Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (39 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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“What the fuck is going on out here?” He growls looking between us.

“Were you guys going to tell us about what’s going on?” I ask Roper.

His features change and he goes from calm to pissed off in a few short seconds.

“No Shay. We don’t need to tell you shit. We are dealing with it so get the fuck out of here,” he roars.

I swear dealing with them is like talking to fucking children.

“We deserve to know,” I grate out. “What if they come after us?”

My brother pales a little, but it disappears in the blink of an eye.

“I will deal with it Shay. Go home. That’s an order,” Roper states.

Without another word, he nods his head to Hunter and then makes his way back inside.

Fuck this. I’m not going home to sit on my ass. I need to get laid and I am going to. I don’t give a shit what they say.

Flipping my brother off, I walk around him and make my way to my bike. He tries to stop me, but I just ignore his attempts.

Getting on my bike, I start the engine and let it idle for a minute before taking off toward the first bar I can find.

Chapter Two


Walking into Chrome, I scope the place out to find tonight’s victim. This is the place I come to most nights looking to get laid.

It’s close to the Black Jackals clubhouse in case something happens. Not that I’m going to be calling them tonight since I’m still pissed at my brother and his vice president. Most of the crowd looks like some wannabe Abercrombie store.

Making my way over to the bar, I get the bartender’s attention and order a beer. When he comes back with the beer, he gives me a long look. His eyes linger on my tits and I can't help but smile.

He’s hot, but not what I am looking for tonight. Tonight, I want it rough and hard.

Taking my beer from the bartender, I grab my phone and text my girl Livie to see what she’s up to. Her reply never comes so I can only figure that she’s getting some ass, exactly what I should be doing right now.

You would think that a biker bar would be full of bikers, but shit, half the time it’s full of pussies that wouldn't even know how to ride a bike much less me. After a few hours and a couple of beers, I get a call from Livie.

“Hey bitch,” I say when I answer.

“Hey Prez. What are you doing right now?” She asks.

Peeling the label on my beer bottle, I tell her what my plans are and I can hear her laughing.

“Why don't you just call one of them boys from the Saints to get your rocks off?” She asks.

I groan. “No fucking way. I don’t want to mix business with pleasure. Shit I’ve known a few of them way too long to fuck them. It would be like fucking my big brother. Speaking of big brother…” I trail off.

She starts to giggle. “He is doing extremely well.”

“Gag. I don’t need to know that shit,” I mumble into the phone.

Before I can hear what she says, I hear the bar stool next to me screech as it is pulled away from the bar. Looking over, I see a big muscled and tatted up hunk sit down. He looks over at me and then his eyes roam my body, landing on my tits.

He mutters something under his breath and motions to the bartender.

I watch him order a beer and then I go back to listening to Livie talk about my brother.

“Is that asshole still in a pissy mood?” I ask curiously. I bet he’s already bitched to her about my visit.

“Yeah. He went on and on about you fucking up his night and disrespecting him in front of one of his men until I went down on him to shut him up,” she says laughing.

“Thanks for that mental picture, bitch,” I groan. I so did not need to know that. She giggles and then I hear my brother telling her to get off the phone. God he can be such a shit head. We say our goodbyes and I set my phone on the bar.

“Your date stand you up?” the hunk from besides me asks.

Looking him up and down, I put both of my arms on the bar top which shoves my cleavage up higher.

“Would you stand this up?” I ask motioning up and down my body.

He chuckles and takes a drink of his beer. “Hell no. Only an idiot would do something like that.”

His deep voice goes straight to my core and I wiggle in my seat to ease the desire coursing through me.

Smirking, I take another drink of my beer and finish it. Motioning to the bartender, I order another beer. When the bartender brings my beer, the sexy man tells him to put my tab on his.

Raising my beer to him, I thank him and he just nods his head.

“So what’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a biker bar?” He questions with a raised eyebrow.

Turning to face him, I really look him over this time. His dark hair is messy, like he just rolled out of bed and his blue eyes are bright and staring at me like he can read my thoughts.

The beard he is sporting is doing things to my insides.

My sex-crazed brain is thinking about how it would feel between my legs, which causes me to squirm some more.

He leans in and whispers, “If you keep doing that, I’m going to think you’re trying to get off by thinking about me.”

His breath tickles my neck and I try to not show how much he really is affecting me. I don’t want him to know how desperate I really am right at this moment.

“In your dreams, buddy,” I reply, running my tongue over my bottom lip. He groans and pulls away from me.

“Trust me babe once I have you, I’ll be the star of your dreams every night,” he says before downing the rest of his beer.

He motions for another and I have to take a sip of mine to keep from showing any emotion. Every part of my body is burning with need and I want to take him up on that offer.

“I’m going to use the ladies room. Save my spot?” I ask with a wink.

“Sure thing babe,” he replies, watching my every move.

He helps me off my bar stool and I make my way to the bathroom.

Passing by all the little college douche bags, I notice them all staring at me.

Ignoring them, I open the bathroom door and take care of my business so I can get back to talking to tall, dark and sexy.

Chapter Three


Once I start making my way back to the bar, I see a bleach blonde little twit talking to tall, dark and sexy. She’s sitting in my seat and running her hand over his muscles. When I finally reach them, I pull her off my bar stool.

