Big Daddy Sinatra: Carly's Cry (24 page)

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But she would have to wait to find
out because Trevor, as soon as he saw her full nakedness, dropped to his knees,
opened her legs wider, and began experiencing her in a way that made her nearly
overcome with joy.

Carly had never had an oral
Every man that had ever touched
her body always went straight for her pussy, putting it in whether she was
ready for it or not.
It wasn’t about her

But Trevor wasn’t in that kind of
Because it was about her.
It was about both of them.
And despite his heightened desire, despite the
wonderful thought that he was about to make love to a woman he actually cared
about, he was careful to attend to her needs too.
Although, in truth, he was enjoying it
probably more than she was.
Because of
the taste.
His tongue had circled around
her clit, giving her that feeling of joy.
But it had also pushed inside, allowing him to suck in her wetness and
her sweetness all at once.
He was making
love to her pussy with his tongue, and then his entire mouth, and didn’t want
to stop.

And he didn’t stop.
He took Carly on a ride that had her
squirming in his bed.
He looked up and
saw her breasts bouncing from her movement, as if she could hardly contain
herself, and he went down on her even harder.
Until he couldn’t wait any longer.
He still wanted to go down on her, but all the way.

He stood up and began to unbuckle his
belt, and unbutton and unzip his pants.
Carly was still reeling from the intensity of his oral, but she was not
so imbued with passion that she could not look at that bundle she had been
dying to see.
When Trevor dropped his
pants and briefs, and revealed that he was not patted at all, and she saw his
long, thick penis spring out in vivid color, she couldn’t help it.
She actually licked her lips!

Trevor cheered inside.
She couldn’t imagine what that did to
The fact that she was so anxious
for him to put it inside of her that she could taste it, made his day.
He knew he had to put on a condom, he was
never going to be so reckless as to make her ever feel that insecure, but he
couldn’t just yet.
He got on top of her
and wrapped her into his arms.
He needed
to hump her first.
He needed to feel his
bare penis against her bare body, even if it was only surface deep.

Carly’s eyes became hooded when she
felt that rod against her nakedness.
wanted to jump for joy when he wrapped her in his arms as he rubbed against
She knew she was going to stop him
if he tried to enter her raw, but she was enjoying it this way too.
And when he began kissing her again, while he
humped her, she closed her eyes and experienced a feeling that she had never
felt before.
She was on a natural high
that was so intense that it felt drug-induced.

He stopped kissing her and looked
into her face.
His rubbing was becoming
even more passionate, and his penis, to her shock, was growing even
She opened her eyes as he began
rubbing her cheeks and her chin.
when his fingers rubbed her lips sensually, she still felt that wonderful

But then his fingers gave way to his
full hand, and his hand inadvertently covered her mouth.
As soon as it did, she saw flashes of all
those men from her childhood covering her mouth.
And Ethan Campbell’s hand covering her
And her biological father’s hand
covering her mouth.
And she couldn’t
take it.
It was happening again.
It was happening again!

she cried and pushed Trevor’s body off of her.
It took all the strength she had, but she pushed him completely
And jumped out of his bed.

Trevor was floored.
“Carly, what’s wrong?” he asked, his handsome
face a mask of concern and confusion.

But Carly wasn’t confused.
She was determined.
She ran to her purse and pulled out her small
Trevor stood up shocked, as she
pointed the gun at him.

“Stay where you are,” she said in a
trembling, high-pitched, terrified voice.
“My father taught me how to use it.
Stay where you are!”

What Carly didn’t realize was how
badly she was shaking as she held the gun.
She didn’t realize the fear Trevor saw in her big, expressive eyes.
And with his hands outstretched, he began
walking toward her.

“I said stay where you are,
I’ll kill you!
I tell you I will!”

But he wasn’t as convinced as she
He continued to walk toward
He was less concerned with the fact
that she went from making love to him to pointing a gun at him in no time flat,
as he was for the reason for this sudden shift.
“Give it to me, Carly,” he said.
“You aren’t shooting anyone.”

“But I will!” she said.
She was crying now.
“I will!”

By the time Trevor arrived at her
side, he easily grabbed the tiny gun from her.
He held her by her small arms, and stared frowningly into her eyes.
“What’s the matter with you?” he asked
There was a sincere need to know,
and Carly saw it.

But she couldn’t verbalize what she
She couldn’t put into words the
flashes of pain that had haunted her most of her life.
She just broke down.

Trevor pulled her into his arms and
held her.
Feeling his arms around her
with love rather than aggression gave her courage.
And after several moments of nothing, she
“I never did it,” she admitted to
Trevor, “without being forced to.”

Trevor couldn’t believe his
He pulled back and looked at
The anguish on her face broke his
“You mean raped?” he asked.

Carly nodded her head.
“When you put your hand over my mouth, it
brought back so many memories.
I thought
. . . I thought you. . . I thought. . .” She looked at him.
“Not even my family knows,” she said.

