Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set (21 page)

Read Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Michelle Fox,Catherine Vale,Elle Boon,Katalina Leon,Erika Masten,Bryce Evans

BOOK: Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set
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“So you share? Like...everything?”

Colt grabbed my hips, and the press of his erection against my ass reminded me of what we'd already done. He leaned forward again, lips nuzzling my neck.

“We share things we find...interesting. Or that we like. We share a cabin up here. We share...” His tongue slipped along the line of my jaw, lips nibbling my earlobe. “Women, on occasion.”

Jericho slipped a hand between my legs, fingers moving over me beneath the surface of the warm water. There were enough residual aftershocks from my interlude with Colt coursing through me that I went a little weak in the knees at Jericho's touch.  I searched his eyes again.

“Do you share all your women?” I wasn't that far gone that I missed the look Jericho gave Colt.

“Some.” He thrust a finger into me. I tried to bite back a moan, but was unsuccessful. “It's not like we have a different girl every night. Or week. We like women...” He added a second finger to the mix, curling them inside of me. I gasped, closing my eyes as desire swirled through me. “But they need to have something special about them, something that excites us. It's not often we find that.”

“You have that something special.” Colt's voice was close to my ear, his breath warm against my damp skin.

A burble of nervous laughter rose up inside me. “I do?”

“Oh yeah, you certainly do. Colt and I don't sleep around. This isn't something we do on a routine basis, you know. We don't haunt the springs looking for willing partners.”

“Girlfriends? Wives?” I wanted to get this straight in my head before things went too much further.
Although they'd gone pretty damn far already.

“Neither. We're lone wolves.”

At that, I laughed out loud. Colt's fingers cupped my breasts, pushing them up, together, fingers rolling my hard nipples. Words were getting stuck between my mind and my tongue. “Lone wolves...” I tipped my head back, sighing between words. “There's more than one of you.”

Colt's laugh was low, sexy. “A pair of lone wolves then.”

Jericho looked up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. “Any other questions? Your curiosity satisfied?”

Not in the least...but... “ no more questions.”

“Good. Now kiss me. Colt got a head start.”

I was already leaning down, ready to kiss those chiseled lips. He reached up, wrapping his hand around the nape of my neck. “It’s my turn.”

His kiss surprised me, the softness of it when I was expecting something a little more rough around the edges. The kiss still took my breath away. I started to sink down onto Jericho's lap, ready for a repeat performance with a new partner. But he grabbed my hips, pushing me back. Startled, I broke away from his lips.

“I thought you wanted your turn.”

“I do. But I want something different.”

Jericho stood up. I took a step backward, running up against the hard warmth of Colt's body. He still held my breasts, cupping them in his big hands.

I didn't care if I stared, and I was pretty sure Jericho was perfectly happy to have me look at him. The way he stood, the way he looked down at me, he certainly enjoyed the attention. So I gave it to him, letting my eyes travel over his gorgeous body.

Jericho was taller than Colt by an inch or so. Overall he was less heavily muscled, leaner, built like a sprinter, where Colt was built like a fighter. But he was no less sexy for it.

I'd finally looked at everything above his waist, and now I let my eyes linger below. I wanted to gasp, or applaud, or...
. Because he was simply stunning. And very erect. I'd never had a man stand and let me admire him. Clearly Jericho loved the attention, and I loved giving it to him.

But looking was far different from touching, and it was clear by Colt's restless movements behind me that he was a man of action. He'd gotten a little aggressive with his fondling, moving on to an almost possessive touch. The attention was welcome, but my breasts felt heavy and tender. I reached up, setting my hands over his.

“Nice and gentle, please.”

“Sorry. Or not.” He laughed against my neck. “You're too luscious not to maul.”

“She is a luscious girl, isn't she?” Jericho reached out, pulling me against him. “Curvy, and perfect for the taking.”

