BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Billionaire's Hunt (A Dark New Adult Romance with Billionaire) (Contemporary New Adult Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Billionaire's Hunt (A Dark New Adult Romance with Billionaire) (Contemporary New Adult Short Stories)
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-Lovemaking for the first time-



After meeting up for a couple of days in the club, it was about time for them to get to the next level. And since mike’s house was incredibly huge and palatial, he decided to have her over for a few drinks.


Joyce didn’t know that he was a billionaire. And so she prepared to go and meet him and it was at that moment that she realized he wasn’t just any other random guy. Mike had sent her flowers and a note that told her to look over the gate. And when she did, there was a stretch limo waiting for her. It was at that moment that she started having butterflies in her stomach, a feeling that she only had when she was back in grade school.


And for mike to have the ability to do so, then it meant that he was something special indeed. So when Joyce was in a position to calm herself down, she stepped out of her apartment and made a point of leaving for the gate. And as she was walking, she just couldn’t tear her gaze away from the Rolls Royce. It was a work of perfection and picture perfect.


As a matter of fact, she had never laid her eyes on a Rolls Royce apart from the movies and magazines of course.


Joyce glanced at her watch, it was about half past seven and she quickly figured that it was going to be about half an hours ride to the place that they were supposed to meet. One of the reasons as to why she fell for mike was because he had an air of mystery around him and needless to say, it drew Joyce to want to know so much more about her.


The Rolls Royce moved in silence and too many a times it left Joyce wondering if at all they were getting to move at all. But as soon as she was in a position to kick back and enjoy the breeze, the next thing that she did was making sure that she was checking her phone for any text messages. But just like she had anticipated, her wasn’t getting to send any text messages, and that just made her feel as though she was getting way too nervous for life.


Finally, after the longest half an hour in the whole world, they got to reach their destination. And it was there that she heard the door getting opened and there he was, looking like the most handsome man in the whole darn world. And for a moment, she felt as though her heart was beating at the base of her throat and the butterflies in her stomach going on a rampage.


But still, she managed to maintain her cool despite all the mixed feelings as she was slowly being led out of the expensive car.


“Did you travel well?”

“As a matter of fact, I did.”

“Good. Because you are about to have the best night of your life.”

“Really? I can’t wait for sure.”


And with that, Mike took her hand and led her to an incredibly amazing hotel that was in the open by the rooftop. But at the end of the day, it seemed as though he had booked it all out, meaning that they were the only ones who were there at the time. Eventually, they found a spot where it had been prepared and they settled down.


Even at that moment, it seemed as though Joyce wasn’t in a position to believe that everything was working for her. After three very long years of hustling for a job and even a fraction of happiness that she saw most of her friends kicking back and getting to enjoy, it was finally getting to happen to her and in a very big way.


She felt as though she needed to close her eyes and thank God, but then again she was very nervous and chose to postpone the thanksgiving prayer. As a matter of fact, it seemed as though she had to wait a little longer so as to find out whether mike was just some bastard millionaire who was a bad boy and needless to say, looking forward to using her just like it was the case with so many wealthy men nowadays.


But if there is anything that she really trusted, it was her instinct. And at the moment, her instinct was telling her to trust him. And that was what she did.


The conversation was great and Joyce found out that mike wasn’t just a handsome man with incredible muscle but also a gentle and very funny man with an incredible capacity to listen. And the more they continued to talk, the more characteristics she discovered about him that made her to fall in love even more and when the bottle of expensive wine was brought at the table, it seemed as though everything was going to work out even much better than the first time.


The more they drunk, the more comfortable they became with each other and it was at that point that something came over Joyce. At first, she thought that the loneliness had something to do with how she was getting aroused. But afterwards, she realized that she was just turned on with the way that he was handling her.


For a very long time, she had never had the fortune of getting a man who treated that well to the point that she would just melt with a simple touch. Eventually, things seemed to be a little bit sorted out, and Joyce felt very comfortable around him. And as a way to show him that she was grateful, she made a point of leaning forward and planting a kiss on his lips.


It was an incredibly amazing moment for both of them. And it was at that moment that they started touching and they could feel as if their body temperature was starting to get to boiling point, they started getting out of their clothes, looking forward to one erotic and very steamy night together.





-The confession-



The good news about having to rent out the entire five-star hotel was that you can get to do all you want to right there and nobody will come asking any questions at all. And so without further ado, they got out of their clothes and it was at that moment that they embarked on some serious kissing and touching. They were in a position to give each other all the pleasure in the world before he even made a point of penetrating her.


And that was also another thing that she loved about him for sure. First and foremost, it seemed as though all that she could do was make a point of lying there and letting him do all the heavy lifting as well as all of the work.


And mike made sure that he was taking his sweet time to ensure that everything was going on as incredibly as usual. He begun by kissing her on the lips while caressing her as slowly as possible, making sure that he wasn’t leaving any part of her body not taken care of. And as soon as he was done with that, the next thing that he did was shifting to other sides of her body, still giving her all of the pleasure that she needed to moan and fantasying about what was going to come next.


But eventually, it seemed as though everything was going too darn well and Joyce started moaning a little bit, while scratching his back gently enough to feel the tickle but not hard enough to hurt him. But either way, it didn’t seem as though he cared about the scratching since mike had one mission only – to ensure that he had given the woman lying under him all the pleasure in the world.


