Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)

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Authors: Cordelia Baxter

Tags: #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #plus size romance, #alpha male romance, #bbw sex, #billionaire romance, #contemporary romance

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Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)

by Cordelia Baxter

Published by Cordelia Baxter, 2013.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. March 17, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Cordelia Baxter.

Written by Cordelia Baxter.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight


Chapter One


"Are you sure she's not a contender?" Allison, my
assistant asked me after I had rejected another girl on our list.

"Yes," I replied, briefly glancing at the photo of
the busty blonde included in the file. "We're a matchmaking service, not
an escort service. Our clients expect a bit more than a hot body."

"Well, what about her, then?" she asked, sliding
over a picture of a frumpy brunette.

"Really Allison? You think she would be a good match
for Jake Powers?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't know. We've gone through literally hundreds of
profiles. Either she's too sexy, or she's too frumpy, or she doesn't have the
right education or the right job. I'm starting to think there's not a woman in
the whole city that would be good enough for Jake Powers."

"Let's take a 30 minute break," I said, rubbing
the bridge of my nose.

We were both burnt out after spending hours churning over
file after file of women in our matchmaking database looking for the perfect
woman for our newest client, Jake Powers. I could tell Allison was at her
breaking point and my patience was wearing thin as well.

It was a real coup that my company, Elite Matchmaking,
landed him as a client. He was by far the wealthiest client we'd ever had, with
a net worth easily over $8 billion. On paper, he seemed like the perfect guy.
He had everything—looks, brains, money, and enough charisma to charm the
panties off a nun. He also had a reputation as a notorious playboy, going from
one supermodel to the next.

My initial reaction was why would someone like that need a
matchmaking service? He certainly didn’t need my help meeting women. But that
thought was quickly discarded. I didn't get to the top of my profession
questioning my skills. People came to me to find their soul mates, and I had
built up a good reputation for success. Clearly Jake Powers was done with the
single bachelor life and needed my help to find the perfect woman for him.

Since Jake was travelling in Singapore for the next several
weeks, I couldn't meet with him in person like I normally do with all new
clients. We did all our communicating via email. He had just sent me his list
of attributes he was looking for in a potential mate. According to his list, he
was looking for someone with a sense of humor, not high maintenance, and
ambitious. As far as looks, he said he wasn't picky. So in other words, he
wanted someone who would laugh at his jokes, was naturally pretty, and not a
gold digger. It shouldn't have been too hard to come up with a list of girls
that fit the bill, but for some reason, no one stood out.

"Ready to get back to work?" I asked Allison as
she came back into my office half an hour later.

"Sure thing," she said, plopping down on the chair
opposite me.

"So how many girls have we got on the ‘keeper’ list so
far?" I asked.

"Well, out of the hundreds or so we've combed through,
we've only got two contenders."


"Why are we being so picky? I've seen several girls you
rejected that seemed like they'd be a good match."

"Because this is not just any client, Allison. It's
Jake Powers."

"Okay then. Well what about her?" she replied,
unconvinced. She shoved another profile across the desk for me to look at.

"Hmm...28, an attorney, attractive. She's got
potential," I said perking up. "Put her on the ‘keeper list’."

"So that makes three girls total."

"That should be good enough for now," I replied
rubbing the back of my neck. "Why don't you let them know to come into the
office tomorrow? We can vet them further then."

"Will do, boss," she answered, relief in her

I never expected sitting in a chair all afternoon staring at
a computer screen could be so tiring. I leaned back in my chair and closed my
eyes briefly before my phone rang.

“Elite Matchmaking, how may I help you,” I heard Allison
answer. Her expression hardened as she identified the caller.

“Oh it’s you,” she said in a decidedly less friendly tone.
My eyebrows shot up as I watched Allison scowl down at the phone. She turned to
me holding out the receiver with the tips of her fingers as if it were a dead
rodent. “It’s Jude,” she said, curling her upper lip in disgust.

I rolled my eyes at her as I took the phone.

“Chloe, my dear, how are you?” Jude greeted me cheerily.

“What is it now, Jude?” I answered.

