Black: Part 1 (3 page)

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Authors: Kelly Harper

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“What was the question, again?” she manages. Barely.

A victorious smirk settles itself onto the corner of my lip.

“Did you wear your black panties? Or the red ones I like so much?”

She shakes her head once, slowly.


I lift my eyebrows in an unspoken question. Her answer is enough to make me abandon every last restraint I have on myself.

“I didn’t wear any panties, at all…”

Chapter 6

Before I even realize what I’m doing, my hands are sliding beneath the bottom of Charlotte’s dress. Her inner thigh gets hotter and hotter as my hand glides its way up her leg. Her flesh is silky smooth, and there’s no mistaking when my curious fingers find what they’re looking for.

She wasn’t lying. There are no panties blocking my way. And the bare softness of her pussy is already soaking wet.

Charlotte sucks in a breath, her face opening in pleasured surprise when I find her swollen clit. She shifts her body and leans back onto my desk, her legs separating ever so slightly as she sucks in a hard breath. Her arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. She runs her fingers through the back of my hair and mashes her cheek against mine. There’s one more gasp before her tongue darts out and licks my earlobe. She nips and nibbles at it while I swirl my finger in a tiny circle, just the way I know she likes it.

“Calvin…” she moans, breathily.

Something in the tone of her voice spurs me on. It drives me to take even more of her than I would, normally. My finger plunges even deeper into her soaking pussy. I pull it out before jamming it in, again. Her wetness covers me and I make sure to spread it around every time my finger blasts its way into and out of her.

“Calvin, I need you,” she whimpers. “Take me. Take me, right now.”

I don’t need any more encouragement than that.

In one fluid motion, I reach behind her and clear space on the desk with a single swipe of my hand. Paper and plastic clatter to the ground. I don’t even care what anyone outside of my office might hear. No one but Charlotte would have the balls to enter, unannounced.

I grab her by the asscheeks and lift her onto the cleared desk. She whimpers in delight, her legs spreading wide as she settles herself backwards. The bulge in my slacks is desperately trying to free itself. I pull the zipper down and my cock bursts free from its confines. Days have passed since its last feeding, and it’s hungry for something fresh.

I wrap my fingers around the base of my cock and begin stroking it, slowly, while keeping my lustful gaze on Charlotte. She’s eyeing the thing as though she hasn’t been fucked in years.

“Is this what you came in here for?” I ask, leaning forward just a bit, to rub the tip around her soaking entrance.

She jerks her head in a quick nod.

“Yes. Give it to me.”

I hold out for a while longer, knowing that I can only hold out for so long. I rub the tip of my cock all around her entrance, mixing it with her juices, preparing it for the plunge it’s about to take. When the tip is slick and glistening with her wetness, I know it’s ready.

But that’s when I make her wait. Just a little while longer.

With one hand still stroking my cock, rubbing it against her clit, I reach into my back pocket and retrieve the condom I keep there. I use my teeth to rip it open, spitting the wrapper after it’s torn off. Charlotte’s lustful gaze doesn’t break as I roll the condom down to the base of my fully hardened dick. She nibbles on the edge of her lip, expectant and waiting for what I’m about to give her.

I flash one of my wolfish grins at her, using my fingers to tease her just a little while longer. But the more I tease her, the more I’m teasing myself. She’s not the only one that needs to get fucked tonight.

Charlotte’s fingers curl around the edge of the desk and she lets out a loud moan of ecstasy as I bury the full length of myself inside of her. She’s warm and tight, just the way I remember. Her warmth closes around me, constricting, tightening, holding me in place. I can feel the far wall of her vagina against the tip of my cock, and I press myself even harder into her, enjoying the look on her face as my cock does its best to rearrange her insides.

“You never wanted to keep it professional, did you?” I say, fucking her harder and harder. “You just want my cock all for yourself, don’t you?”

“Yes,” is the only response she can manage between her enlivened cries of pleasure.

“And I already know that pussy is all mine, isn’t it?” I continue.

