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Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (23 page)

BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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He finally got enough sense back to sweep her legs, dropping Luca to the concrete. She immediately kicked out, smashing her boots into a knee, sending him to the ground near the fence. He grabbed for the railing, pulling himself up, but in the process, lost track of Luca, who managed to kick back to her feet a little faster. By the time he saw her coming, it was too late to stop the punch to his throat. Both of his hands went to his neck, leaving him wide open for a more powerful swing. Luca’s uppercut took him off his feet and over the fence, and sent him screaming all the way down.

Before she could catch her breath, Luca heard a click behind her, and realized the fight had moved them to where the thug could get a line of fire. Likely, only the close quarters with his boss had kept the man from shooting her already. Luca turned to see the angry man lining up his shot, too far away for her to rush, or to get to cover.

Thankfully, not too far away for Emily, arms still bound, to high kick. The copper brace smashed into his neck, and the man tumbled over the railing. Both women glanced at each other a few moments, before Luca grinned. “Nice shot.”

“Thank you,” Emily said warmly regardless of the surrounding atmosphere. “Have to always keep in practice for those kicks.”

“I know some other things you can keep in practice for.”

“I’ll look forward to that later. Now please untie me—these fellows’ knots aren’t comfortable—and let’s go check on the doctor.”


While shaken, the old scientist was fine. “There’s a lot of damage, but with all the things they’d taken... those experiments would have been worth a fortune. Especially if they had someone who could make use of them. Thank you. How can we possibly repay you?”

“You can start by talking to Roper. Don’t think I’ll be giving up the horse any time soon, but that bike is kind of growing on me.”

Amidst massive cleanup and returning of materials, the show went on—and afterward, another one began in their hotel suite. Emily once more wore nothing but copper as she slowly turned, her raised arms flowing, her chest bouncing slightly with each little en-pointe step.

“So,” Luca said, grinning. “You handled yourself well, probably saved our host, and you got nice and violent. You ever think about retiring from the stage in favor of mercenary work? Let our jobs run together on purpose for a change? Pay’s not bad.”

Emily slowly lifted one leg intently, illustrating the lines and curves of her body, and exposing herself thoroughly. “I think I’ll leave that to you. I still have some good dancing years left.” The leg lowered into a series of winding turns toward the woman on the edge of the bed. “Besides, good kicks notwithstanding, I’m a lover, not a fighter.” With a slight hiss of the metal joints, Emily sank to her knees in front of Luca, right between her legs. “Here. Let me show you.”



Jeffrey Cook lives in Maple Valley, Washington, with his wife and three large dogs. He was born in Boulder, Colorado, but has lived all over the United States. He's the author of the Dawn of Steam trilogy of alternate-history/emergent Steampunk epistolary novels and of the YA Sci-fi thriller Mina Cortez: From Bouquets to Bullets. He’s a founding contributing author of Writerpunk Press and has also contributed to a number of role-playing game books for Deep7 Press out of Seattle. When not reading, researching, or writing, Jeffrey enjoys role-playing games and watching football.


Katherine Perkins lives in Coralville, Iowa, with her husband and one extremely skittish cat. She is the editor of the Dawn of Steam series and serves as Jeff’s co-author of multiple novellas for the charity anthologies of
Writerpunk Press
and of Luca/Emily short stories in various publications. When not reading, researching, writing, or editing, Kate tries to remember what she was supposed to be doing.

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Fallen Halos

Barbi Barnard


Chapter One


“You need to get to the club.”

“I’m on my way.” I have to decide if this is what I want. Leaving at a moment’s notice is a pain in the ass. I ask Mindy to cover for me and run out the door. It’s a clear day with no mist so I take my bike and make good time. I make it to the club and see the other bikes parked in a line. I can tell who is here just by seeing the bikes. All the officers are here. It must be important. I see Leigh parking her bike also. We both rush inside and I look for Amanda. She sponsored me and will let me know what’s going on.

The smell of smoke is thick and it’s not from cigarettes. Something has been or still is burning. I see the girls and head their way. The closer I get the worse the smell is. That smell is burnt grease. I’d know that smell anywhere. What the hell? They don’t have a license to cook food here. I told them what was needed. If they want to serve food they need to do it right. I head to the back where the kitchen is, to find the girls.

Christine, Amanda, and Lori are all standing around as they watch the guys cleaning the fire suppressant powder from every surface. I walk in gawking. Nothing like seeing half naked men cleaning. That has to be one of every red blooded girl’s fantasies. “What the hell happened in here? I told you this place was not in any shape to cook in. Some of this shit is older than I am.” Heads turn my way and no one looks happy.

Lori smirks and looks around. “Seems the boys got hungry and one of them had the bright idea to cook a snack. He turned on the old fryer then went on stage and forgot it.” I see Christine looking pissed as hell. This has got to be the dumbest thing they have done.

“No one said they were hired for their brains.” Amanda is trying not to laugh. If she starts then Lori will and the boys will think this is okay. “What do you need me to do?”

