Black Sheep (Rawkfist MC Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Black Sheep (Rawkfist MC Book 1)
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“If you boys
want to stay over,” Christine says once we finish up and walk inside, “the
couch pulls out for Felix. It’s pretty comfy, but he’ll need to endure the

Justice smiles
at me, and I realize she’s spoken to her mom about this plan. Of course, I want
to take them up on their offer, but I also feel like an ass for wanting Felix
to agree to sleep at strangers’ house so I can hook up with my girlfriend.
Except I really hate being away from Justice. She’s under my skin, but I can’t
dump my crap on him. He’s a kid with enough problems. He doesn’t need to know
his father is a love-struck, horny mess.

“It’s okay to
say no,” I tell Felix.

“It’s okay to
say just about anything,” Justice adds.

Felix hates
having all of the attention on him, but he finally admits, “I’d rather stay on
their couch than go home.”

“You can stay
at my place. You have that option,” I say, mentally praying he doesn’t take me
up on my offer.

Felix glances
around at the women watching them. They take the hint and look away in unison.
I gesture for Felix to follow me outside. Once we’re on the porch and I shut
the door on the nosy Earlham girls, I ask him again if he wants to go home to
my place.

“I like it here.
Don’t you?”

“I’m crazy
about Justice. I’d spend every minute of the day with her if I could, but that
doesn’t mean I should make you spend the night at a stranger’s house.”

“She’s not a
stranger. Poppy isn’t either. I spent hours with her today. I know her better
than I know your roommates.”

“I don’t want
you knowing my roommates. They’re losers.”

“I know, but Justice
and Poppy aren’t.”

Grinning, I pat
his shoulder. “No, they’re not.”

“I like Justice.
She’s funny, and it’s relaxing here. Even when they fight, it’s like they’re

“Then we’ll
stay the night.”

“Are you going
to marry Justice?” Felix asks, startling me with his directness.

“We just
started dating.”

“How long do
you have to date to know?”

“I don’t know.”

“You never date

“No,” I mumble,
thinking about how my life must look to a kid like Felix. “Would you be okay if
Justice and I got married?”

“I’d want to
live with you,” he says, sounding ready to cry. “I’ve wanted to live with you
for a long time.”

“I know. I’ll
talk to your mom about having you stay with me during the summer.”

“She’ll say

Caressing his
head, I whisper, “I’ve got some ideas on how to make her say yes.”

Felix forces a
smile. “I don’t care if the cats climb on me when I sleep.”

“Well, that’s
good because Justice makes them sound like furry little a-holes.”

Patting him on
the back, I lead him inside where the women stand in a line waiting for the

“We’re bunking
here tonight.”

“Yay! Our first
houseguests,” Justice says, bumping Journey. “We can watch movies and eat

Poppy gestures
for Felix to follow her and announce they’re going to play video games for a

“No movies?” Justice

Poppy ignores
her sister, but I have my hands on Justice as soon as she’s in reach. Christine
and Journey work in the kitchen on the last dirty dishes while Justice only
watches me.

“This is what
you wanted, right?” she finally asks.

Nodding, I’m
overwhelmed with my feelings this woman inspires. I want her in my bed, but she
also owns my heart. What should make me feel like a million fucking bucks
instead scares the shit out of me.

23 Black Sheep


he Earlham house falls silent just after
ten. Checking on Felix, I find my boy curled up under a soft purple blanket. He
smiles at me and then stares at the cat butt a few inches from his face. We
laugh at his view before I leave him to sleep.

Justice appears
next to me, wearing a flannel nightgown I plan to get off her as soon as

“Sleep well,
little man,” she whispers. “If you need anything, feel free to scream, and
we’ll come running.”

When Felix
smiles up at her, I’m torn between wanting to stare at his relaxed expression
and chase after the sexy woman beside me. Felix needs to rest, so my choice is

“He’s a great
kid,” she says once in her room. “I was nervous about him not liking me, but
he’s a huge fan.”

Despite her
words, Justice still looks anxious. I press her against me and grip her
heart-shaped butt.

“I haven’t seen
him this relaxed in a long damn time.”

“I don’t have a
motherly way about me.”

“How can you
say that when you’re so patient with Poppy?”

Justice narrows
her eyes at me and reaches around to grab my butt.

yourself, young man. I’d hate to revoke your permission to my vaginal area.”