“Yes, it’s just for you, Calvin. It’s all yours.”

Tightening my grip around her tiny hips, I slam myself even harder into her depths. She cries out, again, barely able to finish her response. But she’s not saying anything that I don’t already know. I’ve known since the first time I fucked her that Charlotte was all mine. Just like all of the other women that I fuck. Once they have a part of me, they’re addicted. They want more. They

Every woman I’ve fucked… except one.

The one that got away. The one that escaped me. The only one I’ve ever actually cared about…

I let out a growl, angry and furious at myself for letting thoughts of
invade my head. Charlotte must have noticed that I spaced out for a moment because her face droops into a concerned frown. But I don’t let the frown last for long. I slam myself into her, even harder, and her eyes fill with ecstasy before rolling into the back of her head.

It doesn’t take long for me to make her climax. Her orgasm sends violent waves throughout her body. She twitches and shakes in ways that I’m all too familiar with. Her pussy tightens its hold on me, as though it’s trying to strangle the life out of my shaft, as though that will somehow stop the vigorous assault I’m giving it.

But other thoughts have already taken hold in the deep recesses of my mind. It’s the familiar, nagging thought of a girl that I’d long ago resigned myself to never seeing again, to never feeling again, to never experiencing again. The thought of her burns and aches in parts of me that I try desperately to keep locked away. And it’s because of that burning and aching that I know I need to finish with Charlotte as quickly as possible.

When her throws of ecstasy begin to recede, and her eyes regain some of their focus, I decide that I’ve had enough. I pull her hips even closer to me while I lift a knee and rest it next to her on the desk. Her legs bend even farther back, until they’re almost mashed into her breasts. My cock reaches all new depths as I mount her on the desk, using my full weight to sink even farther into her.

Charlotte’s eyes bulge and her moans of pleasure hitch in the back of her throat. Her jaw drops open, but there’s no sound coming out. I only need to pump her a few times like this before I feel the unmistakable sensation of an orgasm forming inside of me.

The feeling begins with a tightening of my abs, as though it is somehow sucking my core inward, trying to turn me inside out. Then the feeling begins to flow through me, snaking its way from the pit of my belly all the way down the length of my cock. It doesn’t stop until it reaches the very tip. This is the point of no return where, no matter what happens, nothing can stop the orgasm from coming.

For a long, intense moment the entire world stills around me. My mouth opens in an attempt to gasp for air before what is about to happen. But there’s no time. The flood rushes throughout me, and bursts forth, emptying itself into the condom. My hands squeeze Charlotte’s waist hard for a moment before the euphoric haze releases me and the world returns to normal. I gasp in heavy breaths, finally able to function once again.

After taking a few moments to catch my breath and collect myself, I say, “That was fun.” I withdraw from Charlotte and carefully pull the condom off, making sure not to spill any of it in the process.

A satisfied smile spreads itself across her face. She watches me tie off the condom and drop it into the waste bin next to my desk.

“I need to go make my rounds,” I say, tucking myself back into my pants and zipping up. “Take whatever time you need, I’ll be out for at least an hour.”

Before I can turn away from her, the smile on her face is already fading.

“Really? That’s it?” she says, sitting up on the edge of the desk. “You’re just going to use me and then treat me like another one of your conquests?”

“You know my arrangements,” I say. “This is just sex, nothing more.”

“That’s just what you say. I know it means more than that, Calvin. And I know you know it!”

She’s wrong, but trying to explain that to her is a lost cause. Women don’t understand when I say that I’m not looking for anything more than sex. I’m not looking for an emotional attachment. That ship has already sailed, and I have no interest in trying to duplicate the feelings I once had for that girl, long ago. I have no interest in opening myself up like that for anyone else.

In my younger days I had never quite understood why so many of the girls I bedded were so guarded against me. I never understood why they couldn’t just let themselves open up and have some fun. It’s not like I ever lied to any of them, or was unclear about my intentions, so why couldn’t they just go with the flow and do what we both knew they wanted to do?

