Bitten by the Alpha Wolf (12 page)

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Authors: R. E. Swanson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Single Authors, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Angels, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Bitten by the Alpha Wolf
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She reached up and removed the small plait from her long blonde hair hearing him gasp softly as her hair fell in waves down her smooth back. He raised himself up and captured one of her throbbing breasts in his warm mouth. Ruth moaned loudly and held his head captive against her magnificently aroused peak.

He nibbled, sucked, and pinched her hard nipple until she thought she’d honestly orgasm just from the attention her breasts were receiving. His stiff erection prodded against her thighs and her core ached to be filled by it. He kissed her mouth hard, plunging his tongue between her full lips and exploring every inch of it with its erotic dance.

Ruth’s small whimpers of pleasure turned quickly to loud cries of extreme joy as she felt him entering her sweet, wet warmth. He glided into the slick wetness of her sexual excitement easily.

“You feel good. You’re so wet and tight,” he breathed as he pushed up and into her deeper. He held on to her silky, smooth thighs under her flowery dress as she began to move up and down, riding his rigid shaft. She threw her head back and closed her pale green eyes, abandoning herself to desire and lust.

He sat up and held her close as she continued to ride his hard cock.  Her breasts bounced against his bare chest as she did so, eliciting a delicious friction between them. She pushed him back so he was lying down once again. She took his hands and pinned them over his head so he was completely at her mercy. He smiled up at her and kept his hands there without the need for her to hold them.

She put her hands on his legs behind herself and rode his throbbing shaft harder and faster while she sat forward slightly and rubbed her aroused and sensitive clitoris quickly. Within seconds, she felt her climax washing over her like a glorious wave of ecstasy.

He brought his hands back from behind his head and held her thighs tightly as her orgasm coursed through her curvaceous body. He pushed his throbbing erection up and into her, so she could experience the most intense orgasm she could. Ruth groaned and shouted his name as her final shattering release was met in a soul shuddering climax.

She collapsed onto his warm and hard body as he kissed her neck gently and rolled her over on to the bed. Ruth’s blonde hair flowed across the pillows as she opened her legs in anticipation of his huge hardness entering her again.

The anticipation didn’t last long as she felt his shaft thrusting into her soaking wetness. She wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him into her deeper until she could feel every throbbing inch of him inside her. He moaned loudly as he started thrusting into her harder and deeper. Ruth grabbed his tight ass as he pounded her.

John gave an uninhibited cry of satisfaction as he spilled himself into her, crying her name as he did so. She unwrapped her legs from his body and dug her heels into the bed pushing up into him. He responded and as he continued with his pounding, she reached another sexual crescendo. If possible, this one possessed more intensity than the first one. She shuddered against him as she felt her tremors of ecstasy subsiding. He held her close and they drifted off into a peaceful slumber in each other’s arms.

They stayed asleep until the next morning when the sunlight streaming in the cabin’s window woke Ruth. She looked across to see John’s handsome face on the pillow next to her and smiled. She couldn’t believe this was the last time she’d see him. She’d give anything to be with him always.

As she watched him, he awoke and sat upright rubbing his dark blue eyes. He stared at her with an alarmed look on his face.

“What’s the matter? John what’s the matter you look like you’ve seen a ghost, excuse the pun,” she asked worriedly. The look of fear on his face was beginning to frighten her. Why wouldn’t he stop staring at her? He didn’t speak a word just stared.

“How do you feel?” he asked finally as he touched her arm lightly.

“Fine, John. Slightly cold but fine,” she replied having no idea why he was gaping at her so intently.

She climbed out of bed and stretched her curvy body as she yawned. She felt great and as memories of last night flooded back to her, she smiled and climbed straight back into bed, “Shall we go again?” she asked him.

“I don’t think we should at the moment Ruth,” he whispered seriously.

She was both hurt and shocked by his response. What had changed so much? Had she missed something? She stood up and added, “Hey this is our last morning together and then I leave the train, John,” she reminded, hoping to alter his mind about having sex. She wanted to feel him again badly.