“You say the
words,” I whisper, nipping at her bottom lip, “but I know you’ll bend over if I
snap my fingers.”

Justice squirms
loose. “Just for that, I’m putting on extra underwear tonight.”

Reaching for
her nightgown, I lift up the fabric and enjoy the sight of her bare ass.

“Fuck me,” I

“Don’t even
think about it.”

Justice puts up
quite a fight to stay in her nightgown, but I manage to yank it off while
simultaneously freeing my dick from my jeans.

“I said no,”
she insists, leaning back on the bed and spreading her legs. “I said you can’t
have any.”


I slide my
index and middle fingers between her wet slit.

“I care about
you,” she says, and her tone startles me from my fun.


“It’s not just
this,” she says, motioning to my face and body. “I like you as a person.”

“I know.”

“Do you?
Sometimes, I forget to show that kind of stuff. I joke around and talk so much,
but I don’t say what needs to be said.”

“I like you
too,” I whisper, leaning down and tenderly pressing my lips to hers. “You’re
everything I never knew I needed.”

Justice frowns
at my words, but I can’t explain. With her pussy sucking at my fingers, my
brain is barely functioning.

“I see you,” I
say when she won’t stop frowning. “I can’t look away, and I see everything you

Smiling, Justice
relaxes, and her body reacts to my fingers sliding inside her. Soon, she
welcomes my cock into her body. I fuck her vigorously until we’re both spent,
but I still want more. Even exhausted, I can’t stop.

Justice walks
around her room, explaining various pictures and objects. She really just wants
to show off her naked body. More than once, she bends completely over to give
me a wet, pink show. Enjoying the view, I rest on my side in bed and stroke my

When Justice
bends over and wiggles her ass for me, I leap off the bed and grab her around
the waist. Drawn to the hot flesh, my dick easily enters her magnetic pussy. A
startled Justice yelps and struggles until my free hand cups her tit. Trapped
in my embrace, she sighs and holds onto the bookshelf as I pump into her
welcoming body.

I have to cover
Justice’s mouth when she comes. No doubt Journey still hears her sister’s
groans because the TV sound goes up soon after.

Once I come
inside her, I finally feel ready to stop for a bit. Justice eases onto the
ground and stares at me.

“My pussy is
made out of crack,” she murmurs.

“That it is,” I
admit, picking her up and carrying her sweaty body to the bed. “You’ve turned
me into a sex addict.”

“I’m truly
sorry, but as a virgin, I really didn’t think to post a warning label on my pussy.”

against her cheek, I snuggle closer in bed. The TV flashes in the now dark
room, playing a show neither of us watches. We only watch each other.

Justice yawns
more than once before her eyes shut and she’s asleep.

I watch her for
hours, unable to rest. I’ve never felt more alive than right now in this place
with this incredible woman. She’s so full of energy, and I can’t let her go,
even though I have nothing to offer in return. Justice needs someone special,
and I’ve never been that guy.

“We should
check on Felix,” she suddenly says around three am.

“You scared the
crap out of me.”

Justice blinks
a few times, and I realize she’s only partially awake. She climbs out of bed
and searches for her nightgown. Once dressed, she reaches for the doorknob.

I’m right
behind her, dressed in only boxers. Justice doesn’t wait for me. She stumbles
down the dark hall and into the living room where Felix sleeps with the TV

His face is
serene in the flickering light. Justice stares down at him for a long time and
then looks at me and smiles. I know right then how I can’t let her go. No
matter what happens or what’s best for her, I will never be capable of walking
away from this woman.

24 Black Sheep


he bar belongs to a member of the Rawkfist
Motorcycle Club named Telly Doyle. He’s a big guy with several missing teeth
and a gut the size of the Grand Canyon. Telly doesn’t look like a tough guy,
but I imagine he was quite the badass in his youth.

With Court busy
working, I decide to go with my sisters to sample the BBQ wings Jared keeps bragging
about. He claims they’re the best in the state. Christine considers joining us,
but she’s too afraid to run into her ex and decides to remain home with the

The minute we
step into the bar, Telly is at our side. “The kid can stay but no booze. If the
cops show up, get scarce. Do we understand each other?”

“Chill,” Journey
tells him. “We’re here for the food, not to drink or cause trouble.”

“I know, but
the cops like to cite people at the end of the month to hit their ticket
quotas. I don’t want you getting me in trouble.”