Trevor felt a swell of emotion that
almost did him in.
And he pulled her
back into his arms.
Good Lord
, he thought.
poor girl!
No wonder he always felt as
if she was imprisoned somehow, and wouldn’t walk free even though the doors
were open, and she could.

He lifted her naked body into his
“Don’t you worry, my sweet Carly,”
he said to her.
“Nobody will ever force
you again.”

He carried her to his bed, pulled
back the covers, and put her to bed.
was going to sleep in a different room.
He was going to give her space, and peace.

But when he was about to move away,
Carly took his hand, and pulled him back.
“Don’t leave me,” she said so heartfelt that he felt her pain to the
roots of his hair.
He sat her pistol on
his nightstand, and got in bed with her.
And pulled her into his arms.

For the first time in his life, he
held a woman in bed without fucking her.
For the first time in his life, he held a woman in his bed and actually
hoped, not that she would be gone by morning, but that he could hold her




Charles and Mick entered Trevor
Reese’s home on the backside of the large estate.
They had silencers on their guns, and had to
kill four bodyguards before they made it inside.
But they made it in.

Charles, a developer, had obtained
the home’s blueprints, and had studied them carefully, and led the way across
the downstairs.
They had night scopes on
their weapons, just in case they ran into any dark corners, and cameras, in
case they had anyone attempt to ambush from behind, as they checked room by
room and made their way up the stairs.
Mick took the lead up the stairs. This was nowhere near his first rodeo,
and he was prepared for the unexpected.

Upstairs, in the master bedroom,
Carly was still in Trevor’s arms, the room was dark, and she was fast
Trevor’s eyes were closed too,
but he was thinking about Carly.
He knew
she was Sinatra’s niece when he hired her to run his PR department. That was
the main reason she got the job.
leverage in the future if he needed it.

But that was before he worked with
And got to know the kind of
person she truly was.
Over time, he
found that he actually liked her.
liked her work ethic and her intelligence and her strength of purpose.
And just as her heart caused him to change
his mind about keeping all women at bay and take a chance on her of all people,
her spirit and decency caused him to change his mind about using her as some
pawn in the very serious war he was soon to undertake with her Uncle Mick.
Trevor actually cared for Carly.
It was not love in any traditional sense, as
he was convinced he could not love anybody, and he was not going to pretend
that was what he was feeling right now.
But as he held this beautiful, naked, fragile woman in his arms, he was
equally convinced that Carly could take him closer to love than he ever thought
Even that was a heady
realization for a man like Trevor.

Then he heard a squeak, as if someone
was walking up his stairs.
It was so
slight that it was barely registerable.
But he heard it and opened his eyes.
What kept him alive all these years was his instinct.
And his instincts were telling him to
Even on that flimsy sound,
And he did.
He pressed the button on his side table, and
alerted his in-house guards.

Downstairs, in the basement, his
guards saw the flashing red light.
was big and prominent and could not be missed.
And within seconds the contingent, some four men strong, were armed with
silencers on their guns too, and were running up to the main floor of the Reese
They ran across the downstairs,
and then up the stairs toward the master bedroom where the alarm had been

They saw two men just as they were
about to enter the master bedroom.
they began firing.
But not before Mick
and Charles, their cameras already detecting trouble from behind, had already
turned and was firing on them.

And while Mick and Charles were in a
gun battle with his advancing army of men, Trevor had already jumped out of bed
onto the other side of his nightstand, and had already secured his loaded gun,
and Carly’s tiny pistol too, just in case.
He was ready for them.

Mick and Charles took out the four
men easily, without either one of them getting hit, but they knew the real
action was in the bedroom, where Trevor Reese could be found.
And they knew he was undoubtedly armed and ready.
Their goal had been to take him alive, to
make sure they weren’t taking out an undercover FBI operative, but they had
been met with too much resistance to fulfill that goal.
Now, they knew, they were in a fight for
their lives.

Trevor began firing at the intruders,
unaware of who they were, as soon as they entered his bedroom.
The Sinatras took cover, and began firing

But Trevor’s weapon was the only one
that did not contain a silencer.
heard the gunfire as soon as he began firing, and she quickly woke up and lifted
up in bed.
When Trevor saw her, and saw
that she was at risk for harm, his heart slammed against his chest.

he cried and jumped over the nightstand, diving onto Carly and knocking her
back down onto the bed.
But as he did,
Mick took a shot that landed, and Trevor crashed down like dead weight on top
of Carly.

When they didn’t hear anymore gunfire
from in front of them or behind them, Mick and Charles stood erect.
But then they heard a different sound.
The sound of a woman crying.
Mick looked at Charles, and Charles, with
Mick covering him, hurried to the bed.
When he moved Trevor’s lifeless body aside, he realized somebody with
the voice of a woman was beneath him.
Charles quickly turned on the nightstand lamp.
When he saw that it was Carly lying in that
bed, crying, his heart fell through his shoe.
He had no idea she had come to Boston!

When Carly looked up and saw that her
father was standing there, she was shocked too.
But for a different reason.
was terrified for Trevor.

