Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (128 page)

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Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

BOOK: Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males
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“I hope you really want all of this,” she

“What would make you think otherwise?”

“Red, when we first met you were taking
random women back to your secret apartment and doing god knows what to
Now you’re spending your
evenings eating roast chicken with my parents from upstate New York.”

He chuckled.
“But I’m with you.
That’s the difference.”

“I just want to make sure you don’t feel trapped,
bored, stifled by this new life.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“I want you to take me to your naughty
apartment,” she told him.
“I want
you to do whatever you want to me.”

“You’re my wife now,” he said.
But she could hear some eagerness in his
voice just the same.

“So what?
I still want all of you—I don’t
want this to change what we had with one another.
I like it when you take me to your
apartment and have your way with me.”

He glanced at her again, and she saw the
change in his expression.
“We don’t
need to go to the apartment.
not about that.”

“What is it about?” she asked.
Already, she could feel herself getting

The car slowed and pulled off to the side
of the road.
It was dark and late
enough that only a few cars passed by them now and again.

He looked at her.
“Get out of the car.”


“You heard me, Nicole,” he growled.

Nicole opened her door and got out into
the cool, dark night air.
She was
wearing a knee length dress with a light sweater over it.
She crossed her arms and shivered as a
car flew past them, its headlights briefly blinding her before leaving her in
shadow once again.

The car door opened and closed, and then
Red was coming around the car towards her.
“I’ve wanted you so fucking bad all night,” he said, and then he was
kissing her forcefully, pushing her against the passenger door.
His hands groped her chest and pulled
her bare breasts out of the top of her loose dress.

Suddenly he was sucking her nipples as
she lay back against the automobile.

Another set of headlights glared against
the car—could they see what was going on? She wondered—and then
shot by, leaving them in private darkness.

His lips and tongue were hungrily sucking
at her breasts, eagerly stimulating her erect nipples.

She moaned, closing her eyes as he
lowered himself to his knees and hiked her dress up so that he could gain
access to her warm, wet mound.

Before she knew it, he was buried in her
hot entrance, his tongue pushing inside and licking her folds.

Nicole cried out as he stimulated her clitoris.

His hands slid up and down her bare
thighs, then grabbed her hips and pulled her into him so that he could lick her
deeper still.

She couldn’t take much more if it.

Another car raced by, the sound of its
engine eclipsing her rocking, screaming orgasm.

And then Red was standing up and kissing
her and she could taste herself in his mouth and she loved it.
She loved his sexuality, his insistence,
his intense desire for connection and heightened sensuality.

“I want your mouth on me,” he whispered
in her ear, pulling her hair and then licking down her neck.

Now it was Nicole’s turn to drop to her
knees on the hard concrete of the breakdown lane.
Red unzipped his pants and then she
stuck her hand into the hole in his silk boxers and tugged his erect penis out,
holding the thick shaft in her hand.
She stroked him once, twice, three times, felt him shudder in her grasp.

She could smell oil and gasoline and dirt
from the road as she leaned in and placed her lips delicately on the head of

Red moaned.
“I’ve been thinking about your lips on
my cock all night,” he rasped.

She took the opportunity to suck him
fully into her mouth now, pressing down and down until her lips were at the
very root of his shaft.
Then she
slid back up and sucked his head again.
It was slick with pre-cum.

Nicole began quickly sliding her hand up
and down on his shaft while she sucked the tip of his dick.

His whole body was shaking now.
“I’m about to cum.”

She sucked faster, but he pulled
Nicole looked up at him, wondering
if something was wrong.

“Stand up,” he commanded.

She got to her feet, and he spun her
around, his hands on her hips, taking control now.
He pulled her dress up again, and a
moment later he’d slid himself all the way into her pussy from behind, quickly
stroking into her.

His hands on her breasts, fingering her
nipples while she pressed her hands against the window of the car—Red
fucked her hard and fast on the side of the road.

She had another rip-roaring climax and
then so did he, thrusting into her, pulling her tightly against him, his lips
brushing her ear.
“I love you,” he




The next morning, Red was getting a
tennis lesson from some top-ranked pro that Nicole had never heard of, while
she ate a wonderful Nutella filled crepe that Chef Roland had made for her.

Everything had just been magic between
them last night and this morning, and Nicole was humming a song to herself as
she literally ate the crumbs from her meal.

Outside it was another beautiful, sunny
Nicole was thinking about all
of the days in front of them, all the adventures they would share while
starting their family and going through everything that journey entailed.

The thought of having a child was
terrifying and exhilarating all at once, and it made every detail of the
morning feel crisp and somehow more real than anything had ever felt

Nicole’s senses were alive and thrumming,
her body was full of energy.
thought about Red and smiled like a girl having her very first crush.

