Billionaire's Lies: A Novel (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Lies: A Novel
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"I see. Come and get us in an hour." He rolled the window up, turning his aristocratic face back to me to carry on where he left off.


"Are you crazy?" I hissed, looking around at the parking lot. "Anybody can pull up and see us!"


"I own this whole place," he responded casually, a slow, lazy half-smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he took in my stunned confusion, once again.


I looked around me in bewilderment. The garage was filled with cars.
All these cars are his...
If I ever doubted that he was a billionaire, now was the time to change my outlook.


"No one is going to see us," he assured me. "I just don't want to stop."


He was already seducing me with the kisses trailing down my neck while he pressed his body against mine. I started to lie back on the seat and surprised myself with how quickly I opened my legs for me. It was as if he had me under a trance, in which he controlled my body.


Blake smiled knowingly as he unbuckled his pants. When I saw his fully erect penis point directly at me, I found myself kissing the head. It wasn't long before I took him fully in my mouth.


I had never been a fan of oral sex. Don't get me wrong, of course selfishly, I love to receive. But I wasn't a fan of giving. Just the thought of me putting it in my mouth used to make me want to gag. And now here I was all but ready to take him in my mouth with the same force I would take him between my legs. His moans and groans filled the car. The windows started to steam up. I licked all the way from the sac up to the head. I stuck my tongue completely out and opened my mouth wide. When I saw him look me directly in the eyes, I devoured him. I was going slowly, taking my time with pleasuring him as he had with me. Blake's eyes were closed, but that sexy smirk I found my heart pitter-pattering for stayed on his face as I sucked and licked.


His hand came to grip the back of my head, using my mouth in rhythm with his groans. I sped up and his grip intensified, practically choking me while I did my best to please him. He was grunting. He looked like he was going to explode but he quickly pulled out of my mouth and rammed his thick cock in between my legs without warning.


I shot up and fell back into the seat. He threw my legs over his shoulders and plowed into me. The look on his face almost didn't look human with the way he was using me, there was something so sexually primal with the way he was roughing me up that it was summoning another orgasm from me. He was in the pit of my chest and I grit my teeth. Every long stroke caused my body to tingle. There wasn't a part of me that wasn't consumed by Blake in this moment, from the physical pleasure he was giving me to my heart beating for him to my mind preoccupied with thoughts of what this means for our friendship.


I was absolutely giddy in that moment and leaned up and kissed him, which slowed him down a little bit. My arms were around his neck and was pulling his body further on top of me.


"How deep you want me inside of you?" he asked with a hint of concern that he was hurting me with how deep he was going.


"Go as far as you can," I practically cried out, wanting him as deep inside me as he could go.


He let out another moan when he heard my answer, and his cock throbbed extra thick inside of me.


"Let me be on top," I panted as I wiggled out from underneath him.


Once I had him straddled under me, it took a bit of effort to gently guide him inside of me again, because he was bigger than anyone I'd ever slept with before. I took my time easing him into me when he suddenly pulled my hips down and made me sit on him. I grinned at Blake, my hair falling over my shoulders and brushing against his face as I began to grind my hips in a circular motion.


Blake pushed my bra up and feasted on my breasts. His tongue danced all over my nipple, then to the other pebbled flesh as he went back and forth between the two.

I moaned and hugged him tightly while I bounced up and down his cock, making sure he had me in his mouth as I used his erect shaft the way I wanted. He pulled my hair back, exposing my neck, and then he started kissing and biting it. My juices were flowing out of me quickly. The climax was coming fast. It was as if Blake could read my body because then he grabbed my waist and started to pump himself in and out of me. All that could be heard was the car's suspensions, our moans, and our bodies colliding against each other. The feeling rushed throughout my whole body and my climax came violently. I fell against his damp chest and seconds later, he fell powerless too.


I don't know how long we were like that, but when someone started knocking on the window, I scrambled to get dressed. As cool as ever, he slightly rolled down the window. It was his driver again. I guess it had been an hour already. He told his driver to give us a few minutes and then said something about his place. To be honest, I was drowning in and out of the conversation because for the life of me I couldn't find my panties. Everything else was fine but it was like my panties vaporized in this heat.


"Are you ready?" he asked me as he adjusted his tie, observing himself through the reflection on the window as he perfected his look. Meanwhile, I felt like a hot mess in his limo--a pantyless hot mess.


"Have you seen my underwear?" I asked distantly as I stuffed my hand in any and every crack and crevice, trying to find the missing most fabric. I reached up and turned on the car light, and sat there stumped. There wasn't a single sign of them. "I can't find them."


"Are you sure?" Blake looked amused.


"No, I'm making this up." I shot him a look. "Just help me."


"In all honesty, I don't remember you wearing underwear. I think I ripped them off."


"Did you?" He could have. I didn't remember either if I was being honest--everything happened so quickly in the heat of the moment.


"Listen, we'll come back and look for it later on your way home."


"So I'm just going to have to go out there with no underwear on?"


"It'll be our little secret." He gave me that sly grin with a wink, and I felt heat rush between my legs, but I gave in. What else was I supposed to do?


Hand-in-hand, we walked into the back entrance of a large, modern building.



Chapter 5




"What is this place?"


