Biker's Claim: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Contains bonus book Cocked!) (11 page)

BOOK: Biker's Claim: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Contains bonus book Cocked!)
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He grabbed my breast with his free hand as he fucked me like that. I could see his strong chest, dripping sweat, just like I was. He fucked me rough and deep, working my clit. I had to reach up and steady myself on the table edge as he fucked me harder, harder, animal-like and savage, working deep into my pussy.

“That’s right, girl,” he grunted. “You take that cock. You come on my fucking big dick.”

“Clutch,” I moaned. “Fill me. Fuck me. Please.”

He worked me harder, and I began to roll my hips in time with him, getting lost in the rhythm of our bodies, the pleasure just one long, deep wave of mind-bending need. It washed me and filled me, his thick cock thrusting in and out of my soaking-wet cunt.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, rocking my legs open wider. His thumb found my clit again as his cock thrust deeper, harder, into me.

His grunts, his strong body shredded with muscles, his thick cock thrusting deep inside me, his incredible thumb working my soaking, swollen clit, it all pushed me toward the edge. I could feel the orgasm coming back, coming harder and stronger.

“Please, Clutch,” I moaned. “Don’t stop. I’m so close.”

“Come on this big cock,” he said. “Come nice and hard for me.”

He kept moving, fucking me savagely and roughly, working my clit and my body.

And the orgasm washed over me. My body tensed in a mind-bending fireworks display of pleasure that tore through every inch of my skin, leaving every tiny hair upturned, every nerve frayed and tingling. My muscles tensed, arching my back, my toes curling down, my hands gripping the table hard.

As I came, pleasure rocketing through me, Clutch began to speed up, fucking me faster, harder. Then his own grunts filled my mind as he came, his cum filling my tight pussy, our bodies synched together, working hard and rocking.

Slowly, so fucking slowly, the orgasm faded. He pulled himself out of me and stepped back, grinning hugely. “Fuck,” he said. “Shit. The way you look pushed me right over the edge.”

I laughed. I could barely think.

He grabbed me and lifted me up. He carried me easily over to the couch, and we collapsed there together, buzzing with the pleasure of an incredible orgasm rolling through our bodies.

I didn’t care what this meant. There was no today or tomorrow. There was only this moment with Clutch. We had been inches away from death together, and Clutch had brought us back through it.

And all during that time in the bathroom, when the fear was the worst, I’d found myself thinking about him, about Clutch. I’d found myself wanting to be with him, wanting his body and his voice to be near me.

Now that I’d had his body, I knew I couldn’t let it go. I was too high on his touch, his taste. He made me feel something I had never felt before, worked my body harder and better than ever before.

We lay there together, wrapped in each other’s strong, sweating bodies, and breathed, slowly coming down from the orgasms together.


up on Janine’s couch.

The apartment was dark and she was nowhere to be seen. I was wearing only my boxer briefs, and I didn’t remember falling asleep.

I quickly got up, my heart racing. I moved silently toward her bedroom and gently pushed the door open.

She was sleeping soundly in her bed.

I sighed and relaxed, heading back to the couch. I must have fallen asleep and she’d left to sleep in her bed.

I sat back down, grunting softly to myself. The memory of her body came back to me, powerful and intense.

The girl was incredible, more incredible than I could have guessed. Her tight pussy, her amazing moans, the way she said my name, it all lit a fucking nuclear blast in my core. I could feel my cock getting hard again just thinking about it.

As good as it felt though, we both knew that had been a mistake. The excitement of killing those two Snakes had made us both forget that she had been claimed by Jetter. Fucking her last night had been a treasonous act, something I could be killed for if anyone ever found out.

I lay back down, taking a few deep breaths. Worse, Janine could be killed for it. I could run, and maybe get us both out of there if we needed to, but we’d never have a life again. The Demons and the Rebels would never let us be safe if anyone ever found out.

Still, I couldn’t feel like I regretted it. She was so fucking wet, so fucking sexy under my touch. I’d wanted her and still wanted her, even if it was a death sentence to keep pushing our luck.

I put my head back down on the pillow and shut my eyes, dreams of Janine’s body running through my mind.

up again to the smell of coffee. I sat up and looked into the kitchen. Janine was sitting at the table, looking at her laptop.

“Morning,” I grunted, sitting up.

She nodded at me. “You slept late.”

“Guess I was tired.”

“Having any good dreams?”

I shrugged. “Not sure.”

She smiled at me. “Looks like you were.”

I looked down at my hard cock pressing up against the fabric of my briefs. “Guess I was dreaming about your sweet pussy.”

“Guess so.”

I stood, not bothering to hide my hard cock, and walked into the kitchen.

“Get that thing out of here,” she said, laughing.

“Not like you’ve never tasted it before,” I said, pouring myself a mug.

“Listen, about that.”

“It’s a secret. Don’t worry.”

She bit her lip. “Okay.”

“We have to go to the clubhouse today,” I said, “tell Larkin about what happened with the Snakes.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“Don’t be nervous. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yes,” she said softly, “we did.”