“Is that any way to greet your best friend?” he

Allison pretended to stick her finger in her mouth mimicking
vomiting over her desk as she overheard our conversation. I swiveled my chair
away from her so that I wouldn’t have to witness her gestures of disgust while
on the phone. She never liked Jude from day one. We broke up when I caught him
cheating. The first time I stupidly took him back. He cheated on me again, but
was somehow able to weasel himself back into my life. The third time I caught
him cheating, I vowed never to take him back and I’ve stuck to it, but we still
stay on friendly terms. I could never stay mad at Jude long. He was too selfish
and immature to hate. It was like he didn’t even know the things he did were

Allison was another story though. She thought he was
manipulative and a user, and didn’t have any trouble letting me know it every
time he called me asking for a favor.

“First of all, you’re not my best friend,” I replied warily.
“Secondly, you never call me unless you need something, so just spit it out.”

“Oh well when you put it like that I guess I should just
come out and say it,” he answered good naturedly. “Would you mind terribly if I
stay at your place for a little while? Help an old friend out, even if I’m not
your best friend? Now I know what you’re thinking,” he began again before I
could answer, “and it’s not what you think. Jules and I just broke up and I
just need a place to crash for a little bit.”

“Don’t you have any other friends you can stay with?” I

“I’ve tried, and no one can help me out. I wouldn’t ask you
if I didn’t really need it Chloe. You know that right?” he pleaded.

“How long?” I sighed.

“I knew I could count on you, Chloe! It’s just a few weeks,
and don’t worry I’ll stay out of your hair. You won’t even know I’m there.”

“When are you coming?”

“That I’m not sure of yet. Jules went down to her parent’s
house, so I figured I can still stay here a few more weeks before she comes
back and kicks me out.”

“Preparing ahead, I see,” I answered drolly.

Alison shook her head in disgust as I hung up the phone.

Chapter Two

ake Powers lived in one of the most exclusive buildings in
the city, The Pantheon. He had recently returned from his business trip and
wanted to meet up to go over the girls I had selected for him. I was on my way
to his apartment to set up the dates.

He lived on the penthouse level and took up the whole floor.
It was an accomplishment in itself to get an apartment in this building.
Several celebrities had been turned down by the co-op board, so for him to get
an entire level was an impressive feat.

I smoothed my skirt and pressed the button for the penthouse
floor and checked my reflection in the elevator doors. My shoulder length hair
was tied back into an efficient ponytail, and I was wearing one of my best
suits. It was too bad the reflection distorted my body, showing me a squatter,
wider version of myself. I didn’t depress myself with the thought too long. It
wasn’t like I was the one who was going on a date with him. My job was to be in
the background working my magic.

I stepped out of the elevator clutching my files. Though I
was confident in my abilities, I really wanted to please Jake Powers. It was
strange; I thought I knew all there was to know about him. Not only had I done
a thorough background check, but I had also been communicating with him through
email, and questioned him about the most personal aspects of his love life. Yet
he was an enigma to me. Maybe it was the challenge of finding the perfect match
for one of the most eligible bachelors in the city that spurred me on. Or
perhaps it was trying to crack the puzzle that was Jake Powers. Whatever it
was, I just knew I couldn't fail.

I rang the doorbell of his apartment not knowing what to
expect. Would a butler answer the door? What would he be like? Truth be told,
his reputation intimidated me. Depending on who you spoke to, or what paper you
read, he could be the most generous, charming philanthropist, frequently taking
time out of his busy schedule to work with at risk youth. Or he could be a
ruthless, cut-throat mogul who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
While I mused over these thoughts the door opened and a middle aged Hispanic
woman stood there expectantly.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm here to see Jake Powers. My name is Chloe
Harper, from Elite...uh...I actually have an appointment with him," I

Jake had made it abundantly clear that his privacy was
paramount. Even though we sign confidentiality agreements as a standard
operating procedure at my company, Jake had his own lawyers draw up an even
more stringent set of rules. The first of which was that no one in my company
was allowed to disclose his use of our service, or any of the information he
provided. I was lucky to catch myself before I really stepped in it. I didn’t
know what he told his employees, but I wasn’t about to let the cat out of the
bag and get sued.

"Oh yes," she replied. "Please come in Ms.

She stepped aside for me to enter. I was immediately struck
by the opulence and had to catch my breath. The arched entryway to the foyer
was supported by two ivory columns on either side. The floors were checkered
marble, and a huge floor to ceiling painting adorned the side wall featuring a
scene of a Regency era foxhunt. And this was just the foyer. I hadn't even seen
the rest of the apartment yet. I must have been standing with my mouth hanging
open for a while because the woman discreetly coughed to draw my attention.

"If you'll follow me," she said behind a smile.

