Birthday List (3 page)

Read Birthday List Online

Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #romance, #erotic romance, #birthday, #naughty list, #naughty holiday list, #willa edwards

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“I know, baby.” He needed her to touch
him too. More than he could express.

He pulled her wrists to his mouth,
grabbing the licorice between his teeth and biting through the
cord. The rest of the candy fell away, as Callie lifted her arms
and wrapped them around his neck.

She rose up, grabbing hold of the
licorice vine hanging from his lips and bit into it. She nibbled up
the string until their lips met, her mouth sliding across his. Her
tongue plunged into his mouth, skating along his teeth and diving
between for more of the sweet strawberry flavored

His tongue moved with hers,
the flavors of candy and Callie skidding across his taste buds. He
slammed into her harder, deeper. Small whimpers and moans slipped
past her lips – the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard. Much sweeter
than the candy or the frosting decorating her body. He'd give up
all of that
chocolate for a lifetime if it meant he could hear her like
this forever.

She cried out, throwing her head back
as she came again. Her pussy rippled around him, clutching hard at
his cock. He continued to thrust into her, riding through each
contraction. The tight grip of her pussy along his shaft milked
him, pushing him towards the edge, until he couldn’t hold off his
orgasm any longer. He bellowed, slamming into her one last time.
His balls pulled up tight to his groin and let go.

His whole body went slack, dropping
limply against her. In the back of his mind he vaguely heard the
crunch of pretzels being crushed between them.

For a few minutes they just lay there
in silence, his cock still buried deep inside her, her creamy
thighs cradling him, her soft breasts molded against his chest. She
raked her nails back and forth across his shoulder blades, slowly
reawakening his nerves even as his body protested. She had wrung
him dry – again. Just lifting his head sounded like a gigantic

Callie kissed his temple. "How did you
like you're birthday surprise?"

He pulled back to stare at her wicked
grin. She could be really evil when she wanted to be, and he loved
it. What had he done before her? How had he lived? It didn't seem
like living. Callie was life.

"Best birthday present ever." He
smiled at her.

She shook her head, threading her
fingers through his hair. "This isn't your birthday present. Your
present's wrapped in the other room. This was just the best way to
eat your cake."

She smiled up at him, tugging his head
back down to her. Their mouths touched, lips molded together. No
other woman had ever kissed him the way she did. Sweet and tender,
confident and demanding, making him dizzy and steadying him at the
same time.

He drew back from her, staring down at
her bright green eyes. The corners of her mouth hitched up in that
sweet little smile that always made his heart beat faster. Her
taste still tingled across his lips, yet he wanted more of her. He
could never have enough. Even if he had a lifetime, it wouldn’t be
enough Callie for him.

Pushing a sweaty lock of hair back
from where it stuck to her face, she smiled up at him.

His heart pounded and his gut churned.
Now was the time. He rose from her body, reluctantly withdrawing
from her soft flesh. If all went well, he’d be pressed up against
her soon enough.

“What are you doing?” She called after
him, confusion coloring her question.

“Getting my birthday present,” he
called back over his shoulder, racing to the doorway, where he’d
left his coat.

“Where are you going? I put your
birthday present in the kitchen.”

He shrugged his shoulder. She’d
probably bought him a fantastic present. Sentimental, thoughtful.
But he had something else in mind.

His hands fumbled,
searching through his jacket.
It had to be
. He blew out a nervous and excited
breath as he dug into the right pocked and pulled out a small
velvet box. Palming the square, he ran back to the dining room.
He’d carried the small box with him for over two weeks, waiting for
just the right time to spring it on her. Sure the moment would
present itself eventually. And now it had.

A sheen of sweat broke out across his
neck and crawled down his back as he rounded the corner into the
dining room. Callie had sat up on the table. Her long legs extended
beneath her almost touching the floor. Still naked, her breasts
flaunted before him, the shell pink tips dancing before his eyes.
His mouth watered to taste them again, but he’d have time for that
later. He’d make sure of it.

Lifting his closed hand from behind
his back, he presented the small box to her. The black velvet
surface shimmered in the dusky light.

Callie gaped at the box for a second,
before looking back up at him confused. She sucked on her bottom
lip, her eyebrows migrating together. “Eric, it’s your birthday.
You’re not supposed to get me a present.”

He stepped closer and dropped slowly
to one knee. “Believe me, it’s for me too.” He lifted the lid,
displaying the diamond ring nestled in the black velvet. The stone
was modest, not even a full karat. But he knew that wouldn’t matter
to Callie. She had never cared about material things like that. Yet
still his hand shook as he held the ring before her.

She reached towards him, her hand
suspended in midair, but she didn’t take the box.

“Callie, will you give me the greatest
birthday present in the world? Will you marry me?”

