Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2)
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“Come on, you don’t want to sleep with me.”

“Very true. You’re tainted by your love of Russ.” He
was doing everything he could to make her smile. Richard had seen the pain in
her eyes, and the fear of what was happening to her. He liked Anna. She was
strong. The BBMC had been there when she needed them most. Anna’s friend had
been taken, and trying to save her, she’d gotten taken as well. During her time
being captured, Anna was beaten, starved, locked in an animal cage, and
witnessed her best friend dying.

He had a lot of respect for her, and for how she had
handled what she’d gone through. Not many would have been able to bounce back
from that.

“You could share her, you know?”

“What?” he asked. He was a little taken back seeing as
that was what he wanted to do. Richard had no intention of Anna knowing that,

“Share her. Share Temperance.”

Richard laughed. “You’re really going to offer me
advice on sharing. I bet you couldn’t share Russ.”

“First, I’m not an idiot. I know you like to share your
women, Richard. Secondly, this is not about me and Russ. We’re not into that.
are. Thirdly, you weren’t jealous of
Tempe’s friend, and we both know what you meant about there being a new
possibility with him.”

“Everything is fucked up right now.” He didn’t like
how easy he was to read.

“I always love it when a businessman talks dirty.”

“Hey, that’s me you like talking dirty,” Russ said.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Richard got up and made
his way toward the door.

“Talk to her,” Anna said. “Talk to Temperance before
you start assuming what she wants, and try to make sure she’s part of the
decision. You billionaires are a little self-centered at times.”

Richard nodded. “Take care of yourself.”

“I will.”


“Tempe, can I come in?”

Curled up in bed, Temperance stared at the door that
concealed her best friend from her. She didn’t want to deal with Jay right now.
He was a problem that she didn’t see coming. Yes, she loved him. He was her
best friend, and she couldn’t imagine life without him in it, but that kind of
love, that had disappeared long ago, or at least she thought it had. Now she
was struggling with all of her feelings.

He took her virginity because she asked him to, and
she didn’t want anyone else for her first time.

“Come in, Jay,” she said.

Seconds later he was lying beside her on the bed.
“Hey, bumpkins.”

“Don’t. Don’t use childhood sweet names right now. I’m
not in the mood.”

He sighed. “I’d have told you sooner.”

“How long, Jay?”

“Forever.” He didn’t even try to pretend that he
didn’t know what she was talking about.

“That makes no sense. You’ve been screwing your way
through every single woman that comes your way. You’re telling me that you’ve
loved me all that time?” She didn’t believe it, not for a second.

“Yeah, I’ve loved you since the beginning. The night I
took your virginity, in my head, that was it. You finally understood what I

Temperance remembered the day, and she felt her cheeks
heat. She’d woken the next morning and asked that they never talk about it

“You could have said something.”

“How? You couldn’t even look into my eyes as you
spoke. I didn’t want to lose my friend, and you’ll always be my friend.”

“This is going to be hard.”

“Give me a chance, Tempe.”


“I’m not going to go anywhere,” Jay said. “Richard, do
you really think he’s the sticking around kind of guy?”

“I don’t know what kind of guy he is. I know bits
about him, but, don’t do anything stupid.”

“Tell me something,” he said.


“Do you like him?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Do you think you could love him?” Jay asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you think you could love me?”

“I do love you, Jay.”

“Not as a friend, as a lover?”

Temperance closed her eyes. “I can’t answer that right

“Okay, we’ll just go to sleep.”


Richard was everything Jay hadn’t imagined. How could
his luck be that bad? Temperance had always wanted a man like Richard, and it
didn’t have anything to do with the money either. She liked them muscular,
strong, and with a sense of humor. When he’d been in high school, and she’d admitted
her fantasy to him, Jay had signed up to the gym and begun tryouts with the
weight lifting team.

