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Authors: Deborah Castellano

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A collection of five supernatural erotic stories

Edited by Antonia Adams

Published by Xcite Books Ltd – 2012

ISBN 9781909335714

These stories also appear in Dead Sexy

Copyright © Xcite Books Ltd 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

The stories contained within this book are works of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the authors' imaginations and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

Deborah Castellano
Remembering Adelaide
Olivia London
I Am the Moon
Tabitha Rayne
Innocent Demon
Lynn Lang
Unfinished Business
Lucy Felthouse

by Deborah Castellano

Committing to marry Travis was no problem. After all, he was a doctor, he was as sarcastic as I was. He liked playing darts, drinking tequila and watching burlesque with me at Dita's. His impressive resumé also included being an animal in the sack, incredible tidiness (a must for me), kindness, ohmigod hotness and, the best part, he was as crazy in love with me as I was with him. It also helped that he didn't care that I wasn't human.

I didn't hesitate to say yes when he asked me to marry him, I loved that we got married in a no-muss-no-fuss ceremony at the Justice of the Peace and had the reception at Dita's, both of us dying laughing watching our family dancing with the performing troupe.

Travis didn't mind that my super-cool vampire power wasn't actually super-cool – most vampires became amazingly hot or really strong or fast or persuasive, but everyone changed somehow due to their DNA. No, according to the manual, I got attention to detail as my power. Great for my job as an accountant, awesome to balance our chequebook, not what I would exactly call sexy. But he didn't care, just like he never pushed me to turn him. He got it, he read the newspapers just like I did, he knew how complicated vampire divorce was. It made my head spin just thinking about it and that was saying something. Staying together for a human lifespan was hard enough, for vampires it was almost impossible.

It's not like I was a hundred years old or anything, I had chosen to turn once I was 19 (the grand finale for my adolescent rebellion). Everything was already a matter of state law before I was even born anyway, thanks to the Equal Rights for Non-Humans Movement. No, Travis and I were actually the same age when we got married, even if we didn't look it. Our private joke was that he got to have a wife with the young looks of a third wife and the brain of a first wife.

We had been married for ten years and I was blowing out candles on my 35th birthday cake (which I still insisted on, even if I didn't eat more than a teaspoon of it) and I realised my wish was actually to spend the rest of my actual life together with him. Naturally, I reacted awesomely to this revelation by hyperventilating, which is really embarrassing when you don't even need to breathe any more. I refused to talk about it for a week, trying to play it off as a panic attack, which he wasn't buying at all, but he left me alone about it. Finally, I got up the nerve to ask him and he smiled his gorgeous smile and said yes, of course.

When his number came up in the lottery, I quickly realised a lot had changed in the 16 years since I had been made a vampire. We needed a pre-immortality pre-nup to try to keep the red tape to a minimum in case things didn't work out. Definitely more testing, I had to give blood work as well as complete an exam to demonstrate that I wasn't a sociopath or anything. The county needed references, my W2, and of course our lawyer needed to witness the document asserting that I would be Travis's legal guardian for a period of five years (which of course caused me to heckle him endlessly). I glided through all of this effortlessly, right up until I was informed of the change in procedure in the actual … well, procedure.

‘Don't we just put him under at the hospital and the council witnesses it?' I asked in confusion at the Office of Non-Human Affairs.

The Liason to the Office of the Council of Vampire Affairs for our county looked down her nose through her glasses at me. ‘You could do it that way,' she said primly. ‘Of course we advocate for a more natural approach now. Studies have shown it's much better for –' she glanced down at her paper ‘– Travis. A quicker recovery time, a better bond between you and he …'

I ran my tongue over my incisors, another nervous habit I had acquired over the years, catching myself before I drew blood. ‘Natural?'

‘Yes, we find it's best that you do the exchange post-coitus in situations involving parties with romantic involvement,' she said, matter-of-factly.

Travis laughed under his breath so I quickly stepped on his foot to shut him up. ‘Like, the council, um, will …'

‘Watch the entire process? Of course, dear.'

The blood drained from my face and pooled in my stomach. ‘The
process?' I said faintly.

