These families stories are intertwined starting with The Love series, they move to the Wrapped Series, the Burning Souls series, and end in Love You Anyways.
Many more series will spin off from these characters already written and each will be a standalone series but for those of us who love a story to continue I recommend reading in this order.
Blue Love
New Love
Sad Love
True Love
Wrapped In Silk
Wrapped In Armor
Wrapped In Always and Forever
Are you ready to meet my sexy, tattooed alpha men, their exactly hot friends and the women they love?
It’s BYOB, bring your own batteries, because they ain’t providing any. Get ready because you’re in for one hell of a party — now go meet my guys in the Steel Series.
Forever Steel
Jase and Carly: Summer Lovin'*
Forever Family: Summer Loving - Part Due*
Family: A Steel Christmas*
Raising Steel (Momma Joe's Story)
Memphis Black
Finn Beckett
River James
Billy Jeffers
Irons 1
Irons 2
Irons 3
(co-written w/ Chelsea Camaron)
Jagger (Coming April 2016)
* denotes that it is novella
Billy Jeffers (Rockers Of Steel, Book 4)
Copyright © 2016 MJ Fields
Published by MJ Fields
Cover Design by: K23 Design
Cover Model: Garrick Murdie Model
Photo credit: Max Ellis
Edits by: C&D Editing
Edits by: Kellie Montgomery
Interior Design by: Jersey Girl & Co.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/ or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. It involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are consenting adults over the age of 18.
Leila Marino's biggest dream is to become a rock star. A lucky opportunity has her auditioning with an up & coming rock band named Devil's Lair. The band hires Leila as their back-up singer, signing her up for months in the studio and touring on the road with the sexy bunch.
Jack is the quintessential rock walking orgasm. Jack Lair is the lead singer of Devil's Lair and his dreams are becoming reality as his band climbs the ladder of success. He's living the perfect life, and enjoying every minute of it. With a steady stream of sexual conquests that satisfies his raging libido, he thinks he has all he needs in life...until Leila enters it.
Jack is not prepared for the sudden pull he feels towards Leila, and struggles daily to deny his attraction is anything more. Leila finds falling for her new boss is constant torment. Both convince themselves friendship is their only option.
An intimate moment causes their willpower to collapse, and their erotic love affair to begin. Finding love was a bonus that neither Jack nor Leila anticipated. As they begin their tour together professionally and personally, life couldn't be any better for the couple. Until a mistake from Jack's past threatens their new relationship, and their perfect future together.
Back-Up is book one in The Back-Up Series.
The series is meant to be read in order. Due to mature content, it is intended for readers 18+.
Day seven of our tour. And I wake up a little refreshed because we actually got to stay in a hotel last night. I yawn. I roll onto my back and stretch out on the king-sized bed before yanking the sheets back over my naked body. The smell of cut-rate hotel laundry detergent floats up to my nose, and my lips curl. No matter how nice the suite is, the sheets always smell like shit. I can’t stand that smell. My mouth is so fucking dry it feels like someone’s shoved a fistful of cotton balls inside it. Well, a fistful of cotton balls soaked in alcohol. I hear a breathy sigh. The covers shift off of me. Seconds later, there’s warm skin against mine, and a hand gently wrapping around my stiff-ass dick. Fingers skim along its length, stopping to play with the metal bar lodged through the head. Oh, shit. One of them stayed with me?
Slowly, I open my eyes. What city am I fucking in? The sun pours in through one of the windows, illuminating the crowded Manhattan skyline. My mind is foggy. I have no idea who this person is next to me, or how they even ended up with me. And as for a name, yeah, right!. Sinking my dick in an unknown woman is nothing out of the usual. It’s not a slip-up, an accident, it’s more like a habit of mine, but waking up with one--that’s not something that usually happens.
Now, do I want to look over and see what she looks like, or not? One of the pluses of kicking them out of the hotel room before they ass out is that you don’t have to look poor judgment in the face the next morning.
Her grip on my cock tightens, and she gently strokes me in her hand. “Good morning,” she whispers in a husky, sleep-laced voice.
I grunt and close my eyes again. I hate this shit. I hate when they end up staying the night. It’s so fucking awkward the next morning when I’m sober. I don’t like talking to them, listening to them tell me what a huge fan they are. It is a fucking feat to keep from rolling my eyes when they tell me they're not a whore, that they just really wanted to fuck me. And then, of course, they upload pictures to social media which makes one of my managers have to do damage control. There is nothing worse than passing out in the room with one of them. Fangirls: dying to brag to the world that Jag Steele bent them over face down on a bed and rammed it home. I don’t understand why they get so excited about it. Statistically, it’s not really much of an achievement. If you have a pussy, it could happen to you. My dick is not picky.