I was a bit embarrassed at being caught gawking, so I
plastered on my most professional smile and forced my shoulders back and chin
up as I followed her into the apartment. On the left was another arched
entryway that led to the rest of the apartment.

The room before me stood in stark contrast to the ornate
19th century style of the entryway. It looked like someone with multiple
personality disorder lived here, or at least someone who didn't know what style
or era they were going for. There were floor to ceiling windows that brightened
the whole apartment, hardwood floors and sleek, elegant furniture that gave it
a more modern and clean feel. There were two levels to the apartment with a
wide spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Outside was a large balcony
with a rooftop garden.

I had never seen an apartment in the city on that scale
before, and kept my face inscrutable as I discreetly looked around. My whole
apartment could probably fit in a closet here, I mused.

"I'll let Mr. Powers know you're here. Please have a
seat," the woman said, gesturing towards a white leather sofa behind me.

It felt like I was at a job interview. I mentally ran over
all the questions and talking points in my mind, and why I thought the girls I
had picked would be a good match for him. I waited for over 10 minutes sitting
on his couch, and I couldn’t sit still any longer.

Getting up from the couch, I made my way over to a bookcase
I noticed earlier. I thumbed through some titles and was surprised at the
eclectic tastes he had in books. There were classics like Shakespeare and
Dickens, Romantic poetry, all the Harry Potter books, several biographies,
political and philosophical tomes, and surprisingly, a good number of cook
books. I picked up a well worn book of poetry turning to a dog eared page.

"She walks in beauty, like the night,

Of cloudless climes and starry skies,

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meets in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which Heaven to gaudy day denies."

I snapped my head up from the book and turned to follow the
rich deep baritone voice reciting the verse. Standing before me was Jake
Powers. I couldn’t keep the surprise out of my face since I didn't even hear
him walk in.

"Hello, Ms. Harper," he said holding out his hand.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

He looked sexy as hell in his jeans and button down shirt
rolled up the sleeves. His sandy brown hair was mussed and unruly as if he had
been running his fingers through it, and he sported a rough five o'clock shadow
that couldn't hide his dimples when he smiled.

"Oh that's not a problem. Please call me Chloe," I
said as I took his outstretched hand. His large warm hands gripped mine in a
firm shake. The contact sent a jolt of electricity through me, which caught me
completely off guard. I jerked my hand back and wondered what just happened. I
had never had a reaction like that to anyone before.

"It's nice to finally meet you," I managed to say
after an awkward silence.

"Likewise," he replied.

"So, shall we get down to business?" I asked once
we had settled back down on the couch.

"Certainly. Would you like anything to drink before we
get started?" he asked.

"A glass of water please."

He got up to get my water, and I took the opportunity to
gather my wits about me. It was no use acting like some simpering miss, I
berated myself. I had to be professional. My business and livelihood depended
on it. I pulled out my laptop with pictures and the profiles of the girls I had
selected on it to get me back on my game. But as I booted it up and saw a
picture of one of the girls smiling back at me, I had a sudden overwhelming
desire to toss it off the rooftop. Suddenly I didn't think these girls were
good for him at all.

"Here you are," Jake said, handing me my water.

"Thank you," I replied taking a sip.

"So where should we start?"

"I've got three girls that I think you'd really like,”
I said, turning my laptop towards him.

"Hmm nice," he said staring at a picture of an
attractive brunette I had chosen.

"Yes, that's Sandra,” I replied. "She's 29, and a

"I see.” He gave the profile another cursory glance
before looking back up at me with a bland expression. I waited for more, but
that was all the reaction I got out of him.

"Um...and this is Trista," I said showing him a
picture of an elegant blonde. "She's 28 and a successful attorney."

Still no reaction.

"And finally, this is Hannah. She's 26, and a
playwright," I said of the petite redhead.


"Interesting?" I was getting annoyed. "Do you
have any other thoughts?"

I mean really, I had spent hours and hours poring over
hundreds of profiles and this was all I got for my work? Interesting?

"They all seem very nice," he said calmly.

"And...?" I pushed.

"And?" he repeated, looking amused.

"Well I was hoping for more of a reaction. Like 'I
think she's hideous', or 'What were you thinking, Chloe?'"

"I think you've done a great job, considering what you
had to go by," he laughed. "Now I know why everyone raves about

"Thank you," I muttered. His compliment caught me
off guard. I always wondered how Jake Powers was referred to me and now my
curiosity was eating me alive. He must have sensed it since he answered my
unasked thought.