Damn, one of the reasons he’d held off pursuing
Temperance was his own desires. He loved threesomes, and over the years had
come to see how erotic it was to watch his woman let go in the arms of another
man. There were moments where he’d imagine Temperance as that woman. Together
they could find another man who they could trust to give them both what they

All this time he’d truly believed Temperance wasn’t
the threesome kind. There was no way he could share her with Richard, was
there? His cock thickened at the thought. Temperance was clearly attracted to
Richard, there was no doubt. Could this be what he’d been hoping for?

It had been some time since he’d allowed himself to
dream of a future with her.

When he actually thought about what he’d done to gain
her attention, Jay wanted to kick himself. He’d done everything—apart from
actually tell her he wanted her. On the night he took her virginity, he truly
believed their relationship was going to start over, and he would finally have

She had woken up, and looked like she was going to

Jay would have her as a friend rather than not have
her in his life.

“I love you, Temperance.”

She turned to face him, and stared back. “I love you,
too, Jay.”

Chapter Five


Saturday morning, Richard was going through his
morning emails, making sure he had everything ready for the O’Brian account.
His lawyer was coming by that morning to take care of the finer details of the
contract. Every now and then he glanced over toward Temperance’s desk wondering
when she would finally arrive.

He had arrived at work early to be ready for
Temperance’s arrival. It was only eight, so she had another hour to arrive to

Only select parts of his company worked on a Saturday
as he believed a good work force meant you treated them well, and most
appreciated the weekend off.

The sound of the elevator door opening filled him with
anticipation. He’d thought long and hard about what Anna had said last night.

Sharing a woman was one of the few pleasures he
enjoyed. There was even times he’d hoped to enter
into a ménage relationship. Most women hadn’t
wanted that kind of commitment, to be shared between two men. It was always fun
for some spice, but never something they wanted long term. With Jay, the
concept of sharing Temperance actually made him anticipate the next meeting
with both of them. He was good at getting what he wanted, and he was sure he’d
find a way of getting them both to agree that they didn’t find the arrangement
repugnant. Richard wasn’t gay, nor did he have any fantasies about being with a
man. He wasn’t attracted to Jay. He loved his women, and Temperance was filling
every single fantasy right now. Just the thought of seeing Temperance come
apart in Jay’s arms had him hard.

When Jay’s figure appeared in his doorway,
disappointment filled him but also intrigue. It would have been much better if
Temperance was here. He doubted Jay would turn down an opportunity to be with

“Well, I have to say, I’m shocked to see you there.”

“Yeah, I get it, you didn’t want to see me.”

“I’d rather see Temperance. I take it she is coming in
to work.” Richard didn’t like the sudden thought that she would try to resign
from her position. He wouldn’t allow that. Richard wasn’t going to allow his
one chance of living out his desires to be taken from him.

“She is. I left early. She doesn’t know that I’m

Richard put his pen on the desk and sat back. “Why are
you here?”

“I’m in love with her, Richard. She’s my entire life.”

“You’ve done nothing about these feelings.”

“She’s never showed an interest in anyone else, and I
figured in time she’d come to see that we were good together.”

“Yet you continued to screw other women.”

“Fuck! Look, I did what I thought was right. Tempe,
she’s not like other women. She doesn’t complicate shit, and she’s fun. Other
women, they’re just, they’re not her. She didn’t want me, and she made it clear
that she was seeing other guys. I tried to move on. I can’t do it.”

Richard frowned, recalling last night’s conversation. “You’ve
been breaking it off with these other women?”

Jay nodded. “I want her.”

“Why are you coming to me?”

Jay finally took a seat opposite him. “You’re
different from the other men she’s been with. Tempe … you have to know her to
see something that sparks inside her. Ever since she has been working for you,
you’ve struck this kind of chord inside her, and she hasn’t been able to switch
it off. It’s been about you, Richard, Mr. Bruce, the beast, that’s what they
call you.”

“It’s a nickname.”

“And now you’re part of a biker club, and that’s her
ultimate fantasy.”

