BindingCherryBlossoms (7 page)

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“Let me see.” He wrapped his hand around her wrist, pulling
her tight against his chest as he examined the burn. Then he turned to Ty. “Go
get an emergency medical kit and bring some ice.” He led her to the bathroom
where he held her arm under a gentle spray of cold water as Ty disappeared out
the door.

“I am fine, really,” she protested.

He stared at her from beneath the mask, worry setting his
mouth into a grim and unapproachable line. “You are most certainly not fine,
and I should be taking you to the emergency room.”

She jerked back, shaking her head so hard she almost
dislodged her mask, settling it hurriedly back into place when she heard a
knock at the door.

Ty returned with the med kit and set it on the floor as
their teacher held Sakura’s wrist out for the man’s inspection. He retrieved a
numbing cream from the kit and smeared it gently across her skin before
wrapping the injury in gauze and placing a bag of ice lightly over the whole

“Nothing major,” he pronounced, giving her an easy smile.
“Is it better?”

“Better,” she agreed, calmed by his professional behavior.

She didn’t protest as her
led her to the bed
and sat down beside her. Ty hovered in the background as if unwilling to
intrude. “Tell me what you were thinking when you did such damage to yourself.”

Her gaze moved from one man to the other. “I got nervous,”
she admitted. “The thought of both of you—” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

Ty stepped forward. “Master, may I have a word with your

For a long moment, Sakura thought her teacher was going to
refuse. He held her so close to his chest she could feel the strong thump of
his heart. But then he jerked his head in affirmation and let her go, standing
stiff and alert on the other side of the room.

Ty bent down to kneel at her feet. “I understand if you do
not want to go through with this,” he said. “I won’t be offended.”

He reached out to touch her arm and for the first time
Sakura caught a glimpse of his hands. She gasped as she noticed the mass of scar
tissue where his palms should have been and the way several of his fingers did
not bend along with the others.

“Not a pleasant sight,” he admitted with a sigh. “Severe
nerve damage. I was hoping that by working on the rope technique I could manage
to regain some mobility and be able to touch a woman again without being as
clumsy as a child.”

Sakura could hear the self-hatred in his voice. It was
terrible that a man who had risked his life in service to others should feel
such loathing for himself. She glanced at her
to find him
studying her with an intensity that made her toes curl. He knew Ty’s
inhibitions, she acknowledged. Knew the other man’s pain and had offered her a
chance to help Ty heal.

But he still should have asked her first.

“Okay,” she said in an unsteady voice, not quite managing a
smile. “Okay.”

removed his robe and let it fall to the
floor, his stunning body taking her breath away as he sat on the bed and slid
her kimono from her shoulders. “Good.”

She had another brief moment of hesitation as Ty stood and
removed his robe, intimidated by being so close to two naked men, but when she
saw Ty nod in appreciation she relaxed and let their teacher push her down onto
the bed.

Chapter Seven


He placed his palm on her chest and held it there for so
long she knew he could feel the pounding of her heart. Then her
seemed to make a decision. “Her wrist is injured. I will hold her to keep it
from being damaged further. You will bind only her hips and legs.”

” Ty reached for a length of black silk rope.

Then their teacher climbed onto the bed behind her and
gathered her to his chest, holding her injured arm gently as he positioned her
to his satisfaction. Now she could feel the beating of his heart. It thumped against
her back and added its rhythm to hers. They did not beat in perfect sync but
complemented each other as if they were singing different verses of the same

But Sakura stiffened again when Ty took her knees and spread
them wide, exposing her fully to his gaze. To her consternation, she found
herself trying to pull her legs back together, earning her a small smack on the
inside of one thigh.

“Relax,” her teacher admonished. “No one here will harm

But she shivered as Ty pressed her knees to the bed and
knelt between them, especially when the man behind her ran his free hand up her
stomach to pinch one nipple until she gasped. He turned his attention to the
other breast as Ty ran his hands between her legs, brushing her clit as he bent
over to wrap the rope around her stomach.