“Maybe, but it felt very fucking good.”

She smiled but didn’t say anything. I finished off my mug and poured another one before walking back over toward the couch.

“Get dressed,” I said. “We should leave soon. Longer we wait, stranger it seems.”

“Okay.” She shut her laptop lid and disappeared back into her bedroom.

Fucking girl drove me nuts. I put my clothes back on, shaking my head. Last night she had thrown herself at me, and now she was holding back. Not that I blamed her, but I was getting tired of the fucking whiplash. If she wanted it, she should just give in to it, consequences be damned.

We rode over to the clubhouse, not talking much. It was an uneventful ride, though the weather was nice. We parked, and the place was mostly empty, especially since it was around eight in the morning.

Larkin’s bike was there though, as always. The man seemed like he never left the clubhouse, and maybe he didn’t.

“Come on,” I said, walking into the place. She followed closely. “We’ll tell him together.”

“Wish we didn’t have to tell him at all.”

“He needs to know,” I said. “It’s important.”

“I know,” she said softly.

I caught sight of Stonewall sitting at the bar and headed toward him. “Morning, Stonewall,” I said.

“Clutch,” he replied. “You’re early.”

“Prez in today?”

“Yeah, he is,” Stonewall said. “But you might want to wait.”


“Jetter’s with him.”

I frowned. “Shit,” I said.

“Why? What do you need him for?”

“Something went down last night.” I glanced at Janine. “I’ll tell Larkin about it.”

Stonewall shrugged. “Do what you want.”

I didn’t exactly want to go talk to both Larkin and Jetter, but I couldn’t put it off any longer. As it stood, I should have gotten in touch with the club the second I rode off from that gas station.

I didn’t know how I was going to explain that. I couldn’t come up with something useful that would actually work, and so I was resigned to getting my ass chewed out by Larkin for my oversight.

I couldn’t tell him the truth, which was I wanted to fuck his adopted daughter before I reported everything.

That wouldn’t go over too well.

I headed off toward the back office and knocked. I heard some faint talking, and finally Larkin called us in.

I glanced at Janine and gave her a quick nod before pushing the door open.

Larkin was sitting behind his desk while Jetter stood, leaning up against the wall, his arms crossed.

“Clutch, Janine,” Larkin said. “We’re busy. What do you guys need?”

“Larkin, it’s important,” I said.

“How important?” Jetter asked.

I gave him a cold look. “Not for you to decide.” I looked back at Larkin. “Something happened last night.”

He sat up straight. “Are you two okay?”

“We’re fine, because of Clutch,” Janine said quickly.

“Have a seat,” Larkin said.

Janine walked in and sat down while I shut the door behind us. I hovered to her right, as far away from Jetter as I could get, not because I was afraid of the fucking scumbag, but because I was afraid I’d try to fucking strangle him to death while looking right in his pussy fuck eyes.

Which surprised me. Everyone in the Demons hated Jetter for a bunch of reasons, and I was no exception. Hating Jetter wasn’t the surprise.

No, it was that I thought it was personal. Before, I’d hated him for what he’d done to our club in the past, and for what his pussy club was doing to us in the present. It was never really about him the man before.

Suddenly, though, hating Jetter felt personal. I hated who he was and what he was doing. I hated him because Janine was claimed by him, and that pissed me off.

The thought hit me like a hammer, and I realized everyone was staring at me.

“Clutch?” Larkin asked. “I said, what happened?”

“Right,” I grunted, gathering myself together. This was not the time to look like a fucking idiot. “Some Snakes followed us last night,” I said. “I led them out to this old gas station out on the desert highway.”

“And?” Larkin asked.

“And I killed them, paid off the owner. He’ll keep his mouth shut.”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?” Larkin asked, nearly yelling.

“Dad.” Janine held her hands up.

“You wait, sweetie,” he said. “Clutch, why the hell didn’t you get in touch with us until now? This is serious. We might need to do some fucking damage control.”

“Dad,” Janine said, more forcefully. “I asked him not to.”

There was a short silence. “Why?” he asked finally.

“I was afraid,” she said.

“Why would you be afraid?” he asked softly. “We can protect you.”

“I know that, but I was worried you’d call everything off.”

Larkin nodded slowly.

“Nothing is getting called off,” Jetter said suddenly. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

Larkin gave him a look of undisguised disgust.

“Oh,” Janine said. “Good.”

“And you listened to her?” Larkin asked, looking at me.

“She was very persuasive,” I said. “I finally convinced her to let me come to you guys today.”

“You shouldn’t listen to a woman that way, Clutch,” Jetter said. “You can’t let them get you by the balls.”

I clenched my jaw and wanted to go after him, but I held back. Jetter was a cunt, but there was nothing I could do about it. Going after him would just cause more problems.

No, the important thing was that Janine had just lied for me. We had never talked about her fears or why we had waited so long to tell everyone. We both knew the truth, and she clearly understood that we couldn’t tell them that. So she had lied for me, right to her father’s face.

I couldn’t decide how I felt about it, but that didn’t fucking matter. All that mattered was that we were past the difficult bit.

