Billionaire Games (Taboo Bareback Romance Novella) (8 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Games (Taboo Bareback Romance Novella)
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“Turn around,” he said. “I’m going to fuck your slutty little cunt.”

She’d been so grossed out by him before, and she still was, but now the idea of him fucking her turned her on. Letting him ravage her pussy, bury his dick in her. She couldn’t explain it, maybe it was the coke, but she turned around and got on her knees on the bed, sticking her ass out to him. Reaching her hand up between her legs she slid a finger between her folds. It was soaking wet now.

He slapped her ass hard. “You can’t stop touching yourself for even a minute.”

She plunged her fingers in as deep as she could and looked back at him. “Why don’t you teach me how to mind? If you’re man enough.”

He smirked and brought his cock to her opening.

She took her fingers out, giving him room, wanting him to fill her up now. She moaned and for the first time since she’d come in here, it wasn’t fake.

He thrust hard and his dick tore into her, the entire length buried inside her.

Grabbing the sheets in her fists, she screamed. “Oh fuck.”

He brought it out then sent it back in.

This dirty, old bastard was actually going to make her come. She could already feel it building up inside her and he’d only started. Moaning loud, she pushed her hips back into him. Wanting to take his entire length.

He slapped her butt hard again as he fucked her.

Then the door opened and they both looked over to see Daddy walk in, smiling.

The Senator pulled his cock from her pussy. “What the fuck is this? Can’t you see I’m busy?”

Haley quickly got up off the bed and moved away from him. He was pissed and she didn’t want to be anywhere close enough for him to grab her if he blew up.

Daddy walked over to her. “Are you okay?”

She nodded.

The Senator’s face was dark red. “What the fuck is going on here?” His cock still rock hard from the viagra.

“Well, Senator.” Daddy walked over to the side of the bed where the lamp was. “What’s going on is you just did cocaine off this girl’s asshole, then slapped her around, and fucked her.”

“So, what?” He still didn’t realize what was going on. “I won the auction. You said this was a safe place where people could explore their fantasies.”

Daddy laughed. He pointed at the lamp. “There’s a camera inside that lamp, and now I have a video of you that I think will prove to be extremely valuable.”

The Senator stared at him, his nostrils flaring. Then he erupted, spit flying from his mouth as he yelled at Haley, “You fucking cunt, you set me up. Do you know who I am? You’ll never fucking get away with this.” He started to come at her but then tripped over his boxers and fell on to the ground.

Haley bit her lip to keep from laughing. She did feel a little sorry for him.

He stumbled back to his feet and pulled his underwear up this time before lunging towards her.

Daddy stepped in just in time to push the Senator back to the ground.

He looked up at her. “You’re going to pay for this. Trust me.”

She backed away from him, putting her arms over her chest. He looked like someone who didn’t threaten people lightly and his stare sent a shiver up her back.

Daddy turned to her and said. “Go to your room and wait for me.”

Happy to get out of there, she grabbed the robe and quickly ran out without looking at the Senator again. She didn’t stop running until she was upstairs in her room. Her back against the door, slowly, she slid down until her butt was on the ground, and she stayed like that for some time, staring at the floor, shaking her head, thinking about everything that happened tonight. And soon Daddy would be there.

Chapter 10

The next morning she woke up in her bed. The sun shined brightly threw the window. There was no sign of her step-dad. She’d laid down on the bed the night before to wait for him but she must have fallen asleep before he got there. If he ever even came.

Quickly, Haley threw on a t-shirt and shorts before hurrying downstairs to look for him. It didn’t take long. She went into the dining room to find him at the table reading his paper, drinking coffee. Her mother sat on the other side of the table eating breakfast.

“Oh, good morning dear,” Mother said.

Haley came over to the table. “Good morning.” Daddy didn’t say anything, didn’t look up, didn’t even acknowledge she was there. It was exactly like it had always been.

Mr. Donovan came in and asked if she wanted breakfast.

Why was everyone acting like nothing had happened last night? Like it was completely normal that she’d been naked, in front of everyone, sucking a huge black cock before Daddy had her auctioned off to the Senator for the sole purpose of framing him. She wanted to scream.

