Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (74 page)

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Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

BOOK: Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males
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“It’s true.
I knew then that I had to have you in my
life forever.”

She stared out the window at the passing
scenery, feeling content for the first time in her life.
Then she thought about her apartment,
Danielle, work.
What would happen
with her life now that she was marrying Red Jameson?

“Everything’s changing, isn’t it?” she
said softly.

“It’ll be fine.
Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

“I’ve never even seen where you live,”
she cried, realizing how crazy it sounded.
“We’re getting married and I’ve never been to your house.”

“I’ve never brought any woman I dated to
my house,” he told her, “so you’ll be my first.”

She concentrated on her breathing and
closed her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned now.

“I think…I think I’m having a panic

Red laughed.
“You’re fine.
Don’t think about the future, don’t let
it overwhelm you.
Just be here with

She realized he was right.
It was silly to dwell on what might
They would take care of it one
step at a time.

She snuggled up against him and laid her
head on his shoulder as he hugged the curves in the road and brought them back
to the city, where they belonged.

When they finally got back to New York
City, it was late.
Red glanced at
“I should take you home.”

“Which one?” she asked.


She laughed.
“This is going to be interesting.”

“You have to understand.
Everything I have is yours now,” he told

He was serious and she nodded,
understanding how much it meant for him to give up control of anything, let
alone half of his life.
His empire
that he’d built from the ground up.

“I want to go to the apartment first,”
she said.

“Which one?” he asked, grinning.

“The fun one.
The one without a crazy roommate
watching everything we do.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he
said, and the car picked up speed.

A few minutes later, they pulled up in
front of the building.
There were
still the same group of hookers down the street plying their trade.
The same busy convenience store across
the way.

Red opened his door and looked at
“Are you ready?”

She smiled at him.
“I’m definitely ready.
I’m yours, for you to do with whatever
you please.”

He nodded.
“For as long as we both shall live.”



By Kelly Favor

© 2012 All rights


Nicole Masters had never felt such
passion before.

Never had a man looked at her the way Red
Jameson did. Nicole’s body responded to his every touch, his every word.
She needed to be taken—she wanted
him to do with her exactly as he wished.

Red was no ordinary man.
Always in control, and always knew what
he wanted.
What Red wanted right
now, was Nicole.

“Turn onto your back,” he said to her in
a husky, seductive voice, as Nicole lay across the bed’s red satin sheets. This
was the same apartment where Red had first shown her the kind of obedience he
required in the bedroom.

And even though he’d recently proposed to
her, Nicole understood that the rules in here hadn’t changed.
Red would be in charge and she would
cater to his every desire.

Dutifully, Nicole turned to her
She was completely nude, her
breasts slick around her pink, hardened nipples.
Red licked and sucked and kissed them,
bringing her to the very heights of pleasure.

He always took his time—his
patience seemed to have no bounds.

Now he kissed lower still, down her
belly, to the place where the heat grew stronger, where the flames of her
passion kindled to an extreme.
Nicole cried out as Red worked his magic.

Tonight he’d been so gentle, even though
he was still very much in charge of their lovemaking.
Nicole had expected anything, been ready
to do absolutely anything he wanted, but there had been no blindfolds, no whips
and chains.

Finally, he looked into her eyes as he
climbed on top of her, kissing her lips tenderly.
“My fiancé,” he whispered, smiling.

She smiled back as she allowed her
fingers to gently caress his muscular chest and arms.
There was a slight flicker of tension in
his dark pupils as she touched him, as her fingers lingered on his beautiful
Nicole knew instantly why he
was perturbed.
Red didn’t like to
be touched without first giving instructions on the matter.

He’d just proposed earlier in the day, in
front of Nicole’s judgmental parents, and tonight was a celebration of the bond
they shared.
She wanted to touch
him a little, to express her love and gratitude to him.
But she knew she’d made a mistake.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Why?” he asked, as he slid against her,
making her weak with need.

“I know you don’t like it when I touch

He blanched.
“Why would you say that?”

You told me before that I shouldn’t.”

Red moved off of her and rolled to a
sitting position.
“That was

Nicole reached out and touched his back
and saw his muscles actually flinch in response, like she’d seen horses do when
a fly landed on them.

“I’m sorry I said anything.”

“You don’t have to keep apologizing to
He turned his back to her.

“Why are you turning away from me?”

