Black Guard, The (5 page)

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Authors: C. R. Daems

BOOK: Black Guard, The
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"Definitely sounds interesting. Do
you have an estimate of their current forces?"

"The Jax committee was told the
rebels numbered less than six hundred poorly armed rabble. That is why only one
hundred army and twenty Guard where assigned. We estimate their original force
was between a thousand and eleven hundred. Worse, they are organized and well-armed.
We killed at least two hundred and wounded another fifty. The Yuan military
might have killed seventy-five and wounded fifty, so their effective force is
around seven hundred. In the city, they could slow us down with three hundred
and break off four hundred to attack the governor’s estate. I would."

"That’s definitely exciting, since
the governor only has two hundred defending his estate. I doubt they are any
better trained than the rebels, and I’m told less motivated. How are you doing?"

"I’ve lost thirty-one and have
another ten wounded. Colonel Wolfson is dispatching fifty commandos within the
hour. I think the better strategy for now, is to bypass Ebao and put my troops
between the governor’s estate and the city, but in all honesty, it will have to
be after they split their forces. If we attempt to push them out of the city,
they would most likely try and delay us while they send additional forces to
attack the estate. However, if I move between them and the estate, they are
more likely to counter with a full scale assault. That way I can force the
rebels to come to me while limiting the number attacking the estate. I’m sorry.
It’s the best I can do. I doubt I can hold against half their force without
losing the entire command. Whoever negotiated the contract lied to the Jax
Contract Committee, and you and I are going to be stuck with the bill,"
Drezner said without emotion.

"I understand."

"Maybe you should break off and
return to the ship if the group that breaks off overruns the Yuan forces
guarding the estate." Drezner gave a wry grin, leaving was not in the Jax

"I don’t know about you, but I’m
not going to let some want-a-be rebels demonstrate to the universe that the Jax
can be beaten by rabble with a piffling ten-to-one odds," I said, smiling
to myself.

He laughed. "Thanks, Sapir, that’s
the only thing I’ve had to laugh at since we arrived. We’ll be there as soon as
we kick their ass. Try to leave a few."

My Mfi went blank. Yes, we were stuck
with tradition—stand and fight to the last man—even though we had
been deceived. We were the Jax.
But what about duty… and those under my
They aren’t expendable.
I sat thinking for a long while. I
could not disgrace the Guard, my new family, but I would not sacrifice those
under my care for tradition. Duty would have to suffice. I clicked my Mfi to
Ceder’s channel.

"Lieutenant, have Sergeant Solow’s
men replace any women presently on guard. Have Sergeant Rosin collect Chang.
Then I want you, Solow, Rosin, Chang, and the women Guards to meet me at Li
Ming’s quarters." After hearing his acknowledgment, I broke the connection
and headed to her quarters. Li Ming was obviously the most sensible family
member, and including her might help when dealing with the others later.
Corporal Glick nodded as I approached and knocked on her door.


"Captain Sapir, ma’am."

"Come in, Captain," she
replied cheerfully. Inside I gave a small bow.

"Ma’am, I’d like to use your
quarters to discuss our plans for a probable attack by the rebels."

"Interesting. Including me means
my son and daughter aren’t going to like what you’re about to do." She
gave me a knowing smile. As I suspected, she was the level-headed one in the
family and shrewd.

"And because you have knowledge we

"I’ve no objections."

"Corporal Glick, allow everyone
in." The room was quiet as I waited for everyone to arrive. When everyone
was present, I began. "I’ve talked with Captain Drezner commanding the Jax
army. He informs me the information the Jax was given for this contract was erroneous.
The rebel numbers were under stated by half, approximately five hundred, and
the rebels aren’t rabble. They are well organized and well-armed. They have
overrun the Yuan military and now control Ebao, which will slow down our army
and allow the rebels to break off a sizable force to attack the estate."

