Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set (32 page)

Read Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Michelle Fox,Catherine Vale,Elle Boon,Katalina Leon,Erika Masten,Bryce Evans

BOOK: Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set
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“Syn, of course, was worried. Nene, too.”

The way he said Syn’s name had her taking a second look at his expression. He’d never let on that he was interested in any of them, other than he appreciated beauty. Bodhi was a ladies’ man, which was why they all steered clear of him. He never had just one woman on his arm, or in bed, it was always two or three. Lyric and her friends did not share. Ever. If he had his sights set on Syn, she’d have to warn her best friend to watch herself.




Chapter Four



Rowan could feel the stares of everyone as he and Lyric entered the bar. The Iron Wolf MC was more than just a motorcycle club. They clearly had their own bar, and from what he’d seen, they did custom bike and car work in another building. He’d have to do some investigating, if he lived long enough. The one named Bodhi was a big son of a bitch. His assessing once over didn’t seem to miss anything. He’d not smelled any interest in Lyric coming off the man. How he’d been able to decipher that particular scent, Rowan wasn’t sure, but it settled his wolf enough he was able to look the other man in his shades-covered eyes.

In the darkened atmosphere with the flashing lights and the heavy pumping music, Rowan wondered why Bodhi had the shades on in the first place. The black T-shirt with the clubs logo stretched tight across the man’s muscles. He assumed he was the bouncer, and since he had to top Rowan, and his muscles seemed to have muscles, he was probably pretty effective. The huge stainless steel rings on his hands probably hurt as much as the punch, if the man decided to throw down. Rowan filed all the info away for future reference. At the mention of Rowan getting a tattoo, he balked. In the military, they never put anything on their bodies that the enemy could use to identify them. He was no longer in covert missions, but the training was there nonetheless.

“Come on. Let’s go see what Kellen has to say.”

Seeing Lyric hold her hand out to him, he took it and pulled her into his side. Bodhi may not have looked at her with lust in his eyes, but he saw several others staring at her like they’d like to eat her up. He liked that she was wearing his clothes, carrying his scent.

She melted into him, making both man and beast relax.

“Lead the way, darlin’.” He released her hand to hug her, his arm going around her waist to rest possessively on her hip.

He’d felt her pull away from him at his home, and he didn’t like it one little bit. He wouldn’t allow her to put space between them, figuratively or physically. If he had to chain her to his side, he would.

She sidestepped the crowded dance floor, which was as different from the other bar as night was from day. Here, the scantily clad bodies did more than just bump and grind. He was sure there might have been some actual fucking going on if he was to look closer. Possibly some threesomes. Rowan heard more than a few moans and some
fuck yeah, babies
. A few other words and expletives had him making a quick decision, Lyric wasn’t allowed to come here alone ever again. Not without him. She took them down a long hall and stopped outside a huge door with a wolf carved into the wooden surface. Knocking three times, she entered without being told it was okay.

Inside, Kellen sat on a black leather sofa, his arms stretched across the back, looking relaxed, one booted foot crossed over his knee. His eyes, however, held a different message. “Have a seat, both of you.” He indicated the couch across from him.

Rowan took in the room filled with a total of four black leather sofas and a leather coffee table in the middle. He wondered how many couples had been back here and then decided he really didn’t want to know. Off to the side, a big desk with a state-of-the-art computer sat, indicating the MC Pres was up-to-date on technology at least. His jeans had been swapped out for a pair of black leather pants that laced up the front, and a matching vest with a wolf’s head on the upper right corner. The club’s logo was above it with the word President in block letters below, letting everyone know exactly who and what he was.

As soon as they entered, her friends jumped up and pulled Lyric from him. Rowan wanted to protest, but with the intent look on Kellen’s face, he relented. She gave him a quick introduction, which he filed away.

“Now what?” Rowan looked Kellen in the eye.

“Did you recognize the men who attacked you?” Kellen asked.

Rowan shook his head. “No. Never seen them before. I’d gone to the bar for a drink and had just gotten there when I spotted Lyric being strong-armed out by four men.”

Kellen rested his elbows on his spread knees. “How did you know it wasn’t a lovers’ spat?”