“Eric—” She looked down at him in
shock, her eyes ping-ponging between the ring in his hand and his
eyes, as if trying to gauge his seriousness. Uncertainty and fear
brimmed her pine eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" She stared
down at the emerald cut diamond like it might reach out and bite
her. "We’ve only been together for three months."

He understood her concern. She'd been
through this before. The engagement, the questioning and then
finally the breakup. But he wasn't Josh, and he didn't plan to let
her go. He loved her. He was determined to make her his. It didn't
matter if it was now, or in sixty years. He wanted

He wrapped his arms around her, gazing
up into her eyes. “I’m sure. I want you. I love you. I’ve always
loved you. I always will.” He stood and pressed his lips to hers,
pulling her into a deep desperate kiss. His chest felt tight as he
kissed her, her body softening into his.

When they finally pulled apart, her
breathing was deep and she looked dazed. His heart beat with pride
that he could make her look so scattered with only a kiss. Yet fear
still knotted his gut.

Her hands held onto his biceps with a
death grip, as if she was afraid she might fall over without his

He placed a kiss against her hairline,
breathing in her sweet vanilla scent. Even without the food she
always smelled like cookies – like home. “What do you say,
sweetheart? Will you marry me?”

He wrapped his arms around her,
holding his hands flat against her lower back to keep his fingers
still. His nerves rattled just below the surface. He held his
breath, waiting for her response. If she didn’t answer soon, he
might die right there – crumbling into a pile of disappointed
rubble. Without Callie, there wasn’t much point in

She nodded her head. Her eyes were
misty, her shaking growing stronger with each second. “Yes,” she
whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him

The knots in his gut eased and his
chest puffed with pride. “Yippee!” He screamed to the sky with
unrestrained glee. He gathered her soft naked body into his arms,
tampering down the urge to throw her in the air like a winning
catch and do a touchdown dance. He’d never been happier in his

She’d said yes! She wanted to marry
him! Callie would be all his. Forever.

He cupped her cheeks and directed her
gaze to his. She always felt so small and delicate in his big
hands. He rather liked the feeling. And now he’d get to have it for
the rest of his life. But first he had to put her at ease – make
sure she was comfortable. He couldn’t survive if she changed her
mind and tried to back out on him later.

“I’ll marry you as fast or a slow as
you want. Whatever makes you happy. As long as my ring is on your
finger, I don’t care when the date is.”

She shook her head, “Let’s get married
soon. I don’t want a long engagement.” She captured his bottom lip
between her teeth. He laughed a little to himself. For the first
time, her three year engagement to Josh the asshole had paid

“Soon works for me. If you want, we
can run off to Vegas this weekend.” He held his breath, silently
praying she’d say no. He didn’t want to get married in Vegas. He
wanted to see Callie in a big white dress, declare his love for her
to the whole world and hear her do the same. But if it made her
feel more comfortable to get married quick and dirty in sin city,
he’d do exactly that. As long as he married Callie, the rest was
just details.

“No, I want a real

His heart leapt at her words,
overflowing with happiness. He smiled, tightening his arms around
her. She always fit just right against him. “You’ve got it
sweetheart.” He pulled Callie across the table towards him.
Wrapping her smooth long legs around his middle, he braced his
hands beneath her firm ass and picked her up.

She held onto his neck, but never
questioning he would keep her safe.

He kissed her hard. They swayed a
little on their way through the room, as he held onto his precious

She laughed as he carried her towards
the bedroom, combing her fingers through his hair. “What are we
doing now?”


“I thought we just did

Eric laughed, depositing her on the
bed. “Baby, we’re going to be celebrating for a long time. For the
rest of our lives.” He dropped to the mattress, joining her there
and kissed her again, rejoicing in everything they had. Especially
each other.






Willa Edwards has dreamed about being
a writer since she was four years old. When she picked up her first
romance novel at fifteen she knew she’d found her place and she’s
never looked back.

She now lives in New York, where she
works with numbers at her Evil Day Job and spends her nights
writing red-hot tales of erotic romance. When she’s not at her
computer, you can usually find her curled up in bed with her two
furry babies, her nose pressed to her e-reader.

Willa loves to hear from
her readers. You can contact her at
[email protected]
or visit her on the web to find out more about her current
projects at



Current Series and Upcoming


Naughty Holiday Lists, a
series of lists get a group of friends in some trouble and help
them find love


, December

, June

February 2012

BIRTHDAY LIST, October 2012 free

, November

DIRTY WORK, Coming Soon


Bound By Fairytales,
Fairytales told with their own special twists and a few knots from
Total-e-Bound Publishing




Stand Alones

Sexy Shorts with Whiskey Creek-Torrid

, August 2011

March 2012


, April 2012 with
Romance Divine






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