He was a former soldier before he was turned into a vampire and so he was very good at sticking to particular missions. And now, the only mission that he seemed to care about was giving Joyce the best sex in her entire life.


For a moment, mike could feel as though the area in between his legs was getting wet and before he figured out what was going on, Joyce had already slipped it in and then closed her legs shut, making sure that he was reverberating in the warmth and that was when the pleasuring begun.


And just like Joyce had fantasied, mike was good in bed. As a matter of fact, he did her so perfectly that they got to a point where he just couldn’t cope any longer. It was just too darn sweet for life itself and it lasted for about half an hour – a period after which Joyce had about five orgasm.


Of course that was impossible. And mike knew that she was going to ask him lots of questions about how he lasted that long before he went off. And so as soon as they were done and were relaxing, he started looking for the best ways in which he was going to break the news to her without scaring the wits out of her.






As the two lovebirds lay in the amazing antique bed, mike couldn’t help but stay awake and watch her sleep. The lovemaking was incredible and needless to say, it made him think about settling down with this gorgeous woman who was laying in his bed without a doubt. But the problem still remained to be the same – she was human and he was a vampire.


He had told her all about his days in the army, which was true to some extent since he was an arms dealer who also took part in the war as an engineer. The only thing that was wrong was the timing. The plain truth was that he was in the army about five hundred years ago before he got attacked by some supernatural who instead of killing him, made sure that they had turned him. And for a very long time, he didn’t understand why they killed everyone else and decided to spare him.


But with time, he decided to accept the fact that he had been spared and move on. But then it was at that point that Joyce woke up to that concerned look on his face. Mike tried to hide it but it was too darn late, she had already spotted it and therefore mike was left with no other choice but to look for an excuse.


“You look like you have something you want to tell me.” Joyce groaned with a sheepish smile on her face. All the incredible sex had left her all tired and groggy, but feeling incredibly satisfied either way.


Mike paused for a moment, he thought that maybe it wasn’t very wise for him to make that confession that early in their relationship. But at the end of the day, it seemed as though the most important thing was to ensure that everything was out in the open. Within the short time that they had known each other, mike grew to love her and for that, he didn’t want to lose her because of withholding things from her.


He knew that he could pretty much lose her by telling the truth but he knew better to do so than to keep her with lies. Because in his long life, mike had known the truth to always find ways of coming out one way or the other. And so mike made a point of closing her eyes, breathing in and out for a while and then decided to spill the beans once and for all.



“I am a vampire.”









“Are you a vampire?”

“Yes, I am a vampire. But I am a good one. I would never do a damn thing to hurt you and you know that. I just wanted to get this one out of the way so that we can forge our way forward without any secrets.”


Then there was this incredibly long stretch of silence as they both let the moment sink in. it was at that moment that mike had to start preparing the possibility of losing the girl that he was starting to develop feelings for permanently. And he also knew that if at all he was getting to lose her, then there was absolutely nothing he was going to do about it.


That was the worst thing about the whole thing, not being able to do a damn thing at all. Once he had already spoken something that he had been hiding for many decades, he was supposed to feel as though a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. But now the funniest thing happened. Instead of feeling as though a burden had been lifted from his shoulders, all he felt as though something heavy had been added to the burden that he was already feeling.


Mike then made a point of glancing at her and she was still dead silent, not uttering a damn word. Mike could read her feelings, and at that moment, he just wasn’t sure about how she wanted to react because she wasn’t showing anything that he could end up picking up.


But by the mere fact that she wasn’t as scared as the average human would be when they were told that they had just shagged a real life vampire, mike decided to give himself a benefit of a doubt, at least for a moment or two. But as the silence stretched even further, mike started getting a little bit more anxious than normal and for a moment, it seemed as though he just had to ask her whatever the heck was going on in her pretty little head.


“Oh, nothing. I am just curious as to how a vampire did all of these things so perfectly. You lasted more than ten men would even after having their times combined and yet you were so gentle, making sure that you were getting to hit every single part of myself without any struggle.”


But still, Joyce was still not answering his question at all. What mike wanted to know was why she wasn’t scared by the fact that he just confessed he was a vampire. And even though he didn’t utter a word, it seemed as though his look was enough get her to decipher what question was trotting in his mind. And she decided that maybe it wasn’t fair for her to keep him guessing.


“Well, my boss peter came clean about who you guys were. And trust me, I freaked out. But after a while, I figured that if you guys hadn’t killed people yet, what was it that you were waiting for? And for a moment, it occurred to me that indeed, there are some good vampires out there.”


The last time that mike had that kind of a sense of relief was when the blood suckers decided to spare his life way back and just turned him into a vampire. It was an incredible feeling knowing that Joyce wasn’t going to abandon him despite everything that they had been through. And now, it was time to move the relationship to another level.


“And when were you planning on telling me all about this huh?”

“Well, we human females like to put men into plenty of tests over and over and over again just to test your worth. And once we would have made sure that you are worthy, then we can tell you your mistakes. You, on the other hand, didn’t make any mistakes. Word of advice – never withhold information from a human female.”



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