"Well, the first six floors are offices, break rooms, conference rooms, and a banquet hall. You know, typical corporate America bullshit." We strode towards the elevator as he spoke, with Blake gliding along the floor with the ease of a panther who knew his jungle like the back of his paw. "The last four are for me." He inserted a key card for the elevator and I stopped dead in my tracks before I entered the elevator. He turned and looked back at me. "What's wrong?"


"You own four floors?" My eyes opened wide.


"Well, technically, I own the whole building." He laughed. "But the last four floors are for my personal use." He extended out his hand and I put mine in his once again.


"What could one do with four floors to himself?" I pondered, an unfamiliar giddy feeling washing through me.


"You'd be surprised. There are many layers to me." Blake winked at me again, melting me from the inside out.


"I'm sure you're full of layers and shades, but four floors is ridiculous!" I scoffed.


We were greeted by a doorman who held the door opened for us. The lobby attendants waved at us and we turned a corner to wait by a new set of elevators. He let go of my hand saying that he needed a quick word with a staff member. I leaned against the wall and looked up towards the light. My eyes were getting a bit droopy. With all the excitement of the night, my body was finally realizing that I'd woken up at 6 today to get to work.
If I'm not careful, I'm going to be sleeping in this lobby.


"You are so gorgeous," Blake murmured as he approached, circling a muscular arm around my curvy waist. His other hand was in his suit pocket nonchalantly. He looked so suave, like a Greek god who possessed the charm of Brad Pitt. He glanced down at me with that same sinful grin; that glorious expression. His luminous eyes told me his intentions before he even got the chance to kiss me. He started at my collar bone and licked towards my neck.


"Blake, what are you doing?" I whispered, peering over his shoulder. My eyes scanned the lobby floor. "What if somebody sees us?"


"No one will see us."




"All you have to do," he spoke slowly, keeping me on my toes with every one of his words, "is not make a noise. You can do that, can't you?" His hands roamed down over the curves of my ass before giving my cheeks a hard squeeze, and I clamped my lips shut to not let out a delighted yelp. I felt myself get warm all over. "From what I hear, you're not wearing any underwear." He let his fingers trail down to the curves underneath my ass cheek, stroking my quickly moistening flesh as his other hand worked their way up to my already throbbing clit.


I wasn't thinking. I lost all train of thought as I hiked my dress up and let him do what he wanted with me in that lobby. It started so quickly. Before I had time to process whether or not his staff would come check up on his, I was already pressed up against the wall with Blake inside of me. Our lips were kissing each other hungrily, as if we'd never fucked before even though he'd just had me twenty minutes ago. Something about the riskiness of the situation was driving me wild and wetter than I'd ever been before.


Moans kept escaping my lips, to the point that Blake untucked his handkerchief from his pocket and stuffed it in my mouth to stifle my moans. It made my clit tingle even more, to the point where I knew that if he just fingered me again, for even a second, I'd be a goner. When I began moaning through the handkerchief, he put his hand over my mouth as he thrust into me hard, my back pressed into the marble wall. I looked to the side and there was a reflection of us on the elevator doors. Watching home cover my mouth to shut me up as he pounded into me hard drove me insane. I couldn't help it.


"Bring me upstairs," I moaned breathlessly once I broke free of his hand's grasp. "Let's do this right."


He nodded and let me down, and together we readjusted our clothes and acted as if nothing just happened. The gorgeous, alluring billionaire pressed the button and the elevator doors opened on command. I stepped inside and placed myself in the corner, feeling excited. He turned and looked over at me as soon as the elevator ascended, towering over my curvy frame. I puckered up playfully in response, but I could tell Blake wasn't feeling playful. His green eyes burned into my brown ones, and he pressed my breasts against his chest, hard, with one swoop of an arm as he turned his face down towards mine and kissed me deeply. His hands were all over me and I was doing the same to him. I could feel the throb of his cock poking at me through his clothes. I passed my hand over his crotch and smiled. He grinned, leaned in for a second kiss, but the elevator dinged.


"We're here." I winked playfully before I slid away from him coyly and walked out of the elevator.


His place was huge and screamed "I'm rich and powerful." The mahogany floors, the super high ceilings, the indoor stairs-- just everything let you know that he had money. His place made sure you didn't second guess his wealth. His windows were gorgeous, large and clearly French, and you could see the New York City skyline.


I walked over and looked out the window, my fingers reaching out to touch the glass. He came up behind me and pressed his pulsating cock against my dress; I couldn't help but twist and grind my hips, trying to coax him into an impossibly harder erection. He tilted my head to the side and started kissing my neck.


"How about a tour?" I asked, looking up at him from underneath my lashes.


"Not much to show you," he responded distractedly, already halfway done with unzipping my dress.


"Uh-uh," I teased. "Haven't you heard good things come... to those who wait?"


"Christina, I've been waiting for almost ten years," he chortled. "But you are right. We have the rest of the evening ahead of us."


The tour began in his grand living room. He spoke of the reinforced railings, Venetian plasters, and exposed brick. Every ceiling had a modern chandelier by some artist who I'm sure Blake's home funded their entire life. One of his walls had a huge mosaic picture of the skyline of New York. He informed me that it was made from semi-precious stones and it took years to complete. Every piece of furniture, every fabric, everything came with a story. When we reached his master bedroom, he simply leaned on the door frame and gave me a look.


"What?" I laughed.


"Nothing. I'm just ready when you are." His eyes turned even brighter.


"How can you be when you never showed me the kitchen?" I pointed out.

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