She screeches and falls to the ground. Walking over her, I sit back in my chair and go back to drinking my beer.

When she pulls her ugly ass off the floor, she starts to scream at me. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I was fucking sitting there you, stupid bitch,” she shrieks.

Dude is just smiling like he can’t wait to see what happens next. He has no idea how my temper can get the best of me.

Getting off my bar stool, I turn to her. “You were in my seat,” I state coolly. If the bitch so much as touches me, I will fucking knock her on her ass without a second glance. Bitches like her are what give women a bad name.

She starts to yell some more shit and then goes to push my shoulder. Before she can even touch me, I deck her in the face as hard as I can. She screams and tumbles to the floor.

One of her friends comes to grab her and she tries to tell me that I’m going to regret hitting the bitch.

“Please,” I snort. “Like I’m fucking scared of two little blonde bimbos. Try me.”

The friend huffs out and drags the bitch toward the bathroom, whining the whole way.

Dude leans in and whispers in my ear, “By far the sexiest thing I have ever witnessed.”

Looking him dead in the eyes, I reply, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

His lips curve into a panty-dropping smile and I want to drag him out of this bar and to my apartment right now.

“You wanna put your money where your mouth is?” He asks as his lips trail up my neck.

Moaning, I nod my head and wait for him to make the first move. He pulls away from me and tosses some cash on the bar to settle his tab. He grabs my hand and pulls me off my bar stool, leading me out of the door.

“You in a hurry?” I ask with a smirk on my face.

“Fuck yeah. I’m hard as fuck and I need some relief,” he groans.

Pulling him behind the bar, I push him against the wall and my hands go straight for his jeans. Undoing his belt and jeans, I slide my hand inside of his jeans and gasp when I feel how big he is.

God, I think I hit the fucking jackpot with this one. Pulling his jeans down enough to pull his hard cock out, I sink to my knees and go to work.

I run my hand up and down his shaft a few times before I take him in my mouth. He’s bigger than every other man I’ve been with and it takes a second to get used to. My mouth feels like it’s stretched to capacity and just as I just get used to his size, his hand goes to my head and he slams into my mouth.

Taking him as deep as I can, I work my mouth and hand in sync and give him a little squeeze every few strokes. His grunt and moans fill the air as I continue to bob my head.

Slipping my free hand into my pants, I slowly rub my clit. Moaning around his dick, I pick my pace up. Looking up at him, I see him watching me with a fire burning in his eyes. He likes to watch me get myself off. Good to know.

His fingers tighten in my hair and he moans that he’s gonna cum. He pumps his hips at his own pace until he cums in my mouth, causing me to cum with him. Holy fuck, if it’s this good sucking him off, I can’t even imagine how fucking good its going to be when he gets his dick inside of me.

Sucking him clean, I release his dick and he tucks himself back into his jeans. Wiping my mouth, he reaches down and offers me a hand. Once I’m standing back up, he wraps an arm around me and kisses along my neck.

“Tonight’s about to get interesting,” he whispers against my skin. Smiling back at him, I nod my head and lead him to my bike.

Pulling my key out of my pocket, he looks at me with wide eyes. “No fucking way,” he states with a smile. He checks out my black Harley Dyna and then looks back at me. “This is your bike?” He asks in shock.

“Yup, she’s my baby,” I reply with a cheeky smile. Most men aren't used to a woman who rides and I’m sure he is one of them. He walks back over to me and wraps an arm around me.

“Didn't expect you to ride. Fuck girl, you’re just full of surprises,” he says with a grin.

“Well what can I say, I learned from my big brother,” I shoot him a wink and grab my helmet and pull it on. He laughs and walks in the other direction. When I hear the roar of a bike, I almost panic that it’s my brother trying to ruin all my fun. Instead, I see tall, dark and handsome pulling up next to me on a Harley Dyna Street Bob.

Fuck his bike is something else. The matte black paint job just makes it look sexy as fuck.

“Your place or mine?” He yells over the sound of his engine.

Smiling, I reply, “Yours.” This way, I can sneak out in the morning and not worry about shit getting awkward. Yes I know what I said earlier about a man and a bike, but I need a few more years before I do that.

He nods his head and takes off into the night. Following behind him, we make our way back toward the Black Jackals clubhouse and to the little motel that’s a few miles down the road from them.

Perfect, now when I leave here at the butt crack of dawn, I can force my brother to tell me what the fuck is going on.

Pulling into the parking spot next to him, I shut off my bike and get off. After setting my helmet on my seat, I walk over to him and wait for him to get off. Before he can, his phone starts to ring.

Watching him dig it out of his pocket, I see his muscles bunch and strain. Fuck me, his arms are huge and every flex of his muscles makes me want to strip down naked and let him have his way with me.

“Yeah I’ll be there first thing, I have plans right now,” he murmurs into the phone. Before I can catch anymore of the conversation, he ends the call and wraps an arm around me.

“I’m not letting you sleep tonight,” he says, nibbling on my earlobe.

Moaning, I reach my hand down his pants and stroke him, giving him my answer without saying a word.

“Fuck.” He groans, pulling me with him toward his room.

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