He walked over to her, touched her smooth face tenderly, and whispered, “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, sweet Ruth.”

Now she was totally bemused. “I don’t understand, John, wouldn’t be too sure of what? That this is our last morning together, or that I’m leaving the train?” Her brows knitted together in confusion. What was going on?

Just then, the cabin’s door burst open and in rushed a team of paramedics. Ruth looked at John who held out a hand for her to hold. She swallowed, slipping her fingers into his as she saw herself lying on the bed with the paramedics swarming around her like moths to a light bulb. They started to administer CPR and Ruth started to panic.

“John!” she shouted. “What the fuck’s going on, tell me.”

“Ruth, calm down. From what I can gather, you passed away in your sleep. They’re saying you may have had a sudden heart attack. I’m so, so sorry Ruth,” he said as he put his arms around her curvaceous body and held her close.

I’m dead. How can that be? I don’t remember feeling anything. A heart attack? I know I’m overweight, but I never imagined…then again I’ve been so stressed and…does it matter?

She smiled not feeling sad at all as she whispered, “I’m not. Now I get to spend eternity with you here on this train. I’m not at all upset, John. Honestly this is wonderful news. I was so sad until I met you and I didn’t want to leave you. Now it looks as though I never have to.” Happy tears flooded her eyes.

“Wow, you’re so optimistic about your own tragedy, sweet Ruth. I can’t believe that you’ll never leave me now this is unbelievable,” he cried as he kissed her lips gently.

Her family would miss her, that much was true, but if she’d had a choice of joining John or seeing her family, she knew which one she’d choose and it wouldn’t involve her leaving the Empire Builder train.  



A Message from the Author:

I’m extremely happy, honored and grateful to share my next story!

My greatest passion in life is to write compelling stories for readers and give them an escape for their daily grind of work and family obligations and immerse themselves in a world of fantasy to escape to, even for just a few moments.

As a special thank-you for joining me in this journey, I’d like to give you a free preview of another installment of RE Sensational Publishing Collection, a fantasy called Undressed by the Tortured Tiger

Click Here to Read More of My Sexy and Sizzling Romance Stories for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!




Preview of
Undressed by the Tortured Tiger




I will never forget the first time I saw him. Even though I was only looking at his photo, his hard, powerful stare captured me immediately. I had to add this mysterious, powerful man as a friend. Hovering over the invite button, my finger shook as I clicked the mouse.

We started talking, and clicked immediately. We got along well. In a few weeks of conversation, it soon became clear that I’d met someone special. Trevor was my dream guy; the perfect combination of lover and father, though not in a creepy way. He was in a class of his own; he was caring, an old-fashioned romantic at heart, and even rich.

I was sure he was too good to be true, and braced myself before our first date, expecting disappointment. I called up my cop friend, Burney, to look into his past, but what Trevor had said about himself checked out.

Reassured, I confirmed the coffee date. I will never forget the first time those magnificent eyes transfixed me. He was even more hypnotizing in person, though very cautious. Still, he lived up to his own hype, and then some. Even though we were still getting to know each other, I was the envy of other women whenever we walked into a room.

What my envious rivals didn’t know, however, was the fact that Trevor was sometimes very strange. I first noticed it the night we made love.

It had been one of those clichéd dinner dates—classic 50s style. You know the kind; armed with a bouquet of flowers, the man picks up his date. He gets the door for her, settles in the driver’s seat of a nice but not overly flashy car, and heads off.

The evening is always the same on such dates; neither of them would want to show their true colors, and are therefore on their best behavior. The man aims to impress, and they walk on eggshells around each other, talking about the weather and politics. They end the night with a bottle of wine, light banter, and hot, steamy sex in one of their apartments.

Our date was pretty much the same, only in our case, Trevor ordered the most expensive wine, and the hot, steamy sex was in a hotel room upstairs. I hadn’t had sex in a while, but he got me worked up. We started with gentle touches, his hand under my shirt and over my breast, but our heat built quickly. With alcohol in our systems, it was easy for me to let go.