It was almost as if their bond was so
strong now that nobody could compete with it—their love was everything
and it eclipsed the rest of the world.

After eating her crepe, Nicole went onto
the veranda and sat with her laptop, looking at possible wedding venues.
Last night, while lying together in bed,
kissing and laughing and talking, they’d both agreed that the wedding date
should be soon—probably within the next two months.

Nicole didn’t want to be showing very
much at her wedding.
Already, she
could imagine the various headlines that would appear in the tabloids when the
story broke that she was pregnant.

But she was learning to let go of her
need to control the story, to let go of caring what a bunch of random people
she didn’t even know thought about her life and her relationship with Red.
In fact, Nicole wasn’t sure she even
cared what her own mother thought, let alone the readers of a tabloid

She was pregnant and she was engaged, and
very soon, she would also be married.
And being married sooner rather than later was about taking that final
step with one another.
couldn’t wait to declare her love for Red and to watch his eyes as he said the
words back to her.

Invite the tabloids in! She wanted to
Who cares what they write

Nicole was certain that she and Red were
forever, and the last thing she’d spend time worrying about from now on was
whether the stupid Internet had published some new rumor about their
relationship status.

But how quickly an amazing, perfect day
could suddenly turn on a dime.
Because as Nicole sat on the veranda perusing wedding venues, she became
aware that something was troubling her.

It was strange how she subtly had become
aware that her stomach was upset.
At first, she’d barely even noticed the discomfort, but then she’d
gotten a few cramps that came and went.

Still fixated on her laptop screen and
trying to figure out what kind of locale she wanted for her wedding
day—Nicole could hardly be bothered to think about the growing unease in
her belly.

When it got bad enough for her to put the
laptop aside, Nicole wondered if maybe she’d eaten a bad crepe.
Or maybe she’d had a bad reaction to
They said that sometimes when
you were pregnant, you craved certain foods but other foods could suddenly make
you feel sick, too.

Another bout of cramps wracked her
stomach and she grimaced.
It was
really starting to hurt.

Nicole got up and went to the bathroom to
see if she needed to move her bowels.
When she sat down, nothing much happened.
She had broken out into a light sweat
and her breathing was coming faster.

She almost felt feverish.

After a time, she peed and gave up on
anything else happening.
took a few squares of toilet paper and wiped, then looked at the toilet paper.

There was blood on the toilet paper.

It was as though the wind had been
knocked out of her.

Maybe I’m just spotting, she thought, her
heart hammering out a quickened pace in her chest now.

She sat for a little while longer and
wiped again and again.
There was
more blood.
Her cramps were coming
back again, redoubling in force, almost making her want to curl up into a ball
on the floor.

Calm down, relax.
Don’t get yourself worked up, she told
The worst thing she could
do now was to get overanxious and make whatever was happening worse.

The blood coming out of her now was
beyond spotting, she knew that.
was as if she were getting her period.

Nicole found a pad under the sink and put
it in her panties, left the bathroom and tried Red’s cell phone.
He didn’t pick up.
Of course not, he was playing tennis.

Yet another cramp ran through her guts.

She forced back a sob and tried his phone
The courts were far enough
away that she didn’t want to try and walk there.
Instead, Nicole went to the security
phone and called the front gate.

A man answered.
“Jeremy Lyons, sir. How can I be of

“Jeremy, this is Nicole Masters, Red’s

“Yes ma’am.”

“Red’s at the tennis courts and I need
you to go and tell him to come back to the house immediately, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.
Is everything all right?
Are you hurt?”

Am I hurt? She wondered.
She didn’t know how to answer that.
“Just tell him to come back immediately,
it’s important.”

Nicole got off the line and went out
front to wait.
She could feel
herself dripping down there, knew that she was still bleeding.
Her forehead was slick with sweat, and
she was terribly frightened now.

After what seemed like hours—but in
truth had probably been just a few minutes—Red came driving up the
private way and pulled up next to her.

His face was stricken, she’d never seen
him look as afraid as he did when he saw her.
What happened?” he climbed out of the
car and ran to where she was sitting, her legs pulled up against her as she
tried to will the cramps away.

“I’m—something’s wrong.
I need to go to the hospital.”

“What is it?”

“I started having cramps and now I’m
It’s like I’m having my
period but it’s different.
Something’s wrong.”

“Come on, I’ll start driving us to the
hospital now and make a few calls.
I know a top OB/GYN who should be able to see us immediately.”

He helped Nicole to the passenger side of
the car and then he ran and got in the driver’s side.
The car screeched as he pulled away from
the house and shot off towards the main road.

The lead got put back in his foot sooner
than either of us thought it would be, Nicole thought, and something about it
made her want to cry.

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