“Because, this isn’t how it’s supposed to
You’re making it into something

“Come back to me, Red.”
She held out her hand.
I beg you.
I need you.”

Red turned toward her again, his dark
eyes staring at her with something so intense it almost scared her.
His curly, dark hair was hanging over
his forehead and he looked like he could be photographed right this instant for
some glossy magazine.

How had she gotten so lucky—that
the man who could have anyone, any woman at all, had chosen her?

“Tell me you’d do anything I say,” he

“I would do anything you say.
Just command me, I want to.”

“Lie on your back.”

She lay on her back again.
He was suddenly upon her, like a lion on
its prey, his limbs intertwining with hers, thrusting inside of her in one
motion as she cried out in ecstasy.
Red filled her with his manhood, took up every bit of space as he moved
into her with controlled passion.

One hand grabbed her by the hair and
“You’re mine, aren’t you

“Yes, sir.”

He smiled at her use of the word
He hadn’t expected that.

And of course, he liked it.




They spent the rest of the night at his apartment.
He’d offered to bring her back to his
house—mansion would have been a more apt description—but Nicole
told him she wasn’t ready for that yet.
This was going to be a huge transition for her; going from penniless and
living with her nosey roommate Danielle, to moving into a multi-million dollar
home with the CEO of the company where she interned.

Red’s apartment felt right.
Sure, it was the same place he’d brought
countless other women, women who filled his need for control and sexual
But it was also the
same place where they’d spent their first night together, and she felt
relatively comfortable there.

Falling asleep together, Red had not
needed space.
He’d moved away from
her on the bed, turning so that his back faced her.
For a moment, Nicole felt so alone and
disappointed, knowing she couldn’t put a hand on him and ask him if something
was wrong.
There were certain
things that she was going to have to try and get used to about Red.

Later on, though, she startled awake to
find him close to her again.
didn’t know she was awake, but he was caressing her hair gently and whispering
to her.

“I love you so much,” he said.
“I’ll always protect you, always take
care of you, and I’ll never leave you.”

He caressed her like that for a long
time, and she eventually fell back asleep, knowing he was close and watching
over her.

The next day, Nicole blearily opened her
eyes to find Red getting out of bed.
“What time is it?” she croaked.
Everything was still dim, it didn’t seem like morning could possibly
have arrived.

“It’s four o’clock,” he said.
“I’m getting in the shower.”
He was wearing his black silk boxers and
nothing else.

Nicole again had that bizarre crashing
sensation of impossibility.
could this be her life?
The man standing
before her was a god, a model of perfection, and yet he wanted her and her
She shook her head and
“This can’t be real.”

Red grinned at her.
“It will feel real enough when you get
into work and tell the creative group that you’re switching departments.”

“Switching departments?” she asked.
“I love my group.”

“You’re not going to be an intern
You’re my fiancé, and
you’ll be moved to a position that fits your capabilities and status.”
He started toward the bathroom.

“Red—“ she called out, wanting to
discuss it further.

He didn’t look back.
“I’ll be out in ten.”

Nicole heard the shower start and she
sighed, knowing that this was going to be a very strange day indeed.

Yawning, she wandered to the other room
and grabbed her cell phone from the kitchen counter.
She had six missed calls and four voice

One was from her father, saying that he
wanted to talk to her, and when she got a chance to call him.
She could tell from the sound of his
voice that it would be a “serious” discussion, probably at the behest of her

He would try to talk her out of going
forward with the marriage.

There were two calls from
Danielle—one was a hang up, and the other was a very quick message.
“Hey Nic, it’s Danielle.
I just wanted to apologize.
I miss you, when are you coming home?”

Nicole wasn’t sure what she wanted to do
about Danielle.
Certainly, her
roommate meant well, but the way she’d gone behind Nicole’s back and told her
parents about Red was a huge betrayal.

Nicole wasn’t sure she was ready to
forgive and forget just yet.
what would Danielle say when Nicole told her she was moving out of their
apartment to go live with her new fiancé?

Four in the morning and Nicole already
was drained and mentally exhausted.

The final voice message didn’t help
“Hello,” a deep, cultured
voice said.
“My name is Anderson,
and I’d very much like to speak with you, Nicole.”
He paused.
“I believe we have a friend in
Mister Jameson?
I think you’d very much like to hear
what I have to say about him.
Please call me.”

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