Something about the way the shade of his eyes changed from a deep green sea color to a lighter brown, almost animalistic shade, made me slightly scared. I blamed it on the alcohol, making me see things.

After his eyes started to shift, it all became a blur. His burning gaze made me a wild creature. I had trouble coming at first, but after he dipped between my legs, his tongue tracing hot trails over my most intimate places, it was easy. He was relentless, and pounded through my reservations—by the end of the night, I was screaming his name, raking my nails down his back. But afterwards, he was as quiet and calm as a cat by the fireplace, holding me and stroking my hair.

I had my escape planned out. The next morning, I would sneak out before he got up and rush back to my apartment for a change of clothes before heading over to work. He had drifted off in deep sleep and was snoring slightly. I reached out under the bed for my slutty shoes, and spotted my equally slutty dress across the room. I slipped it on inside out and swiftly tip-toed towards the door.

“Going somewhere?” his deep voice echoed in the room. I shivered slightly.

‘”I need to get to work,” I replied. I looked at the mirror positioned in the hallway on the way to the door, and noticed how tangled my hair looked. I ran my fingers through it and looked back at where Trevor lay.

“Where do you work?” he asked as he propped his head up with his left hand.

“Michaels and Sons,” I answered.

“The law firm?”


“You told me that you own a floral shop over at South Avenue.”

I could not tell if he was asking or simply pointing out my lie. “Come on, Trevor, do you actually believe everything that you’re told online?” I asked as I blinked.

“Breakfast?” he offered.

“I’ll run late if I have some,” I answered as I threw a glance at my wrist watch. My boss was a bitch sometimes, and would have my head on a platter if I showed up late for work.

“I can drop you at work,” he said.

“I still need a change of clothes,” I complained.

I watched as he reached for his cell phone and placed a phone call. I waited nervously.

“Hello, Robert. I would like you to send over a lady’s suit, size eight,” he said as he eyed my hips and height. “Come with both blue and black,” he went on to say.

I couldn’t help but smile at what he had done. I loved being spoiled.

“You order breakfast, and I will hop in the shower,” I said as I pulled out my dress over my head. I hadn’t put on my torn panties, and loved how he looked at my naked body. He ran his tongue on his lower lip deliciously, and I knew that he would follow me to the bathroom. He was right behind me when I got in the shower, and without warning, bent me over before I had turned on the water.

“I don’t want you to be late for work, so I’ll skip the foreplay,” he growled.

Click Here to read more for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

From the Desk of Rebecca Swanson

Hello Voracious Romance Reader!

I hope you enjoyed that preview of “Undressed by the Tortured Tiger”!

very much for taking the time to share in this Paranormal Romance of mine. It takes a lot imagination and work to put together these characters and I truly enjoy developing them and giving you a break from your everyday life to escape into your fantasies!

I want to be able to develop more books in the Paranormal Romance such as “Bitten by the Alpha Wolf” but I want to make sure you the reader are getting the best quality and entertainment possible for your hard-earned money!

If you can take 2 minutes now to leave an Honest Review on what you enjoyed about “Bitten by the Alpha Wolf”, what did you like about the characters and watching their relationship bloom, which would be greatly appreciated so my next story you read will have you gushing with love and want you snuggling up with your partner beside a burning fireplace!

I love to feature my reviews on my web site, fan page, and even in my books!  I’ll be incorporating the next round of reviews into my books in the next few days.  Maybe I’ll be able to feature yours? 

: If there was something in the book that you caused it not to warrant a 5 or 4-stars (yikes!), please let me know by e-mailing me at
[email protected]
. I’d love to try and fix it to make sure you’re a happy reader!

Remember, my stories will ALWAYS be
for subscribers to Kindle Unlimited!

Thank you again for taking such a small portion of your time for your considerations and (hopefully) writing a review!

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to go to my author page to read more of my romantic fantasies!


Rebecca E. Swanson


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