Read Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan 5) Online

Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan 5)
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“Will, I have something to tell you.”

“It can wait.” He came to her, his hands closing around her body and drawing her close. His lips, tasting of whiskey, claimed hers and his tongue plundered her mouth.

The old Will was back, and he was right, what she had to say could wait. His fingers fumbled at the buttons of her jeans, but once he had succeeded in opening them, he pushed them down over her generous hips and down her thighs. He bent down, his breath warm on her thighs as he took one foot each in turn and lifted them free of her jeans.

When he came back up, his mouth trailed kisses along her legs, over her knees and the inner flesh of her thighs. Then his face was level with her clit and she held her breath, waiting to see what he was going to do.

“Oh, hell,” she said as his mouth kissed her there through the fabric of her panties. She gripped the doorjamb as his tongue pushed forward to roll over its prize. Then he inserted a finger inside her and fingered her until she cried out, her juices soaking her panties. When her first orgasm had passed he stood, slipping her panties down and saying, “Step out of them.”

She obeyed, her eyes fixed on his. Only her ears told her he was unzipping his leather pants, she was too lost in the desire in his eyes to tear herself away. Then he stepped closer to her and he bent slightly, his hands going around her so that he lifted her off her feet. Pinioning her to the wall with his body, he nestled between her thighs.

In one slow, deliberate movement, he impaled her on his cock. Sighing with satisfaction when he was buried inside her to the hilt. There he rested, his eyes watching the rise and fall of her ample breasts.

“You're intoxicating,” he said. “I don’t need the liquor when you're near. I need it to blot you out when you're not. It’s the only way I cope.” His gaze, level and steady, caught hers. “It’s a crutch.”

“Chocolate,” she said, gasping as he slowly started to move his cock in and out of her. “Mine ... is ... chocolate.”

His finger trailed along the curve of her breast and down the side of her body, lifting her shirt so he could look at her breasts. “I’m not complaining.” His fingers dragged her bra cup down, rolling her taut nipple in between his fingers. Her body jerked forward and down onto his cock. With her body pinned against the wall, he withdrew his cock before plunging back inside her, so deep she thought he would do her an injury. Yet she couldn’t deny how perfect it felt to be filled by him like this.

He kissed the tip of her nipple, whilst he maintained a steady rhythm with his hips, pulling out and thrusting back into her. Then he sucked it, pulling his head back and then blowing on the taut bud. She clung to him, her fingers threading through his hair, pulling his head down.

“Ask me.”

“Please, Will.”

“Please Will what?”

“Use your mouth.”

“Like this?” He licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue and then, using the tip, he circled it until she was panting in his arms. “I want to feel you come around me, Freyja.”

“Will. Damn it. Make me.”

His mouth sucked hard on her nipple and she had to bury her face in his collarbone to drown out her cries. Her fingernails dug into his back as her climax covered her, taking her to another place, where they rolled in the grass in the summer sun high on a mountaintop.

Hard and fast, his thrusts filled her until he slammed his fist into the wall as he came. Still he pounded out his orgasm, his seed filling her, hot and deep inside her until he was completely spent.

Slowly he released her, and she slid down the wall until she was standing on her feet again. Although she had to lean against the solid bricks for support. Her breathing was quick and fast, while he panted, a laugh bubbling out of him.

“Now, that is a good way to start the day.”

She quickly bent down and retrieved their clothes. “I agree. Although you need to get dressed. My father and cousin are waiting for us in the bar.”

“What?” His humour vanished. “You mean they have been there all this time?”

“Yes. I said I’d come up and wake you.”

“They’ll know,” he whispered.

“Go and wet your hair, we’ll say you were showering.” She looked at him, seeing how shaken he was. “Go on.”

“Freyja. Do they know?”

She looked at him steadily. “I thought it was best to be honest. I know I should have asked you, but I did what I thought was right. Yesterday you seemed to be lost.” She smiled at him and leaned forward to kiss him. “Today you seem to have found yourself.”

“Damn it, woman. You are something else.”

“That’s why I am your mate. You need someone to keep you straight.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I am going to have to be more assertive. I am the boss around here.” His hand went to her breast while his mouth claimed hers in a fierce kiss.

