Authors: Mallory Monroe
“Need some help?” Stephie asked Denise as she
walked back up to the pick-up window.
got it, thanks,” Denise said.
beautiful people have arrived,” Stephie whispered.
immediately looked toward the entrance.
A small, blonde woman, with her posse behind her, was walking in.
Denise knew her face.
She came in often, always with a group of
girls who were cute, but none as attractive as she was.
But as the pretty blonde walked past Brent
and gave him, not just a glancing look, but more like a glancing blow of a
look, Denise smiled.
“Whoa, you saw
that?” she asked Stephie.
“What was that
just Kerstin being messy,” Stephie said.
“She and Brent used to date, and she still wants him.”
dumped her?”
a pot of hot grease.”
I’ll bet you can tell me why?”
much drama is what I heard,” Stephie gossiped.
“She was too insecure.
couldn’t turn around without her constantly in his face, accusing him of
cheating because some girl was trying to give him her number, or was in his
face, or whatever.
Kerstin’s crazy like
She’s not fooling me, but she
knows how to fool these men.
They all
want her because she’s blonde and petite and supposedly so beautiful.
Every boy in this town wants her.”
every boy.”
“Yeah, I think Brent’s done with
her this time.
And she can’t stand it,
I think she’s one of those fatal
attraction bitches.
If I was Brent, I’d
watch my back.”
this,” Norm said as he tossed yet another plate of food onto the pickup
“Lobster roll, burger and
fries, lobster cakes up.”
table twelve?” Stephie asked, looking at the order.
are you asking for?” Norm asked irritably.
“Yeah, table twelve. You should know your orders by now.”
about the wings?”
looked at him.
“For table twelve, Norm,
now come on!
I told you they ordered an
Ask Denise, she heard me tell
Denise was already out of earshot.
wasted enough time.
She hoisted her
plate-filled tray onto her narrow shoulder, and hurried to serve her hungry
was now sitting at Tony’s table, and Tony elbowed him when he saw Denise across
the room.
She was walking sideways
because of the crowd, as she made her way to the table across from theirs.
Brent looked too.
All he could see, when he looked, was the
back of her.
She was average height and
on the slender side, with brownish hair that dropped along her back in a thick
She wore one of those
peach-colored waitress getups: a short mini-dress that fit well enough to hint
at curves and a tight ass, but loose enough to prove ultimately
Her legs were slender like
her frame, and she had what he would consider good posture.
But he didn’t see where there was anything
particularly special about her.
got a nice figure,” Brent responded to his brother’s urgings.
“But so what?
Jericho’s full of girls with hot bods.”
but she’s black like you like it.” Tony said this with a grin.
didn’t understand that reference.
because one of the girls he dated at college happened to be black, didn’t mean
he dated black women exclusively. He dated all kinds of women.
And the woman he dated the longest of them
all, Kerstin, was as white as white could get.
Sweden had nothing on Kerstin.
But you couldn’t tell that to Tony.
when Denise moved over to the opposite side of the table she was serving, to
place a plate of food in front of one of her customers, and Brent was able to
see, not just her body, but her face as well, he understood.
He got it.
And was pleasantly surprised.
This girl was actually hot!
smoky brown eyes that looked like pools of chocolate cream.
Deep, dark-toned skin that looked smooth as
A small nose, full lips, and
rich, natural eyelashes that were so long and flowing that her eyes looked
closed whenever she looked down.
Tony usually
struck out in the female department.
women he usually found attractive were almost never very beautiful to
But this time, Brent thought, his
kid brother hit it out of the park.
knew she would be Brent’s type.
cute, right?” He was smiling as he asked it.
Brent played it cool.
As the oldest
Sinatra, his siblings looked up to him.
He learned how to keep it together in all matters, even minor ones.
“She’s okay,” he said.
was offended.
Okay my ass!
She’s hot, Brent, come on!”
your voice,” Brent ordered.
“Don’t make
a spectacle of the girl.”
leaned toward his brother, with a lowered voice.
“But you have to admit she’s hot.”
Sure I’ll admit it.
How old is she?”
“How should I know how old she
She graduated that same school in
Boston Jenay graduated from, I know that much.
