Black Velvet (8 page)

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Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Black Velvet
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“Science and math. I-I could show you our classroom sometime if you like,” Macie offered as she lifted her gaze the rest of the way.

Joy couldn’t have been more touched. The woman was scared to death, but she was taking the initiative to deepen their connection. She couldn’t keep her smile away even if she wanted to. “I’d like that very much, Macie.”

The woman’s face lit up.

“So, who is Jamie?” She looked at the other women, but she didn’t need to. The little whimper coming from the one standing at the back told her all she needed to know. Joy stepped around the others and came to stand right next to the quivering girl.

“It looks like there’s something terribly interesting on your shoes, Jamie,” she said teasingly. “Or maybe under them? Did you step in something funky?”

She heard a little giggle snort from one of the other women, but Jamie didn’t budge. She wasn’t even sure the omega was breathing. As much as she wanted to keep pushing, Joy knew now wasn’t the time. “I just want to say that I have a lot of respect for teachers. It’s not everyone who can do what you do. Thank you for your service to the pack.”

The little omega gasped, and her gaze flicked up for a half-second before it dropped again.

“When Macie is ready to show me the classroom, it would please me to have you join us. I’d love to hear about your work, and maybe meet some of the children if the parents are agreeable. I’ll let the two of you work out when would be a good time for my visit. Just have someone send me a message, and I’ll come.” Jamie didn’t look up again, but she did nod. The small gesture was huge for the timid female, and Joy knew it.

She took her time, speaking to each woman present, learning their names, and memorizing their faces. She should have done it months ago, but there was no turning back time. She’d earn their trust. Eventually, they would come to her with their concerns, and she would do her best to do right by them.

Warren stood with the men, their voices a hum in the background. When she strode up to them, head held high, none of them bowed their heads.

“It’s nice to see you again, Joy,” Martin said.

“Nice to see you too, Martin,” she smiled at him, then turned her attention to the man next to him. “Jake, isn’t it? I think we kind of met last night.”

His deep, throaty laugh rumbled around them. “Something like that. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joy.” When she stuck her hand out to him, he didn’t hesitate in wrapping his around it and pulling her a little closer.

Warren’s growl only made the man laugh harder. “It’s about damned time, maybe now things can get back to normal, and he’ll stop snarling at everyone,” he said before he released her.

Before Joy could introduce herself to the last person, the door opened, letting a fresh breeze in, along with a scent that had the tiny hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. Moira.

The woman walked in, and took a quick look around, her eyes narrowing when she spotted her. With her high heels clicking on the floor, Moira came toward them. She pursed her lips in what Joy could only assume she thought was a sexy look before she sidled up to Warren and pressed herself into him.

“I didn’t know it was bring a sub to work day,” she said, her voice syrupy sweet. “Had I known you wanted eye candy on your arm, I would have gotten here sooner.”

Joy wanted to make nice with the pack, but if they thought for one second she wouldn’t fight for what was hers, they had another thing coming. Stepping around the men, Joy came to stand right next to Moira.

Warren brought a hand up as though he’d push the woman away, but Jake stopped him with a shake of his head.

“Take your hand off my mate,” Joy said, her voice low, deadly.

Moira’s eyes rounded a little. “How cute. The little sub thinks she’s your mate. There is no Alpha in her. She’s been hiding for months.” Her words were brave, but the tremor in her voice was unmistakable.

Joy smiled at the woman. It wasn’t a happy smile. If anything, it was a show of teeth, a promise of retribution if she didn’t comply. “I won’t say it again. Hands off. Now.” Joy couldn’t keep the growl from rumbling past her lips.

Moira gasped, and took a step back, her hand falling from Warren’s arm. “You wouldn’t let her hurt me, would you?” she asked, her gaze darting to Warren, then to the other men.

Joy’s growl rumbled louder. The stupid woman didn’t know when to quit. She took a step closer, keeping her unblinking stare on Moira. A beat passed, and another, then the woman finally looked down at the floor.

“I suggest you not try it again. I don’t share well,” she warned her before she took her place next to Warren as though nothing had happened.



Joy couldn’t contain her excitement. She hadn’t been on a run with a pack in so long. There was something exhilarating about being in wolf form with family surrounding her. The full moon was rising, and to top it off, she’d get to see Warren’s wolf for the first time. She hadn’t gone to the pack runs in the months since her arrival, but now that she was taking her stand, she wouldn’t miss another.

Yips and barks sounded all around her as shifters arrived and left their human forms behind. No one would run until Warren got there, but she could tell they were anxious. She’d gotten a ride with Nickie and Jamie, hoping to gain a bit more of the omega’s trust. She hadn’t been invited to see the classroom yet, but she was still hopeful it would happen soon. All she had to do was give the omegas time to get used to the idea.

Far in the distance, she could see the glow of the city, but out here, it was nothing but wilderness. The trees, moss, and fresh air flooded her senses. She could ignore the faint odor of oil left behind by the machinery. It wouldn’t be long before it disappeared now that they had stopped working in the area. She shrugged out of her sweater and shimmied out of her jeans.

“Now that’s a sight for sore eyes,” Warren’s voice slid over her from somewhere behind her.

Turning, she reached back and undid the clasp of her bra. “I’m glad you approve. Will you show me yours if I show you mine?” she asked even as she let the bra slide down her arms.

He grunted and reached for her, but she scooted out of his grasp.

“If I show you mine, we’ll keep the pack waiting. For hours. They won’t be too happy with us.”

She pouted, and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. When his gaze dropped there, she slipped them off, holding them between her fingers when she stood and let them fall to the ground at her feet. “Too bad, I was looking forward to it,” she winked up at him before letting her wolf emerge. Even though it had been a long time since she’d shifted, it was smooth and seamless—natural.