"Do you remember Don Dryden?" he asked. "He
and his wife sing your praises everywhere they go. He was the one who gave me
your contact information."

"Ahh, Don," I said, realization dawning on me. I
had set Don and his new bride, Cassie, up on a date 9 months ago. "Another
satisfied client."

"Yes, you must have many. I have a feeling my bachelor
days may be numbered," he replied enigmatically.

I felt my face flush at his heated stare. It was foolish of
me to read anything into his look. I knew I was definitely not his type. I mean
he was Jake Powers, successful and gorgeous, and his list of ex-girlfriends was
like a Victoria's Secret catalog. I, on the other hand definitely did not
belong in any catalog. I had curves, and not just on the breast and butt, but
all over including my belly, thighs, and arms. It wasn't like I was down on
myself because I wasn't a size 2, but I'm a realist. Guys like Jake Powers
didn't go for girls like me. Besides, it would be highly inappropriate for me
to date a client. I had to remain professional. With something like a sinking
feeling in my stomach, I turned back towards the laptop.

"Well, Mr. Powers—"

"Please call me Jake," he cut in.

"Well, Jake, getting back to business, I've already
vetted all three of the women myself and done a thorough background check.”

"I assume they passed with flying colors?"

"No doubt. As per your list of preferences, these three
women are each successful in their own right, highly intelligent, and as you
can see for yourself, very attractive. There are no skeletons in their closets,
no criminal records, restraining orders or disgruntled ex-boyfriends," I
continued briskly.

"And what is it about these women that you think would
appeal to me?" he asked lazily.

"Excuse me?"

"You must know that a man in my position meets a lot of
attractive and successful women all the time. What makes these women special?
Why should I waste my time with them?" he asked.

"Uh...well...," I stumbled. I wasn't prepared to
answer him. He sat back in his seat steepling his fingers, and looked at me

"I've never been asked that before," I said

"That's not an answer.”

“I’m not used to explaining myself. Most people just accept
that I am good at what I do and go with it,” I answered.

“I am not ‘most people,’” he shot back, amused. I had the
feeling he was toying with me; testing me to see how far he could go. I wasn’t
about to let him get the upper hand.

“Well if you want to know the truth—”

“I do.”

“Obviously you’ve come to me because you want to settle
down,” I stated matter of factly. “I mean you told me as much when you first
contacted me. The problem you’ve got is that your relationships in the past
have all been shallow and unfulfilling. You’ve got a reputation as a bit of a
ladies’ man, never staying with one woman longer than three months.”

As I continued my breakdown of his dating history, I noticed
the amused smile slipped from his face, replaced by a slight frown and furrow
on his brow. He asked me for the truth, though, and I wasn’t going to back down

“If you’re looking to settle down like you say, then you’ve
got to start dating a higher caliber of women. Don’t get me wrong,” I continued
as he raised his brows at me, “the women you’ve dated have all been stunning
physically, but that’s all they were—pretty faces. The type of woman you want
is someone with a bit more substance. Someone who can keep up with you
intellectually as well as physically.”

“My my, you’ve certainly laid it all out there. And you
think these women you’ve selected fit those criteria?” His eyes looked hard and
he sounded annoyed at my presumption.

I was surprised by the sudden change in his attitude. If he
didn’t want the truth, then he should not have prodded me into giving it to
him. Hell, he shouldn’t have hired me in the first place. If there’s one thing
I do, it’s tell the truth.

“Yes, I know they are,” I replied equally annoyed. He was as
mercurial as his reputation warranted. Suddenly Sandra, Trista, and Hannah
seemed too good for him.

“Thank you for your thoughts,” he said curtly. I nodded my
head at him, waiting for him to continue. I found myself quickly losing
patience. He hired me to do a job, one that I was very good at, and now he was
questioning my abilities.

“Now that you’ve said your piece, allow me to say mine,” he
began again after a moment’s silence. “You’re right. I am looking to settle
down. I’m getting older, and would prefer to have children sooner rather than

Looking over at him, he looked to be in the prime of his
life. His body was muscular and powerfully built. The only indication of his
age was some slight salt and pepper hair at his temples, which only added to
his appeal. A discreet cough brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up to
see a slight smile cross his face before being replaced by the hard inscrutable
expression. A flush crept up my cheeks at being caught gawking again.

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