So she’s legal if that’s what you mean.”
Then he leaned back, confused.
don’t get you.
I thought you’d be all
over that.”
was intrigued, that was for damn sure, but that wasn’t Tony’s business.
And even when Denise finished at the table
across from them and made her way over to their table, he continued to keep his
Although, when he saw her up
close, he became even more intrigued.
She was stunning.
looked at Tony first.
“Your order should
be up next, alright?” She said this as she pulled out her order pad.
“Norm’s a little slow this afternoon.”
always slow,” Tony said with a smile.
in spite of the slow service, my very generous offer is still on the table.”
looked at his brother.
“What generous
told her I would be honored for her to have my baby.”
rolled his gorgeous eyes.
laughed. “What can I get for you, sir?” she asked Brent.
Tony asked.
“He’s no sir, he’s my
Dee, I want you to meet my big
brother who thinks he’s my Dad.
name’s Charles Brenton Sinatra, Jr.,” Tony said.
“But we just call him Boss.”
I won’t be calling him that,” Denise said with a smile.
found himself smiling too.
Not only were
her teeth pearly white, but her eyes seemed to twinkle when she smiled.
extended her hand.
“Nice to meet you,
me Brent, and nice to meet you,” he said as they shook.
“Dee, is it?”
Brent said her name in a slow, careful drone, as if he was trying it on
for size.
he did not release her hand, a move that was not lost on Tony.
Brent was a smooth operator, but his coolness
wasn’t fooling Tony.
certainly not from around here,” Brent said.
got that right,” Denise said.
noticed how she had a natural ability to be blunt without being offensive.
Refreshing for a pretty girl.
from Boston,” Denise added.
“I’m just
working here for now.
Helping your
stepmother out.”
You know Jenay?”
He knew Brent already knew that
she and Jenay were friends.
But he went
along with Brent’s act too.
“She sure
does,” he said.
“Odd isn’t it?
You wouldn’t think serious Jenay, Dad’s wife,
would hang out with people our age.”
why they called me, Norm, and Jenay the Three Oddateers in college.
I was young and wild, Norm was gay and white,
and Jenay was divorced and serious and could have told both of us to take a
But she didn’t.
She allowed us to latch onto her and hang
around her and the three of us became best friends.”
Denise smiled.
“I’m her best friend.”
is odd,” Brent agreed.
“Especially since
you don’t look a day over eighteen.”
nodded her head.
my, he thought.
He was getting an
Just looking at this slip of a
girl was giving him an erection!
you are eighteen surely?” he asked, feeling guilty.
didn’t understand that sudden shift.
“Excuse me?”
wants to know if you’re legal,” Tony said, “so he can have his way with you.”
inwardly smiled.
Good, she thought.
He was
But she wasn’t making
any moves just yet.
“May I take your
order, sir?” she asked.
she took his order, the cheeseburger special with a Coke, she headed back to
the kitchen.
Brent looked at his younger
brother with anger in his eyes.
So I can have my way with her
Seriously, Tone?”
“I was just kidding around,
Brent, geez!
She knows I like to kid
take that shit too far.
You embarrassed
did not!”
did too!
Everything isn’t a joke,
You need to stop kidding so
much and get your ass serious.”
“I am
And when she has my baby, I’ll
get even more serious.
You need to
lighten up,” Tony added.
“That’s the
real problem.”
glanced at Denise, as she stood at the pickup counter.
He hadn’t had sex in a month, since he and
Kerstin broke up, and that was a record for him.
He was itching for some.
He looked down at her body, thought about all
the other bodies around town he could spend a night with, and decided he preferred
he said to his brother, and actually hoped she hadn’t been offended.
that him?” Denise asked, and Jenay and Norm both looked where she was looking:
at the front portico of the Jericho Yacht and Country Club’s dining hall
Charles, who had been with the
club for nearly a decade and was its most prominent member, was standing near
the entrance shaking hands and holding a conversation with what appeared to be
a couple of businessmen.
One of the men
Jenay recognized as the president of the Chamber of Commerce.
him,” she said as she looked fondly at her husband.