“Is it?” Richard asked, happy that he had a hold on
her that Jay couldn’t take away.

“Obviously not billionaire bikers, but the rough,
rugged type.”

“The ones that break the law. Don’t fucking stereotype
that shit,” Richard said.

Jay laughed. “Do you get off on confusing people?”

“Pretty much. Why are you here?” He was bored, and Jay
was now ruining his day, and his plans. There was always an ideal way to set a
plan in motion, and right now, this wasn’t it. The last thing he needed was for
Jay to be here when Temperance entered his office. Not many people were on his
floor, and he intended to convince her exactly why she should belong to him and
then later, why it would be good for her to be shared by him and Jay.

“I want you to back off from her.”

Richard laughed. “You’ve got no chance. You’ve got
more chance of me sharing her with you than you actually have of me leaving her
alone.” He’d experienced a taste, and now he wanted more. There was not a
chance in hell of him giving her up, not even to her best friend, but sharing
he’d do. He watched Jay’s reaction. Sitting back in his chair, Richard
contained his smile. Jay wasn’t averse to the idea of sharing. There was a way
this could work, and now Jay’s arrival held a lot more appeal to him. Jay was
not someone he could control, but seeing as they were alone, Richard was going
to use this opportunity that had been opened up to him.

“You’d consider sharing her?”

“I’m a greedy man, but I’m not going to fight her best
friend. You’re already ahead of me. Is it something you’d consider?” he asked, already
knowing the answer. He was an expert businessman, and he knew how to work any man,
including this one. Richard had already used his connections to get all the
information he needed on Jay. He now knew that deep down, Jay was a good guy.

“I’d share her. I won’t fuck you or anything, but I
want her.”

“I want Thursday to Sunday,” Richard said. “You cannot
call, or try to interrupt my time with her.” He decided to set down some ground

“Man, I may be an accountant but I’m not a fucking
pushover. No, you’re not having four days with her while I get three, and I bet
you drop her off on Monday, at your own convenience.”

Richard was impressed. He expected the man to fold
quite easily, yet he hadn’t. He had to respect that.

“I have her Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday we both have
her, then you have her Thursday and Friday. The weekend we both share her
again. She’s also working for you, so keep your hands to yourself.”

Sitting back in his chair, Richard thought about it.
It was the most logical way of dealing with the week. The break on Wednesday
where they both had her meant neither of them actually got too close at risk of
losing the other. Also, it was the start of getting him what he really wanted,
the chance of seeing Temperance lost in pleasure while he got to watch. He
liked it, and what pissed him off was the fact he was starting to like Jay.
This man wasn’t a fool, and Richard didn’t like fools.

“Today is Saturday.”

“Yes. She works until two, and I expect to meet you
for lunch, and to also join you at the end of your work to be together.”

Richard sighed. “You won’t back down.”


“Is there anything I can give you to make you back

“Like money?”

“Yeah, what do you want, consider it yours,” Richard
said, testing the man’s morals. If he was going to be sharing with another man,
then it was going to be someone with values.

“I want Tempe.”

“I’m not going to give her up.” One taste was all it
took to get addicted. “You’ve already had your shot with her, why don’t
back off?”

“Because I’ve got another chance with her,” Jay said.

“Fine, I’ll agree to your deal. What are your terms?”

“Don’t go splashing your money around on expensive
gifts. If we do this, then you’ve got to keep the luxury down.”

“I’ll buy her whatever the fuck I want. I’ve worked
damned hard to be where I am right now.”

“Yeah, right, I bet you were born with a silver spoon
in your mouth, and you didn’t have to work your way to being leader of the

“You couldn’t be more wrong. I was in foster care. I
didn’t have the luxury of having a family. This is what I earned with my bare
two hands, and I can tell you, I love every fucking second of it. Don’t even
think to insult me.”

“And yet you both can insult me,” Temperance said,
speaking up, and drawing their attention to her.

Her arms were folded, and she looked totally pissed.

“Tempe,” Jay said.