‘Yes, of course. It's standard procedure in case of an emergency.' She looked at me sympathetically. ‘Believe me when I say that they've seen far, er, more interesting things than this. Our council has done the procedure naturally for 85 per cent of the county for the last ten years. We've had more incidents with the anaesthesia with the remaining 15 per cent than we have when it's done using the natural procedure.'

‘What do you say, dear?' Travis smirked at me, his chest as puffed as a peacock's.

Travis had always been a bit of a show-off so I knew he wouldn't have any problem with this. If anything, this was just icing on the vampire cake for him. Me on the other hand … As if the decision to make him a vampire wasn't difficult enough!

I glared at him. ‘I need some time to think, dear.'

Of course I gave in. After all of this, I didn't want Travis to die due to anaesthesia complications.

I read the brochure seven times every night before bed. Apparently, hotel suites had been built into the office building that houses the council, strictly for council use only. Almost everyone in our county would never see anything more than a brochure picture of the suites so it was strange to think I would be one of the few to actually see one in person. As far as I could tell from squinting at the picture and reading the description, there was a long black table with red velvet chairs where I assumed the council would sit and observe and a sunken bedroom area. Leather padded headboard, 600 thread-count sheets and feather duvet, a matching leather bench at the foot of the bed, dense carpet, heavy velvet curtains, candles all over the place, and an iPod dock on the bedside table. Travis knew how tense I was about all of this, so he would try to make me laugh by suggesting ridiculous songs to put on our playlist –
(You're) Having My Baby
was grudgingly probably my favourite suggestion.

We both already slept during the day – Travis started working the night shift at the hospital before we got married – so that wouldn't be a big change. The day before our scheduled procedure, I lay awake hours after I could hear him softly snoring. I couldn't figure out how to explain to him why this was so nerve-racking for me, besides of course the obvious shtupping in front of strangers issue. When I had changed, things had been different. I was hospitalised, it was like getting a boob job or getting my appendix out.

Have you ever seen a serious meat eater at a dinner? The meat eater is, like, feral. Drinking the blood off their plate, licking their knife, sucking the marrow, nibbling the dead animal on their plate in lascivious bites until there is nothing left, until it is completely consumed. And though I was never a big meat eater in my mortal life and I had never actually drunk from a human personally (my meals came in Capri Sun-like pouches to be drunk through a straw, it was just easier and more cost-efficient), on a visceral level, I knew that was what I was going to do to my husband.

I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't an incredibly exciting thought to me – I am a vampire after all. I've still got all that predator blood coursing through me, no matter how civilised I may be. But I was going to expose a side of myself not just to Travis but to myself too and I was terrified about what I would find.

Every county in the country had a council and each county had at least three parties – each divided as evenly as possible between humans and vampires – depending on the size of the county. Our council had five members and I recognised them immediately when we arrived to Suite 3. Alexa, Rene, Veronica, Adam and Ronin, all seated behind the table.

I smoothed down my dress and took a deep breath I didn't need. ‘Hello, I'm here to turn my husband into a vampire and I think I need a drink.' I glared balefully, feeling Travis's foot digging into mine. What? It was true.

I heard someone try to stifle a laugh. ‘Of course, of course. What would you like?'

‘Grey Goose?' I asked hopefully. One of the assistants scurried to bring me a martini glass.

‘I see here your wife is a vegetarian, Travis, so she doesn't make the change when she eats. But you've been married long enough that I'm sure you've irritated her enough a few times to see it,' the voice continued jovially. ‘So there's nothing to be alarmed about. However, of course, it will be your natural human impulse to panic when she decides it's time to feed off you. But when the procedure is done naturally, your endorphins will be high enough that this will be a tolerable level of pain. We are going to take enough of her blood that she gets hungry enough to make the change. Naturally, her behaviour may be different than it usually is in this state. Again, please don't be alarmed – as soon as she has enough blood in her system, she'll return to her usual self. Any questions?'

‘No,' Travis said quietly. ‘I'm ready.'

‘Are you sure you want to do this?' I asked him. ‘There's no going back after now.'

‘I love you, I'm more sure of this than anything.'

