BlackJack (A Standish Bay Romance Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: BlackJack (A Standish Bay Romance Book 1)
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“You look good,
man,” Kyle said. He leaned close and spoke quietly. “I hope you understand why
I couldn’t testify at your trial. With my re-election coming up, I couldn’t
risk it.” He paused and glanced around. “I thought after I was re-elected I could
help your cause more. You don’t know how sorry I was at being unable to help. I
hope there are no hard feelings.”

“None,” Cole forced
through gritted teeth. “If you’ll excuse me, I must get going.”

He made haste to
the door before he stayed and punched the lights out of ex-senator Ward. Cole
was almost free from the confines of the crowded room when he was stopped by a
young, petite, bubbly blonde who shoved a microphone in his face and opened her
mouth and let the bomb drop.

“Mr. Jackson,
do you have anything you’d like to say about your wife’s death?”

He felt as
though he’d been sucker punched in the gut—completely stripping his breath from
his lungs. Refusing to answer her, he left the room before he had a full-blown
panic attack for the entire world to see. Unfortunately for him, the bubbly
reporter didn’t get the hint. She followed him down the hall. He smelled her
overpowering perfume, heard the click of her heels echoing in the hall and her
annoying voice repeating her question over and over again. He never looked back.
He crashed out of the stadium door, climbed into the limo and finally was able
to take a deep breath of relief as it pulled away from the curb. Christ, he couldn’t
live like this. He had to get control of his emotions and his life. A reporter
and Ward in one night. How dare he show up tonight and think they could pick up
their friendship where it had ended. Cole could never forget how Ward had
thrown him to the reporter wolves fifteen years ago when he’d been arrested.
Not to mention, he screwed his wife. Was there no honor among friends anymore?
Obviously not, if he and AJ both fucked Lindsey. AJ, he could forgive. He’d
been in love with her. Ward used her shamelessly, and Cole had often wondered
if he could’ve killed Lindsey in a jealous rage over her affair with AJ. Ward
may not have loved Lindsey, but he didn’t take kindly to sharing her either.

After he exited
the limo, he donned Oakley sunglasses, a ball cap and strolled into the hotel
bar. His eyes scanned the crowd and he sighed with relief. No one paid much
attention to him, thank God for dark places. He took a seat at the bar and
signaled the bartender.

“What’ll it

“Soda water
with lime,” Cole answered.

The bartender
appeared middle-aged, of average height, bald as a cue ball and he didn’t give
Cole a second glance as he dragged over a bowl of bar mix. He placed his drink
on a cocktail napkin and went back to fixing drinks and drafts for the other

absentmindedly munched on the snack as he stared into his glass. Before the
woman slipped onto the stool next to him, he’d almost gagged at her
overpowering smell. Hadn’t she ever heard of subtle perfume? That was twice
tonight he was bombarded by strong perfume. Only after she ordered a drink and
didn’t make a move to vacate the bar stool, did Cole turn his head and look at
her. Early twenties, dressed provocatively in tight, low slung jeans and a
clingy sweater that didn’t quite reach the top of her waistband. Someone would
have to be blind not to notice her cleavage spilling out the top of what Cole
was certain would be a miracle bra helping them along. She was quite pretty
with short dark hair, dark eyes and mocha skin. What some would call an exotic beauty?

“I don’t mean
to bother you,” she said with a sexy southern drawl, “but I wanted to tell you
I saw your concert tonight and had a blast. My friends and I love your music
and were thrilled when New Jersey was one of your tour stops.”

Cole turned and
peered over his shoulder to her table of friends. There were two men, one
black, one white and two women, both white. He glanced at the woman beside him
and wondered how she’d been elected to approach him, and he noticed for the
first time, her hands shook with nerves, which made him smile at her. “Thank

“My friends and
I are students at NYU, we’re broke most of the time, but we scraped up for your
concert. There was no way we were going to miss it.”

Cole couldn’t
help but warm up to her. “I appreciate it. Can I buy your table a round of
drinks as thanks?”

She seemed
surprised by his offer. “Um, that’s not necessary, Mr. Jackson.”

Cole chuckled. Someone
raised this girl properly. “It’s Cole.”

Blushing and
smiling shyly, she said, “Cole.”

He signaled the
bartender. Fished a crisp hundred dollar bill out of his pocket and plopped it
on the bar. “Keeps the drinks flowing for the lady and her friends.”

