Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (30 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Shortly after the plane reached cruising altitude from LAX, Lincoln saw Dante and Ashton walk down the center aisle of the plane. Lincoln elbowed Aaron in the side and directed Aaron’s attention to the two guys heading toward the bathroom.

“Check that out,” Lincoln said with a grin.

“What am I looking at?” Aaron asked while he watched the door slam shut behind Ashton. “Why the hell . . . ohhhhh, wow. Kinky bastards.”

Lincoln waited until Aaron finally understood what was happening and laughed. “That’s not the best part.”

“What do you mean?” Aaron asked.

A moment later the noise started from inside the bathroom stall and bled out to greet them all sitting in the passenger compartment. The banging led to crashing sounds of things possibly breaking or being pulled from the walls.

“Jesus! Are they fighting?” Aaron asked and started to stand up as if to lend a hand at breaking them up.

Lincoln broke out in laughter. “They’re not beating on each other, Aaron.”

Soft moans soon filtered out and Aaron chuckled. “Oh, my god,” Aaron said. “That’s really twisted.”

“I know, but that’s sort of their
,” Lincoln explained. “They have trashed more public bathrooms since they finally got together, that I’ve lost count.”

Two rows in front of Lincoln and Aaron, sat Dagger and Ryan. When the clatter and moans inside the bathroom escalated, Dagger pulled off his boot and pitched it directly at the door of the bathroom. It hit and bounced onto the floor but didn’t stop the action inside the tiny room one bit. Laughter erupted among the passengers, which consisted of Dagger, Ryan, and Fizzbo, along with the six new bodyguards now protecting their asses.

It would be a full eight minutes later of listening to their grunts and groans before Dante and Ashton emerged from the bathroom and they did so to a standing ovation and applause. Dante bowed at everyone in the cabin while Ashton continued to button his shirt. There was no shame or guilt for what they’d done. If anything, Dante walked with a little more swagger and that made Lincoln smile.

Dagger grabbed Dante’s wrist as they passed his seat. “I’ll have that train wreck added to your tab,” Dagger teased.

“Yes, please. You do that.” Dante grinned mischievously and slapped Dagger on the back of his shoulder and kept on walking to his seat at the back of the plane.

Damn, it felt good to be with these guys again, Lincoln thought. He reached over for Aaron’s hand and laced their fingers. The touch drew Aaron’s gaze to his and they both smiled. Lincoln was extremely happy to have Aaron with him for this tour, and as nervous as he was about the physical outcome from being on the road for months on end, he was excited to share the experience with Aaron. Lincoln lifted Aaron’s hand and kissed his knuckles. They hadn’t been together all that long, but Lincoln’s feelings for Aaron already ran so deep.

“Thank you,” Lincoln said and leaned closer to Aaron to steal a quick kiss.

“For what?”

“Being with me for this crazy fucking ride,” Lincoln answered.

Aaron pressed his forehead to Lincoln’s and inhaled. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“That’s what you say now.” Lincoln smirked.

Aaron laughed and settled back in his seat, then said, “So, Dante and Ashton are known for trashing bathrooms?”

“They have an interesting history together,” Lincoln started. “In the beginning, Ashton and Dante got along but then something happened and they suddenly hated each other. They could hardly be in the same room without killing each other. In fact, their behavior was starting to affect our performances and Dagger finally had had enough of their bullshit. We all got together and did an intervention on them and sent Dante and Ashton to a locked facility to get their shit together. They’ve never really said what happened during the week they were there, but since they’ve been out, they’ve been all over each other.”

“It sounds like they had real love for each other beneath the surface,” Aaron said.

“That’s what we all said,” Lincoln answered. “Now that they’ve worked through their issues, they’re both really happy together.”

The private charter plane carrying Black Ice landed at JFK International airport in New York. Security quickly moved them through the executive arrival terminal and got them onto a much larger plane that would take them across the pond into Heathrow airport. The best part of this leg of the trip was Ivory Tower would be flying along with them.

Lincoln ducked into the open door of the plane by the cockpit with Aaron right behind him. Lined up by the entrance like flight attendants were Alex, Chase, Wheland, Rooster, Cooper, Jayson, and Tony and Jared were all waiting with cold beers in their hands and smiles on their faces.

“Welcome aboard,” Alex cheered and offered Lincoln a tight hug. When Alex pulled back from the hug, his eyes landed on Aaron. “Aaron? What the hell are you doing here?”

“He’s with me,” Lincoln explained with a nod.

“You mean, like
you?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, we’re swapping spit, Alex, among other fluids.” Lincoln laughed.

Dagger, Ashton, and Dante pushed their way onto the plane, followed by the security team. Everyone took their seats for lift-off and then once the wheels were up, Alex suggested a toast to get the tour officially launched. Dagger popped the corks off several bottles of champagne and poured the bubbly liquid into flutes for Dante to pass around. Everyone gathered in the center galley area of the aircraft and with a glass in hand, Dagger began his toast.

“I’m really excited to be touring again with my favorite guys on this planet,” Dagger said with his arm raised above his head. “Let’s smoke these European venues with our special brand of rock!”

