Black Dawn (9 page)

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Authors: Desconhecido(a)

BOOK: Black Dawn
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“What really happened back at the hotel?” That moment had puzzled her for hours after they’d met up with the fake Lucas. He never laid a hand on her and she knew it, but she wanted to hear his side of the story. “Why didn’t you take the opportunity you had that night?”

“Why are you asking?” Dane shook his head and turned away.
“What’s with you, little fairy?”

Dar reached around and with one hand, gently cupped his chin and forcing him to look at her. “It’s my turn to ask all the questions now,” she said with a soft smile.

He smiled back at her. “Always have to be in control, don’t we?” He leaned over and kissed her on the nose.
“Makes me look forward to our first time together.”

“Why do you have to tease me?”

“Because I like it and so do you,” he said in a hushed breath. “I love giving you a hard time, it’s what I do.”

Dar laughed and nudged him playfully. “Okay, c’mon Dane! You seemed so hell bent on controlling me when we first met.”

Dane bit his lip for a few seconds before speaking. “You were vulnerable and all I wanted to do was protect you. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to bed you the first time I saw you. I was going to carry through with our bargain.”

“What did you do to me?”

“You needed your rest, and watching you sleep is most intriguing. Did you know you hum while sleeping? It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” He slipped an arm around her shoulders. “There’s so much more to you than a quick tumble in the hay and you’re a virgin,” he mused.

“So, that’s why you didn’t touch me?” She looked at him in awe. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because, I was hoping that you and I might pick up where we left off, under different circumstances, of course.”

“So, what’s the plan?” She asked. “Are you staying here? You know, King Zurion and my father have agreed to let you stay here.”

Dane groaned and shut his eyes. “Baby,” he breathed. “I don’t want to stay here.”

Dar frowned.
“Why not?”

“Look around you. This
isn’t me, you know?” He stood up, shoved his hands in his pockets and strode around the garden. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried ignoring the plummeting feeling she was experiencing in her gut. “Not even for me?”

“You could come with me.”

“Where to?
The human realm?
Oh…I just couldn’t. It’s not what I thought it was. It’s changed drastically.”


where does that leave us?”

She backed away from him. “You tell
King Zurion is considering closing the realms. You’ll never be able to return and I’ll never leave.”

his eyes. “See, that’s why I cannot stay. In the meeting, Zurion agreed to open the realms and let those through who desire it. It’s like asking permission to do what you want. I’m so used to going where I want, doing as I please. The rules here are so lame.” He put his hands on his head. “I’m surprised you and your sister aren’t bat assed crazy! I’d lose my mind if I stay here, Dar.”

“Are there other areas better than where we were?”

“Unfortunately, what you see is what you get. Unless, of course, if we were to live in another realm. I’ve been to other realms, and they seemed somewhat normal, like what the human realm used to be.” He stared intensely at her for a few moments. “That’s of course, if you’d be willing to leave the sanctuary.” He waved his hand around the garden.

“Before, I would have never considered leaving. But now I’m not so sure.”

“There’s nothing stopping you.”

“Can you stay tonight?”

“Babe, I’ve got a lot of soul searching to do.”

Thom and Cyrus approached them.

“Did you know
Thom here is my uncle?” Dane said quickly.

Dar compared the men’s faces, and it was true. There was some sort of resemblance between them. “I see it now,” she admitted.

“His mother, Holly was my sister,” Thom said.

“You’ve spoken of Holly often,” Dar admitted. “I’m so sorry, for the both of you.” Her heart ached for Dane. It was no secret how much he missed his mother.

“Well, it’s okay. At least now there are some changes. You can’t complain about that. It would also make her proud that her son has finally found his home.”

“I told you Thom, it’s not meant for me to be here.”

“I’m not pushing. Just know whenever you need a place to lay your head, you’re more than welcome to return.” Thom patted him on the back before returning to the palace.

“I feel bad for him,” Lucas said in a roughened voice. “He really wants you to stay.”

“I’ll need to think. Look, Lucas, you can leave now if you’d like. I’ll meet you soon, maybe tomorrow?” He flashed a quick smile at Dar.

“So you’re staying?” She asked excitedly.

“Yes, just for the night.” He stroked her cheek. “I need to hold you in my arms just one more time, little fairy. Hey Lucas, I asked you a question, man.”
to be caught in some kind of trance. “Hey, what the hell are you looking at?” He turned in the direction was looking. Zari was approaching. He waved his hand in front of Lucas’s face. Hello!”

“Not now, man,” Lucas said quickly before clearing his throat. “Your sister is absolutely stunning, when she’s not under the influence of a vampire.”

“Close your mouth, man,” Dane laughed.