I tipped my head up, ready for his kiss. But instead he pulled me around so I was facing the edge of the pool, my back to him. With one hand on my back, one hand on my hip, he pushed me forward. I put my hands out, catching myself.

There was a splashing behind me. I caught sight of Colt climbing out of the pool beside me, sitting on the edge. To say he was on full display would be an understatement. It was clear he was just as interested in looking as he was in being looked at. I couldn't help but notice he was fully erect, his cock rising up from a trimmed thatch of dark hair, a long trail that ran up his stomach, melding with all that glorious hair on his chest.

With a graceful move he slid over. I lifted one hand, and he moved beneath me. There was no mistaking his intent, and I was going to be happy to oblige.

But behind me Jericho was making his intentions abundantly clear. He'd grabbed my ass, fingers tightening against my skin. I wiggled in his grip, giving him a clear indication I was ready and willing for whatever he wanted to do.

He thrust his slick cock between my legs, the thick shaft rubbing against my already-sensitive folds. I shivered, from the chill in the air, and from the force of Jericho's touch.

“I bet they call you Red, right?”

I caught Colt's look. “Yeah. I get that from time to time.” I looked back over my shoulder. “And yeah, you can call me Red.”

His laugh was louder than I expected, and the bird’s overhead chattered in protest. But I didn't have a chance to say anything else. Jericho wasted no time thrusting into me, hard and fast, more brutal than Colt.

Jericho wasn't interested in teasing. He was interested in one thing; setting up a wild pace. I rocked back and forth, teetering on the edge of falling into Colt's lap. I looked up at him, knowing I'd see that sexy smile, knowing what he was waiting for. And that I was more than ready to give it to him, as soon as I caught my balance and my breath.

“Ease up, Jericho. You're going to wear her out before her time.”

Behind me Jericho growled, but he slowed his pace, at least enough so that I wasn't being jolted back and forth. Colt leaned back, giving me more than enough room to move.

I shifted my weight, reaching for him, wrapping my hand around his shaft. As I lowered my head, he flexed up into my hand, and into my mouth. This was another first for me. There was a moment of awkwardness as I moved, trying to get comfortable, and Jericho counter-moved, trying to hold on to my slippery ass, and Colt shifted beneath me, trying to...well, keep himself in contact with me.

We finally got the perfect arrangement of limbs, the perfect pitch in this weird dance of ours. It was amazing, simply the most erotic situation I'd ever been in.

The heat inside of me that was left over from Colt ignited under Jericho's touch, under the force of his body slamming into me. Being taken from behind by this blond giant who obviously knew how to give pleasure, and having Colt spread out in front of me sent me into overdrive in about sixty seconds flat. There was no way I could hold back this orgasm, no matter how long I wanted to keep this going. I came, and I came hard.

I lost my grip on the world, and on Colt. But he wasn't ready for that. He sat up, grabbing my head, pulling me back down, forcing himself back between my lips. I wanted to scream, or tried to, all my sounds muffled against the hardness of Colt's erection. But I took him back into my mouth, even though I could barely breathe, because I wanted both of them in me at the same time, both of them taking their pleasure as they gave me mine.

For a split second I had an image of us, Jericho holding my hips, forcing himself into me, his body pressed against my ass, Colt sitting, legs spread, feet in the pool, fingers wound through my hair as he held me, as he forced himself into my mouth. And in that split second, I thought about what Colt and Jericho were seeing, how this all looked to them.

And how arching and bucking between these two hunks, my body wracked with the most intense orgasm of my life.

From behind me Jericho bellowed. There was no other name for the sound. It startled me out of my own little erotic world for a moment. A thrill ran through me as he gripped my ass, his body slamming into me so hard I jerked forward, almost swallowing Colt. There was no complaint from him, just a loud moan as his cock hit the back of my throat.

Jericho's next bellow was only slightly softer, but he was clearly headed for his own major experience here. He dug his fingers into my hips, and I knew there was a pretty good chance I would have fingerprint bruises as a memento of this event.

