Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set (35 page)

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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Eva only had two thoughts on her mind when she woke
that morning: she wanted Will inside of her again, and she wanted to call Laura
and tell her what had happened. The bed felt twice as empty now than it had,
after sharing its space with Will.


Will. What the hell are
wondered, staring at the ceiling. She pulled the soft sheets up around her
still-naked body and drifted effortlessly into a daydream version of their
passionate sex the night before. She couldn’t believe Will had kneeled in front
of her at the bar and eaten her like they were some college kids at a frat


And that was to say
nothing about letting him bend her over it and fuck her like an animal. Eva had
never been touched so expertly, so enthusiastically by a man before. She’d
never had a man care about her own pleasure in bed, even though she had plenty
of appreciation for sex and enjoyed her own company several nights a week since
she found herself single. The men she had been with never seemed to give a shit
about anything past the point of getting her into bed, and then it was just
lifeless mechanical humping until they spasmed on top of her and fell into an
exhausted coma.


Eva had almost resigned
herself to believing that most men were just like that, and it was no use to
hope for anything better. But now here she was, so satisfied from the night
before that she could barely get her legs to listen as she told them to move
for the floor. And all of this from some hard-drinking, dangerous man who
probably chewed up hotter women than her for breakfast every morning—literally
and figuratively.


And yet he’s a man who can
to me at a whim.
Will was certainly an enigma, and she didn’t feel
unlucky to be the one unraveling it. She felt like he was some dark rider come
to her boring little village in the middle of a storm, trailing adventure and
excitement behind him.


But she also knew, deep
down, that she couldn’t fall for him. There was just no godly way falling in
love with Will Bowers was going to end in anything but pain for her. He was
dangerous, and he was in pain.


He’s more than his pain.


Eva tried to shake the
heavier thoughts from her head by conjuring instead the sensation of Will’s
mouth devouring hers, his lean muscles moving over her, hands on her skin, cock
buried inside of her… she bit her lip as she trailed a hand down her own bare
breasts and stomach to gently stroke her clit, still swollen from Will’s
attention. She moaned at her own touch. He wasn’t even in the room and he still
had her body pulsing.


“Do you taste as good as
you look?”
What a thing to say!


She didn’t even hear
Charlie’s footsteps down the hall until he was knocking on her door. Eva jumped
with her whole body, and felt her building orgasm disappear into the ether as
soon as she opened her eyes with a grumpy growl, yanking her sheets up to cover
herself completely. “What is it?”


Charlie nudged the door
open and peeked inside. Eva watched his face for signs of suspicion that maybe
he’d heard she and Will the night before, but she saw none. “Hey, I’m making
eggs. Did you want some?”


“Sure, one. Over easy,”
she huffed.


Charlie frowned at her.
“You okay?”


She realized she was still
breathing a little heavier than she wished. “Yeah, just woke up from an intense
dream. That’s all.”


He seemed satisfied. “Will
said he might have something safe for you to help with today, if you want.”


Did he now?
“I’ll get dressed.”


Charlie disappeared and
closed her door, finally allowing her to release a long breath and let her
muscles relax, but it was too late to retrieve the sweet haze she had gotten
herself into. Pushing herself out of bed, she threw on her bathrobe to grab a
quick shower—seeing Will in person was better than just lying in bed dreaming about
him, anyway.


She shuffled down the hall
past Charlie’s room and to the bathroom, the door of which was closest to the
living room. Will wasn’t on the couch, but like he heard her coming, he
appeared in the kitchen doorway and looked right at her, hand frozen on the
bathroom doorknob.


Eva stopped and smiled
when she saw him, his gaze running up her legs to her face, and then back down
again as he lifted a cup of coffee to his lips. A fresh heat erupted the entire
length of her body under that lusting gaze, and she could feel a blush spread
across her cheeks. Turning her head to the floor to hide her silly grin, she
pushed her way into the bathroom.


When she got out of the
shower, Charlie and Will were already down at the bar, so she took her time
getting ready and drying her hair. Whatever job they had for her couldn’t be
very important, she suspected, so she didn’t rush.
Can’t believe they’re
even considering letting me out of my tower.
She poured herself a cup of
coffee, enjoyed the egg Charlie had left her warm on the counter, and used the
cordless phone to give Laura a call.


 “Hey skank. Are you
busy?” She teased as soon as she heard her friend’s voice.


“Oh, on the contrary!”
There was tension in Laura’s voice. “I just had some pop singer cancel on me
with no notice after I already cleared my calendar to accommodate her stupid
ass. What’s up, sweet cheeks?”


Eva sighed, walking to the
window to peek out and make sure the men weren’t coming back through the
meadow. “I did something bad last night.”


“Why, what—” said Laura,
then stopped as realization came over her. “Ohhh,
the skank! Eva,
you didn’t!”


“I did,” she said with a


“Oh, God, tell me
everything. I’m in the worst dry spell.”