In the end there was nothing she could do but surrender to
their touch. Ty’s hands were bigger than her
, his fingers
thick and webbed with scar tissue. But he manipulated her gently, taking care
to gauge her reaction every time his hands moved to graze her sex. He tied the
rope around her hips, working it down one thigh before wrapping it around both
ankles and anchoring them together. Then he worked his way up her other leg,
grazing her sex on numerous occasions but never once with deliberate intent to

“Shall I give him permission to touch you?”

Desire drove out all other thought as her
cupped her chin and turned her face until it was close to his. His erection
pressed hard against her back and she knew he was excited by the thought of
another man giving her pleasure.

She managed a single jerk of her head before he bent and
pressed his lips to hers, his tongue driving deep into her mouth as Ty’s hands
moved to stroke between her legs. Her cunt clenched as the soldier manipulated
her clit, rolling it hard between his fingers. Her hips jerked as he increased
the pressure and tortured her aching flesh, the sensation a study in pleasure
and pain.

Her teacher’s mouth continued to ravage hers in an intimacy
she had not expected, swallowing every whimper and moan when Ty pressed his
tongue into her cunt. Sakura arched her back and drove Ty’s tongue deeper,
feeling him groan in satisfaction against her throbbing clit. He worked his
tongue like a true master of the craft, slicking it against the front wall of
muscle where he found the ultra-sensitive spot with unerring precision.

Then he returned to rasping his tongue along her clit while
he snugged his finger in her cunt. It felt big and solid as he thrust it deep
inside her, again and again while she thrashed against the ropes that bound
her, needing both men to hold her down as she struggled to find her release.

“Not yet,
” her master warned, both men
removing their mouths from her body.

“No,” she begged as she felt him lift her up and place her
beside him. “I need—”

He gave her a sharp smack on her ass. ”I know what you
need,” he assured her, moving to admire Ty’s handiwork.

“Good,” he said, clamping his hand on the soldier’s
shoulder. “Although I would recommend always tying a knot near the clit and
another to slide along the opening of her ass. There it can be useful to
introduce the art of anal play to a woman who is not fully open to the idea.”

,” Ty responded.

“I understand I did not give you permission to do that
tonight, so it in no way reflects on your performance.”

,” Ty answered again with a bow.

is just beginning her exploration of
Would you care to watch?”

“Very much,

Sakura nearly choked as she listened to the men discuss her
as if she were nothing more than a slave for their amusement. But she was so
turned on by the thought of what was coming next she couldn’t speak at all. And
she had her safe word if things got too far out of hand.

Once again her teacher brought out his array of glass
implements, spreading them across the bed as Sakura whimpered and tried to
close her legs. But she was bound too securely to escape and could only stare
in unwilling urgency as her
selected a thicker toy than he had
used on her before.

“She is wet enough from your earlier ministrations,” their
teacher said with satisfaction as he reached between her legs and spread the
slick of her juices back between the cheeks of her ass. He flicked her clit
with his fingers as she squirmed, the burst of pleasure making her weak.

“And she must always have enough pleasurable stimulation to
counterbalance the initial pain,” he continued, pushing two fingers into her
cunt, his thumb never ceasing its torture of her clit. “And she should always
know her safe word,” he added, lifting his head to look her straight in the

She was melting beneath the skillful twist of his fingers,
her body rising fast to the point of no return. And Sakura could already feel
the need beginning to work its way in the puckered muscle of her ass as she
remembered the painful pleasure she’d experienced the last time…and the
explosive orgasm that followed.

“P-please,” she heard herself beg when he made no move to do
as he’d promised, the glass rod still held negligently in his other hand.

Then she saw him smile. “Now she is ready.” But he frowned
when he looked at the bandages around her wrist. “Hold her down to keep her
from doing greater injury to her wrist. Her safety must always be a priority.”