He slid off the
stool, touched the brim of his hat and smiled at the young woman. “Goodnight.”

Cole left the
bar and went to his room to order room service and a movie. The movie played
before his eyes, but none of it registered. His mind was back on Ward. Several
years after he’d been in prison a sex scandal had emerged between Ward and a
volunteer for his campaign. He may have won the reelection the year he was
convicted, but his career ended with a resignation. What did he want from him?
There had to be something?

Hoping to take
his mind off Ward, he began thinking about the beautiful Shannon Gallagher. He
knew little about her, about her past and what she did on a daily basis. Yet his
whole being craved to know everything there was to know about her.

He wanted to
know what her favorite food, drink or movie was? Did his music rate way up with
the best of them like Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, U2, and The Rolling Stones? Hell,
he sighed, there were so many great rock-n-rollers where did the list end and
where did he fall?

Cole wanted to
hear about her writing. What inspired her? Who inspired her, and when did the
need to write hit her? Jesus, he wanted to know everything. Why the hell hadn’t
he gotten her phone number before he left Boston? And then he remembered her
ex-husband John. He didn’t blame John for not wanting Cameron near him, but
Christ, the kid had talent and Cole wanted to help him.

There was no
doubt in his mind the kid would make it big all on his own someday, but Cole
had connections to smooth the way for him. He’d never had the opportunity to
help anyone in such a capacity before, and he desperately wanted to do it for Cameron

His last
thought before sleep took over was to make some phone calls and find Shannon’s


The morning
Shannon planned to leave for Chicago, she took a cab to the courthouse and
after many tries finally found someone who could get her a copy of the trial
transcript. It would take five to seven business days to mail it to her. After
giving them her home address, paying the fee for the postage, she headed back
to the hotel to grab her suitcase and hailed another cab to the airport.

She slept
through the flight to Chicago. It was dark, cold and windy when she arrived,
and she headed straight to her hotel room and ordered room service. She was
spending three nights here and had a guest appearance on the
Marlene Simpson
with two other well-known authors, one mystery writer and one fantasy

On Shannon’s
second day in Chicago she ate a light supper in the hotel restaurant,
afterwards she took a shower and when she stepped out of the bathroom she

“Hi,” he said
in his sexy, masculine voice.

She leaned back
against the door for support, clutching the fluffy white towel to her moist
body as her eyes lingered on Cole. She watched him stroll toward her. He looked
uncertain, not quite sure how he would be received. Reaching out with his hand,
he slid it down her cheek and lightly swept his thumb across her bottom lip. “I
bribed the maid to let me in.”

Shannon thought
for sure she was going to collapse to the floor from his touch.

“Was it all
right to come here?”

Shannon beamed
at him. “Better than all right, but how did you—”

“I made some
calls, I booked a room and I was hoping we could go dancing.”

Christ, he
stood so close to her she couldn’t breathe. He fully dressed, she practically
naked. All she wanted to do was drop the towel and make love to him. She saw
the lust radiating from his eyes, and she couldn’t believe his self-control,
his restraint. How did he do it?

shivered and stepped back toward the bathroom before she embarrassed herself by
begging him to make love to her. “Give me some time to dress,” she said,
sounding breathless to her own ears. “Where should I meet you?”

He jammed his
hands in his front jean pockets and tilted his head. “Downstairs. There’s a
piano bar.” He grinned at her and left. Shannon leaned up against the wall and
hugged her trembling body. My God! What that man did to her. It was insane.

Thirty minutes
later she walked into the dimly lit lounge where a man in a black tuxedo played
a baby grand. There were a dozen or so around cozy tables encompassing a small
dance floor. She didn’t see Cole until he stepped out from the shadows, and her
heart stopped dead in the middle of a beat. He’d changed. The man did love
black and black loved him. He wore charcoal slacks and a black button down
dress shirt, his hair held back with a black leather strip.

He was undoubtedly
the sexiest man ever, and he’d come to Chicago,
tracked her down in
Chicago, to see her. She swallowed the lump in her throat as he strolled toward

“You look
beautiful,” he said, never once taking his smoldering brown eyes off hers.

“So do you.”

He laughed out,
“I’m not beautiful, but you…” He placed his warm hand in hers, causing
scorching heat to dance through her veins. “…my dear, are.”

“Cole?” she
breathed out. She would not beg him to love her. She would take whatever he
could give her and be satisfied.


