaron said. “And before you refuse to answer them, let me first say the information you provide me is strictly confidential and for me to use to help you get better. Nothing more. You have my word.”

Lincoln squeezed his eyes shut to try and tamp down the emotion that was threatening to wash over him. “I’m not comfortable with this,” he finally said.

“I know, and I’m really sorry for the intrusion into your privacy, Lincoln, but I really think I can help you—that is if you still want my help.” Aaron’s voice was hopeful and sincere.

“What do you need to know?” Lincoln replied.

“Was that the first erection you’ve achieved in a year?” Aaron asked.

“I already told you that, and if you need to know specifics, it wasn’t a full-blown . . . boner, either,” Lincoln explained. “I wasn’t even able to . . . you know, afterward before I lost it.”

Aaron started to grin but stopped himself. “You haven’t been able to masturbate to orgasm,” Aaron stated clinically. “Am I understanding you correctly?”

Lincoln dropped his head into his hands. “Fuckkkkk!” Lincoln complained. “It’s kind of difficult to jerk-off if I can’t stay hard!”

Aaron sat back on the couch. “The area I was working on near your pelvis has a lot of nerve endings,” Aaron said. “It is possible to rekindle nerve sensation and blood flow by massaging that spot and both those elements would cause you to achieve an erection. The fact you started to get hard tells me that is what happened, and because it happened once makes me believe it can happen again with more manipulation.” Aaron’s eyes lifted and met Lincoln’s.

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