Her knees went weak. “I will always be your equal, Will.”

“We’ll see. I intend to bring you to your knees in the most pleasurable way, Freyja McCormac.”

“I look forward to it.”

He groaned and went to the bathroom. Freyja headed to the kitchen and picked up the bottle of whiskey, ready to pour it down the sink. Then she replaced it. This was his crutch. He was the one who needed to rise up and leave it behind.

She walked away from the counter as she heard him come out of the bathroom; he had a towel in his hand and was rubbing his hair. He had a T-shirt on that clung to him in all the right places and his leather pants that gripped his hips and his butt just right.

“When we get through this, can you take me for a ride on your bike?”

He looked up, puzzled. “Sure.”

“You have no idea how many times I’ve sat up on the mountain and listened to your bike as it approached and then watched you fly by. Wondering where you were going and who you were seeing.”

He came to her and held her close. “There has never been anyone else, Freyja. Not since I’ve known it was you. I want you to know that.”

She smiled weakly. “I thought you would be out there sowing your wild oats.”

“I promise you, Freyja. Not since I’ve known. Even looking at a woman used to make me feel like a cheat.”

She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

His fingers slid into her hair, and he wound it around his finger. “I love you, Freyja. I have long before you were my mate. I guess I always knew, always hoped, but I would never act on it. Not until I knew for sure. And then when I did...”

“It’s the past, Will. Let’s go downstairs together and put our future straight. I want our children to inherit every part of their birthright. I know I said it didn’t matter, and in a way it doesn’t.” She lifted her eyes to his, tears sparkling there. A mixture of sorrow and anger. “But to some part of me, it does. The part that has watched the Beltane Rites and seen the joy on the faces of those who have passed their long life to their mates. That’s why I want to stop Carson.”

“Then let’s go,” he said, holding out his hand. She took it and they went downstairs together. Mated and united.


Chapter Nine – Will

They went down into the bar, Will trying to keep his head held high when he came face to face with Freyja’s father. He had no idea what reception he was about to get. It wasn’t only the thought of the Chief of Bear Bluff knowing what he had just been doing with his daughter. It was the ten years of messing her around and denying her too. Did he know it had been ten years? Or did he think they had just realised the mating bond?

He wished he had spent more time asking Freyja exactly what she had told her father instead of fucking her. He shook that thought away. No, he didn’t. He would put everything on hold to slip his cock inside her at every opportunity.

“Will,” Stuart McCormac said, thrusting his hand out for Will to shake.

Good start, thought Will. “Sir, it’s good to see you again.” How long had it been? Maybe decades since he had seen Stuart. Normally he would have been able to say he had never aged a day, but that wouldn’t be true.

“Will. It’s good to finally meet you.” A young man, well, in bear terms maybe only one hundred and fifty years old, stood before him. His face was sunken with sorrow and Will knew instantly this was Eirik McCormac. He was toned and buffed, wearing his youth well. He had that mixture of easy good looks coupled with almost coltish self-confidence. But that self-confidence was under attack right now surrounded by his elders.

“Eirik. Well met,” Will said in the formal greeting to those from rival clans that were unknown to you.

“Well met, Will.” Eirik lowered his eyes in submission.

Will clapped him on the arm, hard. “Be proud of your heritage, Eirik.”

Eirik raised his eyes to Will’s. “Thank you, Will.”

“Let’s not waste any more time,” Stuart said. “Freyja has told me about Carson. I almost cannot believe her words but I have bought her up to be honest and true.”

“I’m not sure what she’s told you, but I can answer any questions you have.”

Stuart glanced at Freyja. “You are her mate, apparently.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And this is something you have known for some time.”


“Freyja is my only child, Will. I am grateful that you tried to shield her from dishonour.”

“But I was foolish to fall for my brother’s lies.”

“Ah, brothers.” He glanced at Eirik. “We cannot be held responsible for their actions. Nor those of our fathers.”

