Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set (62 page)

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next is a free copy of The Desperados, my debut novel that is a little more on
the erotic side. 


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(Bonus Book)




~ ONE ~


"Now THAT is a
fine piece of ass," Troy remarked.


Dax just
shook his head in admiration.  "Hot fucking damn," he agreed.


give me five minutes between those legs and I'll make that girl into a


think those tits prove she's already a woman," Dax said.  "I'd like
five minutes with those."


Madison, the
new bartender at the Drunken Skull biker bar smiled as the two men discussed
her as if she wasn't only two feet away.  She was pretty proud of her big
tits.  She could feel them pressing against the cotton fabric of her shirt and
lifting it ever so slightly up past her waist, exposing her belly every time
she even remotely bent or twisted her body.  And she had no problem letting
these two ogle her - in fact, she kept finding excuses to bend over or shake
her torso, causing her braless tits to wiggle wildly until she stopped moving. 
And she was happy they noticed her ass, too.  She'd worn short cut offs on
purpose this evening in the hopes of drawing attention to that, as well.  She
didn't spend so much time doing squats and lunges just to keep her butt to


She bustled
past the older men, taking orders from two younger guys that looked like they'd
wandered in here by mistake.  Clean cut and wearing polo shirts, asking for
imported beer.  Totally not her type, but they'd probably tip well.  When she
was done, she wandered back down to the other side of the bar where the two
older bikers were still casting overt glances at her and making comments.  Did
they think her big tits made her deaf, or were they hoping she would hear?
Either way, she didn't care.  Her thighs were rubbing slickly together and she
knew sweat from the hot bar wasn't the sole cause.  It had been months since
she'd been properly fucked, and the testosterone in this bar was off the


picked up a glass and started to wipe it down with a cloth she had fastened to
her pants as she regarded the men.  She'd only been working here a couple of
nights, but she was already familiar with the two regulars.  Troy was probably
in his early forties.  His face was weathered and tanned, but handsome enough. 
He had striking blue eyes and a thin, wiry frame.  He wore his leather jacket
with the sleeves pushed up in this heat, and his arms were covered in tattoos -
from what she could tell one arm had a motorcycle on it and the other a topless
woman.  He also had a scar under his left eye that extended down almost to his
lip, but it looked like it had healed over years ago.


Dax was a
bit younger, but only by a few years.  He had a thicker build, but was much
more handsome. His face was shadowed with at least a day's worth of growth, but
it only made him seem even more rugged than he already was.  His arms were
covered, but Madison saw tattoos that extended up from his shirt along his
neck, almost to his jawbone.  His head was completely hairless, but from far
away you couldn't tell because of a dark skull tattoo that covered his entire
head, making it almost look like hair until you got up close.  He also had the
words "Shit Happens" stenciled across the back of his neck.  Clearly,
Dax was committed to never getting a day job.


The two men
were laughing to each other, still casting their eyes in her direction.  Dax,
especially, was letting his gaze wander the length of her body and often
stopping when he landed on her chest.  She moved closer to the two men and they
immediately met her gaze.


Dax said, nodding to her.  He looked completely cool, oozing confidence from
every pore, a lifetime of letting "shit happen" giving rise to an
attitude of pure detachment.  He likely didn't give a shit whether Madison had
heard what he'd been saying or not, which was a cockiness she found very sexy.


guys all talk or what?" she asked.


Troy coughed
on his beer.  "Excuse me?"


thought you wanted to make me a woman," she said flatly, leveling a stare
at Troy who met her gaze silently, his eyebrow raising at her candidness.


Dax just
stared at their exchange quietly, but she saw his lip curl slightly up into a
bit of a smirk from the corner of her eye. 


"Do you
know who you're taking at?" the older man said, his voice gruff and
accusatory, clearly unused to someone calling him out on his behavior. 


Dax's lip
continued its curl and he now wore a very amused look.  "You think you're
already a woman?" he asked.  "How old are you, anyway, sugar?"


19.  And my name is Madison."  Madison turned her gaze to the younger man
but he didn't continue to meet her stare, instead, he slowly lowered his eyes
until he was looking very deliberately at her tits. 


like I said to my friend here, I believe you
a woman."


I'm still waiting to hear if you guys are all talk," she repeated. Her
heart was pounding in her chest, unsure what had made her confront these two
bikers with so much bravado.  Truth was, she was intensely attracted to their
kind, which was why she took this job despite the warnings from her friends and
family.  She'd always had a very sheltered upbringing, and this was the only
way she could think of to get close to real bikers. 


Both of
Troy's eyebrows rose this time, the scar on his face stretched with the rest of
his skin.  His mouth turned into a similar grin as he realized that this girl
knew what she was doing - or at least thought she did.   


Dax's gaze
also returned to her face and he seemed to be considering something for a
moment before he spoke.  "I think we can prove we're men of action,"
he said slowly.  "But what is it you want, exactly?" 


slowly reached out to touch the patch on the breast of his jacket, letting her
fingers trace around the fabric and stitching. 
Desperados MC
.  Dax's
hand shot up and grabbed Madison by the wrist, turning it slightly with her
pinky towards her thumb causing her to yelp in pain.


never touch a man's patch," he said, his voice grave and his steel eyes
hard.  The smirk from earlier was gone from his face.


could feel her hand starting to shake.  Did she bite off more than she could
chew here?  She wanted to get close to these men, but was she really ready? 
Would they let her into their world?  And what would be the price of
admission?  She was already making mistakes, she had no idea of the rules or
penalties for not following them.