He heard the other women gasp, but ignored them. “There was desperation in her body language. I’m trained to recognize these things. I decided I’d let them think I was no threat and continued on into the bar and let them take her outside. I figured I could easily take on four men. Of course, I had no clue they’d be turning into wolves ready to tear my guts out.” He copied Kellen’s relaxed posture, resting his arms across the back of the sofa.

“Kellen, it wasn’t Rowan they were after. I was the one they were specifically targeting in the bar.” Lyric spoke up, telling them about the incident on the dance floor. She sat next to Rowan, close enough her thigh pressed to his.

The one named Syn raised her hand. “I got distracted because someone had drugged Magee. Luckily our systems don’t react the way humans do, but she was violently ill. I assumed you were on the dance floor still. I’m soo sorry, Lyric. Had I thought you were in danger, I’d never have left you that long.”

“Where is Magee now?” Lyric tried to get up, but Rowan held her to him with one arm around her shoulders. Kellen’s eyebrows rose at the display.

“She’s at home resting,” Kellen answered.

The door opened and in walked Xan. He kicked the door shut, unfazed by the glower on Kellen’s face. “Please respect the door, brother.” Kellen waved his hand imperiously at him.

“Screw off,” Xan said heading over to the opposite side where a small semi-circular bar sat. The chrome design fit in with the black furniture.

The door opened again, and a gorgeous blonde with purple and pink curls walked in singing the lyrics to “Sex Metal Barbie” by In The Moment, looking every bit the part.

“Really, Breezy. Don’t you know how to knock? And, for the love of all, who let you out of the house in that?”

Rowan was sure he could hear Xan’s back molars grinding together. He glanced at the new woman named Breezy, and had he not had eyes for only Lyric, he was sure he’d have been drooling over this one. Her white corset pushed her ample breasts up while showing off her tiny waist. The miniscule denim jean skirt looked like it had been cut off, but it covered her ass. It was probably the knee-high stockings that did it for Xan, with the lace tops playing peek-a-boo when she walked. Her hips swayed as she sang the words about being a harlot and a homicidal queen.

She batted her obscenely long lashes at Xan. “Why, my daddy even gave me a pat on the head and told me to be a good girl tonight. I told him I was always a

“Enough you two. I don’t need your version of foreplay tonight.” Kellen pinched the bridge of his nose. “Breezy, is there a reason you came to see me?”

“Yes, Alpha.” She walked over to where Kellen sat, pulling something out of the top of her corset.

Rowan heard Xan moving before he saw the other man actually clear the space. One minute he was a good ten feet across the room from Breezy, the next, he was beside her, taking her hand in his.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Xan asked.

Rowan couldn’t see her expression, but he felt Lyric tense.

Breezy elbowed Xan in the stomach. “This note was left on my windshield. I was waiting until you got back here, Alpha, to bring it to you. You must’ve slipped in while I was…busy.”

“Busy doing what?” Xan gripped her by the arm.

“Listen, Xander Mother-Fucking Carmichael. You don’t own me. You have no right, so back the fuck off me.” Breezy twisted in Xan’s grip.

“Not on your life, bella.” His hand tightened.

Rowan was ready to come to her defense, but Kellen spoke up first. “Xan, leash your wolf. Breezy, let me see what you got. Did you notice anyone around your car?”

The blonde shrugged away from Xan. “I didn’t, Alpha. I’m sorry. I ran into the store to get some gum and came out to find that note.”

“Sit down. You’re both making my neck hurt.” Kellen sat forward and read the note. “What the fuck does this even mean?
Your blood will become my blood

“Why didn’t they try to take her, like they did Lyric?” Rowan asked then watched as Breezy spun and nearly toppled over before planting herself next to Kellen, much to Xan’s displeasure.

“Oh, crap. I never thought of that. Do you think they followed me here? Or are waiting for me to leave? I mean, the store parking lot was full of people, so maybe that was why they didn’t try anything.” Breezy’s voice shook.

Kellen patted her knee. “It didn’t matter at the bar where they tried to take Lyric, but maybe a parking lot full of humans who weren’t intoxicated stopped them. Do you remember anything out of the ordinary?”