When Li Ming nodded her understanding, I
said, "Captain Drezner can’t stop them as he doesn’t have sufficient
troops to take on the entire seven hundred he estimates is their current
strength. He expects the rebels will break off a group around three hundred
fifty to four hundred to attack the estate. If so, we can expect them to
overrun the Yuan military guarding the estate and arrive here with a force of
two to three hundred." I paused. Looking around the room, there were a lot
of serious faces but no fear. I’d have wagered that each person was busy trying
to figure out how we were going to deploy against that many rebels. Only Li
Ming had a slight smile. I’d wager she was as wild as a Jax Chiayi tiger in her

"Captain Drezner will position his
troops between the town and the estate after the rebels break off a group to
attack the estate. That will prevent their sending additional rebels. He hopes
to send us support, but that will depend upon his ability to hold the remaining
rebel force he expects they will send against him. In my opinion, he will defeat
the rebels, but I doubt his remaining force will be in any condition to help

"Holding against those numbers is
going to be a challenge, Captain," Ceder said, and the others nodded.

"It gets worse. They have a few
military grade weapons which enabled them to destroy a combat assault shuttle
and put another one out of commission," I said, giving them the rest of
the bad news. Now they were all thinking tradition—stand and fight to the
death if required, and the overwhelming numbers seemed to indicate it would be
required. I couldn’t help smiling.

"What we have here is an
excellent, real-life example of my comparison of tradition and duty. Usually,
they are the same, but not always. When they aren’t, duty comes first.
Tradition would dictate we stand and fight. But the Guard isn’t equipped to
take on an army and protect our client. Even though we have been lied to, we
cannot be seen to have walked away from a contract. The Jax will seek
retribution when this is over." I paused, looking around the room. No one
looked afraid or even nervous. They waited my orders, giving me a strong sense
of pride and fondness. These men and women wouldn’t abandon me nor I them.

"The army will be outnumbered five
to one. But they are a Jax army, and they will defeat the rebels. We will be
outnumbered ten to one, maybe more. But that’s fair. We’re the Black Guard—the
elite of the Jax military. And we will defeat the rebels that challenge us."
That may be a little easier to say than do, but it echoes the Jax tradition.

"Sergeant Rosin, take Corporal
Glick and accompany Chang to the servant’s quarters. Chang, you are to gather
the servants and leave the estate with Lieutenant Ceder. There is no place else
safe to go, since the rebels control the town. And if one of you leaves and is
captured, you will give the rebels information that will give away our
advantage and result in many deaths, including fellow servants. While you are
with us, we will protect you, and you will be allowed to go as soon as it’s

"I understand, Captain," Chang
said, eyes downcast, thinking. He left with Rosin and Glick. Corporal Judt, you
and the other women Guards will find servants’ clothing for yourselves and me
and return here." They were smiling on the way out. "Li Ming, what
does the family have in the way of transportation?"

"We have three ground vehicles and
two small skimmers, which can hold four or five each," Li Ming said after
a minute’s thought. I spent the next few minutes scanning a map of the area on
my Mfi. Eventually I transferred the area I had identified to everyone’s Mfi.

"Lieutenant Ceder, check your Mfi.
I want you to take everyone into the area I’ve marked. It’s wild, which will
preclude the rebels from being able to use ground vehicles or skimmers. That
will improve your odds and slow them down. Assign one group to stay with the
Lew family and servants and the other to act as a rear guard. The best you can
do is to find a position that gives you an advantage and fight. I plan to stay
here with the women and, like Captain Drezner, ensure they can’t reinforce
those who will be sent after you. Use the skimmers for the family and anyone
who would slow you down, but have a Guard in each skimmer. I don’t want anyone
deciding to run off."

"Yes, Captain."

"Keep Captain Drezner updated. But
do not try to communicate with me. The women and I will be busy. I will contact
you when it’s safe. Duty first, Lieutenant Ceder."