“Ma’am?” Mr. Donovan was looking at her. Mother looked up at her too. Daddy kept reading his paper.

“I’ll have eggs,” she said. “Scrambled.” Then sat down at the table, picking at the table cloth in front of her.

“That was such a lovely party last night, don’t you think dear?” Mother was in a good mood. She must have had quite the night with Tyrese. Haley always figured her parents weren’t completely faithful to each other but this was beyond anything she could have ever imagined.

Daddy took a sip of coffee and turned the page of his paper.

“Did you have a good time, Daddy?”

He looked up at her and she thought she saw the faintest hint of a smile before he said, “Yes, quite.” Then he looked back down at his paper.

Mother started humming as she buttered her toast.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Haley said.

Mother looked at her. “Me? Oh, I don’t know. Well, I am going on a trip today. I’m going to Connecticut to look at buying some more horses.”

“Really? Is Daddy going?”

“No, just Tyrese and I. Tyrese says there are some real bargains to be had right now for someone with discerning taste. We’ll be gone for several days.”

Perfect, she thought. She would have Daddy to herself. Of course he was ignoring her since Mother was here. What did she expect? That he would leave her for him? She didn’t even want that.

Mr. Donovan came back and placed the eggs in front of her. “Anything else I can get you ma’am?”

“No, thank you,” she said, “I’m good now.”

Chapter 11

Haley spent the rest of her day in her room waiting for Mother to leave, looking through her closet trying to figure out what she’d wear for her step-father. Something sexy for sure. Something that showed off her body, but was elegant at the same time.

Finally, her mother came up and said she was leaving. Kissed her
on the forehead and told her to be good. Haley told her to enjoy her time with Tyrese. He really knew what he was doing. Mother gave her a funny look and she thought maybe she’d crossed the line but then she just smiled and said thank you.

After they left she hurried downstairs to find Daddy but he wasn’t anywhere around. She found Mr. Donovan and asked him where he was but he said he didn’t know. It was just like him to do something like this. She went back to her room and slammed the door. He used her. That was all there was to it. He knew she wanted his attention and he used it to his advantage to get something he needed. Now that he had it he was going to go back to ignoring her.

Haley spent the next couple days moping around the house, watching t.v., not going anywhere just in case he showed up. She was more angry with him than she’d ever been and even still she wanted his attention. There was something wrong with her she decided. Maybe she should just move away. Make her Mother get her an apartment in New York or something. Get away from all this craziness.

Her Mother called and said she’d be back the next day, that she’d bought a horse and she couldn’t wait for Haley to see it. She went to bed early that night, depressed and confused.

A knock at her door woke her. She looked at the clock; it was midnight. “Who is it?”

“It’s Tamara ma’am. May I come in?”

“Yes.” She sat up in bed and turned on the lamp, shielding her sensitive eyes from the light.

Tamara came in and looked at her. “Sorry to wake you ma’am but your father is requesting your presence in his room.”

“Now?” she said, but her mind was already racing, thinking about what she should wear. How she should act towards him. She should be angry, she decided.

“Yes, ma’am,” Tamara said.

“That’s it? He requests my presence? Did he say what he wanted?”

“No, ma’am. You know how he is.”

Yes, she did know. “Okay, thank you. I’ll be up there shortly.”

When Tamara left she jumped out of bed and started getting ready. She did her best to fix her hair and put on a little makeup–enough to be attractive but not so much that it looked like she was trying too hard. She put on a simple pair of jeans and a shirt. There was no reason to get dressed up for him. He was the asshole after all. But she still couldn’t help but be excited.

The door to his room swung open almost immediately after she knocked. Daddy stood in the doorway, smiling at her. Then he looked down the hall both ways before telling her to come inside.

It was nice to see him again. She wanted to jump up and hug him, but she also wanted to stay angry at him. Let him know he’d hurt her.

After closing the door, he took her hand. “Haley, I’m sorry we haven’t spoken until now.”

“It’s okay,” she said, the pent up anger melting away now that she was in front of him, quickly replaced by a warmth starting to build between her legs.

