Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (44 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Aaron scoffed. “Alex slept with Sebastian?”

“He did. No joke,” Lincoln replied. “When Ryan took Sebastian to interview Alex, they hit it off, Ryan went home after the interview, but Sebastian ended up out in Alex’s tour bus. I heard Sebastian hooked-up a couple of times with Alex and his girlfriend before Alex kicked his sorry ass to the curb after he heard what was going on between Sebastian, Ryan, and Dagger. Everyone pretty much knew Alex was bisexual, but being out in the media kind of shook him up a bit. Next thing we knew, Alex was heading into seclusion on the east coast for a while to get his head straight again. That’s where he met Chase and Danni and you know what happened after that.”

“Your band family is pretty crazy, but the love and support you give to each other is enormous,” Aaron grinned.

“Careful there, Aaron,” Lincoln said. He rolled quickly and put Aaron flat on his back beneath him. “You are immersed neck deep with my crazy band family, so that makes you crazy, too.”

“Neck deep? I’d rather be balls deep.” Aaron grinned.

Lincoln flexed his hips and rubbed their cocks together. “Balls deep can be arranged,” Lincoln said.

“How long do we have before we leave for Germany?” Aaron asked.

“I think we have at least twelve hours, maybe more, before we need to head to the airport,” Lincoln grinned. “That gives us plenty of time to be balls deep.”

“Aren’t you tired?” Aaron’s facial expression turned serious.

“Of course I am, but you have a way of energizing me.”

Aaron touched Lincoln’s face. His eyes began to glisten with emotion. “I love you, and that means I’m allowed to worry about you.”

“I’m doing good, and that’s all because of you,” Lincoln nudged his nose to Aaron’s.

“Will you promise me that you won’t overdo or push yourself too hard with this tour?” Aaron asked. “You still have several months on the road doing this erratic and exhausting schedule. Do you really think you can do this without jeopardizing your health?

Lincoln signed loudly. “Babe, I can’t guarantee I’ll sail through this tour untouched, but I do understand the risks, and if I feel for any reason I can’t do a certain show or press event, I’ll step aside and have Rex fill in for me until I feel stronger. I won’t push myself beyond my limits. I know what that would mean to my health and what it would do to my quality of life.
are my quality of life and I will do everything I possibly can to stay healthy enough to be balls deep inside you every fucking day that you’ll let me.”

Aaron smiled broadly, grabbed Lincoln’s face with both his hands and said, “My big, strong, alpha porn star is always the master of seduction.”

Lincoln tipped his head and grinned mischievously. “Is the seduction thing working?”

Aaron rolled his hips up into Lincoln and Lincoln hissed when he felt Aaron’s hard length rubbing along the side of his own thick shaft. “Go for it and see how far you get,” Aaron teased.

“Oh, baby, that’s why I love you so damn much,” Lincoln said and kissed Aaron’s mouth. “You make me feel like a porn star every single time we’re in bed together.”

porn star,” Aaron added, and his legs opened for Lincoln to settle between them.

“That’s good, because I only want to be yours.”



One week after the attack . . .


Black Ice and Ivory Tower had offered a heartfelt good-bye to Zac at the Paris hospital and wished him luck with his recovery. They’d also made it clear to Zac that if he still wanted the job, they’d be happy to have him back on the tour with them as soon as he was healthy enough to do so. Lincoln also gave Zac one last “thumbs up” to spur him on to find his childhood friend once he got back to Los Angeles, and that he expected a full report on Zac’s progress, too.

From the hospital, they went on to the airport for their flight to Germany. They did their two shows in Berlin at the Tempodrom as scheduled, then hopped on their tour buses for the trip to Frankfurt for one more show.

It had now been seven long days since Sebastian’s attack on Ryan and the injury to Zac’s hand, and they were still in somewhat of a state of shock. Sure, they’d given their all at the shows because the fans deserved at least that much at their performances, but for them it was a little bit subdued. Their day-to-day lives had changed. They all paid a lot more attention to their surroundings and not one of them complained about having a security detail in tow.

More importantly, they held on to each other a little tighter and the “I love yous” between couples and the band members were in abundance. Nothing like a healthy dose of reality to give them all the wake-up call they needed to take their safety seriously. The hard lesson learned in Paris was that life truly was short and they shouldn’t take one moment of it for granted. From now on, they would all live life to the fullest and appreciate every day they had together.

After they finished up with the Frankfurt show, the buses headed west to Amsterdam. For whatever reason, this time both bands and security piled on to one bus and no one questioned it. The second bus was pretty much empty except for the bus driver. They did their best to create space for everyone to sit and not one of them grumbled about the close quarters. The jokes and laughter rang out through the crowded passenger cabin and the random strumming of guitars could also be heard.

Lincoln and Aaron sat together at one of the tables listening to Alex and Chase talk about Danni’s pregnancy. Lincoln’s arm around Aaron’s shoulders tugged him closer to press a kiss to Aaron’s temple.

“She keeps sending us pics of her growing belly,” Alex grinned.

“Her boobs are as big as her belly,” Chase added.

“I think I have a pic on my phone of her tits,” Alex said and began to flip through the images on his phone.

“Nooooo!” Everyone hollered at once.

“We don’t need to see naked photos of your wife,” Tony yelled from the opposite couch where he was snuggled against Jared as they played a video game together.