He left for Baltimore yesterday and was
apparently just getting back in town.
had only been a day’s separation, but she missed him terribly.
nodded approvingly as he watched Charles.
He’d only met him twice before, both times in Boston and both times very
briefly, and both times he was impressed with his physical attributes.
And still was.
“Still gorgeous after all these years I see,”
he said.
rolled her eyes.
“You would notice
that,” she said.
Then she looked at
“So what was he doing in
smiled. “He was meeting with his business partners,” she said.
far as you know,” Denise said.
please girl,” Norm fired back.
man is not like Mark.”
didn’t say they were,” Denise said.
was just being honest.
I didn’t mean to
offend you, Jenay.”
can’t offend me,” Jenay said.
“Not about
I know him.”
and Denise exchanged glances.
That’s what they all say
, their looks
seemed to say. But Jenay ignored them.
She didn’t know everything about Charles, but she felt in her heart of
hearts that he wouldn’t do something like that to her.
looked at her.
“It would kill you if he
cheated on you.
Wouldn’t it?”
would, and Jenay knew it would, but she wasn’t going into that with them.
“He’s not a cheater,” was all she’d say.
Denise said.
“None of them are
Until they cheat.
Then they’re dirty dogs.
To wit, Mark.”
“She thinks every man is Mark
Don’t try to reason with her about
it anymore.
She’s officially a bitter
old woman.”
“I am not old and I am not
You, on the other hand---”
keep it clean children,” Jenay said.
“This is supposed to be a respectable joint.”
all laughed.
Norm and Denise didn’t
realize that all eyes were on them, especially when they laughed or spoke
loudly, but Jenay did.
She was used to
Even when she and Charles had dinner
there, and she would look up from her plate, some busybody or other would
quickly look away from her as if they’d been staring at her the entire time.
finally broke free of the talkative businessmen and made his way toward Jenay’s
Norm, who was seated beside
Denise, stood and shook his hand.
are you, sir?” Charles asked Norm as they shook.
well, thank-you,” Norm said.
He’d heard
all kinds of terrible things about Jenay’s husband, or Big Daddy Sinatra as the
townsfolk called him, but Charles was alright in Norm’s book.
He never seemed to look down on him, or treat
him differently because he was gay.
in a
judgmental town like Jericho, Norm
thought, that was a big deal.
nodded toward Denise, who was seated on the inside seat.
“Hello Denise.”
Denise responded with a smile.
She had
forgotten how great looking the guy was.
He was just as gorgeous as his son Brent.
Maybe even more so.
Charles moved over to Jenay, leaned over and
kissed her affectionately on the lips.
did it go?” Jenay asked him as he sat down.
“Made a deal?”
did actually,” Charles responded.
he looked at his wife.
“How about with
Everything okay?”
baby’s fine.
Both of them.”
young Denise said like an embarrassed teenager, and Charles laughed.
“What were you guys talking about?” he asked
his wife.
faithfulness,” Jenay said.
Norm and
Denise were stunned that she would tell him the truth.
however, wasn’t stunned at all.
yeah?” he said.
“So you were wondering
if I was cheating on you?”
like that.”
Denise said, “I made the comment that all men cheat.
In my view.”
Charles shook his head.
“Impossible,” he
frowned. “What’s so impossible about it?”
not dead yet.
If I cheated on Jenay, I
would not be alive to talk about it.
That’s for damn sure.”
first they all smiled, and then they all laughed.
People looked at their lively table, Charles
noticed those arrogant looks, but he and Jenay both
ignored them.
They were having fun.
And they
continued throughout the evening.
dinner, they all piled into the new car Charles had just purchased for her, a
dark-red Mercedes S-class.
Jenay had resisted such a purchase, she had to admit now that she was pleased.
She, in fact, was still excited about driving
it when Charles automatically got behind the wheel and drove it himself.
He drove them all to the B & B where Norm
and Denise had rooms.
Jenay had some
papers she needed to get out of her office, and then she and Charles were going
to head home to their little girl, so Charles went inside too.
and Denise stood around the front desk laughing and talking with the desk clerk
while Charles placed his hands in his pockets and walked around the lobby
looking at the beautiful artwork Jenay had installed.