“You killed him!” she cried.

killed him


Charles and Mick had taken Carly from
the Reese estate, kicking and screaming, as they got away before Trevor’s front
gate men, not to mention the Boston police, could surround them.
But as Mick drove to the Boston airstrip,
with Charles in the backseat with Carly in case she tried to make a run for it,
they were worried.
The kind of security
they encountered at Reese’s home was more than Mafia.
No mobster needed that many levels of
security where there were men on guard in the basement too.
Was he Fed undercover?
Was he Fed outright?

“Have you ever seen anything like
it?” Charles asked.

“No,” Mick admitted.
“Not quite that vast.”

“Who is this guy?” Charles
“What’s going on with him?”

“Nothing is going on with him,” Carly
said angrily.
“You broke into his
You fired on him.
You killed him!”
Tears reappeared in her eyes.

“He was firing on us,” Charles
“He was no saint, Carly.”

“Neither are you,” Carly said. “Or
Uncle Mick.”
Then she thought about what
she had done to Ethan Campbell.
!” she blared.

“You didn’t know the whole story,”
Charles said.
“You didn’t know what he
was up to.”

Carly looked at her father.
“What was he up to?
You don’t know either!”

“I know,” Mick said, “that he has a
vendetta against me.”

“Why?” Carly asked.

Mick hesitated, but he knew she
deserved the truth.
“I killed his
father,” he said.

Carly’s heart dropped.
“What?” she asked.

“He probably hired you,” Mick
continued, “as what we call in my world a
in case

But Carly was shaking her head.
“Trevor isn’t like that.
like that,” she corrected herself, and her tears returned.

“You don’t know what he was like,”
Charles said.
“What are you talking

“I’m talking about Trevor.
I’m talking about the man I knew.”

“That man wanted to kill your uncle,
Carly!” Charles yelled.

“My uncle killed his father, Dad!”
Carly yelled back.
“What’s the damn

Charles saw a hard edge to Carly he
had never seen before.
Even Mick looked
through the rearview at her.
Was this
change all because of Trevor Reese?
was it deeper than that, and a long time coming?
Was Carly, her father wondered, finally
coming out of her protective shell?

A cell phone began to ring.
Carly knew it was her dial tone, but she
didn’t even think she had her purse.
while Charles put clothes on Carly back at Reese’s house, Mick found her purse
when he double checked the room to make sure they were leaving no evidence behind.
It was lying on the passenger seat beside him
He picked it up and tossed it to
“It’s yours,” he said.

Carly didn’t want to be bothered, but
she reached into her purse, pulled out her cell phone, and answered.

“Carly,” a voice, a very faint but
familiar voice, said.

Carly’s heart began to pound.
“Trevor?” she asked.

Mick almost wrecked the car when he
heard that name. He looked through the rearview at her.
Charles was already staring at her.

“You’re alive?” Carly asked

But Trevor’s faint voice had a
question of his own.
“Are you okay?”

“Yes!” Carly said, with joy in her

“Are you safe?”

“I’m with my father.
Yes,” she said.

“Good,” he said.

“Where are you?” Carly asked.

“On my way to Baptist,” Trevor said.
Baptist, Carly knew, was a hospital in town.

“Are you okay?” Trevor asked her

“I’m fine,” she said.
“I’m with my father.
I’m safe.”

“Good,” he said again.
And then the call went dead.

“Trevor?” Carly said into the
She was panicking now.
“Oh my God.

Charles removed the phone from her
hand and checked it. “He hung up, babe,” he said.

Carly looked at her father.
“Turn the car around,” she said.
“Turn the car around!”

“Don’t talk crazy, Carly,” Charles
“We’re heading for Uncle Mick’s
plane and getting the hell out of this town.”

“Not with me you aren’t,” Carly said
“You either turn this car
around, or I’ll get out and walk to that hospital.”

“It could be a set up,” Mick said,
although he suspected that it wasn’t.

“It’s no setup,” Carly said.
“He’s alive, and I have to see him!”

Charles knew he had to stop
sugarcoating this situation with his daughter.
“Trevor Reese is most likely a mob boss, Carly,” he said.

“You mean like Uncle Mick?” Carly asked.

Mick smiled.

“Or worse,” Charles said.
“He could be a federal agent undercover.
Under deep cover as a mobster.”

Carly gave herself a chance to
compose herself.
She looked at her
“I know I’m acting irrationally,
Dad,” she said.
“I know I’m not behaving
in my normal way.
But when I decided to
leave Jericho earlier today, I decided because I was tired.”
Her voice broke when she said that word.
Mick looked through his rearview.

“Tired of what?” Charles asked her.

“Tired of going through life without
living. Tired of never taking any risks.
Tired of living the way other people want me to live.
I’m tired, Dad.”

Charles’s heart swelled with
“But sweetheart,” he said, “this
man isn’t the antidote to your need to live.
He’s the poison.
You won’t be
taking a risk on love if you hook up with him.
You’ll be taking a risk with your life.”

Carly held firm.
“But if it isn’t much of a life anyway, just
an existence, it’s a risk worth taking.
What do I have to lose?”

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