Black Smoke (26 page)

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Authors: Robin Leigh Miller

BOOK: Black Smoke
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Kong was sure he was going to die as soon as he released. Her body was made for him, her soft tunnel caressing him with every stroke. “Never,” was all he could think. Never had he felt such pleasure. He grasped her hips and pushed hard into her when he couldn’t hold back any longer.

On a wave of bliss they plunged over the cliff together with joint cries of ecstasy. Sam collapsed on top of him as he buried his face in her neck and breathed in her heavy scent of musk.

You’ve done it now, he thought to himself. Walking away would not be as easy as he had assumed it would be. And now he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

Chapter Twenty


“I don’t think I can move.” Sam’s body was weak from the power of her climax. Books had described these kinds of earth-shattering moments, but she’d never experienced one. Not until today.

“You don’t have to. Just lie with me.” Her naked body felt warm and soft pressed against his. He tightened his arms around her, fearing that if she moved, he would never get to hold her again. Cold hard reality smacked him in the face. This was the first time he had actually made love to a woman. All the other times had just been satisfying a primal need, but this, this went far beyond satisfying. His emotions had taken over—he didn’t act with just his body he acted with his heart.

They lay together for a while, both lost in their own thoughts—Sam wondering how she would go on when he left, Kong fearing these new emotions that were stirring inside his heart. When Sam began to giggle, he smacked her bottom.

“What’s so funny?”

“I understand how you got your nickname now.” She laughed.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” He wasn’t bragging he was concerned. She was so small, he so large.

Sam pushed herself up with her palms pressing against his hard, muscular chest. “No Mark. You didn’t hurt me. In fact, I’m more than a little surprised that I was able to take you the way I did.” Sam stopped short of telling him it was almost like they were made for each other. She didn’t want to scare him off.

“You’re full of surprises,” he told her cupping her breast with his hands. “So why are you laughing?”

“Like I said, I understand the name now. Oh, don’t look like that,” she told him when his brow furrowed. “Your body is wonderful.” To prove it to him, she began trailing kisses across his chest.

Heat began to build inside him again. If she didn’t stop, he’d need to take her again. “I think that bubble bath is calling our names.” His voice was thick and husky, filled with desire.

Sam sat up and looked into his eyes. Just as she suspected, they took on a dark, dangerous look. Her hands framed his face, as she stared into his eyes. He made her feel like a woman, a feeling she had thought she could live without.

“I’ll go start it.” When she moved from on top of him and walked to the bathroom, she felt her legs protesting. With a smile she walked across the hall into the bathroom. It felt good to be sore from being loved.

Kong lay with his arm draped over his eyes. Already his body missed her. He thought this need for her would diminish after sex, but it didn’t. In fact, it was growing. Looking through the open bedroom door, he watched as she bent over the tub and sprinkled something into the water. The sight of her firm, round behind exposed like that made his body jerk.

Moaning to himself, he turned his head away. “Way over your head Lowe,” he muttered to himself. A few days of this, maybe that’s all he needed, just a few days of making love to her countless times. He didn’t deserve her, she needed more then he could offer. She needed stability in a man and he was far from stable.

Spending the next few days with her would be a gift. When it was over, he’d carry the memories of that gift with him for the rest of his life. He didn’t know how to love, but he could give her pleasure. So much pleasure that she would beg him to leave when she couldn’t walk anymore.

“Your bath is ready.”

Kong pulled himself from the bed, crossed the hall to the bathroom and looked around. The tub was a large garden tub filled with bubbles. Candles were placed all around the room filling the air with a light scent of ocean breezes. The colors on the walls served to accent the aroma. This room was yet another extension of the woman.

Looking down at her sitting in the tub, his heart squeezed tight in his chest. What a picture she made. The water level came only to her nipples, enticing him to join her. He didn’t need to be told more than once. Letting his body lead him, he stepped into the water.

Sam moved so he could sit behind her. When she leaned her back against him, she sighed. What she wouldn’t give to feel this way for the rest of her life. Mark ran his hands up and down her arms, then around her tummy. When they made their way to her breasts, she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

The bubbles helped his hands glide over her skin, enhancing the fires that began to burn inside both of them. Sliding his hands between her legs, he washed away the sweat and stickiness of her own juices, caressing and teasing at the same time. He could feel her begin to swell with desire and smiled. It gave his ego a boost to know he could affect her so quickly.

Not wanting them to move too quickly this time, Sam turned in his arms. She pulled him away from the back of the tub and slipped her legs over his hips. Starting at his shoulders, she began to lather bubbles across his skin. He never took his eyes from hers as she moved down his chest, around his sides and across his back.

When she reached between them her hand cupped him then gently began to stroke. He knew she was exploring him, sizing him up, so he did his best to relax and not allow himself to come in her hands. It wasn’t easy, her touch was gentle, yet electrifying. His body hummed from the glorious feelings she aroused.

Unable to stand any more of her skillful hands, he pulled her closer to him and kissed her. Lifting her at the waist, he lowered her back down over him and groaned as she slid her hot canal down his shaft. Was it possible to ever get enough of that hot, silky rapture? It would have to be, he thought.

Sam set the pace, sliding up and down with a slow, agonizing rhythm. Tilting her head back, she allowed herself to enjoy the feel of her body stretching to accept him. When his mouth captured her nipple, she almost cried from the pleasure. Pressing herself against his mouth, she quickened the pace.

They climbed the cliff of ecstasy together, their voices joining as one when they careened over the edge. Clinging together, they fell back to Earth with a soft, sweet landing. Arms wrapped tightly around each other, they gasped for breath both hoping that somehow it would never end.