Alex laughed but then his face quickly turned serious. “In light of what happened last week, it really makes me wish Chase and I could be there with her,” Alex said somberly.

“It would be nice to sleep with her wedged between us like normal,” Chase said.

“I hear you,” Wheland said. “Going through something horrific like that puts everything into perspective.”

“It points out what’s most important, that’s for sure,” Rooster added. He squeezed Wheland’s thigh and held his gaze for a minute before facing all the guys again. “When we get home, Mick and I are going to make a final decision on a surrogate.”

“You and Wheland wanna have a kid?” Alex asked Rooster.

Wheland nodded. “Yeah, Sonny and I have talked a lot about it this past week,” he said. “We’d both like to give fatherhood a try.”

Lincoln’s eyes grew wide at Wheland’s comment. Fatherhood for Wheland and Rooster? Alex and Chase were waiting for the arrival of their second child, Dagger and Ryan were married, as were Cooper and Jayson . . . speaking of Cooper and Jayson, Lincoln thought to himself. “Where’s Cooper and Jayson hiding?” Lincoln asked.

Dagger pointed to the moving bunk curtain behind Dante and Ashton’s back. Lincoln grinned in understanding. “Well, at least they’re being quiet about it,” Lincoln offered. “Unlike some people.”

Everyone’s eyes flicked to Dante and Ashton. “What? We’re sitting here minding our business,” Dante argued.

“Yeah, well stay the fuck out of the bathroom,” Dagger said. “With all these people on the bus, we’ll be needing both bathrooms fully functioning.”

The guys laughed at that, but it was Dante that quieted them with his hands. “Listen, Ashton and I have been talking about having a party when we get to Amsterdam,” Dante said.

“What are we celebrating?” Lincoln asked.

“Life,” Ashton answered. “I think it would be great if we took one of our night’s off and have a party.”

Lincoln glanced between Dante and Ashton and studied the obvious love and affection these two men shared. He knew their journey to find each other hadn’t been an easy one, but the fight to be together had paid off because they were both deeply in love.

“I made some phone calls,” Dante explained, “and reserved the Presidential Suite at the Hilton Hotel right by the canal for the party. We’re off tomorrow night, so I thought we could have this celebration then.”

“Were we already booked to stay at that hotel?” Dagger asked.

“No, we were across town, but management worked with me and we were able to get it switched,” Dante replied.

“Did we need to switch hotels to have a party?” Dagger asked.

Dante shrugged and his face flushed a bit. “The view is better,” he said. “It’s right by the canal.”

“Does security know about the change?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, they’re working on a new plan right now.” Dante pointed to their security team all sitting together at another table reviewing the layout of the hotel on an iPad.

Their moment of seriousness was broken when moans and grunts of pleasure began to filter out from Cooper and Jayson’s bunk behind Dante’s seat.

“Jesus, I really don’t feel like listening to them fuck . . . again,” Dagger complained with a grin. He stood up from the table and threw an empty beer bottle at the moving curtain. The bottle bounced off something solid behind the fabric and fell to the floor.

“Hey! What the fuck?” Cooper’s voice called out to them. A moment later, his head appeared in the opening of the curtain.

“If you want to get your rocks off, do it quietly,” Dagger admonished.

“Or you could turn up the fucking music,” Cooper suggested.

“Not happening, little man,” Alex commented. “We’re having an adult conversation out here, so blow your nut and then come out and join us.”

The curtain of the bunk closed again and Dante watched Dagger’s movement toward the kitchen. “Hey, Dagger,” Dante called to him. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Dagger asked as he pulled another cold beer out of the refrigerator.

“I wanted to share my ideas with you for the party,” Dante said.

They checked into the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam in the early hours and occupied several of the suites all on the same floor. This particular hotel was made famous in March of 1969 when John Lennon and Yoko Ono used room number 702 for their historic “bed-in for peace.” The room had been renovated since their stay, and the number changed to 902, but memorabilia hung on several of the walls to mark the event. Dante reserved the John Lennon and Yoko Ono suite for him and Ashton and also booked the Presidential Suite next door for the party. The other guys all had suites side-by-side next to Dante and Ashton.

While everyone else slept, Dante and Ashton finalized the party plans with hotel management. They ordered trays of food and a bartender to take care of the drinks. Although this would be a relatively small party with maybe a couple of dozen guests, Dante wanted the food to be perfect.

At seven o’clock that night it was Dagger and Ryan that greeted guests arriving at the Presidential Suite. One by one, they came dressed in the standard “press ready” attire that was suggested to them per management. Tony and Jared entered first, then Chase and Alex, Lincoln and Aaron, Wheland and Rooster, and Cooper and Jayson. Their eight-man security team and both the band managers were right on everyone’s heels before the door was finally shut.

“Where the hell is Dante?” Lincoln asked Dagger. “Wasn’t he the one that wanted this party?”

“Christ, I haven’t seen him all day,” Cooper scowled. “It’d be just like him to plan a party, make us all dress up for it, and then not show up for it.”

“This is hardly dressed up,” Ryan balked, as he glanced around at everyone’s pressed shirts and ties with designer jeans or leather pants.

“Him and Ashton will be right along,” Dagger confirmed.

“I suppose they’re ripping up another bathroom,” Lincoln chuckled.

“They better not be trashing up the bathroom in that Lennon-Ono suite,” Dagger barked. “That fucking suite costs an arm and a leg a night!”

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