“Then maybe I shouldn’t
tell you anything, because…”


“Shit, was he that good,
Eva?” Laura groaned into the phone and shut a door, probably to her small city
office. “You ridiculous bitch. You’re so lucky.”


“Laura, you have no idea.”
Eva licked her lips and looked around again, like she was secretly afraid
someone was watching her. “Remember Richard, the bartender at Andy’s? What we
used to fantasize about when we’d sit there watching him work?”


“Oh, God, you mean… on the




Laura let out a groan like
a grumpy zombie, and there was a soft
, and then a few seconds of
silence. Eva laughed as she listened to Laura grasp for the phone and bring it
back to her ear.


“Sorry, I dropped my phone
in impotent fury,” said Laura. “Eva, I’m so proud of you, girl. How much better
do you feel?”


Eva laughed. “


“Is all that drama over,


“No, we’re still hunkered
down here. I’ll let you know when it’s done. Will says it shouldn’t be much
longer, if his instincts are right.”


,” said
Laura in a dreamy, exaggerated way, like she was in a Disney movie. “You better
be a little careful, girly. I can hear love in them there hills.”


“Oh, for God’s sake,” said
Eva, stepping away from the window and toward her coffee. “I just had sex with
the guy. I’m still riding the O-train endorphins. I’m not dumb enough to fall
in love with some… whatever he is.”
Enigma. Yes, what girl in history has
ever fallen in love with a mysterious stranger?


“Maybe he’s a sex robot
sent from the future to protect you from non-sex robots from the future,” offered
Laura with a mouthful of what Eva suspected was a breakfast donut.


“Well, that would be an
easier problem to solve than the one I have, wouldn’t it?” she laughed. “I
could just reprogram him not to be an asshole. Or to not talk at all.”


Laura sighed. “One day,
when the matriarchy finally rises. Seriously, though, technically he is your
second fuck since Rick, so just be careful with yourself.”


“He’s third,” confessed
Eva. “I went home with a guy a few months back, I just didn’t tell you.”


“Okay, now I’m serious
when I call you a


“So just don’t worry about
me!” Eva finished with a giggle. “I get it. Sex good, love bad.”


“No: sex good, love good,
love with scary fighter jerk dude bad.”




“Hey, someone’s at my
door, I’ve gotta run. Call me later,” said Laura. She made kissy noises into
the phone before she hung up as Eva shook her head laughing.


She may have laughed about
it, but Eva took Laura’s warnings seriously. It was half the reason she chose
to call her. She couldn’t admit to her best friend that she already felt like
she was treading in dangerous territory with Will, and had called to help
ground herself in reality before she had to face his soft dark eyes and full
lips that glistened invitingly whenever he ran his wet tongue over them…


“Christ, get it together,”
she muttered, shaking her head as she retreated to the bedroom to finish
getting ready.


She lingered around the
house after getting dressed, picking at her book and finishing off the last of
the pot of coffee. The morning sunshine lit up the white kitchen in the most
perfect, beautiful way that made her reluctant to leave until it had fully
passed. Her body and mind finally felt relaxed together for the first time in
what seemed like years and she wanted to soak up every second of that feeling.
Life with Rick had taught her the value of embracing whatever happy moments
arrived, before they passed her by forever.


At least the small ones
, she amended honestly.
She knew she could still use a push with the big ones, like she admitted to
Will the night before. And like Will gave her.


Just like that, she could
feel his hands on her, roaming up her chest.
Sexiest enigma I’ve ever met.


It was nearly noon by the
time she wandered down to the bar to see what was going on and find out more
about the job Charlie had referred to earlier. She brought her book with her,
like a shield against the swords of boredom she knew were waiting. The forest
meadow felt more alive and blazing with color than usual—or maybe it was just


As she passed through the
back door, she almost ran directly into Will, who was crossing for the kitchen.
A surprised noise escaped her throat as she reflexively hopped back.


“Pardon me,” he said,
looking down at her with a soft expression, but no smile. He seemed to be
searching her face for something.


Eva couldn’t fight her own
half-grin. As close as they were, she was almost overwhelmed by the smell of
his musk, now familiar and evocative. It drifted through her body as if it were
trying to urge the heat in her core to seep out from between her legs to meet
it. “Morning.”


“Sleep well?” he asked.
She couldn’t detect a hint of teasing or lust in the question.


“Better than I have in
months,” she said in a breathy way. She waited for a good response, but Will
just nodded and continued on into the kitchen.


Eva watched him for a
minute as he put down a towel he was carrying and absently shuffled through
some wires and computer scraps he had dumped on the small counter from some
dusty box.


When he didn’t speak
again, she said, “Charlie mentioned you had a job for me?”


Will looked over to her,
expression blank. “Yeah. Sort of.”


“Sort of?”
Man, where
did you leave your charm this morning, Will?

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