Black Falcon: Complete Series Collection (40 page)

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Authors: Michelle A. Valentine

Tags: #Rockstar

BOOK: Black Falcon: Complete Series Collection
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I whisper and tell her we can skip the movie and that I’m heading to bed. She waves me off and continues to talk to Noel. Yep, I give it a week tops before she’s humping him.

I set my bowl on my nightstand as my cell buzzes with a new message. I had nearly given up hope of hearing back from Riff, so I’m caught off guard when I see there’s a new message from him on our private message thread.

I gnaw on my lip as I read his words. Just as I thought, he’s totally down for a one-nighter. Bad boys make the best lovers, and Riff is one that I can’t wait to sample. I pull the ticket he gave me from my nightstand drawer and read the crude words.

One Night with a Rock Star Admit One I shake my head and laugh. It’s clever, really. Handing out tickets like sex with him is a coveted prize. Suddenly, the silly ‘golden ticket’ song from
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
rings through my mind. Bad boy Riff has a sense of humor. This could be fun.




P.S. What’s up with the Wild Cat name? Do you call all the women you try to bed that?


I hit send and I hope this time it doesn’t take him two days to respond. Five minutes later, another message dings in.

Kitten (since you seem opposed to Wild Cat), You’re my only Wild Cat. I knew from the minute you tried to resist me, that deep down there’s a naughty girl inside you dying to bust out and cash in that ticket. You contacting me only proves my theory. So why don’t you save us both a lot of trouble and name your time and place so we can fuck each other out of our systems.

Name the date.


I nearly choke on my ice cream as I read his words. Just like when he kissed me backstage, he’s not afraid to go all out and say exactly what he has on his mind. I respect him for that.

I reread his message, and while I agree one hundred percent that we need to get this over with, I don’t want to seem like one of his random sluts that can be used. I do want a little respect from him. If I can keep this little messaging game up for a bit, and make him wait, I’ll stick in his mind. I’m fully prepared to give into his wicked ways when I visit Lanie on the road with the band, but I want to be the girl that blows his mind. The woman, when he looks back, who was most amazing in bed.

Dearest Cocky Riff,

You want me? You have to earn it. It’ll be worth it.


Either he’ll take the challenge or I’ll never hear from him again. Before I have a time to toss my phone on my bed, another message comes in.

Name your terms, Kitten...

I nearly squeal with delight. Game on.


amn it. Only a few messages in and I’ve already let her gain the upper hand. This is so not good. I stare at the message I just sent her and bounce my leg while I wait for the floodgate to be unleashed.

Noel comes out of the back room or as I like to call it his throne room. It kind of pisses me off that because he’s the front man everyone willingly handed him the only bedroom on the bus. See where his fucking privacy got him.

Trip turns around from the kitchen sink and acknowledges our band mate.

“What’s up, man?” Noel says to Trip as he plops down on the bench seat attached to the kitchen table.

Noel slides the opened pack of Oreos that I left on the table away from him. At least he knows not to touch those. Too bad he didn’t realize the same rule applied to the chicks I’m banging. Everyone knows not to touch my fucking cookies or I go ape shit. That’s one thing I don’t share with these assholes. They’d eat every single one if I weren’t such a dick about it.

Noel clears his throat. “I need to have a band meeting.”

I roll my eyes. Leave it to Noel to always be the one to call for a band meeting like there’s a problem with the rest of us. Usually the problem is him, or caused by him. Ever since we dubbed him the band’s leader—none of us wanted the responsibility of making tough decisions for the group—he’s taken it to extremes. Calling band meetings is typically a way he gets to bitch at us for some stupid reason or another.

“Tyke! Get your fruity ass in here!” Trip yelled at his twin who’s still back in his bunk.

“What?” Tyke calls back grumpy.

Tyke writes the majority of the band’s songs, and likes to be left alone most of the time with his ‘thoughts’ so he can concentrate. I know he really just fucking sleeps when he’s in there, using song writing as an excuse for us not to bother him. He probably busts out the songs right before we get in the studio. I’m down with all his tricks.

“Noel wants to have a band meeting. Hurry the fuck up!”

