Beyond Tuesday Morning

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

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BOOK: Beyond Tuesday Morning
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Other Life-Changing Fiction™ by Karen Kingsbury

September 11 Series

One Tuesday Morning

Beyond Tuesday Morning

Stand-Alone Titles

Oceans Apart

Even Now

Ever After

Where Yesterday Lives

When Joy Came to Stay

On Every Side


Cody Gunner Series

A Thousand Tomorrows

Just Beyond the Clouds

Redemption Series






Firstborn Series






Sunrise Series



Someday (spring 2008)

Red Gloves Series

Gideon's Gift

Maggie's Miracle

Sarah's Song

Hannah's Hope

Forever Faithful Series

Waiting for Morning

Moment of Weakness

Halfway to Forever

Women of Faith Fiction Series

A Time to Dance

A Time to Embrace

Children's Titles

Let Me Hold You Longer

Let's Go on a Mommy Date

(spring 2008)

Miracle Collections

A Treasury of Christmas

A Treasury of Miracles for

A Treasury of Miracles for Teens

A Treasury of Miracles for

A Treasury of Adoption Miracles

Gift Books

Stay Close Little Girl

Be Safe Little Boy


Beyond Tuesday Morning
ePub Format
Copyright © 2004 by Karen Kingsbury

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.

This title is also available in a Zondervan audio edition.

Requests for information should be addressed to:

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

ISBN: 0-310-29505-X

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the
Holy Bible: New International Version
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard St., Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Interior design by Michelle Espinoza

Author photo by Shippert Photography



Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter: One

Chapter: Two

Chapter: Three

Chapter: Four

Chapter: Five

Chapter: Six

Chapter: Seven

Chapter: Eight

Chapter: Nine

Chapter: Ten

Chapter: Eleven

Chapter: Twelve

Chapter: Thirteen

Chapter: Fourteen

Chapter: Fifteen

Chapter: Sixteen

Chapter: Seventeen

Chapter: Eighteen

Chapter: Nineteen

Chapter: Twenty

Chapter: Twenty-One

Chapter: Twenty-Two

Chapter: Twenty-Three

Chapter: Twenty-Four

Chapter: Twenty-Five

Chapter: Twenty-Six

Chapter: Twenty-Seven

Chapter: Twenty-Eight

Chapter: Twenty-Nine

A Note from Karen



(A song)

By Karen Kingsbury


Let's not move too far beyond Tuesday morning

Let's not forget all the lives that were lost

Let's not move too far beyond Tuesday morning

Remember the heroes remember the cost.

Time has moved on as time always will do

Healing has come both to me and to you.

The towers that stood now stand only at times

A memory that's fading from all of our minds.

The flag on your bumper is yellowed and frayed

It's only on Sundays we take time to pray

For families of folks who did nothing but go

To work Tuesday morning and never came home.


Still they are crying and still they are trying

To understand all that America lost

Take time to remember, there is no denying

That one Tuesday morning and all that it cost.

Smile at a stranger or do a good deed

Help out a neighbor, love someone in need

Do it to honor the women and men

Who died Tuesday morning and ever since then.

Let's not move too far beyond Tuesday morning

Let's not forget all the lives that were lost

Let's not move too far beyond Tuesday morning

Remember the heroes, remember the cost.



As always, when I bring my heart's thoughts and dreams to the computer keyboard, it's not without the help of a host of people.

In the writing of
Beyond Tuesday Morning,
I must first thank the people of St. Paul's Chapel. It is every bit the mighty mission I tried to make it in the fictional story that plays out on the following pages. The volunteers at St. Paul's continue to play a role in a healing that is far from complete. I learned much from my time at St. Paul's, talking to volunteers and studying the mementos and memorabilia there.

While the rest of us watched in horror that terrible Tuesday morning as the Twin Towers collapsed, we eventually got on with our lives. Not so for many of the people in Manhattan—especially for hundreds of firefighters and their families. Because of that, I am grateful to each of you who still devotes his or her time to the healing process at Ground Zero.

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