"I understand, Captain Sapir. Good
hunting." He left with Sergeant Solow. Shortly afterward, the women began

"We’re going to a masquerade
party. We are going to be dressed as servants and cooks. Our guests are going
to be dressed as rebels. Sometime during the party, we’re going to turn into Black
Guards and arrest the rebels."

"I love parties," Private
Nadel said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Me too," several of the
others chimed in and smiles appeared.

"Keep your body armor on under
your disguises, carry one laser, and a knife." We couldn’t carry much in
the way of weapons without giving away the ruse. The body armor all Guard wore
was skin tight, made of material similar to my whip, and could stop a laser
beam for a full second or two, shards from a gun, some bullets, and knives. "Li
Ming, is there someplace where we could store our equipment that the rebels are
unlikely to find without a thorough search of the house?"

"Yes, several… But I think the
laundry area would be the best. I’d hide them in plain sight, in one of the
dirty clothes laundry baskets."

"Good." I liked Li Ming. She
was intelligent, pragmatic, and had a good sense of humor. "We will store our
Mfis, Mfws, and miscellaneous equipment there for later. Let’s get everyone on
their way. Then we can discuss our strategy. Captain Drezner thinks they will
be sending a group to attack the estate soon, and I don’t believe it’s going to
take the rebels long to break through the couple of hundred Yuan military guarding
the estate."

* * *

Li Ho Lew didn’t like my idea. "That
ridiculous, Captain. It’s your responsibility to defend the estate. You must
honor your contract!" He scowled and folded his arms across his chest.
Then a small smile touched his lips. "My family and I will take one of the
skimmers and fly to Baotou."

"No, Governor. The contract is to
protect you and your family, not the estate. So you can see my dilemma." I
smiled to myself. He didn’t care about me, or the Guard, or the servants. Only
his dilemma—how to ditch me and flee someplace safe. "I cannot
protect you if I’m here and you’re somewhere else, and I can’t protect you and
your family at the estate against hundreds of rebels. The Guard is willing to
die to protect you, but I doubt you want to die with us."

"I’m your superior, and you will
do what I say or… Or I’ll see you shot for dereliction of duty, and refuse to
pay the Jax because you failed in your duty." He slammed his fist down on
his desk.
No wonder the rebels want to replace him.

"Governor, the Lanzhou council initiated
the contract, not you, and you aren’t paying for us. Even if you had, the Jax
do not have superiors. We have clients and contracts. Our client would rightfully
consider the Jax had broken the contract if I let you run off by yourself. So,
I’m afraid you will just have to stay with us until the situation is resolved."
I had been right to choose Li Ming. She had done a pretty good job of keeping
her son and daughter out of my way. She hadn’t tried to explain my strategy.
Like me, she probably thought it a waste of time.

* * *

They had just departed when Captain
Drezner buzzed my Mfi. "Captain Sapir, my recon shuttle indicates about
three hundred rebels are leaving the city. They have acquired a number of
ground vehicles and have five skimmers. I don’t think they are going to have
much trouble breaking through the defending military at the estate."

"What’s your next move?" I

"Wolfson has detached fifty
commandos, Their ETA is one hour forty minutes. As soon as the rebels engage
the military defending the estate, we’ll redeploy to a position three klicks
from Ebao on the road to the estate. I know that doesn’t help you…"

"I understand, Drezner. Take no
prisoners." A Jax expression which meant just the opposite—die

"Take no prisoners, Sapir." He
cut the connection.

"All right, ladies, let’s retire
to the laundry room and get ready for the party." I led the way down to
the first level and to the far end of the building, which was dedicated to
cleaning uniforms, bedding, table linens, washing dishes, and storage of
cleaning supplies and equipment. "Get changed. Leave your body armor on
and put the servant’s clothing you chose over it." The Guard’s body armor
was light, skin tight, and similar in style to old fashioned long-johns.
"Keep a laser and a knife strapped to the inside of your thigh. Under
those wide shirts no one will notice."

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