“Dance with

He smiled and
his eyes sparkled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

They spent the
next three hours in each other’s arms. Shannon had never felt more cherished. Cole
had a way of making her feel as though she were his whole world. His focus and
attention never wavered from her. The hotel could have fallen down around them,
and she didn’t think he’d notice. She knew she certainly wouldn’t.

He danced
beautifully. She was surprised by his light feet and grace. They danced with
one of his hands in hers, holding it close to his heart and one splayed against
the small of her back. Both burning her skin, causing her body to be aroused
and aware of him. The one good thing about being nearly as tall as Cole was his
erection hit her where she craved it most. There was no seeking it out. It was
there and there was no mistaking he wanted her.

At some point
Cole switched her arms so both were around his neck and he moved both his hands
to her hips, one drifting a little to the right, cupping her bottom, and he
pulled her even closer, molding their bodies tighter.

“I dreamed this,”
he said as he nuzzled her neck and she shivered.

“Dreamed what?”
Shannon whispered into his ear.

“This, dancing
with you and holding you such,” he breathed out.


 Their hips
swayed in sync with the music and for the life of him, he couldn’t tell you
what the piano player was playing. All his focus centered on Shannon. As far as
he was concerned, they were the only two people on the dance floor, and Shannon
was the only one who mattered to him.

He pressed his
cheek against hers and he breathed in her provocative scent. It was light and
floral, possibly jasmine. Whatever it was, he couldn’t breathe it in fast
enough nor could he get enough of it. Now, not only when they were apart would
he be able to picture her face in his mind, he would be able to conjure up her
scent. He swallowed a groan as she set him on fire.

All he could
think about was sliding into her sweet body and losing himself in paradise. But
not yet, he wanted everything to be perfect when he did. So until he cleared
his name, he would have to be content with holding her and fantasizing about
making love to her.

When the
gentleman at the piano bid a goodnight, Cole walked Shannon to her room and
with restraint worthy of a saint, he kissed her once. It wasn’t quick. Oh no,
it was long, hot and wet. It was a melt your bones and marrow, shatter your
mind and blood vessels kiss that left them both panting and hungry for more. Cole,
showing more of his restraint that was killing him, pulled back, winked at her
and barely managed to form the words, which came out deep and raspy. “See you
in the morning.”


When the
wake-up call came in the morning, Shannon wished she were waking up wrapped in
Cole’s strong, secure arms. But alas she wasn’t. When she’d found him in her
room last night, she’d nearly broken down and wept with relief because she had
been so afraid she’d never see him again or that she didn’t mean as much to him
as he meant to her. She would never make that mistake ever again. They may not
have made love or expressed their love for one another verbally, but every
smoldering look, every silky caress, every graceful dance, every sensual kiss,
had spoken volumes.

Shannon was
shocked last night when Cole told her he wanted to accompany her to the
Simpson Show
and the one book signing she had in the afternoon. She was
also surprised to find him at her door that morning dressed in jeans, a leather
jacket, with his sunglasses as the only deterrent from being recognized. His
thick blond hair was once again tied with a string of black leather. And she
noticed once again how utterly and completely he took her breath away and
caused her brain to fumble for words—coherent words.

Shannon had
chosen to wear a short black skirt with a matching jacket. Underneath the
jacket she wore a cream tank top. She wore sheer silk hose and black leather
riding boots.

 Cole kissed
her quickly on the lips. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She
winked at him. “So do you, I love men in jeans and black leather.”

He threw his
head back and laughed, and it thrilled Shannon to see him so relaxed and
enjoying himself. Two things he probably hadn’t had much of in his life, and
damn it, he deserved it as far as she was concerned.

The studio sent
a car for Shannon and they drove together. When they arrived, an assistant,
assistant, director of something, led them to a dressing room. There was a vase
of flowers and a note from Marlene welcoming her to the show.

A short time
later, make-up came in, touched up and powdered Shannon’s face. During the
whole ordeal Cole sat silently observing her, causing Shannon to squirm in her

It seemed only
seconds later when the same assistant, assistant, director of something, came
by to escort Shannon to the section of the studio where the taping took place.

Shannon turned
and smiled at Cole, hoping he couldn’t tell how nervous she was. Television
positively paralyzed her. “I’ll be back. I don’t know how long I’ll be. Maybe
you could find the cafeteria or something.”

Cole got up
from the couch and took her hand. “I’m coming with you,” he said, surprising
her once again.