“I have a fake
ID if necessary,” Poppy says. “Three of them in fact.”

frowns down at her, but she only stares at
him with giant, crazy eyes. As a man in the bar business, he’s probably met
more than a few unstable women and realizes he best walk away before Poppy does
something unhinged.

“The crazy
thing always works,” she says once he walks away and we are seated in the back.

“The exit is
right there,” says the waitress.

Poppy unleashes
her wild eyes until Journey tells her to knock if off.

“Okay, Mom,”
Poppy mutters. “Or should I call you dictator?”

Journey sighs.
“One day, I’m going to smother you in your sleep, and no one will care. That
makes me sad.”

“If it makes
you feel any better, my death makes me sad too.”

Ignoring their
conversation, I read the menu and miss my man.

“Court loves
wings,” I murmur. “He likes spicy stuff.”

“Has he eaten
you out?” Poppy asks.

“Barf!” I cry,
taking a swipe at her across the table. “Why are you so gross?”

“I’ll take that
as a no.”

“One day,
you’ll have a boyfriend… Well, more like you’ll find a victim. When that day
comes, I plan to torment you.”

“I’m curious.
Why are you so sensitive?” Poppy asks as if she genuinely cares.

“Court is special.”

“How so?”

“He’s mine.”

“Oh, well,
there’s that.”

“Court’s had a
tough life, and I want to treat him nice. He deserves good things.”

My sisters
smile in unison, and I appreciate them not giggling at my feeling.

“If he treats
you well, that’s all I care about,” Journey says like she’s my mom.

“Are you
ovulating?” I ask. “You’ve got the weird maternal vibe again.”

“I wouldn’t
mind having a kid sometime soon. Maybe I’ll come to a place like this one and
pick up a half decent sperm donor and make you a niece or nephew.”

“Half decent?”
Poppy says. “Way to live the dream there, doll face.”

“We make due
with what we have. In a perfect world, would you be friends with your lame

Poppy shrugs.
“I happen to enjoy hanging out with Four-Eyes, Cowlick, and Chubs. They
appreciate my quirks and don’t ask too many questions.”

“What if you
could hang out with girls more like you?”

“No one is like

Journey and I
share a nod and then focus on ordering wings. I wouldn’t say they were the best
I’ve eaten. Nothing tastes as good as the BBQ I enjoyed on my first dates with
Court. He makes everything better. I don’t share this thought out loud because
I know it’ll sound lame. True but hopelessly lame.

I’m fully
daydreaming of Court during a restroom break. Fantasizing about his smile while
I wash my hands. Imagining him naked as I walk past the bar toward my sisters.
So focused on my sweet, handsome Court, I don’t notice the chick step in front
of me and toss her drink until the splash of booze hits my face.

“What the
queef?” I cry, wiping the drink from my eyes. Based on the smell, she’s thrown
the cheapest liquor available.

The woman
before me is pretty in a cheap slut way. If I was a guy in a bar at the end of
the night and wanted to stick my big dick – I always have a big dick in my
fantasies – in a hot hole, I’d nail this chick. I don’t share this compliment
with the bitch, though.

“What is your

“Becca, watch
yourself,” Tells says from nearby. “That’s Jared’s daughter.”

“This skank
thinks she can play mommy with my kid.”

“Oh, you’re
Becca?” I say, wiping my damp bangs from my face. “I thought you’d be hotter.
You know, because of Court’s super sexiness.”

“I heard you
have a big mouth. I think it’s time someone taught you to shut it.”

Becca shoves
me, and I fall against the bar. The place instantly goes quiet. The hive mind
around me knows shit is getting serious. I think I know it too, but I’ve never
encountered a bitch like Becca before.

“You’re not
seriously looking to brawl?”

“Brawl?” she
laughs, cracking her knuckles. “I’m going to fuck up your pretty face.”

Becca has two
friends who share her worn down whore appearance. I wonder if their looks went
in the can from all the fighting. Will they punch me hard enough to make me
look like them?

“I’m not sure
what you want,” I stammer, looking around for Journey and Poppy.

“I already told

“Oh, sorry, I
wasn’t paying attention.”

Becca takes a
swing at me, and I actually duck it. My sense of accomplishment doesn’t last
long before her left-hand slaps me upside the head.

I stumble away
from her while her friends laugh.

“I think she’s
gonna cry, Becca!” the redhead screams.