But when Sofie came into my life, I began to understand what it was those girls had been guarding themselves against. The difference is, after living with the pain of losing her, I have no interest in ever going through something like that again.

Not ever.

And if that means all the other girls that come through my life are going to get hurt in the process, then so be it. Besides, I still never lie to them. I can’t be blamed for them reading something more into the sex than they should.

It’s no different with Charlotte. I’ve always been very clear with her that what we have is nothing more than something physical. Take it or leave it.

And she always seems more than happy to take everything I’m willing to give.

I make my way out of the office without looking back. My mind has already returned to business mode, and back to the real world. I shut the door to my office before leaving, giving Charlotte whatever privacy she needs before she gets back to her own life, too.

Chapter 7

A familiar ding sounds from my computer as a million new emails appear on my screen. My jaw drops open in confused horror. How is it humanly possible for one person to receive so many emails overnight? I literally just checked them before leaving work the night before—I can’t be seeing what I’m seeing, right?

I take another drink of my Starbucks latte. Clearly the morning’s caffeine hasn’t kicked in, yet, because what I’m seeing in front of me just isn’t making any sense. My sleepy eyes must be playing a cruel trick on me. There’s just no other explanation.

But the caffeine doesn’t seem to have the effect I’m wanting. I stare at the screen a while longer, convincing myself that something will change and all of the little red dots next to all of the unread emails will magically disappear.

But they don’t.

I heave a sigh, dreading this ominous start to my day. Well, there’s no time like the present. I might as well start clearing through the long list of work that’s piling up in front of me.

I settle in and start clicking through them. Thankfully, most of the emails are just junk that I don’t need to pay attention to. Within a few minutes I’ve already cleared through most of them and am finally settling into a nice groove. Maybe the caffeine really did take a little longer to kick in than I was expecting. Now that I’m making progress, this really isn’t so bad.

And that’s when a familiar voice interrupts me.

“Didn’t expect to find you here,” the voice says.

It’s my work-wife and best friend, Aimee. She also doubles as my roommate. Or maybe she’s my roommate who doubles as my work-wife?

We met about a year ago when I first moved to New York City. I was searching through Craigslist, in desperate need of a place to stay, when I found her ad listing a good deal on a fifth floor walkup. Miraculously, I’d found the ad immediately after she posted it, and hadn’t wasted any time in racing over to meet her and check the place out.

I thought I’d been pretty quick, but apparently I hadn’t been quick enough. A creepy, middle-aged man with balding hair and a scraggly beard had beaten me there. He’d been wearing a suit that was a little too loose and looked like he might be featured on the next episode of
To Catch a Predator

Even though we didn’t yet know each other, Aimee had clung to me and told him that I was already her roommate and that there was no more room for anyone else. He’d gotten pretty mouthy and vulgar with us after that, but Aimee, somehow, managed to put him in his place. She’d told me that learning how to deal with men was one of the benefits of having three brothers.

After going through that ordeal together, she said she didn’t even care that I had basically no credit to my name and couldn’t afford to pay her first and last month’s rent up front. She let me move in my few possessions later that very same day, and we’ve been best friends ever since.

“Where else would I be?” I ask, only giving her a half-glance from the corner of my eye. Her sudden appearance caught me off guard. I’d been so focused on clearing through my emails that I hadn’t expected to be interrupted so soon.

She leans against the edge of my cubicle, her long, blonde hair falling against the side of her face. There’s a playful sparkle in her bright blue eyes. I swear she’s one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever met—I never understand what she means when she says that she’s cursed because guys never approach her. I’ve been out with her a few times, and between her flirty smile and her endless hair tossing, it seems like she has every guy around her practically wrapped around her finger.

Me, on the other hand…

Well, let’s just say that it’s been a long time since I’ve been the object of anyone’s affection. And it’s been even longer since anyone has been the object of mine.

“It’s Friday,” she says, giving me a look. “Didn’t you tell me that you have some big meeting today?”

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