“Shut up.” Lucas pushed past them both to greet Zari. He took his hat off and wiped the palm of his right hand on his jeans. “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, young lady. I’m Lucas.”

Dar watched her sister smile. “Zari, do you need something?”

waved her hand quickly. “Not now, Dar.” She didn’t even look in Dar’s direction. Instead, her gaze was fixated on Lucas. “I’m Zari, and it’s a pleasure.” Dar rolled her eyes. Is this how she acted around Dane?”

Dane slipped an arm around her shoulder. “Maybe we should give them some privacy? Where can we go?” He nuzzled her cheek with his chin.

“Deep in the woods, there’s a secret place I go to often to clear my head, amongst other things.”

Dane peered at her through hooded eyes.
“To pleasure yourself, little fairy?”
He bent down to kiss her, and her knees wobbled. He pulled away and gazed at her. “Tell me about it. Tell me how you pleasure yourself. Better yet, show me.”

Dar swallowed hard as they walked into the woods, leaving Lucas and Zari in the garden.




Chapter Eleven


Dar smiled as she led Dane deep into the woods. It was a special place she journeyed to often for private meditation and satisfying her intense sexual cravings. She made a promise long
she’d never give herself to just any man. Dane wasn’t just any man.

They’d gotten off on the wrong foot at first, but now she felt he’d earned a special place in her heart, and vice versa. They were friends first and foremost, but things ran much deeper than that.

His grip tightened around her shoulders. “Are you planning to seduce me, Dar?” His voice was deep and husky, almost primal. She shuddered when he touched her flesh and a shard of electricity shot through her entire being.

“Maybe,” she breathed.

“How much longer till we get to that special spot?”

“We’re here.” She ran to the still lake.
Above the large body of water hung a full silver moon.
Stars twinkled and danced high in the night sky and a warm breeze blew through her hair. She sat down next to the water, motioning for Dane to sit with her.

“It’s beautiful here,” he admitted while looking over the lake. “Oh Dar, I can honestly say I’ve never see anything like it before.”

“I love it here and no one ever disturbs me. This is my peaceful spot.” She plucked a purple flower and inhaled.

Dane’s face lit up when he inhaled. Gently he took the flower from her and put it in her hair. “What about wood nymphs?”

“They mind their business,” she chortled. “You’ve never struck me as the shy type.”

“Not shy, just want total privacy, with you,” he breathed as she climbed onto his lap. Her hand tightened around the large bulge in his jeans. “Oh. Don’t tease,” he warned. “I’m not sure I’ll have enough control to stop.”

“Like in the hotel?
You were a perfect gentleman, and I respect that.”

“I refuse to be a gentleman tonight.” He tugged her against him and thrust his tongue past her lips.

Dar sighed against his lips as his tongue pushed past hers.
He entwined his fingers in her hair and yanked gently, making her purr. Seductively, he tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth, which had descended. She wondered if he would drink from her.

He growled and nipped her bottom lip with the tip of his fang. A metallic taste spilled over her taste buds, heightening her arousal. She’d never once thought of allowing a vampire to drink from her, but tonight she would.

Dane tugged at her clothing, almost ripping the material from her body. Moisture seeped midway down her thighs and soon she found herself butt assed naked in front of him. The warm breeze encased her body, hardening her nipples, along with his gentle kisses.

“Oh, Dane.”
She mewled as he laid her gently on the soft grass.

He rose above her and quickly undressed. “Spread for me, little fairy,” he said on a moan while prying her legs apart. He explored her quivering flesh, ever so lightly. The almost non-existent touch heightened her arousal. It was seductive and ticklish all in one setting.

A soft cry escaped her lips when his fingers found the large bud between her puffy pussy lips. She watched him closely as he displayed his fangs. All the while his eyes began to glow.

“Will you drink from me tonight?” she asked.

“The energy exchange is much more titillating, but more exhausting. However, it is up to you.”

“Can we do both?” Curiosity niggled at her while she pondered how the combination of both exchanges would make her feel. Would this seal their fate as a couple, forever bonding them?

“Babe, I’ll take you any way I can get you.” He centered himself between her legs, pressing his cock against her sensitive flesh. Slowly, gently, he delivered moist kisses along her mocha colored body.

She propped herself up on her elbows to watch, but he gently pushed her back into the grass. “Trust me, babe,” he moaned. “I’m going to make you feel real good.” His voice ended on a dark husky growl as the predator within became fixated on the feast that lay before him.

Dar sucked in a breath as a strong magnetizing sensation pulled from within. Her body shivered uncontrollably and her legs began to shake while her teeth chattered. She was nervous as hell.