Loud cheering erupted in the cabin, followed by more hugs, then Alex refilled everyone’s glasses. “I have a toast I’d like to make,” Alex said quietly. His eyes bounced to Chase as if looking for permission or support. Lincoln wasn’t sure which. Chase grinned at Alex and gripped the back of Alex’s neck. “In case anyone is wondering where our wife is, she’s decided to sit this one out due to medical issues.”

“Jesus, is she all right?” Ashton asked.

“He’s toasting, stud, so it has to be good news,” Dante chimed in.

“Dante is correct,” Alex said. “We found out last week that Danni is pregnant again, so me and Chase are going to be fathers again.”

“Holy shit!” Dagger shouted. “You two are fucking baby-making machines!”

“We’ve certainly got the ‘fucking’ part down pat,” Alex winked at Chase.

“Hey, that’s fantastic news.” Lincoln clapped Alex’s back and shook Chase’s hand.

“Well, since Danni had problems with her last pregnancy, her doctor wants her to take it easy in the first trimester,” Alex explained further.

“She might join us later on in the tour if her doctor says it’s okay for her to travel,” Chase added.

“In the meantime, Chase will be flying back and forth to be with her,” Alex said. He gripped Chase’s chin and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Chase doesn’t want me to get lonely, so he’s going to keep me company when he can.”

“Well, you know what they say about idle hands,” Dagger teased.

“Yeah, yeah.” Alex laughed. “I won’t have time to have idle hands, so I’m not worried about that.”

The guys all drank their champagne, then Alex said, “It’s nice to see a few new faces, like Aaron, and I have to say I’m feeling safer with our new security team in tow for this tour, too.”

“This is going to be an awesome tour,” Ashton hollered. He pumped the air with his fist, then tipped his head back and tossed the last bit of his champagne into the back of his throat.

Lincoln pressed his lips into the shell of Aaron’s ear and said, “Let’s hope it’s a great tour.”

Aaron squeezed Lincoln’s wrist. “It will be.”

They landed in Heathrow, and then piled into two separate vans that would take them to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at Hyde Park in London. Twenty-five minutes later, Black Ice, Ivory Tower, and their significant others all walked into the lobby of the posh hotel with all their security surrounding them.

Management for both bands had splurged for the kick-off of the tour and reserved three suites for them, along with four regular rooms for their security teams. It was still early in the morning when they arrived at the hotel and the one thing on all their minds was sleep.

Before Dagger and Ryan disappeared into their private suite, he delivered a threat to Dante and Ashton. “If you so much as break one wine glass inside that suite while you’re fucking, you will regret it,” Dagger stated with firmness. “This is a nice place. Let’s make sure it stays that way.” And, with that said, everyone disappeared into their respective rooms to crash.

Aaron tossed his travel bag beside the massive kind-sized bed and stepped toward Lincoln who was digging through his backpack. “How are you feeling?” Aaron asked.

“I’m beyond exhausted,” Lincoln mumbled.

“Me, too,” Aaron agreed. “Let’s take a shower and sleep for a few hours.”

“I’ve got PR to do later and a walk through of the stage set-up,” Lincoln mentioned.

“And dinner with both bands after that,” Aaron reminded Lincoln.

Lincoln’s shoulders slouched. “This is going to be one long test for me,” he said. “I’ll be lucky to survive the two shows at Wembley, never mind making it to Paris and then onto the other cities.”

Aaron gripped Lincoln’s chin. “Don’t do that,” Aaron reprimanded. “We focus on today and nothing else, and that means we’re going to shower and get into that big comfortable bed.” Aaron released Lincoln’s chin and grasped his wrist. “Follow me, Mr. Porn Star. I’m going to clean your gorgeous body.”

Lincoln laughed and followed Aaron into the bathroom. “A porn star is the last thing I feel like right now.”

Aaron reached for the hem of Lincoln’s vintage t-shirt and tugged it up over his head. Lincoln helped by unbuttoning his jeans and lowering the zipper, then Aaron’s fingers pushed the garment off Lincoln’s hips and down to his long legs to his ankles. A moment later Lincoln stood before Aaron completely naked. Lincoln felt the tingling in his groin and glanced down at his cock. Sure enough, he was well on his way to a nice, thick erection.

“Looks like Mr. Happy is excited about his shower,” Lincoln joked.

“Do you realize you’re reacting now without any stimulation,” Aaron added.

“Standing next to you is arousing for me, Aaron, so I don’t agree with your theory,” Lincoln said. “But I’ll never get tired of seeing it happen.”

The two of them stood with their eyes focused on Lincoln’s growing cock, like it was a marvel of epic proportions. The longer Aaron stared at him, the harder Lincoln became. Aaron’s hand reached between Lincoln’s thighs and cradled his sac in his palm. His fingers gently rolled the balls and Lincoln hissed his pleasure.

“Have you tried jerking-off to orgasm?” Aaron asked.

Lincoln’s eyes met Aaron’s. “I haven’t had a reason or a need to do that,” he answered Aaron’s question with a half-grin. “Besides, it’s way more fun when you touch me.”

“Agreed, but it’s still important that you can achieve orgasm by yourself,” Aaron said. Aaron removed his hand from Lincoln’s balls and undressed himself while Lincoln turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. “Let’s shower and then I want to try something with you.”

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