Larkin looked at me. “Tell me about what happened. Who were these guys?”

I went over the whole thing again, but this time in detail. I told him as much as I could about the guys, though I didn’t remember much or get a great look at them.

All that mattered was that they were Snakes, and there was no doubt that they had come after Janine.

When I finished, Jetter looked at Larkin. “I don’t like this,” he said.

“Clutch did a good job,” Larkin answered.

“True, the boy did well, but the Snakes clearly know what’s happening and want to stop it. They’re going to come again.”

“So what do you propose?”

“I want the girl. I want to watch over her. She is mine after all.”

There was silence in the room, heavy and deep. Larkin wasn’t answering right away, and I could sense Janine’s discomfort. Meanwhile, I was trying with everything I had not to cross the room and beat Jetter down to a bloody pulp.

“Larkin,” Jetter said, “remember, I claimed the girl, and you witnessed it.”

“Yeah,” Larkin grunted.

“No,” Janine said suddenly, with such force that everyone in the room stared at her.

She sat back in her chair. “No. I’m staying with Clutch.”

“You’ll be safe with me, darling,” Jetter said.

“He’s right, Janine. Jetter is capable of keeping you safe, just like Clutch is.”

“No,” Janine said again. “You want me to marry this guy? Fine. But until then, Clutch is watching me.”

“Careful,” Jetter said. “We might think you have a thing for this fuckhead.”

“You should go with Jetter,” Larkin said weakly.

“I trust Clutch,” she answered, not backing down. “I trust him. I don’t trust Jetter.”

Larkin looked at Jetter and sighed. “You heard the girl.”

“I don’t give a fuck what the girl says,” Jetter said, standing up straight. “She’s mine and she’s coming with me.”

I took a step toward him.

Jetter’s head snapped toward me.

“You got something to say about it, you fucking grunt?” Jetter asked me.

“The girl said she’s not going with you,” I said. “I don’t care who protects her, but right now I do what she says.”

“Come on, you little punk bitch,” he said to me, sneering. “Come closer. I’d love to fuck you up right here.”

I just stared at Jetter, my hand inching toward the knife I always kept clipped to my pocket. I’d cut the bastard’s throat here and now and be done with it.

There was a tense moment when my hand inched toward my knife and Jetter just grinned at me, daring me to go for him.

“Enough,” Larkin said finally. “Clutch, back down.”

I didn’t move.

“Clutch,” Larkin warned. “Back down now or I’ll have the boys teach you some fucking manners.”

Reluctantly, I took a step back, relaxing.

“That’s right. You’re the little bitch in this room,” Jetter said.

“Jetter,” Larkin barked. “Get the fuck out of my office.”

He stared at Larkin. “What?”

“Now, asshole.”

He shook his head. “I can still ruin this for you.”

Larkin stood up slowly. “You need me more than I need you. We can win this war with or without you. Now, get the fuck out.”

Jetter stared at Larkin for a second before turning to Janine. “You should change your mind, little girl,” he said. “You’d have more fun with me.”

He turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Larkin sat back down, sighing. “I fucking hate that guy,” he said.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You think that’s funny?” Larkin asked me. “My daughter is marrying that cunt.”

I stopped laughing and nodded. “Not funny, prez. Just releasing some tension is all.”

Larkin looked at Janine, frowning. “Are you sure you won’t go with him?”

“Positive,” she said.

“Okay,” he said. “Okay. Clutch will stay with you.” He looked at me. “And if you do anything like that again, I’ll fuck you up myself. Got it?”

“Yeah, prez, I got it,” I said.

“Fuck. This shit is going to give me a fucking ulcer,” Larkin grumbled. “Get the fuck out of here, both of you.”

Janine stood up. I followed her out, back into the main room.

I didn’t let her get far, though. Before she could join the other guys, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back toward the bathrooms.

She stumbled behind me. I pushed her up against a wall, pinning her there.

“You lied,” I said to her.

“Yeah, I did.”


“Because I couldn’t tell the truth,” she said. “Because you clearly didn’t have a lie ready.”

“Still. You didn’t have to say anything. It was my ass on the line, not yours.”

“It’s our ass, Clutch,” she said, looking at me fiercely. “I’m in as much trouble as you are if my father finds out about what happened.”

“Maybe, maybe not. They need you. They don’t need me.”

She stared at me and bit her lip. “I wouldn’t let that happen to you,” she said.

I smirked at her. “What are you going to do, protect me?”

“I would.”

I moved my mouth near her ear. “You can’t protect me,” I whispered. “The only thing I want from you is more of that tight, wet cunt.”

She pushed me back, eyes flashing. “Is that all this is to you?”

I shrugged, smirking. “What do you want from me, princess?” I asked. “I keep you safe. That’s it.”

She opened her mouth and then shut it again. “Fine,” she said after a second. “That’s all it is.”


She walked past me, brushing me with her shoulder.

I watched her go, something aching in my stomach. I shouldn’t have went at her like that, should have just let it go. But I couldn’t help myself. We were too deep in this, and any single misstep could kill us both.

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