The place looked a hundred times better since
she was in charge, and he was proud of her.
He reminded himself to tell her so.
when she came out of her office, and he saw her talking with her friends, his
heart began to melt.
She was smiling as
if she was the happiest woman in the world, and it warmed him to his soul to
see her so happy.
He looked down the
length of her, at her smoking hot body, and back into her cheerful face, and he
knew he had to have her. Not later tonight.
Not as soon as they got home.
removed his hands from his pockets and hurried toward her.
She saw him coming, and she also saw that
look in his eyes.
took her by the hand.
“Excuse us,” he said,
and began walking her toward the elevators.
Norm, Denise and the desk clerk were all watching them, and they all had
their own ideas as to why he was suddenly in such a hurry to get her upstairs,
but Charles didn’t care.
And Jenay
didn’t ask.
She rode the elevator with
him to the top floor, to the
for their
use only
presidential suite, and as soon as they walked in, and he locked
the door, he was on her.
lifted her into his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his body, and they
kissed as he carried her to the bedroom.
couldn’t wait,” Charles said breathlessly as he kissed her passionately.
Jenay replied, as she kissed him with equal passion.
they made it to the huge bed, he lifted her blouse and bra over her head and
tossed them aside, and removed his tie and shirt and tossed them too.
Then he laid her on the bed, got on top of
her, and began sucking her big breasts mercilessly.
hadn’t been away from her so long that he should have felt needy, but that was
exactly how he felt.
He needed her.
He needed to feel the texture of her breasts,
the smell of her perfume, the softness of her body.
And when her breasts became red and sore, he
moved back up to her mouth, kissing her long and lovingly again.
could feel his hardening penis even through the fabric of his pants as he
rubbed against her while he kissed her.
By the time he removed her panties and pulled down his own pants and
briefs, his penis was so hard it nearly punctured her skin.
It was so hard that he needed no hands to
guide it into her pussy.
It went on its
own, pushed in, and caused her to open her legs wider to feel the total
sensation of his fullness.
made love in that hotel suite with no concern for any walls.
They moaned and sighed and listened to the
sounds of his pre-cum and her wetness as he moved along her ridges.
The tightness made him feel as if he was
penetrating her for the very first time.
held her in his arms and fucked her long and hard.
He had fantasized about being with her last
night, as he laid awake in his hotel room, and now, tonight, he had her in his
Her heels were still on her feet,
and her legs were high in the air, as he stroked her.
He held her tighter.
He kissed her again and fucked her harder and
It was the kind of lovemaking
that dreams were made of.
It made him
feel unhinged with desire.
Because he
was fucking Jenay.
The most
enchanting woman in the world.
couldn’t describe how fortunate he felt.
became so engrossed in his own excitement that he came.
Before her.
Something he worked tirelessly to never do.
But he did it this time.
He had spasms and poured out and couldn’t
stop himself from cumming.
It felt so
good and was so strong that he couldn’t think about anything else but
He came.
He came hard.
he finally came back down to himself and looked at Jenay, he realized that she
hadn’t cum yet.
She was on the verge,
her eyes were hooded, but she hadn’t gotten there yet.
His penis wanted to begin its’ retreat, but
he refused to let it.
He was going to
make her cum if it was the last thing he did.
And he fought it.
He kept
stroking her, and pushing deeper inside of her.
The more he pushed and stroked, the more hooded her eyes became.
soon, to his relief, he was fucking her again.
He was regaining his erection and was putting it on her just as hard as
he put it on her before.
His cum was
sloshing inside of her, draining out, but he kept putting it on her.
And then she came.
As hard as he had cum.
And, as if the natural order of things were
back in line, he came after her.
And not
in a small way either.
He poured out yet
they both had cum, Charles managed enough strength to roll her on top of
smiled and rubbed the back of her hand across his strong jaw.
“Twice,” she said.
“You sly devil you.”
He was so proud of himself, and
so pleased to be her man, that he could hardly contain his joy.
and Denise were still laughing and talking with the desk clerk by the time
Charles and Jenay made it back downstairs.
Denise elbowed Norm as they approached them.