“It’s been a crazy week. That thing you did for me, the thing with the Senator? That was extremely successful. You did a good job.” He smiled at her easily and squeezed her hand.

“Good,” was all she managed to say, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

“I got you something,” he said. “Come here.” He led her over to the nightstand next to the bed and took a box from on top of it, handing it to her.

She took it and looked up at him then down at the box. It looked like a jewelry box.

“Open it,” he said.

Slowly, she lifted the lid to find the nicest diamond necklace she’d ever seen. “Oh my god. It’s beautiful.”

“You like it?”

“Of course. I love it.” She jumped up and hugged him before she realized what she was doing, burying her face in his neck, his familiar scent comforting her.

He hugged her back. “Here, let me put it on you.” He slipped it around her neck, then took her to the mirror to look at it.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said.

“I told you if you could learn to follow my orders the rewards would be more than you could ever imagine.” He pointed to the necklace. “This is just a taste.” Putting his hand on the side of her face, he gently pulled her to him, then their lips met for the second time.

His tongue ran lightly across her lips before slipping inside her waiting mouth. He slipped his arm around the small of her back, embracing her as they kissed.

She moaned, any anger she’d had towards him completely forgotten. Now there was only his mouth and his sexy body pressed against hers. She could feel his excitement growing through his pants and her pussy tingled in anticipation.

He picked her up and brought her over to the bed, laying her down gently with his full weight on top of her.

She wrapped her legs around him. This is what she’d always wanted. What she’d wanted for so long. She kissed his mouth, pushing her tongue into him, exploring everywhere.

Pressing his hips against her, his erection obvious against her sex. He grabbed her breast and squeezed it hard while his mouth nibbled at her neck.

“Fuck,” she said. “I want you so bad. I need you.”

He got up off her and knelt between her legs, looking her in the eyes before he stripped his shirt off up over his head to reveal his hard chest.

She sat up to him and put her hands against his naked skin. His muscles were so firm and toned and as she ran her tongue across his chest, circling around the nipples, her pussy gushed into her panties. Taking her shirt off, and unhooking her bra to reveal her breasts, she said, “Will you fuck me please, Daddy?”

His eyes moved to her young breasts with her hard nipples then slowly up to her face. He pushed her back on the bed, unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off, then tore her panties to the side, plunging a finger between her wet folds.

Her back arched at the sudden pleasure and she grabbed the bed next to her, moaning loudly as he thrust his fingers into her pussy, gathering moisture, then sliding them up to rub her clitoris. He was so good at it, better than she was even, and it didn’t take long for an orgasm to build and soon she was screaming and moaning and squirming around as the ecstasy stole through her whole body.

When she finished coming, he stood up and stripped the rest of the way down, showing her his hard cock for the first time.

“I want to taste you,” she said and came over to the side of the bed, taking his pulsing cock in her hand, loving the weight of it, how big it felt. Her eyes looking up at him, she wrapped her lips around the head, letting her tongue dart around, watching his mouth open and his eyes close as she teased his crown. Then she brought the whole thing into her mouth, pushing her head onto it, wanting to take him all in. His balls hung low beneath his shaft and she took them in her hand, letting him fuck her face.

He groaned and said, “Stop, you’re going to make me come.”

That’s what she wanted. For him to come all in her mouth. To suck every last bit of his seed down. But she also wanted to follow his orders so she took her mouth away from him and looked up, waiting to see what he wanted.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he said and he laid her back down, pulling her panties to the side and driving his slippery cock deep into her tight pussy.

It felt perfect inside her and she wrapped her legs around him, wanting him to be as close as possible, to fill her up completely. Her fingers raked across his back, moist with sweat now.

Then he was kissing her, their mouths locked tight together as he penetrated his step-daughter, his new submissive, his new confidante.

His cock touched her deep inside, and he sent her into orgasm, his huge dick giving her exactly what she needed. The feeling took over her entirety and she gave herself over to this man, letting him use her however he wanted. Ready to give him everything. Her whole body was on fire and she came forever, moaning, begging him to come for her too, wanting to give him everything she’d given him, for them to share this perfect feeling she had.

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