When Marlene
Simpson spotted Shannon, she immediately came over to greet her. “Shannon
Gallagher, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Thank you for agreeing to
appear on the show.”

Shannon shook
her hand. “Hello, thank you for inviting me.” She put her hand on Cole’s arm. “Marlene,
I’d like to introduce you to—”

Marlene took
over from there and held out her hand. “Cole Jackson. It’s an honor to meet

“The honor’s
all mine. Would it be possible to wait here during the taping?”

Marlene smiled
a sugarcoated smile and her face beamed. “For you, anything.” She turned her
attention back to Shannon. “If you’re ready, I’d like to introduce you to Sam
Shields and Justin Long.”

Shannon turned
to Cole. “Will you be okay waiting here?”

Cole pulled her
into his arms and whispered in her ear. “I’ll be fine. I have a perfect view of
the stage and you, knock-’m-dead.” He kissed her and for a moment she forgot
where she stood and clung to him, and he must have known she was lost and had
forgotten her surroundings, or maybe he did as well, but eventually he pulled
back and rested his forehead against hers, his breathing uneven.

“You better

Shannon turned
around and found her eyes locked with Marlene’s intuitive ones. “Is Cole
Jackson open for discussion during the show?”

Shannon glanced
back at Cole and then turned back to Marlene. “No.”

The taping went
great. Shannon had been so nervous at first, but somehow, she managed to relax.
Her eyes sought out Cole’s whenever the camera wasn’t on her. And respectfully,
Cole Jackson’s name never came up.

Of course,
after the taping, Marlene tried her best to persuade him to be a guest on her
show. He politely declined, but promised her an interview, if and when he ever
broke his silence. She seemed disappointed but accepted his answer graciously. She
was a classy woman and a respectful one as well.

Shannon and
Cole strolled arm and arm down the street to a cozy Italian Restaurant. They
were seated in a warm corner. Cole leaned forward, elbows resting on the table,
hands under his chin and his eyes sparkled. “Finally I can bombard you with
questions.” His eyebrows raised. “Personal questions.”

laugher rang out. “Okay, fire away.”

“First ... how
long were you married to McKenzie?”

“Five years.”

“That long, or
not very long depending how one looked at it...hmm.” He paused and Shannon’s heart
tripped up waiting for the next question.

“So tell me when
did you begin writing and why?”

“Mr. Jackson,
is this an official interview?”

“Well now that
you mention it, it could be.” He winked. “Answer the question.”

you’re tough.” Shannon curled her hand around her water glass and drank a large
thirst quenching sip. “When I was in high school I loved to write, but it
wasn’t until two years into my marriage that I began crafting short stories,
and it took me another two years for bravery to set in before I submitted any
to several women’s magazines.” She reached for her water again, all too aware
of Cole’s intent interest in her story. Once again he made her feel as though
she centered his whole world. He had terrific listening skills.

“I sold the first
one,” she continued, staring right back at him. “Two years later I wrote my
first romantic suspense. It was harder than I thought.” She laughed quietly. “Trying
to write one hundred thousand words killed me. My first draft hit seventy and I
thought, come on, how in the world can I add another thirty? I didn’t. I added

Cole broke out
laughing. “See, you set your mind to it and presto.” His wrist flicked in the
air. “You succeeded and surpassed your goal.”

“Well don’t get
too excited. I ended up taking out about ten thousand words of garbage.”

“That’s my

She blinked and
smiled at his words,
my girl.
“It sold and the rest is, well, the rest
is what you see.”

Cole reached
out and placed his large hand, cold from his water glass on top of hers. Then
he turned her palm over and lightly traced it with his index finger, just
barely skimming the surface of her skin. Shannon felt an immediate pull to her
stomach, causing her to lick her suddenly parched lips.


“Hmm.” He
smiled, his eyes partly closed. “Yes.”

“What about

“What about

“Tell me about
how your career began.”

“Later, I just
want to sit here, eat my lunch and watch you. After we eat, I want to take you
to this bookstore where I hear there’s a phenomenal author visiting today.”


Cole poked
around the bookstore and the mall while Shannon signed copies of her book for
her fans. He’d stayed in the background while she spoke and read a passage, and
he couldn’t help but swell with pride over everything she’d accomplished in her
short life. He was glad for his sunglasses as not one person approached him. Oh,
there were some strange looks his way, but no one spoke to him. Once again he
wondered at his paranoia.

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