‘Travis,' I tried to swallow my gasping breaths. ‘I'm … going to be different than I usually am and I'm scared that you won't –'

He put his hands on my face until we were nose to nose. ‘I love all of you. I mean it, Libby.'

‘I love you too,' I gasped out. He kissed the top of my head and headed over to the bed area and I could hear him humming
(You're) Having My Baby
under his breath.

I sat down and let them take my blood. I ran my other hand over my face, touching the unfamiliar-familiar feline features. I never let myself get hungry like this, I knew better than that. But now I could eat an entire side of beef … or an entire human? I couldn't even tell any more. I absent-mindedly pulled the needles out of my arm and stood up, sniffing the air. I could smell him, all his usual yummy Travis smells that I always loved, but layered over with something I wasn't familiar with. He smelled like the most delicious meal I ever could imagine and I was starved for it. My usual practical thoughts and worries faded more and more to the background of my brain. All I could think about was seducing him and making him desperate enough for me that he would get careless, as prey sometimes does, and he would bare himself to me.

I could see him sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me. I took down my hair as I walked over to where he was, hips swaying. I rolled my body over his, pushing him down. ‘Hey, beautiful,' he said, touching my face. Distantly, I knew he was excited to get to touch my face like this because it was the first time I'd let him. Not due to shame, just due to the fact that it wasn't safe.

This close, his smell was maddening and I just wanted to roll in it. I tried to bide my time, contenting myself with rubbing my face across his body. In this state, he smelled like everything I loved – chocolate, cloves, leather, pomegranates. I soon got lost in all the lovely smells and quickly forgot about the five people quietly observing from across the room. All of my senses were in a delirious, heightened state. When you're a vampire and this hungry, you get ridiculously confident about everything. At that moment, I knew that Travis was going to be mine in every sense of the word.

I sat up on top of him, nestling against his hard cock, and languorously pulled off my dress. I casually popped the buttons off his shirt and peeled it off him to reveal his chest to me. I could hear him breathing quickly and I could sense his excitement and panic rising in equally intoxicating waves. I ran my nails down his chest, careful to not break the skin, not wanting to rush this as I was enjoying myself so much. Running my hands over my lace-clad breasts, I relished how cruelly I was teasing him. By now, he would not dare to touch me unless I indicated I wanted him to. He was too delightfully afraid to try. I couldn't stop smiling, which had the added effect of baring my fangs to him in a casually menacing sort of way. His eyes were trained on me, he couldn't look away even if he wanted to. I had deliberately chosen to not wear any panties under my dress, preferring a wide garter to hold up my silky stockings. I kept my heels on, carelessly digging them into his sides. Leaning down, I trailed my hair over his chest, delicately nipping at his nipples. Sliding down his body, I pulled off his pants and boxer briefs, tossing them away. He lay there, trembling and breathing hard. It was just all so scrumptious, smelling his fear and knowing he was too excited to move, that he would let me kill him if I wanted to. He couldn't help it, it's human nature.

Not mine.

I started to stroke my hands over his body, avoiding his cock but making sure that he knew with my every touch that he belonged to me. Kissing him fiercely, I finally allowed myself to draw just the tiniest bit of blood from his mouth. My eyes started to roll into the back of my head, so I quickly changed my tactic. I straddled his face and rested my head against the leather headboard as I allowed him to lick my juices off my inner thighs before he started swirling his tongue around my clit. Leisurely, I rode his mouth, taking my time to tease myself with it until I decided to allow him to bring me to climax. As I came, I rubbed my clit hard against his face, growling my approval.

After that, it became much more difficult to contain myself. I tried to clear my head enough to remember, to try to be patient as he wouldn't be completely ready for me yet, but all I could think about was being covered in his blood. Focus! I ran the new tax laws in my head until I calmed down enough to slide down his body and mount his stiff cock. Starting my rhythm slowly, I rode out the end of the tremors of my orgasm until I started to get excited again. Quickening my pace, I circled my hips, distantly hearing him moan under me. Slowly, I licked the inside of his wrist until he was writhing under me. Then, gently, I bit it and his lush, warm blood rushed over my lips, staining them as it started to trickle down my throat. My eyes rolled into the back for a moment and I got lost in the blood running into my mouth and feeling his cock inside me.

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