* * * * *


“Should we call Boomer and Ricochet, see that they’re up to?” Sam asked munching on a piece of toast. They had finally left the tub when the water cooled. Kong lifted her from the tub then with gentle, loving hands, dried her body. She returned the favor, burning the feel of his body into her brain.

“We could,” he responded with a mouthful of pretzels. They were both starved and in need of some serious nourishment. “Or we could just refuel and go back to bed,” he said winking at her.

Sam gave a subtle laugh. “Just sex,” she reminded herself. That’s all this was. “You might have to give me some time,” she said looking down at the counter.

Concern covered his face. “You’re sore?”

“A little. But it has been some time since I had any intimate exercise. I guess I’m out of shape.” She tried hard not to let her voice betray her and show her disappointment.

Now why did that please him? “Okay, then what would you like to do?” Reaching across the counter, he took her hand and squeezed it.

“It’s your vacation, you tell me.” Warmth began to spread through her body, just from the touch of his hand. God she was in deep.

“How about we call them and you can show us a place to get some good food. Then we can decide how to spend the rest of the day.”

“Okay.” Sam left the counter and pulled the phone book from the top of her fridge. After looking up the number to the hotel, she jotted it down on a piece of paper and handed it to Kong.

“You call them. I’ll go clean up.” Mostly she just needed time to gather herself. She needed to put it all in perspective again.

Kong watched her walk out of the kitchen. When she was gone, he let out a long, cleansing breath. He didn’t miss the look on her face when he said he wanted to take her back to bed. Sex was all she thought he wanted and she was willing to let him have it. Not once did she bring up them spending time alone. Truth was, he didn’t want to share her with the other two. He wanted her all to himself.

“Don’t be stupid,” he thought. “You’re the one that told her you were taking a vacation. If you had told her you wanted to be with her, you wouldn’t be calling the two guys you spend all your time with.” Finished with lecturing himself, he dialed the phone.

Pulling a brush through her hair, Sam stared blankly at herself in the mirror. What they shared was incredible—it couldn’t not mean anything to him, could it? He couldn’t make love to other women that way, could he? Or was she just being a silly schoolgirl, thinking her knight in shining armor had just ridden into her fortress?

“Stop it Sam,” she scolded herself. “He only wants an affair and that’s what you’re going to give him. You knew going into this he wouldn’t stay, now accept what he gives you and be thankful.”

Finished with punishing her hair, she grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top from her drawer. For the first time she wished she had something a little more sexy to wear for him, something frilly and feminine. But she didn’t go out often and when she did it was usually as casually as possible.

Walking from the bedroom to the kitchen, she heard him talking to one of the other guys. Not wanting to interrupt but curious, she stopped where he wouldn’t be able to see her and listened.

“I’m not sure. She hasn’t said anything about it. If she doesn’t want me to stay with her tonight I’ll share a room with one of you guys and get one of my own in the morning.”

Sam winced. She just assumed he would stay with her while he was here, but he was waiting for her to ask him.

“Man I don’t know. I don’t know her well enough. Yeah Boomer, I know. I won’t, I won’t, I promise. Okay, listen, we’ll wheel by the hotel and catch up with you there, then decide. Okay buddy, see you then.”

When she heard him disconnect the phone, she turned and scooted back down the hall to her bedroom. She wasn’t sure what that last part of the conversation was about, but she knew what she was going to do about the first part she heard.

Hearing his heavy footsteps coming down the hall, she picked up her brush again and began running it through her hair. As he stepped through the door, he stopped and stared at her. Sam suddenly felt self-conscious, was he disappointed in the way she dressed? Or was he already trying to figure out how to walk away?

Her question was answered when he walked up behind her and wrapped his large, strong arms around her. “My God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered over the top of her head.

Red began to creep into Sam’s cheeks. “I bet you say that to all your conquests.”

She watched in the mirror as his brow crinkled. “I don’t think I’ve ever said that to anyone.” With that realization, his face took on a more concerned look.

Sensing his uneasiness, Sam turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I wanted to ask you something.” She waited until his eyes met hers. “Is there anything you need while you stay here? I mean, do I need to unwrap a new toothbrush or something?”

A smoldering fire began in his eyes and his arms tightened around her. “Are you asking me to stay here, at your house?”

“Yes, I was hoping you would, but if you don’t want to, I’ll understand.”

“I don’t want to be anywhere else.” Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her with a tenderness he didn’t know he possessed.

* * * * *


Sam and Kong met up with Boomer and Ricochet at the hotel. She took them to a bar in town that served outstanding sandwiches. When they were full of food, she took them around town. They cruised around stopping at every sporting good store, or hot rod shop they found. Every time they got out of the car, Kong took Sam’s hand in his. It took every ounce of self-control on her part not to read anything in to it.

When they ran out of manly stores to visit, they took a ride on the local riverboat. After, they stopped at her favorite ice cream store and indulged in banana splits. Sam couldn’t remember enjoying her town so much. Of course the great company helped. She found herself wishing she had a camcorder to capture the day forever.

“So, you guys up to driving two hours tomorrow and visiting Hershey Park?” she asked as they climbed back into the car.

Kong prayed the other two would come up with an excuse not to go. He wanted to take her, alone. To his dismay, Ricochet quickly agreed. The death stare Kong gave him only made the man smile more. Boomer chuckled, he knew Kong wanted her to himself, but they had already decided to impose themselves as much as possible.

Before Sam knew it, the day had slipped away and darkness was taking over the small town. She hated it to end, but the night ahead was full of promise. Butterflies swished through her stomach as she thought of being loved all night long by him. Once again, she reined herself in, scolding herself for letting her emotions take over.

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