“I remember the feeling of being watched, and looking around before I spotted the note. I thought some guy was trying to hit on me.”

“Does that sort of thing happen to you a lot?” Xan sat on the sofa arm next to where she sat.

Breezy adjusted her top. “More often than I like, yes.”

“Do you think it has anything to do with the way you’re dressed?” Xan questioned, curling a strand of pink hair around his finger. Rowan watched the tightening of the blonde’s shoulders.

“I had a jacket on over the corset, zipped up, for your info. Besides, I should be able to go out wearing this and not have to fend off some asshat. You should be whipped for suggesting I brought on any bullshit by the way I dress.” She jerked her hair free.

“Bella, I like to do the whipping, and I promise you’d enjoy the fuck out of it,” Xan said.

“Back to the problem at hand. Whoever left the note was probably watching you, Breezy. More than likely, they watched you come here, but that’s okay. It’s not like we hide our club. Bodhi would’ve recognized a strange shifter walking in.” Kellen drew their attention back to him with his growled words.

Rowan agreed. The man at the front door looked as if he’d not miss a damn thing, but Rowan wanted to check over the entire premises. He wouldn’t trust Lyric’s safety until he was able to ensure it himself.
He was already becoming possessive of the woman. He hoped she didn’t mind because he didn’t see it changing any time soon. He’d even let the man named Bodhi ink him if it meant he could lay claim to Lyric.

“Can I go home now? I’m feeling kinda ill.” Breezy got up off the couch.

“Have someone follow you, and let your dad know what’s going on. He and your mom need to be on guard. I know you work at the hospital, but be alert when you come and go. Don’t go anywhere alone. You hear me? If I have to, I’ll put Xan on as your guard.”

She nodded. “Coti said he’d take me home.”

“Fuck that. I’ll take you home.” Xan stood.

“Xan, I need you here since Taya’s missing. I need you and Bodhi, along with Arynn. He can sense her, and so can I. That means she’s still alive.” Kellen pinned Breezy with his blue eyes. “Coti is to take you straight home, no fucking off.”

“He’s my friend, nothing more.” Hurt laced her words as she pushed up from the couch.

“Then he shouldn’t have any problems getting back here quickly,” Xan said.

Breezy walked around the ottoman, ignoring Xan. “I’m glad you’re okay, Lyric. Welcome to the pack.” Her friendly smile was genuine as she looked at Rowan.

“Thank you, Breezy. I’m sorry my brother is an ass.” Lyric squeezed her hand.

“It’s okay, I have become immune to his lack of charm.” Tears sparkled in her eyes before she blinked them away.

Rowan could smell the lie and hear the hurt in her voice. At the door, Breezy looked over her shoulder. “By the way, it’s not Coti you should worry about me fucking, Xan.” With those words she walked out the door, her head held high. Rowan hoped like hell he never pissed Lyric off to the extent that Xan clearly had Breezy.

“Who the hell is she talking about?” Xan asked Lyric and Syn.

Syn lifted her shoulders in a negligent shrug. “We don’t necessarily run in the same circles, you know. Breezy and her girls are a few years older, and are a little more…adventurous than we are.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Xan snarled.

“I don’t give a flying fuck,” Kellen roared. “Stop thinking with your goddamn dick, and either let the woman bounce on your cock, or deal with the fact she’s one hot piece of ass any man, or woman would be glad to have.”

Rowan felt Kellen’s power flood the room. No wonder nobody questioned the man’s right to rule. Rowan felt like turning his head and giving him his neck. He barely restrained himself, but noticed Syn and Lyric weren’t so brave. Xan met his gaze across the room. He lifted one blond brow.

“Looks like we have another alpha, Kellen.” Xan stared at Rowan.

Kellen smirked. “If you’d had your head outta your ass, you’d have noticed that earlier.”

Xan lifted his middle finger and then went back to the bar to pour himself another drink. He held up the bottle, and Kellen nodded.

“You want one? It’s the good stuff, Maker’s Mark,” Xan said.

“Throw it over some ice for me.” Lyric leaned forward with a smile.

Syn got up and poured another drink while she got Lyric’s. Rowan nodded and then accepted the glass.

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