My gaze begs
Telly for a little assistance, but he only puts up his hands. “Bar rules say no
one intervenes in a fight.”

“Yeah,” Becca
sneers. “That means if you get the upper hand with me, my girls can’t jump in
and save my ass.”

They laugh at
the thought of me winning. If I were on their side, I’d laugh too. Standing
with my fists up, I don’t know what to do.

“Go Cobra Kai
and sweep the leg!” Poppy yells from behind me.

I glance back
to see my sisters standing in the crowd of onlookers. They’re amused at the
sight of me in the fight. I can’t help smiling at the
Karate Kid
reference. In fact, kicking Becca will work better than using the non-existent
strength from my puny arms.

Before I have a
chance to make my move, Becca’s fist nails me in the jaw. I don’t even stagger
before falling. No, I collapse onto my ass in a big, hard thump.

“Bitch,” Journey
growls, stepping behind me.

“No jumping
in!” Becca’s blonde friend yells at my sister. “It’s the bar rules.”

Journey kneels
down to look at me. “You’re bleeding.”

“I think she
hit me,” I say as my head swims. “I suspect I’m more of a lover than a

doesn’t smile. She stands up and glares at

“Back off!” Journey
demands in her angry butch voice.

“You back off.
This fight is between me and the skank. It’s not my fault she can’t fight for

Journey helps
me stand. Knowing everyone is watching us, I guess I should feel ashamed to fight
so badly. Except how many modern women get into brawls anymore?

“You’re done
,” Journey tells Becca.

A weird thing
happens next. Becca doesn’t listen to Journey’s warning. That part isn’t so strange,
but her surprise when Journey punches her square in the nose is pretty odd. My
sister is pretty obviously pissed. Did the worn down slut-bag miss the flaring
nostrils and flexing fists?

“Not fair!”
yells the redhead friend.

Becca holds her
bleeding nose and mutters for her friends to help.

“What about the
rules?” Telly asks.

“Fuck the
rules,” Journey announces before the three bitcheteers can.

Poppy yanks me
out of the way while Journey goes straight for Becca. I hear her fist making
contact with the bitch’s face again. The redhead lands on Journey’s back for
maybe five seconds before my sister tosses her off effortlessly.

“I wonder who
she’ll straddle-punch?” Poppy excitedly asks. “My money is on the main whore.”

“Her name is

“Who cares?”

Shrugging, I
hold my jaw and watch Journey head-butt the blonde friend before returning to
punching Becca. The crowd is laughing and clapping. The pathetic girlfight has
quickly turned into a battle worth watching. Journey drops a stunned Becca and
attacks the redhead. They fall to the ground where my sister straddles the
frightened bitch.

“I was wrong,”
Poppy says when Journey straddle-punches the redhead.

The blonde
grabs Journey by the hair. Reaching up, she takes the blonde by her hair too
and yanks her down to the ground. To the delight of the crowd, Journey jumps on
the blonde and straddle-punches her.

The crowd
begins rhythmically clapping as if at a sports event. I’ve never been so proud
to be Journey’s little sister as when she tackles a fleeing Becca and bangs the
bitch’s head on the hard ground. Once the three women are sufficiently humbled,
Journey stands up and wipes her hands on her jeans. Only then does she realize
everyone’s watching.

Rolling her
eyes at their amusement, she walks to me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, how
about you? I was worried a few times since you seemed over your head,” I tease,
checking the scratches on her neck. “One of those vipers got you with their
fake nails.”

“Peroxide will
fix that.”

My sister is a
firm believer in the magical powers of peroxide.
Slut scratches?
problem, she’s got peroxide.
Pushing a human being through her crotch?
Peroxide to the rescue.
Lose a limb to a bear attack?
I’m sure peroxide
will heal that right up.

“Thank you,” I
whisper even though the bar is alive with activity.

Journey smiles
and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “If it were a shit-talking contest, you’d
have won easily but leave the violent stuff to me.”

“I still think
sweeping the leg would have won it for you,” Poppy says.

“Want to

“Yeah. I might
need to cry soon,” I admit. “That punch really queefing hurt.”

should get ice on it for the swelling.”

“What, no

Journey glares
at my teasing but keeps me protectively close as we walk outside. She’s a mama
bear with her cubs. Yeah, she’s got the protective mother routine down. All she
needs now is a man worthy of her vagina.

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