With a final cry he drove himself to the hilt in me, filling me with heat as he came. I bucked against him again and again, a second—or third?—dizzying wave of orgasmic joy flooding through me as he grunted and thrust into me.

Whether it was watching Jericho, or me, or both of us, Colt's trigger was tripped. He tightened his grip on my head, fingers digging into my hair. It hurt a little, but the pain only served as a counterpoint to everything else happening in my body.

The flex of his hips was accompanied by a low moan, almost a growl, and he came. I've never been a big fan of oral sex...but this blew my mind. He tasted rich and salty, and slightly odd, and totally foreign. But at this moment it was right, all of it. It was messy and sloppy, uncontrolled, and wild. And yeah, it was mind-blowing.

Colt finally released his death grip on my hair, flopping onto his back on the rocks. Jericho's manic thrusts slowed, his hands relaxing, until I felt him slide out of me, away from my body. I sank onto my knees, the water rising up around my ass, swirling between my legs. I winced as the hot water washed against me, but it was soothing.

Jericho sat beside me, rubbing my shoulders. Colt sat up and slipped onto the rocks on the other side of me. I knelt between them, resting my head on my arms, eyes closed. We were in the shade now, and even though the air was cool, I felt heated from the inside, like I was a little glowing ember.

“You okay, Red?”

I opened my eyes, looking at Colt, although it was Jericho who was talking. I was too sated to even lift my head.

“Yeah. I'm great.” I smiled, and Colt winked.

“She seems fine to me, Jer.”

“Glad to hear.”

I closed my eyes. “You guys okay? I know you do this all the time, but...”

Jericho shifted beside me, water rising gently against my legs. “We don't do this all the time. What did you tell her Colt? That we have random sex with every woman we meet?”

“He didn't say that.” I turned to look at Jericho. This was awkward, and I was getting sand in my mouth.

“I don't want you to get the wrong impression about us. When we said we share, that doesn't mean we're players.”

I sat back, spitting out the sand. “I don't know you guys, know.” I shrugged, pushing back from the edge of the pool, sinking down into the water like a hippo, until the water was up to my neck. The rest of the pool was taken up with Jericho and Colt's long legs. I kind of nestled between them, breathing deeply, enjoying the swirl of the water around me.

Colt sat forward until we were almost eye level. “I said we share what we find interesting. And that does include women. But...” He ran a finger along my cheek. “Those have been few and far between.”

“Oh.” I had the sense there was a lot more than a few, and the far between carried a whole lot of history. But I was willing to let it all go for now. I was relaxed, in that good way you get after great sex, but sitting in the hot water was making me sleepy. I sat up without slipping under again.

“I'm ready to get out, if you guys are.” For some unknown reason I was hoping for a little privacy to get dressed. Sex was one thing; getting dressed another. It seemed oddly intimate to get dressed in front of the guys, guys I probably would never see again.

They took the cue, climbing up out of the pool. They were less shy about getting into their trunks, and I averted my eyes for that brief moment.

“Where are you camped?” Colt shouldered his pack. “If you want company, that is.”

“Oh...yeah.” It hadn't even occurred to me there might be more to this than just...this. “Up the path, on the left. You'll see my stuff...” I guess I did want their company.

“We'll walk slow, give you a chance to get dressed.” Colt nodded his head, and he and Jericho skirted the pool, heading toward the woods

“I won't be long.” I stayed in the water, the eddies, and currents matching the swirling emotions inside of me.  I waited until they were out of sight, then climbed out of the pool. My shorts were there, but it took a minute to find my t-shirt. I was wet, the clothes were half-dry, and everything was covered in sand. I smiled.
Just what you'd expect on a camping trip.

I grabbed my stuff, and headed up the trail. I could hear them talking up ahead, but I didn't make the effort to catch up. It was nice knowing I had company, even though it took away the
theme to the weekend. But what the hell, maybe this was what fate had set up for me. Maybe this was what I needed.

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