Dane worshipped her breasts, gently pinching her diamond hard nipples between his thumb and index finger. Dar rolled her head from side to side while gazing at the stars. She thrust her body up, against his, and he pinned her.

“Easy, baby,” he crooned as he descended further down her body to the spot where she desired him most. He glanced up at her and smiled before flicking his tongue along her pearl.

She tried moving, but the wicked vampire pinned her hips firm against the ground. Dar thought she’d jump out of her
the pleasure was so damned exquisite.

A strong feeling cascaded along her being as an orgasm zeroed in along her clit.
She cried out as she ground her cunt against Dane’s face. There was something so damned erotic about witnessing his face covered in her juices while devouring her.

Something primal quickened inside her and it demanded she have more than what she was receiving. She swallowed hard as she rose to her elbows. Quickly she put hand behind Dane’s head and held him there. The night sky seemed to open and close, engulfing her spirit as her body detonated.

The stars above were nothing compared to the ones Dane made her experience with the mind-blowing orgasm, but she knew it wasn’t over. She rode her pleasure, the intensity with each wave increasing she could barely stand it. An animalistic howl tumbled into the night air and the earth seemed to move beneath her.

When her orgasm crested, she fell back into the grass and a strong tingling sensation drummed through her body. Dane chuckled as he prowled up her body and kissed her lips.

“Lick your juices from my face. You know what comes next.
He tilted his head and shot her a predatory gaze.

He only had to tell her once. She lapped enthusiastically at her juices clinging to his heavily bristled jaw. When he nipped her, she bit him back. “That’s for earlier,” she mused.

“Oh, you’ll pay dearly for that.” He pinned his body against hers so she couldn’t move and bit the tender flesh of her neck. Dane held her skin between his teeth and bit down sharply, piercing the skin.

“Oh!” She inhaled, bit down on her own tongue and raked her nails across his flesh, drawing blood.

Dane growled fiercely while pressing his cockhead against the opening of her cunt. “You’ll pay for that too!” he snarled while inching his way inside her.

Dar almost didn’t recognize his voice, yet her body responded to every move he made as he eased himself inside her. Her cunt tightened, pushing him out of her, but he drove back, bumping against the barrier. His body shook hard from the control he exerted, as not to hurt her.

“You’re making this hard!” He growled as he thrust in deeper. He ceased his actions and pulled out despite her protests. “Fuck!” His voice was almost demonic sounding as he told her all the delicious nasty things he’d do to her.

Instinct took over and she moved in rhythm with her vampire lover. She hissed as she wrapped her legs around his lithe body and moved faster and harder. She noticed he was losing his control fast, but she didn’t care. With a growl, he bit deep in her neck and latched on as his cock finally broke the barrier.

Dar released a deafening scream as they moved violently together. Her nipples tightened and pressed against the sparse hair along his chest. An intoxicating feeling of pain and pleasure meshed into one was almost more than she could endure.

The palm of Dane’s hand met with a loud “thwap” against her ass cheek when he rolled over onto his back. Now she was in control. A strong, vibrant energy sizzled through her aura as they did the energy exchange.

She threw her head back and rode him in a frenzied mode. The euphoric feeling was enough to push her over the edge and intense pleasure drilled through her skull. Her senses were heightened, and her spirit rose, along with his.

Now his hands were on either side of her waist, guiding, pushing her down on his cock. His hips gyrated upward to meet her demanding pussy. “Fuck, baby you’re so sweet!” he roared.

She looked down to see his handsome face contorted with pleasure, and felt his cock twitching, expanding inside her. “Come inside me, come inside me now,” she chanted. He’d taken her in such a passionate, yet animalistic way that she soon wouldn’t forget.

He’d slip back into the human realm, but she didn’t want to think of that now. A howl ripped from her throat as her orgasm overpowered her. Dane’s soon followed. She grimaced as his fingers dug into her flesh.

Finally when they’d both drifted back down to earth, she collapsed on top of him. With a growl, Dane rolled them over on their sides and possessively draped an arm around her.

“That was wonderful,” he breathed against her ear as he nuzzled her neck. “The best I’ve ever had. What have you done to me, little fairy?” He asked in a serious tone.

“Me?” she quipped. “What the hell have you done to me?” Dar giggled and thrust her behind against his semi-hard cock.

know something?” he asked while stroking her soft skin with the pads of his fingers.

“What?” She looked back at him.

“You’re stuck with me.”

She reached up and caressed his chin. “Yes, I know. You’re stuck with me, too.” She winked at him and relaxed in the soft grass. “Do you think we’ll make it back to the palace tonight?”

“Fuck no. I won’t be through with you until the sun rises.”



The End



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