I shake my head. I’ve known Trip and Tyke since junior high school. I know everything about them, and they know everything about me. Sometimes that’s a real pain in the ass when all you want to do is forget your fucking past.

Tyke fumbles out of his foxhole and shoves his blonde hair out of his face. “What the fuck did we do now?”

I laugh.

Noel raises his pierced eyebrow and cuts me a look that tells me he’s not amused by our distaste of his leadership. “Look, guys, there’s going to be a guest staying on the bus with us for the next couple of weeks.”

“Who?” Trip asks.

“An old friend of mine that I’ve hired to run my children’s charity campaign.”

I shake my head. “Hell no! You aren’t bringing another chick on this bus.”

Noel’s gaze flicks to me. “It’s already done. She’ll be meeting up with us in Columbus tomorrow.”

“This is fucking horse shit.” The idea of Noel bringing his ex-girlfriend on this bus so he can have at her for two weeks behind Sophie’s back is sickening. He’s a bigger fucking douchebag than I thought. “Don’t you have any morals at all?”

“I haven’t forgotten my responsibilities, if that’s what you’re referring to.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about. All you do is use people!” I seethe.

Noel jumps up from the table and his nostrils flare. “You obviously don’t know a goddamn thing about me. I don’t fucking use people.”

The muscles in my jaw work under my skin. “What the fuck do you call Sophie then, huh? You’re telling me you didn’t use her?”

He runs his fingers through his hair. “How many fucking times can I say I don’t remember sleeping with her? If it happened, it was a one-time thing that meant nothing to me. It’s not like I set out to deliberately hurt you! You think I like fucking fighting with you?”

I shrug. “You seem too. That’s all we ever do is fight over this.”

“That’s because you won’t let it go!” Noel shouts.

“All I know is you knocked Sophie up, and you promised to stick by her through this pregnancy. How’s it going to look when you’re banging your ex on the bus for two weeks?”

He shakes his head. “Lane can’t stand me anymore. She’s only doing this because I backed her into a corner at her job. If she doesn’t come on this bus with me now, she’ll get fired.”

“What do you mean she’ll get fired?” Tyke chimes in.

Noel scratches the back of his neck. He only does that shit when he’s nervous. Whatever he’s about to drop on us isn’t good.

“I kind of promised the owner of Center Stage Marketing rights to all Black Falcon ad campaigns for the band in exchange for giving Lane this opportunity.”

“What!?” Tyke exclaimed in the tone of voice he usually reserves when his brother does something idiotic. “Without consulting us, you made that big of a business decision?”

“There was no time. The owner of the company forced my fucking hand. She threatened to fire Lane because she didn’t disclose that we knew each other. Long story short, if Lane doesn’t come on this bus, she’ll hate me forever. I can’t have that. I hope you guys can understand.” He drops his head.

“I understand plenty,” I say while I stand up. “This further proves you only think with your dick.”


“Shut the fuck up, Noel. Do whatever you want, ‘cause you know you will anyway.” I don’t give him a chance to say anymore before I storm off and climb into my bunk, slamming the curtain closed.

It’s really nothing against Lanie. I’m sure she’s harmless, and can even be a good insight on Kitten, but I hate that Noel gets his way all the fucking time. Why should that guy get it so good?

The last thought causes my fists to clench. I know I told Trip I would work on forgiving Noel, but the more he does shit like this, the more I want to see fate turn around and kick him square in the balls.

“Riff?” Noel says on the other side of the curtain.

Doesn’t he fucking get it? I huff and roll over to face the wall.

“I’m sorry, man. I know I should’ve talked to you guys first, but I was desperate...” he trails off like he’s waiting on a response from me. When I don’t say anything, he knocks on the wall at the top of my bunk. “Night.”

I let out a sigh after I’m sure he’s gone. Thank god. I hate fighting. That’s all my family ever did and now that I’m an adult I want to stay as far away from bullshit as I can.

I close my eyes and will myself to sleep, but before I drift off, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I flip over onto my back and grin when I see Aubrey’s name.

I only have three simple rules: 1. I determine the time and place 2. You have to make me want you 3. No falling in love

Those are my terms. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.