” Ty settled his body over hers, making certain
he kept her arm well protected as he pulled her legs up toward her chest giving
full access to her ass. The soldier’s eyes were as sharp as
finely polished stone where they locked with hers, studying her with a
gratitude and gallantry she found decidedly amazing…until her
lowered his head and sucked her clit into his mouth.

Unable to keep her eyes open as the pleasure swept her out
to sea, Sakura whimpered in expectation as she felt the tip of the glass rod
slide into her ass. Then she screamed as it breached the tight ring of muscle,
bigger and thicker than before, her body refusing to grant it access as it
burned its way inside her.

“No,” she pleaded. “Stop, please stop!” but she knew better
than to say her safe word because a decadent part of her craved the rush of
pain that left her gasping for breath.

Her master pushed the rod in deeper, stretching her
unbearably as she continued to plead with him to stop, but Ty’s whispers of
praise against her neck and her
fingers working hard against
her clit were enough to soothe her until her pleasure broke free and she
surrendered to the moment.

She could see herself in the mirror overhead, a beautiful
woman being serviced by two men. Pain and need and hunger and bliss warred for
domination as her body responded to their mastery. Contrary to her earlier
expectations, she’d never felt more cherished or appreciated in her life. And
she had no thought of embarrassment or pride as she stepped to the edge and
prepared to topple over.

But before she could lose herself completely to the orgasm,
she heard her
bark an order to Ty who straightened and moved to
stand at the foot of the bed.

She opened her eyes to find her master staring down at her.
He’d already put on a condom, she realized in a daze as he thrust his cock into
her cunt, lodging it so deep his balls slapped against her skin. He took her
with a need that lifted her to another state of being as he rode her with
determination. The glass rod was still lodged deep in her ass while her
master’s cock thrust in and out of her, the combination nearly too much to

Before she could scream out a warning Sakura shuddered as
the orgasm took her, her body clenching around her
flesh as
she gave herself up to the ultimate pleasure. She felt him stiffen as he
reached his own release, lowering his mouth again to hers as he called her his
beautiful and precious gift.

When it was over he lifted himself from her gently. “I did
not hurt you?” he asked.


Both men worked to untie her legs, and before he left, Ty
bent close to barely brush his mouth to hers. “
,” he whispered into
her neck. “I am more than grateful for your acceptance.”

Contented beyond her wildest dreams, Sakura started to fall
asleep. But when she reached out for her
to hold her, she
grasped nothing but air. Refusing to cry because of his abrupt departure, she
forced herself to rise and dress. Why did he always leave when she needed him
to comfort her?

The answer was so obvious she felt like an idiot for not
seeing it sooner. He was only interested in her body. Not her spirit. Not her
mind. In a fit of disappointment, she threw her mask against the wall, watching
as the beautiful thing splintered on the floor.

She was finished with her lessons. She would never be coming

* * * * *

Ian paced across his hotel room until nearly dawn. Sakura
had proven herself to be a worthy companion both in and out of his bed. But his
deception would cost him a great deal of her trust. Trust she hadn’t handed
over lightly.

When he’d first discovered the BDSM lifestyle, Ian found
peace in its structure and order, enjoying the edge it gave him in other
aspects of his life. As he’d grown into his dominant personality sexually—and
learned his parents had the same inclinations—he’d also grown in power when
dealing with his grandfather, refusing to bow down to the old man’s ceaseless
offenses. Only his father’s words of wisdom had kept him from walking out
without a second glance—that and his mother’s pleas for peace between them.

His parents were due to arrive tomorrow, and Ian intended to
confess his every deceit, hoping they would give him some sorely needed advice.
He understood he had let Sakura down; he hadn’t been able to completely commit
and give her the comfort he knew she needed. Another mistake he would have to
correct. But until now he hadn’t understood the dedication it took to be in an
exclusive relationship—with or without the power exchange.

And he refused to let his precious gift go. He had come to
crave her…every hour of every day, and knew he would never find another woman
who could ever take her place.

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