Eirik looked at Stuart. “I appreciate your words, Uncle Stuart. But it still does not excuse what happened. The Clan’s land should have been protected. For a normal member of the Clan to mate and produce a cub from one who is not his mate is one thing. But for someone so involved in the Clan’s affairs, the holder of the deeds to our ancient and most sacred lands. I find it hard to believe I ever knew my father at all.”

“Putting everything aside, we need to come up with some way to bargain with Carson. I cannot believe he would expect my daughter to be his mistress in return for not desecrating our land.” He looked hard at Will now. “If this had happened on our soil, then I would have power over him. Does your clan leader have any sway over Carson?”

Will thought about it for a moment. “I haven’t spoken directly to our clan leader for some years. We don’t walk the same path.”

“You mean he frowned upon your business dealings?” Stuart asked.

“No. I don’t think so. All my business is legal and ethical.”

“Father, please don’t turn this into an interrogation. Will is none of your concern.”

“On the contrary. He is mated to my daughter and my daughter is the future of our Clan.”

“That is something so far in the future it would be stupid to even contemplate what things will be like then,” Freyja countered.

“I have to think of this. I never expected Wayne to die so suddenly.” He looked so sad, so worn out, that Will wanted to turn away from him. It was too painful to watch a man who should be proud and strong be brought down to this. To be told he would lose the land unless his daughter gave herself to a man who wasn’t her mate. Then the full enormity of the situation hit him.

Will spoke firmly now. “I will go and talk to our Clan leader.”


Chapter Ten – Freyja

“Thank you, Will,” she said.

“Yes. Thank you, Will. I know you don’t have to do this for us.”

“Freyja is part of my life, part of me now. So I am doing this for her.” He wanted to go now, before he overanalysed the situation. “Freyja, will you come with me?”

“To see your clan leader?”

“Yes. I think it would be best.”

“OK. Dad?”

“Of course. Eirik and I will go home. You are welcome in our town when you have finished your business here, Will.”

Will nodded, and said, “I need to get my jacket.” He went back upstairs, leaving the three Bear Bluff residents alone.

“He’s a good man, Freyja. But it’s good that you are going with him; make sure our case is heard.”

“Tell me, Dad. If the roles were reversed and it was me coming to plead Will’s case, would you listen and side with him over one of our own?”

“Clan is everything, Freyja. And it is true that illegitimate or otherwise, Carson is one of our own, but he is also of Bear Creek.”

“So the answer would be no.”

“Clan is everything. But right is right. What Carson is doing is wrong. I hope our Clan would respect another’s rights.” Eirik spoke clearly and forcefully for the first time.

“You are wiser than your father ever was, Eirik. You give me hope for the future. If the deeds are returned, you will be the holder. I have faith in you.”

“Thank you, Uncle. And Freyja, I am so happy for you. I hope I am as fortunate one day to have a mate who will put me above all else.” Eirik hugged her.

“Thank you, Eirik. Don't take it so hard on yourself. There is no proof that what Carson says is true.”

“If it was a lie, why did my father believe it?”

She had no answer, so her father and Eirik left and she suddenly felt so self-conscious. She was standing in the place Will had hidden away in for so long. She looked around, taking in the pool tables and the bar. The smell of stale food hung in the air, and she knew that any time soon the doors would open and his friends, his family, would arrive. What would they make of her and how she had taken Will away from them? Would they resent her, or be pleased for their leader?

“Ready?” he asked, appearing at her side.

“Yes. Although I’m not sure that me tagging along is such a good idea. If I had turned up to speak to my father unannounced with the daughter of a rival Clan in tow, he would throw me out.”

“I think our Clan leader is a little easier going. Plus, I think he will be interested to meet you.”

“There is nothing interesting about me. Especially when I’m dressed in work clothes.”

“You look beautiful. Come on, I expect we’ll be early enough to catch him at breakfast.”

He disappeared behind the bar and then reappeared with a spare helmet. “Here, you’ll need this.”

“We’re going on your bike?”

“I thought you wanted to ride on it.”

“I know. But my dad will see.”

“Seriously? You are worried that your dad will see you on a bike with your mate. He does understand that you are the most precious thing to me now and that I will take care of you?”

BOOK: Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan 5)
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