I chuckle to myself. I give her an open door and that’s the best rules she can come up with? Number one is fine by me as long as she doesn’t make me wait too damn long. The second one’s laughable. She already wants me or she wouldn’t be playing this little game in the first place, and third not falling in love? Is she kidding me? That’s the easiest one on the list. I don’t do love. Period. Not even with my own family. I don’t love them and they don’t love me. This chick has another thing coming if she thinks I’m some sad, sappy asshole. I’m not a guy that can be tamed. Ever.

Chapter 4

double-check my phone again before tossing it back into my purse under my desk. Riff hasn’t responded yet. He probably thinks I’m completely lame now. I mean, I’ve never claimed to be witty, or someone who’s good with coming up with ideas on a whim, so I panicked a little last night. If I put more thought into what the rules were, maybe they would’ve been better—made this game between us more fun.

It’s not like I can call Lanie up either and tell her all about this. I don’t want her trying to play matchmaker while she’s on that damn bus because I don’t want a relationship with Riff. It’s a good thing I didn’t mention the kiss between Riff and me to her either. I would’ve never heard the end of it about how I let men walk all over me and how I always pick the wrong guy.

Sometimes she sounds like my mother.

I get so tired of hearing what people think is the right thing for me to do with my life and my relationships. People don’t get that I’m not looking for a guy to settle down with. Not really, anyway. I like freedom and being crazy if I feel like it. I like sex. I like slightly kinky sex even more, which is why I think Riff will be down to play a few naughty games if given the opportunity.

I open a new file on my computer and get busy typing up a memo about the Black Falcon charity that Isaac assigned me earlier in the day.

Speak of the devil...

Isaac gives me an easy smile as he strides up to my desk. “Hey, Aubrey. You got a minute?”

I nod as I take in his polished features. The skin on his cheeks appears smooth and soft, with no hint of stubble. He probably takes better care of his skin then I do. I bet he smells pretty great too.

I lean in a little as I stand before him and take a whiff, hoping it’s not obvious. I grab the things off my desk. Yep, there’s definitely some type of woodsy cologne sprayed on him, which is off because nothing about him screams lumberjack.

I follow Isaac into his office, and he shuts us inside once I’m seated. “How have you been?”

One of my eyebrows shoots up on its own accord. This is unusual. “I’m fine, and you?”

He shakes his head as he sits behind his desk. “Not so good. Diana’s breathing down my neck wanting preliminary details for the marketing plan. Did you get any information from Ms. Vance about the vision from the project?”

My lips pull into a tight line. “She just left this morning to meet up with them.”

Isaac sighs. “I was afraid you were going to say that. This project has to get rolling, and since we don’t have any information from Lanie, I have to move on without her input.”

I bite my bottom lower lip. “Do I still have to keep this secret from her?”

He nods. “Think of the damage walking out on a company like Center Stage will do to her career. I know she’s your friend, but the best thing you can do is keep this from her. If she gets upset, she won’t think rationally. Plus, Diana would probably fire me if this got back to Lanie and we lost the Black Falcon account.”

I slump a little in my seat. I hate that he’s right so damn much. Lanie Vance is one of the most hotheaded people I know. I’ve never met someone so willing to fight at the drop of a hat if she knows she’s right or feels she’s being wronged in some way.

I want to tell her, but I think maybe I need to keep this from her while she’s on the road because I don’t want her to go crazy. If she quits, Isaac and I will probably be fired for telling her. This is Diana Swagger’s company and she’s not known for being understanding.

I stare into Isaac’s big blue eyes. There’s concern in them marked by crinkles on the outer edge of them. In the two months that I’ve been here, not once has he shown me any real concern, merely been a friendly coworker.

I sigh. “That’s true. I just hate keeping things from her, especially since she’s my roommate, but I don’t want her to ruin her dream because Diana refuses to have faith in her work abilities.”

Isaac stands, his black suit hugging him in all the right places, and then walks around his desk. I stiffen a little as he gracefully takes the seat beside me. “I’m glad you’re being so reasonable about this. You’re a strong person who cares a great deal for her friend. That’s very attractive in a woman.”

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