“So that’s why you were gone when I woke up. You
didn’t even wake me.”

“Did you spend the night in her bed? That shit will
stop as well.”

“Not on my day.”

“Are you two even listening to yourselves?” Temperance
walked in and closed the door. He’d already drawn all the blinds around the
room accept on the door.

“We’re coming to an agreement,” Jay said.

“Without me? Have you ever thought that I don’t want
to share either of you?” She turned to him. “Last night was a mistake. We
shouldn’t have slept together.”

“There wasn’t a lot of sleeping involved. We had sex.”
As Richard spoke, he got to his feet and rounded the desk. Jay had also taken
the time to stand.

“I don’t care. We had sex, and that crossed a line.”
She unfolded her arms, and he noticed the white envelope. “Please consider this
my resignation.”

Richard took the envelope and tore it up. He wasn’t
interested in losing the only woman he happened to like. His feelings for her
weren’t clear yet, but he couldn’t stand the thought of losing her.

“What the hell?” she asked.

“I have the right to accept or decline. I decline.”

“You can’t do that.”

“I believe I can, and I just did.” Richard stared down
at the bits of white paper on the floor. His cleaner could deal with the mess.

“Ugh, why are you doing this? We messed up.”

“We’re willing to share you,” Richard said.

“That is messed up, and no.”

Her lips said no, and yet her pointed nipples told
another story.

Stepping away from his desk, he moved toward her. She
didn’t back away, nor did she put her hands up to stop him.

“You don’t want it? Two men, totally devoted to you.”

She snorted, and it was the first unladylike sound
he’d ever heard out of her mouth. He wanted to hear her scream, and beg for his
cock. Richard craved the woman that was beneath him last night. “Please, this
is a competition between the two of you, and has nothing to do with me.”

“I beg to differ,” Jay said. “I think we’ve come to a
pretty good understanding. It’s something you might want to consider.”

They both moved toward her. Jay touched her first,
gripping her hip, and Richard grabbed her ass. He grabbed the cord, drawing
down the blind to keep them in privacy. Gripping her ass, he cupped her cheek,
tilting her head to look at him.

“Tell me your pussy isn’t wet right now at the thought of being between

“This is wrong.”

“Says who?” Jay asked.

Richard nibbled on her neck, sliding his tongue over her pulse. His cock
thickened in his pants, and he wanted her naked. Seeing the pleasure on her
face, Richard wanted Jay to be fucking her just so he could watch and enjoy the
show. He loved watching the club women come apart, and knowing he was the
reason for it, or at least one of his brothers. There wasn’t much about Jay
that he didn’t know, but Jay clearly cared about Temperance, which was all that
mattered to him.

“No, we shouldn’t be doing this,” she said.

Richard stroked her pussy, pressing the skirt deep between her thighs.
The skirt she wore was slightly loose allowing him to touch her.

“You’re so beautiful, Tempe,” he said, kissing her neck.

“This is completely crazy.” She let out a moan, and this time, Jay took
possession of her lips. Richard gazed down at her shirt, seeing her tight
nipples peeking out.
Leaning down, he
took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on her hard.

“Oh, God,” she said, moaning.

He used his teeth to bite down on her nipple.

“Don’t make a sound,” Jay said. “We don’t know how soundproof this room

Temperance tensed up and pulled away, jerking out of their hold to the
point that she fell down on the floor.

“Shit, Tempe, are you okay?” Jay asked.

“This is not happening. I can’t do this.” She suddenly rushed out of the
room before either of them could stop her.

“Fuck!” Richard didn’t wait around. He followed her out, aware of the
strange stares. When he got to the elevator, she was pressing the button with
force. Before she could stop him, Richard got onto the elevator. Jay didn’t
make it in time, but that was fine with him.


Son of a bitch!

What was it about the bastard that meant he always got there first? Jay
rushed toward the stairwell, refusing to back down. Temperance was his, and he
had seen the interest in her eyes.


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