I j-just..." she paused and took a deep breath to steady herself, her hand
still being held firmly in the strong grip of the biker.  "I didn't mean
offense," she finished meekly.


The two men
just continued to stare at her, no one saying a word for what felt like an
eternity to the young bartender.  Finally, Dax let go of her hand and stood
up.  "Jimmy!" he barked. 


A slightly
overweight and sweaty man rushed over from the other side of the bar, wiping
his head with a cloth to clear the sweat before it dripped into his eyes. 
"Yeah, Dax?"


here is going on break," he said.  "And we need to use your back


Jimmy, the
manager of the Drunken Skull, simply nodded his head in agreement, handing over
a key to the biker's outstretched hand.  "Sure, anything you need.  Take
as long as you want."


eyes widened as she realized her manager just agreed to let these two bikers
take her into the private back room for however long they wanted to do whatever
they wanted.  She realized she had been inviting their attention, but now
that reality was facing her she was having second thoughts.


go."  Dax said, as he jerked his head towards the hallway leading to
the back of the bar.  Madison paused for a moment, unsure what to do.
 Jimmy just averted his eyes and went back to serving customers, about as
far away from them as he could get.  He was obviously uninterested in getting
involved in the affairs of the bikers that frequented his bar, even at the
expense of one of his employees.  


Troy looked
at her, reading the indecision in her face immediately.  He led out a
sharp laugh.  "Which one of us is all talk?"  Madison's
heart was pounding in her chest and her mouth felt dry.  Dax had continued
to walk, as if he didn't care whether she followed or not.  Maybe he was
testing her, to see if she was really just a silly little girl or a woman,
capable of taking care of a man like him.  She wasn't about to prove
either of them right in terms of what she figured they already thought of her.
 She wanted to prove that she was willing, and able, to ride with the big


With another
shuddering deep breath, she pulled the cloth from her pants and dropped it on
the bar.  She walked out from behind it, past Troy, and followed after Dax
with her chin held high.  She wasn't going to show any fear.  She
could handle whatever it was they had in mind, and the growing heat between her
legs reassured her that she was anxious for it as well.


As she
walked, she felt a little twinge of apprehension about what she had started.
 Voices of her friends and family urging her not to work at "that
biker bar" echoed in her head, but they only served to steel her resolve.
 In truth, the danger and uncertainty of the situation only added to the
excitement.  She knew what she was getting into.  She'd seen every episode
of Sons of Anarchy.  The motorcycle club lifestyle seemed thrilling to her.


Still, as
she walked she started to feel a bit woozy.  She fought past it by
concentrating on following Dax and watching him as he moved.  His muscled
back added definition to his leather jacket, causing the shotgun wielding
skeleton that was riding the motorcycle to look as if he was actually aiming at
something.  Dax was at least a head taller than she was, but her eyes
weren't focused on his head - instead, they were drawn to his ass.  His
jeans were pulled taunt around his muscular rear end and she actually had to
resist a sudden urge to reach out and grab it.  Who knows what he would
do, given the way he'd reacted to her touching his patch.


When they
finally arrived at the back room, Dax unlocked it quickly and peaked inside.
 Finding it empty, he ushered the other two in and then he followed,
closing the door behind them and locking it again.  The room was pretty
spartan, with only a small white table and a couple of folding chairs as
furnishings.  There was a small bar fridge for employees to store their
lunches, and a little kitchenette with a sink and a microwave.  The room
was mainly used as a staff break room, but Jimmy rarely gave anyone a regular
break anyway.


As the door
closed, Madison spun around to regard the two men.  Dax was looking
directly into her eyes, testing her to see how far she was willing to go.
 Troy stood beside him looking annoyed.  He was rubbing his hands
together, anxious to move things along and find out just what this pretty young
blond was willing to do for him and his brother in arms. Despite being younger,
though, Dax was a higher ranking member of the MC and Troy had to wait for his


No words
were being exchanged, but Madison and Dax continued to stare at each other, as
if daring the other to make the first move.  Finally, Dax walked forward until
he was inches away from Madison.  Madison was fighting through a combination of
nerves and anticipation that threatened to leave her a trembling mess.  She
hadn't been planning to be all talk either, but now that she was locked in a
room with the two virtual strangers she wasn't sure she would be able to go
through with anything.  It certainly seemed like a better idea when she was
standing out in full view of a bar full of staff and customers.


he said simply.  His hard eyes bore down into her, and she could smell the
sweat that coated his body from wearing his leather jacket in the summer
warmth.  He was so close that she could feel the heat coming off of him in
waves.  Her knees were starting to weaken.


what," she replied defiantly.  Her weakness had always been that she
couldn't back down when challenged.  "I'm still waiting to see whether you
guys are all talk.  So far it seems like you are."  She raised an eyebrow
at Dax, daring him to make the first move.

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