Lori looks up and smiles. “That’s what I like. You walk in and ask how to help. I need a list of what has to be done to get this room up to code and operating. Can you do it?”

“Sure, I can have it done in less than an hour. Do you need the cost of things or you want to find that out later?” I half smile to let her know she won’t like it. She looks at me and frowns. “Surprise me, I need a drink.” I watch as she and Amanda leave without a backward glance.

Hot Rods opened about six months ago. Every town has that one club that you can count on to find excitement. When the Fallen Halos settled here last year they needed income. Looking around they found every business you would need except for women’s entertainment. By pooling all their money and a little help from friends the first all-male strip club was opened. The place is packed six nights a week with men begging to work here.

It has been slow going to get it all set up. The liquor license was first and then redecorating to make it female friendly. Extra bathrooms were installed for the drinking public with make-up stations. Balconies were built for reserved guests that didn’t want to be seen. Private dance rooms for the more outgoing crowds keep the boys happy and their bank accounts full. As long as they keep the ladies happy taking off their clothes I don’t complain. But coming in here and cooking is not going to happen.

Grabbing a pen and pad from the bar I walk through the kitchen. No one looks at me as they are trying to stay under the radar. Every man here knows Lori doesn’t tolerate stupidity. This is a prime example of why. At 5’8” and Native American they have all seen or heard of her temper. She has the bluest eyes that have a constant twinkle. She finds humor in most things and her laugh is like bells. She’s our president and leads us in the right direction to find a fulfilling life with little work. Just don’t piss her off being stupid.

Amanda is her right hand and always has our back. She’s a blonde and a good friend to have. Just don’t expect her to get all the jokes or sarcasm. She invited me to join them as a member when she saw me in town one day. It took almost a year before I threw all in with them. Working the Play Pen on the other side of town keeps my life quiet. I’m not ashamed of them in any way but I don’t want to cross the lines with my employment. I don’t really know what Momma would say if she knew I was part of the Fallen Halos.

Christine and Leigh join me to see how it’s going. I look over and shake my head giving them a heads up with what I see. As I walk to them I can’t help but admire the movement of muscles on these guys. “It isn’t my call but they are wasting their time. The only thing worth keeping here are the sinks and prep tables. The deep fryers, grills and stove have had it. Be cheaper on us to have them dismantle the crap and take them out than try to clean them. We can seal the doors and hose it down in a few hours. Wouldn’t hurt to steam the grease from the walls and sanitize either. I promise you I won’t be eating in here.”

Leigh is our money girl. She sees everything in dollars with a profit and loss statement. “Can anything be salvaged at all? Or are we talking the scrap yard for pennies on the dollar? I really don’t want to go over the budget we set for this.”

I want to give her good news but I just don’t see it. “If you can find an idiot with money you might sell them. Anyone who knows something about industrial kitchens will charge you to haul it off.”

Seeing the determination in her eyes I have no doubt she will do what it takes to get the most money out of this junk. Christine just shakes her head. She sees what I see and knows it’s a lost cause. “Guys, stop! Find some tools and start taking this crap out. Put it all in the back by the dumpsters and I will call for a pickup.” I watch as relief floods them. The powder is like a fine silk. If you sweep it, it becomes airborne and deposits again. It’s almost a lost cause to try to clean without water and vacuums.

Making my way back into the bar, I find Lori and Amanda sitting at the table in the corner. They can see everything but not be bothered at the same time. I hand her the pad and see her looking it over. She will call a meeting when she’s ready for more. “Do you need anything else from me? I still have things to do at work.” She shakes her head as she’s still looking it over. “Okay, I’ll check back in after my shift.”


Back at the Pen I slip in and finish up my duties. The inventory doesn’t take long and I can place the orders quickly with the spreadsheets. I don’t see Mindy so I don’t know if I was missed or not. There’s no note from anyone so I guess I’m clear. I set everything back and log off. Grabbing my logs I place them in the pantry and head for the kitchen for a quick bite.

As I’m fixing my meal I hear the sounds of heels coming down the hallway. I turn and smile as I see Tiffi with Beast. She glances behind her and holds the door for the dog. “You know if he is caught in here you will be toast, right?”

She smiles that cute smirk and shrugs.

“I need to pick up the plate I made earlier. I’m taking it outside. Want to join us?” Grabbing my plate and a water from the cooler, we both walk out the back to the picnic tables. It’s a beautiful evening, and I enjoy the company. I watch as Beast sits with his head on the bench, staring at me. “How do you eat with those sad eyes looking at you? I feel bad.”

She laughs at me and shrugs. “I guess I’m used to it. I don’t feed him from my plate, but I think the guys do. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, you know you can.”

“How are things going at Hot Rods?” My head snaps up and I have the deer in the head lights look. I didn’t think anyone knew about it.

“How did you find out? Does anybody else know?” This could affect my job. The kitchen isn’t up and running but when it is it will be mine to run and manage.

“Momma told me. She asked if I had been there yet. I know Mindy and Sarah went for a night out with Katie from the bar. They had a good time. Said the guys put on a good show.” I’m not sure how much she knows and it makes me a little nervous.

BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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