She sat, tilting her head to the side as he grinned. He didn’t hurry, in fact, he took a lot more time than needed, teasing her with little glimpses of skin as he undid his buttons, one by one. By the time he removed his shirt, she wished she was back in human form so she could run her hands over his muscular flesh. He brought his hands to his jeans, popping the snap, and lowering the zipper before finally pulling them down and off. Need pulsed through her. Maybe after the run, she would ask him to her apartment where he had Dom privileges.

Warren shifted in seconds. His wolf was huge. Dark gray fur would make him difficult to spot in the moonlight. She stepped toward him, sniffing him, rubbing her body against his side. He gave her one long lick before he threw his head back and howled.

Unable to contain her happiness, she joined him. When she finally stopped, Warren was looking at her. She gave a little yip, then bolted. He was much bigger, and would cover the distance quickly, but Joy was fast. She always had been. She might not win the race, but she’d give him a run for his money.

Joy didn’t bother looking back as she dashed into the forest. He was behind her. She could feel him as surely as she felt her muscles bunching and contracting as she ran. The sounds of the pack dispersed, but never quite went away. They wouldn’t stray far from their Alpha.

She sniffed the air, finding the smells of the forest she’d missed so much since her arrival in Timmins. Trickling water sounded up ahead. Nothing major, maybe a creek, or a brook, but it brought memories of her old life back. When the days had gotten too warm for the young Akino wolves to stay indoors, the omegas had begged for some relief. She’d taken them all to the lake and let the kids play in the water. The sounds of their laughter still rang in her ears.

Not paying attention, her paw caught on a root, and she stumbled. It wasn’t much, but it slowed her down enough that Warren caught up. His big body slammed into her, knocking her the rest of the way down. He twisted, catching the brunt of the fall.

She jumped up, hopping around him a little, nipping at him, begging him to play with her. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth as he pretended to take a swat at her with his big paw.

Joy listened for the noises around her, but all she heard was a distant growl. Warren must have heard it too because he stopped moving for a second before he took off toward the noise. They ran full out for almost a half mile before she came to a stumbling halt behind him. Her stomach sank at the sight before them. The stumps of what used to be tall, majestic trees marked the graveyard of the forest.

Off to her right, a wolf howled, and then another, their mournful songs tearing at her until she couldn’t help but join in.

Greed was destroying the forests all around them. Had those two bastards ever considered what decimating their land would mean for all the living creatures, including humans, in the long run? Of course they hadn’t. It was all about money. Now that they had exploited the property for all that they could, they wanted to sell it to Warren. They had no more use for it. It would take years for the reforestation to take place, and even longer for the trees to mature, and the animals to come back.

Beside her, Warren growled. The hair on his scruff stood on end as he looked at the devastation all around them. She went to him, nuzzling him, trying to give him comfort in the face of such tragedy. He had just lowered his head, returning her caress when a shot shattered the silence around them.

Wolves scattered everywhere. Warren nudged her, indicating where he wanted her to go—back to the vehicles parked along the edge of the property. It was clear. It’s what she would have done. She started running, bringing up the rear, watching as the other wolves ran for safety. She counted heads, making sure everyone followed, but someone was missing. She looked back and saw a small female out in the barren wasteland that used to be the forest, cowering in the moonlight.

She broke from the pack, ignoring Warren’s growl as she rounded back. She ran as fast as her legs would take her, hoping like hell the shot they’d heard hadn’t hit the little omega. Fear curled in her stomach, but she kept running.

As soon as Joy reached her, the little female whimpered, but looked up at her expectantly. Joy nudged her with her nose, prodding Jamie forward, but the wolf didn’t move. The distant sounds of boots on the dry earth had her ears straining toward the east. The hunters were closer than she expected. She didn’t have time to coddle the female.

Joy crouched down as low as she could, before shifting. “Listen to me, Jamie. I know you’re scared, but you have to run. See up ahead? Warren is waiting for you. He’ll get you home safe. When I tell you to, you will run, and you will run hard. You won’t look back. Not even for a second until you are safe. As your Alpha, I demand this of you, do you understand me?”

The little wolf shuddered, but she got onto her feet.

“Run. Run now, Jamie!” she said before she shifted again and ran in the opposite direction. Joy didn’t try to make herself look small, or even hide in the ravaged forest. She kept running, taking the hunters away from her pack.

“There, I see it,” a male voice bellowed before another shot rang out.

She sprang left, and kept on going, never getting far enough ahead of the hunters to lose them. She may have failed to keep her old pack safe, but she’d be damned if she lost even one person in her new one. When she reached a knoll, she leaped to get over it. Another shot rang out. Searing pain stabbed through her right hind leg, and she went down.

She lay there on her side, panting as she tried to assess the damage. It hurt like hell, but she could move. The wound was deep, but the bone was intact. She forced herself to stand, and took a shaky step. She couldn’t move fast, but maybe she could find cover.

“I hit it, I know I did,” a male voice sounded close by a short while later.

Joy didn’t move a muscle. She did what she could to control her breathing, and made herself as small as she could, but there was no real place to hide. Once they breached the knoll, they would find her, but at least the pack was safe. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

“What the hell was that?” the man’s voice rose a little.

It took a second, but then Joy heard it. The fury behind the low growl was palpable. Warren had come for her. Her heart pounded. She wanted to shift and tell him to go back, but he’d never leave her there, just as she’d never abandon him, or Jamie, or any other pack mate behind either.

She tried to lift her head, but it was so damned heavy. The pain in her leg went blissfully numb. Growls and human screams registered in her mind from a faraway place. Another loud bang sounded, and then all disappeared as the darkness overtook her.

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